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The God of ‘SNL’ Will See You Now

How do you please Lorne Michaels? Twenty-two ‘Saturday Night Live’ cast members – and one who came close – share tales of the audition that can make or break a career.

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For nearly 40 years, “Saturday Night Live” has been a reliable engine for generating new comedic talent, and a springboard for stars like Dana Carvey, Will Ferrell, Jimmy Fallon and Kristen Wiig.

Though new cast members come from many different avenues, there’s ultimately only one way to get on this NBC late-night franchise: impress Lorne Michaels, the “SNL” creator and executive producer who has run the show for 33 of its 38 seasons and is known for his cryptic, sphinxlike presence over the show.

This year he and his team have their work cut out for them as they try to replace the veteran “SNL” players Bill Hader, Fred Armisen and Jason Sudeikis and prepare for the departure of Seth Meyers early next year. These losses will test a tradition that has evolved through decades, as Mr. Michaels and his colleagues spend their summers scouring sketch and improv comedy theaters and stand-up clubs around the country to replenish the ranks at “Saturday Night Live.”

But what exactly is Mr. Michaels looking for? While his personal tastes are enigmatic and the show’s recruiting process is generally opaque, dozens of performers have successfully navigated this minefield of uncertainty and anxiety.

Here, 22 past and present “Saturday Night Live” cast members — and one who almost made it — tell how they auditioned for the show. In these excerpts from their recollections, they reveal the stages of an obstacle course that often culminates with an audition on the “SNL” stage at NBC’s Studio 8H (sometimes more than once) and an ambiguous final interview (or is it a personality test?) with Mr. Michaels himself — all for that one career-making chance to declare that “Live, from New York, it’s ‘Saturday Night’!”

The Original Auditions

CHEVY CHASE I didn’t think the show would last more than a year. I’m not even sure Lorne [Michaels] did. We were going to get our licks in while we could. We went through this stage where basically people tried out with stand-up and [comedy] groups. Gilda [Radner] was already chosen, and Danny [Aykroyd], too. Then [as a head writer] I sat with Lorne in the Steinway building on 57th Street. There was a little proscenium stage, and lots of acts came in. We took Jane [Curtin]. Billy Murray, we didn’t take. [Laughs.] I don’t remember why. But for some reason he didn’t make the cut.

We had our cast and were back at [Studio] 8H, and there was a little room nearby with a long desk which could act as a stage. Lorne asked everybody to go up there and do something. At the end he said, “Chevy, get up there and do something.” So I made up some strange story about Gerald Ford. It was pretty clear that I was a funny guy. I was taller than everybody, and very handsome. [Laughs.] It was a good choice, really.

The Humble Beginnings

DANA CARVEY I was doing stand-up and being offered a lot of bad TV shows. Bill Murray, [Dan] Aykroyd, [John] Belushi — they were guys who might make you laugh, but they could beat you up if they wanted to. I looked like Timmy from the “Lassie” show.

MOLLY SHANNON I heard that Lorne Michaels was looking at tapes. I used my waitressing money and made a tape of my characters. I was on a pay phone across from an El Pollo Loco, and I found out that he had passed on it. I was crying. I was devastated.

TRACY MORGAN I was married, I had three sons, and I was on welfare. I didn’t want that no more. I knew that if I got “Saturday Night Live,” it would change me and my family’s lives forever.

CHERI OTERI I was temping, and my manager called me and said, “What are you doing Monday?” And I was like: “Very funny. I’m temping here at legal at Disney.” And he goes, “No, you’re not — you’re flying to New York to audition for ‘Saturday Night Live.’ ” I screamed so loud at the legal department at Disney, and that’s a no-no.

The Bad Advice

SHANNON There was a woman scouting for the show, and she said: “Whatever you do, when you audition for Lorne, don’t do that character, Mary Katherine Gallagher. Lorne will hate that. You’ll never, ever get hired if you do that for your audition.”

DAVID SPADE Dennis Miller told me: “You don’t want to kill too hard, Spudley. It throws up a red flag. You don’t want to be a polished road act.” And I go: “Well, I’m certainly not that. There’s no danger.”

JAY MOHR I didn’t take it [the audition] very seriously. The odds of getting on “Saturday Night Live” are zero. You could go to astronaut school, and you can learn how to get in a rocket and go to the moon, but there’s no “getting a stand-up on ‘Saturday Night Live’ ” school.

The Anxiety

SETH MEYERS The hotel I was staying at, everybody was somebody who’d been flown in for the audition. If you went and got ice, you would hear snippets of auditions. Everybody else’s stuff sounds better than yours.

KRISTEN WIIG They said the audition should be five minutes long, and do not go over five minutes. I ended up buying a stopwatch because I was so nervous. I would time it and it would say “5:02,” and I would be like, “I’m going to get this in five minutes exactly.” Then I heard that some people were out there for 11 minutes. I was like, “What?”

BILL HADER I got in an elevator, and there was a guy who was also auditioning, and I thought: “That guy brought a lot of props. I didn’t bring anything.” And he was looking at me, going, “That guy didn’t have to bring any props.” We were just sizing each other up in the elevator. And that was Andy Samberg.

JIMMY FALLON In makeup, they go, “Hey, Jimmy, some advice: Lorne Michaels doesn’t laugh when you audition. So don’t let that throw you.” Then the audio guy, he goes, “Hey, little advice — Lorne doesn’t like to laugh.” I’m like, “O.K.” Then Marci [Klein, a longtime “SNL” producer] comes out: “Jimmy, they’re ready for you. But hey, a little advice for you. If Lorne doesn’t laugh, be cool.” I’m like, what is this guy’s problem? He’s doing a comedy show. Why does he not like to laugh?

WILL FERRELL Everyone was camped out in these dressing rooms on the ninth floor. It felt like we were a bunch of paratroopers, about to storm the beach at D-Day. “You hear any news from the front?” You stand outside the stage doors while you’re listening to the performer ahead of you finish up. And you’re looking along the walls, at all the past cast members. It’s just hitting you, and you’re trying not to vomit.

OTERI Chris [Kattan] and Will [Ferrell] and I all went out — I don’t want to say where, because it’s a famous restaurant and it’s Italian-owned and I don’t want any trouble. But I ended up throwing up all night from food poisoning. All the blood vessels in my eyes were broken, and the blood vessels in my face. I did not sleep. I walked into the audition and the makeup person said, “Oh my God, what happened to you?” I looked like I was in a car accident.

The Characters

CARVEY I had done the Church Lady as a stand-up character. So by the time Lorne saw me, I did the whole thing: “Well, well, well, we like ourselves don’t we?” “Conveeeenient.” I had a bunch of impressions like Robin Leach and things that were cool back in the ’80s.

MOHR I did an Andrew McCarthy impression and that was good currency, because it was very strange and very off the beaten path. I did a lot of De Niro and Pesci as Batman and Robin.

OTERI The biggest thing on was Diane Sawyer interviewing Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley. So I played Lisa Marie Presley in that interview. She’s like rock royalty marrying the king of pop, and she sounded like a street-corner thug. Overly defensive but a tough cookie.

ANA GASTEYER I did Martha Stewart. I was kind of obsessed with her. I knew that if I wore a blond wig I could look like her, and she had this patrician thing I’d grown up with.

FERRELL I did Bill Clinton. That was horrible. Especially when I saw Darrell Hammond’s audition. I was like, “Oh, I get it — he’s the impersonation guy.”

CHRIS PARNELL I did this Southern preacher, who, it comes out through his sermon, is sexually obsessed and really inappropriate.

MORGAN I did a gay track runner. And a character named Biscuit, from the inner city, who had a chip on his shoulder because his dad wasn’t there.

FALLON I did a celebrity walk-a-thon and put a bunch of celebrities in it. Seinfeld, Gilbert Gottfried, Bill Cosby. I was such a giant Adam Sandler fan, and I had a good impression of him.

MEYERS It’s 2001, so I think I’m doing Russell Crowe, Hugh Grant and David Arquette.

FRED ARMISEN Fericito, the Latin timbales-playing Tito Puente guy, was the majority of my audition. I did Sam Waterston from “Law & Order” and Vin Diesel.

WIIG I did a very timely impression of Jane Pauley. [Laughs.] That was just a sign of things to come, because I always played older women with short hair.

HADER My audition was me as Vinny Vedecci, doing Al Pacino talking to his maid staff. Tony Blair talking about the new “Star Wars” movie in Parliament. James Mason with an expired gift certificate for a dozen doughnuts.

TARAN KILLAM I did eight or nine impressions, including Brad Pitt, Jimmy Fallon, Tom Hanks, Paul Giamatti and Seth Rogen. I finished with this sketch that is a hypothetical Super Bowl between the New York Giants and the New York Jets, and to honor the two New York teams, they’ve hired Broadway superstar David Keith Mitchell to perform the halftime show by himself. It’s a medley of musical-theater show tunes, and David Keith Mitchell clearly knows very little about football.

CECILY STRONG I did Elizabeth Dole responding to a heckler.

KATE McKINNON I did Penélope Cruz. I did Sally Field and Temple Grandin. It’s too bad she’s not in the news more. I have that in my back pocket in case she does anything wacky.

The Omens (Good)

OTERI I felt good because I heard Lorne laugh a little bit. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, laughing his very subtle, subtle laughter. Almost regal laughter.

ANDY SAMBERG The only person I for sure knew was laughing was Tina [Fey, then the “SNL” head writer], which, outside of Lorne, is the best thing you could hear.

The Omens (Bad)

KILLAM I leave the stage, and Lorne gets up from his seat and shakes my hand and says, “Thank you for coming.” And I was like: That’s it. Goodbye. No more. I didn’t have to wait long before I got a phone call which said, “They want to fly you back out in two weeks to audition again.” And I’m like: What? I gave you all of my A material. Can’t they just hire me from that? The second audition, Lorne didn’t get up to shake my hand. We got a call: It’s not going to happen this season, but it’s not never.

RACHEL DRATCH I didn’t get it that year [of her first audition]. They hired Horatio [Sanz], Jimmy [Fallon] and Chris Parnell, and they said: “We’re not taking any women this year. But maybe next year.” I was at peace with it.

FERRELL The directive for my callback was even less structured than the first audition. But first there was a meeting with Lorne, face to face. I started to go through what I was going to do, and Lorne basically said, “Oh, I wouldn’t do that. We’ve already seen this.” By the end of it, I said, “Are you saying, basically, come up with a whole new audition?” And he was like, “Yeah.”

I [had come] in with a briefcase full of counterfeit money that I’d bought at a toy store. And in the middle of whatever Lorne was going to say, I was going to start stacking the equivalent of $25,000 on his desk. “Listen, Lorne, you and I can say whatever we want to say. But we really know what talks, and that’s money. I’m going to walk out of this room, and you can either take this money or not. And I can be on the show.” But it was just not a joking atmosphere. It was just tense. And I never get to do my gag.

SHANNON I felt very calm, that I did the best job I could do. Then I was out with my sister, celebrating that I got to meet Lorne, and I got mugged. Thrown down on the ground in TriBeCa. It didn’t bother me because I was still so excited.

The 11th-Hour Inspiration

SAMBERG I had gone to a flea market in New York and bought these short shorts. Liz Cackowski [then an “SNL” writer] had come by to wish me luck [on my callback], and I was wearing those shorts and doing this bit, called “The Out-of-Breath Jogger From 1992.” It was just me in these short shorts, yelling out things from 1992 and talking about how out of breath I was. And she was like, “You should do that tomorrow.” I was like, “O.K., I’ll do it.” Because what have I got to lose, really?

FERRELL I was talking with Chris [Kattan] and Cheri, going, “You guys, I have to literally revamp everything.” I was up till 3 in the morning. And then I did a sketch where I was a guy, alone in my office, who in between taking calls would play with cat toys. There’s a point where I’m rolling around on the ground, in complete silence, playing with cat toys. And I’m thinking: Oh, it’s over.

The Lorne Meeting

MEYERS They flew me all the way back to New York to meet with Lorne. I realized later that he was doing a final personality vet. He said, “Do you think you can live in New York?” And I thought, “Does anyone blow it at this stage?” Does anybody get this far in the process, and then is like, “It’s definitely New York? Well, if you guys can’t be flexible on that, I’m not sure if I can be flexible on that.”

SAMBERG There’s a quote of Lorne’s, that you’re not just hiring talented people — you’re hiring people that you don’t mind seeing in a dark hallway at 6 in the morning. At some point or other, you’re going to bump into every single person who works there with your hair completely standing on end and the bags under your eyes are down to your ankles.

FALLON I was sitting there with Lorne’s assistant for three hours, and I’m like, “Whenever he’s ready, I’m here.” And she’s like, “You know, Chris Farley waited for eight hours.”

TIM MEADOWS Lorne just asked me about myself. Where did you grow up? What kind of stuff were you interested in comedically? I told him I was a big fan of “SNL” and Monty Python, and Second City and Mel Brooks. Being an African-American, I think I may have surprised him that I was influenced by those things.

MORGAN He saw my head was on my family, and there’s where me and him connected. Not even on comedy. We were both fathers.

KILLAM I said: “I don’t want to be so presumptuous to say I’ll come on your show and I’ll kill. But I definitely think if you hired me, I’d do a very good job.” He said: “No, no, no, no. Confidence isn’t your problem.” And he just left it at that. But all I could think is: “Wait, what is my problem? Tell me what my problem is, I’ll fix it!”

GASTEYER I didn’t say a single thing right. In fact, I cried in the parking lot.

WIIG I barely remember it because I was so nervous. He was telling me a story about Chevy Chase, and I was thinking, “Oh my gosh, this guy has a huge fish tank in his office.”

McKINNON I thought I had undone what I done in the audition room by being so boring. I was pretty catatonic. I think all I said was, “I’m from Long Island.”

MARC MARON I think I was a little high on pot. There were some pictures facing [Mr. Michaels], and in front of the pictures was a bowl of candy. It was all very loaded. And then he just starts looking at me, to a point where Steve Higgins [then an “SNL” producer] goes, “Lorne?” And Lorne goes, “You can tell a lot by looking into someone’s eyes.” And then I took a candy. Lorne looked at Steve, and the meeting was over. I thought I failed the candy test.

The ‘No’

MARON If it panned out, my life would have been dramatically different. I wouldn’t be mildly obsessed with Lorne Michaels. I talk to people about Lorne because I’m hung up on it. I feel like I need to talk to him again to get some closure. [Laughs.]

The ‘Maybe’

SPADE I was staying at a Motel 6 when I got the call I was hired as a writer-performer. I told Rob [Schneider, then another new “SNL” hire]: “Wait, we’re writer-performers? I don’t want to be a writer.” He goes: “No, this is great. Chevy Chase was a writer.” I go: “I just want to be on it. I don’t know how to write sketches.” That’s where the stress started, and never stopped.

COLIN QUINN I got hired as a writer. [He later appeared on the show as a performer and “Weekend Update” anchor.] Maybe Lorne was like: I don’t see a great love affair between him and the audience, but I do see him maybe crouched in an office somewhere with whatever Mac they had in 1995. His spindly Irish fingers could probably ooze out a couple of sketches for us. Lorne actually said to me, “All you did [in your audition] was keep a couple more guys’ chances alive because you bombed so badly.”

The ‘Yes’

FERRELL [Mr. Michaels] never really has a moment where he says, “So, welcome to the show.” He phrases it, “So, we’re bringing you to New York.” And I thought, God, another audition? And he goes, “Cheri’s going to be there, too.” And that’s when it hit me: Oh, my God. I got the gig. But I didn’t have a celebratory moment with him. Then I got self-conscious, like it came across that I didn’t care about getting the job. So I stood up real quick, and I’m like: “Well, gosh, thank you. I just want to shake your hand.” And he said, “Do whatever you have to do.”

OTERI I waited for [Mr. Ferrell] outside, and we said nothing to each other. We held each other’s hands and walked to the parking lot and then jumped and let out the biggest scream in the world. We stopped at a restaurant and called our dads.

HADER I knew I had been hired, and I knew that Andy [Samberg] had been hired. Then I get on the plane with him, and I’m acting like: “Hey, can you believe this? We’re going to be on ‘SNL.’ ” And Andy was like, “God, do you think it’s going to be both of us, or are they just going to pick one of us?” And I started to realize: “Oh, they haven’t told him yet. Do I tell him?” So I just sat there talking with him this whole plane ride, as he’s like, “What’s going on?” I knew, and it was awkward.

ARMISEN That night everyone who auditioned went to dinner, and Marci Klein called me on my cellphone and said, “I think we’re going to make this work out.” I saved the number on this little Nokia phone as “Best Call Ever.”

SHANNON I went from being a waitress to doing “Saturday Night Live.” I also went from doing these little stage shows, where I would cold-call people I met at my restaurants, making 500 calls to get 200 people to come to my live show. When I got “SNL.” I took my box of names and phone numbers and I threw it in the trash.

HADER I went from kindergarten to Harvard. I took the attitude of: I don’t really know this, so don’t try to pretend you know more than you do. At an after-party at my fourth season, Lorne said: “Hey, you know, you got the job. Relax. You can stay as long as you want. Have fun.”