Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - Last Update: 9:41 AM ET (13:41 GMT)

China Counters Google Move by Partly Blocking Hong Kong Site

BEIJING — Google’s other mainland operations came under pressure from Beijing as some content from its uncensored Hong Kong site was blocked in China.

Europe Lets Google Sell Trademarked Ad Words

PARIS — The Europe Union’s top court gave Google broad latitude to sell advertising linked to trademarks but the group may have to do more to protect against infringements.

Britain to Expel Israeli Diplomat Over Dubai Case

LONDON — An official announced the step after an inquiry into the the use of fake passports in a suspected assassination.

Heinrich Boere, number six on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of most-wanted Nazis, was given the maximum sentence of life in prison by a German court on Tuesday for the 1944 killings of three Dutch civilians.
Ina Fassbender/Reuters

Ex-Nazi Guilty in Wartime Murders

A German court has convicted 88-year-old Heinrich Boere of murder for the killings of Dutch civilians during World War II as part of a Nazi SS hit squad.

Four Suspended From Labour Party in U.K. Scandal

LONDON — Caught as they offered to trade influence for cash, three former government ministers and a legislator were suspended from Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s party.

Rio Tinto Trial in China Concludes Second Day

SHANGHAI — Prosecutors presented evidence to show that employees from the mining giant accepted large bribes and stole commercial secrets from Chinese companies.

A Chinese flag flies next to the Google company logo outside the Google China headquarters in Beijing on Monday.
Google Shuts China Site in Dispute Over Censorship

Google said it would direct users to an uncensored version based in Hong Kong. China on Tuesday said the case would not affect ties with the U.S. “unless politicized” by others.

Latest News From Asia
Election Looming, Tories Put Posh Foot in Mouth

LONDON — An elitist statement by a Parliament member was a reminder of how hard it has been for Tories to shake off a past many of them still seem to embrace.

Latest News From Europe
Netanyahu Takes Hard Line on Jerusalem Housing

WASHINGTON — After a meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Israeli prime minister served notice that his government would not yield easily to U.S. demands.

Latest News From the Middle East
A 2009 photograph of a storage room with ivory impounded since 1989 in Kenya.
Bid to Relax International Ban on the Sale of Ivory Is Rejected

In a victory claimed by conservationists seeking to protect Africa’s elephants, the main international agency protecting endangered species resolved to uphold the 21-year-old ban.

Latest News From Africa
Americas Development Bank Forgives Much of Haiti’s Debt

MEXICO CITY — The move by the Inter-American Development Bank to forgive $479 million in debt came as two former American presidents visited the earthquake-devastated nation.

Latest News From the Americas
Political Memo
House members who opposed the bill acknowledged protesters on Sunday. Republicans said the bill had energized their voters.
Republicans Face Drawbacks of United Stand on Health Bill

WASHINGTON — Polls suggest many Americans are opposed to the health care bill, but Republicans face portrayals as the “party of no.”

Latest U.S. News

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TierneyLab: Moral Lessons, Down Aisle 9

“Those who tell us that our neighbors are different from us — the wrong race, the wrong religion, that they don’t share our values — are not only wrong, they are trying to cause a division that would threaten the very foundations of our prosperity,” writes Kenneth Ranson.

Well: Baby Fat

“Our focus should be on establishing healthy eating and exercise patterns, and not whether little Boopsie has too many chins,” writes Amy.

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