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De Blasio, Preparing to Become Mayor, Signals Sea Change in New York

Damon Winter/The New York Times

Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, left, discussed the transition of power with Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Wednesday morning. More Photos »

In his first morning as New York City’s mayor-elect, Bill de Blasio spent a cordial, if somewhat awkward hour with the man he will soon replace, Michael R. Bloomberg, making small talk about the intricacies of garbage pickup.


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Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio announced on Wednesday that his transition team would be led by, from left, Ursulina Ramirez, Carl Weisbrod, Jennifer Jones Austin and Laura Santucci. More Photos »

Mr. de Blasio revealed to reporters that he had not yet decided whether to live in Gracie Mansion, explaining that his teenage son, Dante, is concerned about a longer commute to his high school in Brooklyn.

And he announced that his wife, Chirlane McCray, a poet and a speechwriter, would play a significant role in hiring the most powerful members of his new administration, saying the couple would screen candidates together.

Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat who won the mayoral election with 73 percent of the vote, left little doubt on Wednesday that he would be overseeing an administration vastly different from the one he will succeed, describing his liberal social plans as a “sacred mission” fueled by the mandate of a landslide electoral victory.

He unveiled a transition board, led by a man and three women, promising to assemble a team “that mirrors the glorious diversity of this city.” He pledged to quickly appoint new heads of the school system and Police Department, and, bantering with reporters, confided he is taking a short vacation in Puerto Rico.

But no moment captured the sea change like his morning meeting with Mr. Bloomberg, the man whose corporate-style governance and free-market philosophy he had relentlessly attacked on the campaign trail.

It was a scene freighted with political intrigue, a frisson of tension and a stark clash of personal style. Mr. de Blasio, in a drab, slightly frayed suit, clasped his hands in a pyramid as he listened to the French-cuffed Mayor Bloomberg talk of the arcana of sanitation service and hiring protocols.

The meeting was held in the bullpen, City Hall’s open-plan work space, a Bloomberg innovation that Mr. de Blasio has said he is inclined to rip out.

When Mr. Bloomberg greeted his successor, he was flanked by his top lieutenants, who handed Mr. de Blasio an exhaustive guide to city agencies and the transition ahead.

Mr. de Blasio took a more low-key approach: None of his main advisers accompanied him to the session. By all accounts, the meeting was a cordial one — even though Mr. de Blasio wants to substantially alter Mr. Bloomberg’s approach to policing, education and economic development, and Mr. Bloomberg once referred to Mr. de Blasio’s policy ideas as “stupid.”

There were signs of détente. As he left City Hall, Mr. de Blasio embraced Howard Wolfson, Mr. Bloomberg’s chief political adviser, who attacked the de Blasio candidacy during the Democratic primary. (The two men had previously worked together on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign for Senate in 2000.)

Mr. de Blasio called his meeting with Mr. Bloomberg “a very helpful conversation, very collegial.”

And Mr. Bloomberg, in an interview on CNN, said the two had agreed to meet periodically in the weeks before Mr. de Blasio took office on Jan. 1.

“I have a very big vested interest in making Bill de Blasio an even better mayor than I was,” Mr. Bloomberg said in the interview with the anchor Jake Tapper. “We’ve given them a lot to work with, as did our predecessors, but the bottom line is, I’m going to live in New York City, and I want Bill de Blasio’s administration to be successful.”

Still, Mr. Bloomberg offered a hint that his successor may find governing a metropolis to be slightly more complicated than the more abstract terrain of a political campaign.

“He’s got to make his own decisions,” Mr. Bloomberg said. “Some things will look easy, and then he gets into them, he’ll find them more difficult, and maybe he’ll change his mind.”

Mr. de Blasio did not appear in the mood on Wednesday to be rethinking anything.

Presiding over his first news conference as mayor-elect, at the headquarters of a social services organization near Union Square, Mr. de Blasio appeared calm and easygoing, exchanging the fiery speeches of his candidate days for jokes with reporters and talk of his plans for the city.

“We all feel that this is a sacred mission, to serve the people of our city, to follow through on the goals we outlined in the campaign,” Mr. de Blasio said.

He offered a direct nod to the city’s political establishment, appointing Carl Weisbrod, a longtime power broker and civic activist, as a chairman of his transition team.

Mr. Weisbrod, 69, is viewed as an experienced municipal veteran by many in the city’s political class, having led an effort in the 1970s to clean up Times Square, and helping found the city’s economic development corporation. His role may assuage some of the anxieties among Bloomberg acolytes who are concerned that Mr. de Blasio will be unable to attract talented prospects to his staff.

His co-chairwoman will be Jennifer Jones Austin, 45, a former deputy commissioner in the Bloomberg administration whose work was focused on social services for children and families. Ms. Austin worked with Mr. de Blasio during his time as chairman of the City Council’s General Welfare Committee.

Mr. de Blasio appointed Laura Santucci, a former aide in the Obama administration and the national Democratic Party, as executive director of the commission, and Ursulina Ramirez, who is currently an aide to Mr. de Blasio in the public advocate’s office, as her deputy.

He said he would seek to move quickly to name key officials in his administration, but also said he would take some time off after the campaign. On Thursday, he plans to fly to Puerto Rico to speak at an annual conference held by New York’s Latino lawmakers.

After that, Mr. de Blasio and Ms. McCray plan to stay in Puerto Rico for a few more days.

“There is going to be a shocking development that Chirlane and I call ‘downtime,’ ” he said.

“After a long, long battle, Chirlane and I are going to have a few days to spend some quiet time, some time to think and regroup,” Mr. de Blasio said. “I think that’s necessary.”

He turned and shot a glance at his newly appointed transition leaders

“No such glorious opportunity is afforded to my colleagues,” the mayor-elect said. “They will be hard at work.”