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St. John of Damascus, patron saint of OrthodoxWiki
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The OrthodoxWiki editors have taken St. John of Damascus as their heavenly patron and intercessor as they seek to further the worship and knowledge of the All-Holy Trinity and the faith of the Orthodox Church by means of these pages.

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Today's feasts

April 12:

St. Basil the Confessor

Saint Basil the Confessor, Bishop of Parium; Venerable Anthusa the Virgin-martyr of Constantinople; Saint Athanasia, abbess of Aegina; Martyrs Menas, David, and John of Palestine; Saint Isaac the Syrian, abbot of Spoleto; Hieromartyr Zeno, Bishop of Verona; New-Martyr Acacius, founder of Kapsokalyvia Skete on Mount Athos; Saint Basil, Bishop of Ryazan; Martyrs Demas, Protion, and those with them; Saint Julius the Great, Pope of Rome; deposition of the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos in Constantinople; Icon of the Theotokos of Murom; Icon of the Theotokos of Belinich

Featured article

For the Orthodox Christian, Holy Week is the week from the conclusion of Great Lent on the Saturday of Lazarus to the celebration of the Great and Holy Pascha, the Resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This week is also often called the Great and Holy Week.

As leave is taken from Great Lent with the celebration of the Saturday of Lazarus, which remembers Christ's raising of Lazarus from the dead and the promise of universal resurrection for all, a week is entered during which the church services remember Christ’s last week, the Holy Week, before his crucifixion and resurrection.

Recently featured: Georges Florovsky, Theodoros II (Choreftakis) of Alexandria, Paschal Homily, Pachomius the Great, Seventh Ecumenical Council. Newly featured articles are presented on Saturdays.

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+ Glory be to God for all things! +

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