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tehranbureau An independent source of news on Iran and the Iranian diaspora

Political Hip Hop

by SAYA OVAISY in Tehran

17 Oct 2009 01:188 Comments

[ music ] Tehran's underground music scene is explored in a number of documentaries, including Amir Hamz's "Sounds of Silence" and Bahman Ghobadi's "No One Knows About Persian Cats," which was screened at last year's Cannes Film Festival. From forerunners like rock band O-hum to innovative stars like Mohsen Namjoo, the stories of a few musicians who have gone mainstream once they leave Iran have been featured in the Western media. But less is known about those who remain inside the country and cautiously guard their identities.

Hip-hop in particular deserves recognition for its mainstream status among youthful audiences in Iran. Kucheh bazaar vernacular, or street slang, dominates Farsi rap, and most songs are characterized by a litany of colorful profanity. Lyrics frequently depict Tehran's increasingly promiscuous nightlife and drug culture, and hint at indifference in the face of prevalent struggles with depression and despair. For instance, in "Summer is Short," popular rapper Zed Bazi goes:

We feel sexier
[i.e, after doing cocaine], like we're lying on some beach in Mexico/ ... then we're in bed, on top of each other/ ... and I want you to tell me 'Fuck Life'

But Iran's "President of Hip Hop," as he is dubbed, goes by the stage name Hich Kas, meaning "Nobody." In 2003, at 18, Hich Kas pioneered one of the first rap groups in the country called "021," after the area code for Tehran. After Ershad, the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, denied his group official permission to perform or release his music, Hich Kas proceeded to record his music in underground studios and distribute it online. He released a full album, "The Asphalt Jungle," on iTunes in 2006.

In an interview with the Daily Show's Jason Jones this past summer, Hich Kas said his music focuses on social issues, such as the regime's mistreatment of the public and the high rates of addiction, depression and unemployment among Iran's youth.

"Bunch of Soldiers" is his first track with a music video (featured here with English subtitles). Filming street scenes without an Ershad-issued permit can carry a jail sentence, so most artists shy away from making videos. Hich Kas decided to brave the danger. The 2008 song, which encourages uniting in the face of oppression, seems strangely prescient in light of the events since the June election. The video's depiction of Tehran set against pitch black and bright white backgrounds adds to the mood that the dark but hopeful lyrics evoke.

Copyright © 2009 Tehran Bureau

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Hich Kas is promoting all the shit this Islamic Republic is propagating for 30 years: violence, martyrdom and war. We're fed up with basiji, jamesh konid!!!

Arshama / October 17, 2009 3:33 AM

Also check out work by Foad Manshadi
Couple songs with English subtitles:
Nasle Man (my generation)
Ghamnameh (sorrow letter)

Daniela / October 17, 2009 5:33 AM

@ Arshama:

Actually, the opposite is true. Have you bothered to listen to the lyrics? He is promoting uprising against the regime.

Nami / October 17, 2009 10:46 AM

I find these Iranian attempts at mimic-ing contemporary Western popular music really sad. This is especially true of the rock and rap genres. The effort is inherently clownish.

Now I don't agree with musical censorship. But what would be far more preferable is for Iranians to create their OWN acceptable new genre, and not merely mimic that from the West.

A single example of this suggestion is Santor Navazaan:

Pirouz / October 17, 2009 3:55 PM


NO1 / October 17, 2009 10:28 PM

I agree with Pirouz that contemporary Iranian music should be authentic. This Hichkas song mixes santoor (a classical Persian instrument) in, which gives a nice and original touch to it.

Amir / October 18, 2009 1:03 AM

In addition to the comments of Pirouz and Amir, I like to say why on earth would you want a mimic Hip Hop??!! Hip Hop used to mean something when it first came out however now it has turned into amoney making machine promoting violence, improper sexual images/acts, garbage lyrics, foul language, etc.

Even some people in the music industry criticize
Hip Hop music that is getting out there nowadays.
Just look at their videos. It is disgusting.

MM / October 18, 2009 8:31 PM

regarding the authenticity of Hich kas, the rhythms of that rap are definitely not American-they feel more like the beat of Iranian music. The best art melts the barriers between cultures-no one owns a genre, it is there for anyone to improvise on.

Rebecca / October 18, 2009 11:18 PM


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