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tehranbureau An independent source of news on Iran and the Iranian diaspora

The start of an Iranian intifada


28 Dec 2009 00:5671 Comments
091227095505_op-ashora-clashes-ap-283.jpg[ analysis ]An Iranian-style intifada seems to be in the making.

At the beginning of the current period of opposition, which started soon after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's controversial reelection, quiet periods of seeming normalcy occurred between what were less frequent demonstrations.

Judging from the events of Ashura, however, the protests now seem to carry the potential to turn into a full-scale civil disobedience campaign, not unlike the first intifada the Palestinians initiated against Israel in 1987. Such an uprising will mean continuous periods of strikes and civil disobedience, as well as more confrontations between members of the public and security forces.

The main factor contributing to the new status quo is the unrelenting policies of the Supreme Leader, which have pitted his philosophy of the Islamic Republic against longstanding Islamic institutions.

This is a battle that Khamenei will find extremely difficult to win. In fact, if developments continue in their current form, they can result in significant changes to the structure of his regime, or more drastically, lead to its total demise.

His decision to allow the Basij to mount an attack on mourners at Ayatollah Montazeri's funeral was one factor leading to the spread of opposition in rural areas, faster and more efficiently than any campaign the reformist camp could have orchestrated. Yes, members of the opposition tried to take advantage of the mayhem, but also many genuine mourners had come to pay homage to a Grand Ayatollah. To Ayatollah Khamenei's forces, they were all the same. To allow attacks against the residents of a holy city where the seeds of the 1979 revolution were planted was not just dead wrong from a religious perspective, it was politically counterproductive as well.

To make matters worse, the very next day, the Supreme Leader's forces attacked mourners attending a ceremony for Montazeri at Isfahan's Seyyed mosque, where inside members of the public were beaten. The Basijis also tried to assault Isfahan's former Friday prayers leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Jalaleddin Taheri, who had arranged the ceremony. However, his supporters protected him.

If the Shah had committed such an affront, one could have attributed it to his brute dictatorial secularism. But for the Supreme Leader of an Islamic Republic to order violence against Islamic institutions means turning against the very establishment that formed the foundation -- or the very DNA -- of the current regime.

In 1987, to Palestinians, Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and the deteriorating political and economic situations there formed the nucleus of the political ideology that legitimized the first intifada.

Khamenei's increasing attacks against the Iranian public, followed by full-scale assaults against mosques and religious members of the community, are creating the nucleus of an ideology that is legitimizing opposition, not just in cities, but throughout Iran.

However, ideology is not enough. To succeed, what is needed is to increase the frequency of opposition to the point where the morale of the regime and its forces are sufficiently eroded and they can no longer afford to carry on with their current policies, or their ability to function.

Here again Ayatollah Khamenei seems to be aiding the opposition. The brutal attack against the mourners at Montazeri's funeral meant that more people were motivated to turn up in the streets on Tasua (the day before Ashura), as well as on Ashura, which happened to fall on the 7th day of Montazeri's passing. In fact, small demonstrations have continued in different places since Montazeri was buried.

Further, on Ashura, his forces killed Seyed Ali Habibi Mousavi Khameneh, the nephew of Mir Hossein Mousavi. It's very possible that he happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. However, the Mousavi family might understandably assume that he was targeted for assassination. After all, how is it possible that among thousands upon thousands of demonstrators, he was one of the few shot dead? Was he followed from the beginning by an assassination team? Was he marked for death before he left the house? These are questions that cannot be overlooked.

And now his funeral, as well as the 7th day of his death, will provide other occasions for the opposition to demonstrate. Add to this 15 religious holidays, plus at least five major political ones. Meanwhile, more are expected to be killed or arrested, meaning further mourning congregations and demonstrations. Put all of these dates together and the regime could start facing an unprecedented number of demonstrations.

Things could get much worse if the opposition turns to public strikes. With violence against the public expected to continue unabated and Ahmadinejad's plan to cut subsidies, translating to more economic misery, the regime could add to the attraction of this backbreaking scenario.

More than ever, the future of this regime hinges on Ayatollah Ali Khameni. He can save his regime and keep it in its current form if he learns from his recent mistakes and modifies the way his forces and government reach out to the public. Failure to readjust could turn out to be a very costly mistake.

Copyright © 2009 Tehran Bureau

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shemre zeljoshane zamane ma hamin khamenei ghatel hast ke be gheymate khoone javoonhaye ma ba koshtane nagahanie ayattollah montazeri hazer ast taj o takhte manfoor va radaye motaffenesh ro hefz kone ... cap eftekhar ro az dastane khoonoine shemr be ishan miseparim va afarin ke nafare avval shodi va rooye shemr o yazid ra sefid kardi ey ghatele na ghabel

noghre / December 28, 2009 2:08 AM

donbale yazid o shemr nagardin har do dar vojoode manhoose khamenei ghatel namayan ast , sharm o nang bar to yazide zaman . yazid haminjast ashoora emrooz ast .

noghreh / December 28, 2009 2:12 AM

I like everything but the last paragraph - that says how Khameni the killer can retain power.

sirald66 / December 28, 2009 3:24 AM

Iranians are not interested in Intifada!

Anonymous / December 28, 2009 3:42 AM

zolm va dictatorie to ham mesle hameye dictatorha payan migire.inha bahaye democrasist.khoon daadan,,,eyvallaa be in hame jesaarat,eyvallaa be in hame sabre zamani ke fahmidim baraye piroozi,raahe deraazi dar pish darim va sabooraane pish raftim,daste kam maahi yekbaar,kaakhe dictatorie to ro larzoondim.faryaade ma,to ro khaahad kosht.emrooz axshaato mididam ke chetor,pare mikardand,lagadmaal mishodan,,,ta 1 sale digar,aanham dar badbinaneh tarin haalatesh,soghoot tabdil mishi be sharmandehtarin marde iran,,,,hated khamenehii.roozi khahad resid ke ashk mirizi,,,mesle hamin banner haii ke emrooz azat didim..ammaa BE HAALE KHODET KHAAHI eslaam ro nafahmidi,ghodrat talab...harchi begam kame ke sarshaar az khashmam az kasiftarin marde saale 2009 hasti.nangat baad.nemigam margat baad,chon dar oon soorat farghi ba to nakhaaham omide soghoot va sharmsaariat

azadeh / December 28, 2009 4:04 AM

Based on all the regime's atrocities to date it would be very tough for Khamenei to turn things around. His best bet is to announce that he is leaving to pursue his religious studies and then try to get a group of clerics to take his place.

Even then unless such clerics are very moderate and stay away from meddling with the day-to-day running of the country, people will not give up their ground.

Bahman / December 28, 2009 4:35 AM


Using word "intifada" seems irrelevant. Intifada is not very peaceful in nature and it is against occupation. What is happening in Iran is a peaceful movement for democracy. Next time you write an article please be aware of the words meaning.

Benny / December 28, 2009 4:35 AM

Iranians are not interested in an Intifada. Keep it for yourself, Mr. Javedanfar!

Irandokht / December 28, 2009 4:55 AM

entefaze,be nazare man ham name monasebi baraye harkate jonbeshe sabz nist.asaasan in jonbesh bar mabnaaye mosaalemat shekl gereft va ehghaghe ghanoonie hamoontor ke hamishe shahed boodim,aaghaazgare khoshoonat,niroohaye dolati boodeh and.ammaa dar sharaayete feli,mohemm nist naam,entefaazeh bashe ya chize nazare man,zamaani ke mosaalemat mikonim va koshteh midim,agar be mosaalemat edaameh bedim,yekjoor,naadideh gereftane sharayete mojood ast va napokhteh amal kardan.HADAFe ma az aghaze jonbesh ta be haal taghiri nakarde,ammaa lazeme ba khallaghiat va mogheiat sanji,MASIR haye motefaati ro dar pish begirim

azadeh / December 28, 2009 5:12 AM

The title does not make sense. The people do not think the police is the occupier of IRAN as the Israelis are in Palestine.
Iranian protesters think their brother and sisters in police are Iranians and their family as long as they do not follow the dictator's orders.

Amin / December 28, 2009 5:36 AM

Watch the videos, Benny, and then try to convince anybody that this is peaceful. The Basijis have never been peaceful. And now people are breaking the sidewalk into chunks, and fighting back. It becomes necessary sometimes to fight back, after peaceful efforts have been suppressed with beatings by government-hired thugs.

So when you open your eyes and look at what is actually happening, right now, today - sadly, it is a lot more like intifada than peace.

Peg / December 28, 2009 5:44 AM

i enjoyed your article,as some other readers have mentioned,the word intifada may not apply in here,also i think khamenei has lost all his moral authoroty to govern and be an effective ruler.he had comiited a great deal of pain on iranians.many innocent lives have he lo longer can change a course to rule.he and his cronies all must go

fay moghtader / December 28, 2009 7:43 AM

I am a big fan of TB and grateful for all the amazing work that they do to get unbiased news from Iran out to the English-speaking public. But I was alarmed to see TB publish MEIR JAVEDANFAR, a known Iranian Zionist who over the years has tried hard to establish Iran's so-called "nuclear program" which in many analysts' estimation lends itself to proponents of economic sanctions and possible military strike against Iran.

TB ought to check its writers' background before publishing them or else it will end up becoming like, the absolute pits.

Here is a link to Mr. Javedanfar writings on for yourself--he is certainly not qualified to utter a word about the plight of the Palestinians.

a concerned fan of tb-- / December 28, 2009 8:11 AM

I agree with everything except with the last sentence; I do not see how khamenei can in any way salvage this mess that he has created.

DC / December 28, 2009 8:38 AM

I can't believe after everything you mentioned in this article and all the death, pain and sufferings Khameni has caused you say he could fix his mistakes and keep his regime????!!!!!!!!!!!
Iran is not going to become another Palestine.

mojy / December 28, 2009 8:53 AM

The Iranians want to root out a religious dictatorship. This is a long struggle, and requires great sacrifices. But, more and more people are determined to not only fight against Khamenei & his group, but, dismantle the entire clerical regime of terror, suppresion and injustice

saeed radmanesh / December 28, 2009 9:00 AM

Javedanfar is a Jew and sees everything with a Zionist eye! Iran is not occupied palestine you stupid!

Abdul / December 28, 2009 12:00 PM

many have rightly pointed out that Intifada is not relevant as Meir is trying to liken Iran and Israel while one is an occupier who has defied all international treaties and resolutions to suppress a nation for plus 50 years. he has repeated himself all over the article which to me is a sign of a knowledge based on newspapers and internet browsing rather than a firm based view of what is happening in Iran.
"Khamenei's increasing attacks against the Iranian public, followed by full-scale assaults against mosques and religious members of the community" is a sign of what I say about his knowledge on iran. the way you talk about full scale attacks on mosques in Iran I had to ask myself whether you were talking about Jenin or Toulkaram or Gaza invasion last year or about Iran? one sided and shallow comments that only thinks attacking khamenei- who deserves it of course as he must go away- is the coin of the market! while that seems to be true, but Intifada coming from someone in Tel Aviv is highly wrong and I am surprised why this website published it in the first place.

Hamid / December 28, 2009 4:11 PM

Infitada is a bad choice of words. comparing Iran to the fate of palestinians is a bleak construction at best. I get you didn't want to use the word revolution and wanted to use a different word...but infitada? please. Iran is not Palestine or Africa.

anonymous / December 28, 2009 4:12 PM

Good Article

I agree with sirald66. All was good, but the last paragraph about how the regime can save itself. However, Mr. Javedanfar is providing analysis and not advice.

This Iranian Revolution has much in common with an intifada except that the Iranian people have justification, whereas the Palestinians had plenty of opportunity to go the peaceful route and opted for violence. So in that regard, Intifada is not a good analogy.


DanielR / December 28, 2009 4:14 PM

We don't know any intifada.All we know is that the Barbaric Republic has got to go.Iranians want a secular democratic system of governance.Simple and effective.O.K. Meir?

Farhad / December 28, 2009 4:47 PM

Watch the videos, Benny, and then try to convince anybody that this is peaceful. The Basijis have never been peaceful. And now people are breaking the sidewalk into chunks, and fighting back. It becomes necessary sometimes to fight back, after peaceful efforts have been suppressed with beatings by government-hired thugs.

So when you open your eyes and look at what is actually happening, right now, today - sadly, it is a lot more like intifada than peace.

Peg / December 28, 2009 4:54 PM

An intifada simply means a popular struggle. It does not have to be against an occupation. The word has rarely been used in that context.

Isra / December 28, 2009 5:02 PM

Iranian are not Arabs. We are not interested in Intifada. We will take care of these savages-our way. Kaveh Ahangar, Babak Khorram-din are plentiful in the land of Persia.

Sam / December 28, 2009 7:05 PM

The bureau is right on target. Until now, the regime has been able to legitimize its oppressive whims by scapegoating relatively few and disconnected groups of citizens, who, for the sake of obeying the government and thus be estimated as good citizens have subjected themselves to the thrashing of their civil and religious rights.

Hopefully, the time has come for the regime's demise. Not only the Iranian people, but the whole world will be better without it. I have no ways to contribute to the demonstrations. In the meantime I take immense pleasure at watching the spectacle of a brutal regime being increasingly challenged from within.

Peter / December 28, 2009 8:14 PM

At the time of the 1979 Revolution, only the Shah and his personal physician knew that he was dying of cancer. He was justifiably depressed and could not bring himself to use his military against his own people. Better to leave than to bring disaster on his people, so he left, but disaster followed anyhow.

Now a new revolution looms, but this regime has no reservations about killing their fellow Iranians, and it won't go quietly. Fortunately, this generation of Iranians is under no illusions as to what the regime is willing to do to maintain its power. Many of them are "replacement children"; they were conceived to replace their older brothers who died as children walking in front of the regime's tanks to clear minefields in the Iran/Iraq war - blown to bits clutching the little plastic keys that they were told would assure their admittance to Paradise.

To say we can't help these Iranians fight for their freedom is insane. Of course they'll be accused of being pawns of the British and Americans - if an alley cat gets pregnant in Tehran its blamed on the British and Americans. Our best chance of stopping their nuclear weapons program is to support the overthrow of the fascists who have seized control of Iran. We've been wasting our time trying to negotiate with these cold-blooded killers, and its time to take a new approach.

Paul in Colorado / December 28, 2009 8:24 PM

Isra, I don't know the arabic roots of the word, but it has a certain overtone that makes it unjustifiable to be used in the this situation. If anything, this is much closer to the civil rights movement in the 60's in the US (again, this can not be very accurate, I understand that ...)Iranian demonstrators are, decidedly, extremely peaceful and adhere to non-violent means to express their will. In the past six month I can not recall even one instance of mob killings in the hand of demonstrators when in fact there were many occasions to do so. Even when they are badly provoked and attacked, as in yesterday's demonstrations, they resolutely refuse to be revengeful and violent.

masoud / December 28, 2009 8:28 PM

Ignorance and biased view of the author[Mr. Javedanfar] is obvious when he compares Iranian ongoing revolution against theocracy when he compares the movement with Palestinians intifada.

Dear sir educate yourself first before you make a mockery of yourself.

capt_ayhab / December 28, 2009 8:58 PM

"Paul in Colorado" is 100% right. Moral support is all well & good, and I wish that the US government would be more forceful in its support of the Iranian reform movement.

But what's much more important is that, behind the scenes, the CIA is hard at work funneling money, guns and bullets across the border into Iran from Iraq and from Afghanistan. That's the only thing that will ever dislodge the current government. If the Basij are worried about getting shot, which now they aren't, they'll probably be much less likely to go riding around on their motorcycles beating up protesters.

We should also not hesitate, if and when the time is right and the survival of the current Iranian regime is being seriously threatened, to engage in select clandestine "decapitation" military operations designed to kill people like Ahmenidijad, Khameni, and the leaders of both the Basij and Revolutionary Guards. I imagine that there might be certain generals within the Iranian armed forces would wouldn't be sad to see this happen.

Yes, it will be messy. But regime change in Iran will also solve a lot of problems, not the least of which is the development of nuclear weapons by the very same government that is also the principal financier of terrorist movements worldwide.

Dan R. / December 28, 2009 9:30 PM

Good point. If it is intifada, reasonable people should be on the side of regime. If regime is radical, and its opponents are traditional clerics, it is rather counter-revolution than revolution. Why americans should support one repressive gang against another repressive gang?

Shlomo / December 28, 2009 10:09 PM

Persians should remember Cyrus the Great...

How dare they say that Israelis are occupiers...

That's like saying persians have no rights to iran...

david / December 28, 2009 10:11 PM

By doing so you will totally obliterate the legitimacy of next Iranian democratic government.
Let it remain genuine domestic and democratically elected government, something all Iranians are struggling to archive and will be proud of for centuries to come. JMHO

I'm grateful for your support though, keep it up.

Aryajet / December 28, 2009 10:50 PM

Khamenei and his Gang have insulted and injured the religous freedoms of Iranians in front of the whole world. The legitimacy of this government is gone and our succesful Revolution is at stake.

The price of freedom will not be cheap...however, it must be paid. We must depend on the flower of our youth to lead the way once again.

Josef / December 28, 2009 11:00 PM

Dan, I hope you are right and that weapons are getting into the correct hands in Iran. If so,"....chickens always come home to roost." Lots of young and not so young Iranians are certainly striving for revenge against a bitter, cruel and rigid regiem that has practically put Iran back into the Stone Age. Iran as we all know is Persian and not Arab.....that difference will inspire the new Revolution.

William Masterson / December 28, 2009 11:12 PM

I don't know why Mr. Javedanfar wants to draw a parallel between the Iranian democracy and civil rights movement and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The two situations are in fact SO DIFFERENT in many levels, as it was rightly pointed out in many comments (though some were less than polite, I regret to say). It is also very different from the Iranian revolution against the Shah 30 years ago. For one thing, here we are dealing with a highly educated, young and urban population who is increasing cosmopolitan and wants to join the rest of the world in pursuit of a normal and happy life. It is amazingly modern and non-ideological and has no illusions about religion, of any kind, to be a cure for problems facing Iran today. This is in sharp contrast with you see in the rest of middle east and perhaps in other hot spots in the world right now.

This is a non-violent and peaceful movement. The democracy movement in Iran, or Green Wave Movement (`Moje Sabz' in Persian) is largely about creating a real `civil society' in the country with a truly representative government. A government that would be accountable for its actions, and can be peacefully replaced through elections. It is also about `pursuit of happiness' and kicking out an intrusive government from our personal lives! No wonder brave and heroic Iranian women are on the front lines of this epic battle right now.

masoud / December 28, 2009 11:27 PM


ALI / December 29, 2009 12:12 AM

Please stop the intifada comparison. This movement is unique to Iran. Robin Wright wrote in Times UK" :Arguably this is the most imaginative civil disobdience anywhere in the world"
We are doing horrible service to those Brave Iranians who right now are very fed up with all the money send to Hezbollah and Palestine to compare their movt to the plaestines.
I think it is great Palestines had their intifada, but please let us have our own unique experience and not slap these brave people who are fed up with the money of this country going to Palestine and call their movt intifada.
Remember "No Gaza, No Lebanon, My life is for Iran"

Guita / December 29, 2009 12:46 AM

Ali, I believe you when you say that a change of regime would just be the other side of the same pancake, unless the pancake burns and is thrown away of course.

From what I see from the outside, your young people are oppressed and deprived of even the freedom of thought, never mind aspirations.

Your young people, if allowed to inform themselves, would not like such an oligarchic theocracy.

My beef is not against theocracy, but oligarchy. And yes, you are right, another oligarchy would be be just like the previous one.

Like any other civil rights movement anywhere else on earth at any time of earth's history, you could think of throwing out your oligarchic form of government, not just the regime for the sake of changing players.

It is the game that has got to go.

Peter / December 29, 2009 1:23 AM

We are not Arabs...and we are not doing "intifada"...

get your facts straight!

farhad / December 29, 2009 1:41 AM

My friends,
Many brave and strong Iranian men and women have taken it upon themselves to stand up to the repressive and cunning regime.
It has been far too long that our people have been controlled by our religion and its interpretation by our dictators.

All Persians come from a great lineage of mathematicians, architects, engineers, doctors, artists, etc.- who all played a pivotal role in the advancement of the human race.

Sadly, over time we as Iranians have lost this spirit and our contribution to society has become stagnant. I am embarrassed that our intellectual people have been belittled and controlled with religion. While the entire world has been prospering, we have been held as hostages in our own country. We are not free to talk and think, and much of what we do is based on fear. We cannot have discourse with our leaders, so that we can develop the best plan of action. Top minds in our country are rarely tapped when decisions need to be made. Instead we leave our lives and those of our children to a group of elderly dictators whose view of the world is distorted and inaccurate. In the process all Iranians have greatly suffered, and many lives have been lost.

Instead of correcting words (ie. intifada) and their meanings, we should all be focused on helping and assisting our loved ones in Iran.
The world is moving at a rapid pace, and we must help our future generations become competitive in a global economy. We must educated our people, and give them the tools and systems they require to prosper. If we do not, our country will be lost- and we will once again be slaves... however this time it won't be to our dictators... it will be to the new super powers of the developed world (ie China, India, Brazil, Russia).

Baba ghanoush / December 29, 2009 2:27 AM

BABA Wrote: "Sadly, over time we as Iranians have lost this spirit and our contribution to society has become stagnant. I am embarrassed that our intellectual people have been belittled and controlled with religion. While the entire world has been prospering, we have been held as hostages in our own country. We are not free to talk and think, and much of what we do is based on fear. We cannot have discourse with our leaders, so that we can develop the best plan of action. Top minds in our country are rarely tapped when decisions need to be made. Instead we leave our lives and those of our children to a group of elderly dictators whose view of the world is distorted and inaccurate. In the process all Iranians have greatly suffered, and many lives have been lost."

This should be read and believed by every Iranian and even the Arabs (maybe especially the Arabs).

As for the current fight, things do not look good for the protesters because they can never win with rocks and sticks. And it appears that outside help with weapons is not going to happen under the rule of the almost Muslim Obama.

No matter what his religion is (I suspect none as he is a narsistic egomanic) he or any other outside force are not going to send help in any other form than words.

President Bush wanted to send help but his
advisors told him that any help would be looked upon by the Iranian public as interference at the least and an American Invasion at the worse.

It's no different now. Everyone is afraid of the Iranian public's reaction if anyone tries to help in either secret or out in the open.

Of course the reason that America is regarded as the "Great Satan" is because of the current regime and it's leaders. And because of that teaching for years and years the Iranians don't trust America. Propaganda and brainwashing at its finest.

If it was up to me or millions of other Americans we would be there at your side. But we wouldn't be there throwing rocks. We would be there with our millions of rifles and pistols and millions of rounds of Ammo that we own. Yes OWN. We own our own weapons and ammo and for a reason.

Read the reason below.

Papa Ray

"The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once."
2009 Judge Alex Kozinski

Papa Ray / December 29, 2009 3:21 AM

Since our own President wont say anything to support the citizens of Iran who are trying to rid themselves of the yoke of oppression and an illegally "elected" president...I will say something to all of you.

American Citizens support you, and are behind your effort for freedom! Regardless of what our media or government says...they are lying. Like your President, he says what he wants people to hear, but we, true Americans know he is not interested in your freedom.

We are! Fight the fight, and dont give up. We will have to do the same in the very near future, and regardless of religious differences, our prayers are with you...the TRUE citizens of Iran.


FEDup / December 29, 2009 3:22 AM

I am jewish with israeli family. The word "intifada" makes no sense at all. That was a war to wipe on Israel, & for some it was following leaders who were corrupt & have no idea how to do peace with another nation. I see no parallel to Iran's problems.

Iranians are fighting for freedoms & a form of government that can not morph into the dictatorship style this one has. It's a hard fight but I'm proud to see people standing up for themselves. We all know Iranians are educated & capable & not their government & have been great contributors & progressive before. There are so many supporting you, in our minds & hearts even if there is little practical yet we can do.

I wish the Farsi writers would add in English too, so we can also see what they are thinking.

On the comment that this author is a zionist supporter of Iranian nuclear development, I don't see how that makes sense. Israel's great hope is Iran does go nuclear, at least while Amendinajad is in power & funding Hamas & Hizbollah on their borders. One look at how the regime treats it's own people...they shouldn't have dangerous pointy objects to point at anyone.

curls / December 29, 2009 3:45 AM

There is a time and a place for all things. Regimes come and go, rising and falling like the tide, regularly , without fail.The timing and the particulars are unique to each occurence, and happen for many reasons, but they all ultimately happen because the masses grow weary and angry enought to overcome their natural fear and placidity. When the time and circumstances warrant, the Iranian people will decide for themselves if they wish to have a different government, one of their own choosing, and what that government will look like is up to them. I hope they think, and choose wisely.

el bee / December 29, 2009 4:07 AM

Persian objecting the label of "Intifada" over the current uprisings remind me of Republicans objecting the "Coup d'etat" label in 2000. (Who do we hate more the the Arabs or Israelis /the French or Democrats?)

Maybe we should just use the equally loaded, but very vague term "Jihad" (I think the word is the same in Farsi and Arabic), "Struggle" or "Kampf" to describe what's going on and be done with it?

How about we keep it culturally neutral in English a "political reform movement" until things get really revolutionary. A few riots/peaceful street protests do not a rebellion make. I can't help but compare this to what's going on in Greece: a few leftist elements and low economic class elements rattling the cage while the world economy is down. We'll see what happens when general economic activity picks up.

Teaser38 / December 29, 2009 4:31 AM

Hey Curls,
Are there a lot of Iranians in Israel? What are they mostly involved in? Tell us a little about Israel. Thanks.

Lida / December 29, 2009 6:44 AM

I have enjoyed reading this article. It is interesting to relate how the protests in Iran are beginning to look like the Intifada in the West Bank during the late 1980's. Being a Palestinian myself, I would never had made that coorelation.

There are, However, many issues which seem to be overlooked: by making this conclusion, are you comparing the Grand Ayatolla Ali Khameinei to the Zionist regime? Also, while researching the protests, I have recalled an interview with the President Ahmadinejjad and Larry King. While discussing the protest issue in Iran, Ahmadinejjad related those protests to those of Venezuela, which have been found to be fueled by America.

My question is, would you think there is a similarity between the protests in Venezuela and those of Iran?

Nader Hasan / December 29, 2009 7:05 AM

The article is good but you must notice that the Iranian opposition is another and incomparable movement! The Iranians always think of their great and long term civilization. They are trying to retrieve their historic splendor. They disappointed to experience a clerical government whose behavior is much worse in many degree in comparison with aristocratic rulers. The clerics not only want the wealth and power of the country but also they are supposed themselves as the owner of the freedom, soul and life even though the afterlife of the Iranian People. They want the power for dominating over all the world; therefore, they give themselves permission to issue any order to kill every one at any cost only to survive as the ruler. They consider the people as their slaves and i ask every one in the world to support the Iranian Movement to lead a victory against such a suppression.


Nasrin / December 29, 2009 9:58 AM

I am sorry that Intifada was a wrong solution that was proposed by idiots for palestinians and leading to more violence...of course you cannot fight with stone in front of tanks..of course you fail.
As for the word Intifada and Jihad, both of them are arabic and not Persian so we are very sorry for those who disagree but most Iranians, except for the regime of Iran, do not relate with these words! you can talk with Iranian regime about Intifada and Jihad but these were certainly hostile words and they sound like linguistic invasion! whether you like it or not, we can't relate to these words!!!

Sahar / December 29, 2009 10:57 AM

You Iranian heroes in the streets fighting a oppressive regime inspire all who favor Democracy over Statist who ignore the Democratic will of the people at their peril in Iran, or the USA.

You Blessed Iranian people are acting as Free people despite the delusions and bestiality of your rulers.

You are admired by many more all over the world, more than you ever know.

Keep on Trucking.

Ron. Yakubaitis / December 29, 2009 12:40 PM

I am sure of the overthrown of the regime of Tehran. Let me honest and direct with you. I am sure of that the Islamic Republic will collapse between 2011 to 2014. I have my reasons for that and know exactly what I say.

Ali / December 29, 2009 3:43 PM

Well now I now what it feels like when I compare Iran's anti-establishment movement to that of America's from the late 160's, early 70's!

By the way, after the level of violence and destruction exhibited by the protesters during Ashura,I no longer make the comparison.
American law enforcement is equipped with firearms to protect themselves; not so for Iran's current counterparts.

Honestly, TB, I'll say it one more time- why do you publish this rubbish from Tel Aviv?

Pirouz / December 29, 2009 3:46 PM

I'm amazed at the comments here. Worrying and arguing about how this article's headline is worded.

Start worrying about how the Iranian people are losing this fight for freedom because they have no help, nor weapons to fight against the current government.

Courage and rocks will not win anything more than more dead Iranians killed by the oppressors.

Where are the leaders? Where is the support for the Iranian People from their Military? Their Military took the oath to protect and support the People and the Great Nation of Iran. NOT the opressive religious Mullahs.

Papa Ray
West Texas

Papa Ray / December 29, 2009 8:55 PM

To Americans on this page who fantasize about coming in to Iran, sending in the CIA to "help" Iranians, or any other such well-intentioned but naive and short-sighted ideas about "support":

Iranians do NOT want any clandestine support from any other country!!

Your CIA has NOT helped Iran in the past:

We Iranians are not interested in your CIA today!

Iranians wish for freedom and to create a country where their tremendous talents can flourish, shoulder to shoulder with the community of nations on this world. Our desire for freedom means freedom from internal tyranny AND freedom from any external interference or "clandestine" operation by foreign countries.

Your forefathers fought for their freedom by their own means.

Iranians of today are doing the same.

Do not patronize us!

God bless humanity.

A proud Iranian

P.S. The Iranian strategy seems to have morphed into self-defence on the streets, but at the same time, continues recognizing that the wretched anti-riot forces are in large part made up of our brainwashed brothers, whom some can be converted back to sanity. The healthy Iranian mentality is not about revenge and blowing people up - it is about converting and persuading, with violence as a last resort of self-defence.

Iranian / December 29, 2009 10:04 PM

Try middle to late 2010 and you will be more accurate.This regime is finished.
God Bless our people.

farideh / December 29, 2009 10:49 PM

In 1950's USA and Britain masterminded the overthrow of a democratically elected government of Mousaddaq. Becasue He had plans to bring the oil companies under Iranian rule. That angered the British who were living on free Iranian Oil. They conspired with the Americans and together they created discord among the ranks and conspired successfully to overthrow the democratic regime. They then brought the Shah of Iran and installed him as "Their" man who ruled with an iron fist and killed thousands of iranians.

Before the latest Iranian electins the Americans and Israelis poured millions of dollars in Iran's opposition party and even met them outside the country and so the reaction.

History does repeat it self if you live with blinkers. The most naive are the Iranians themselves lending their reins to nations who have no interest in a strong and independent Iran.

Saeed / December 30, 2009 12:11 AM

"Do not patronize us!"

People who fight with sticks and stones don't need patronizing they need to be taking the guns away from the oppressors and using them against them.

Using sticks and stones is not going to get freedom nor liberty. Just more dead bodies and wailing mothers.

I guess you would turn down a train load of armed American citizens that would die for your freedom.

The Americans in their first revolution accepted help from the French and many of those brave Frenchmen died helping us win against the British.

We didn't call the French names and accuse them, we accepted their help with honor and gratitude.

Like I said in an earlier post President Bush wanted to send help, material and even SOF troops but all his ad visors said no, because they knew that people like you wouldn't accept help, because of your stupid pride.

You better wake the hell up.

Papa Ray

Anonymous / December 30, 2009 12:18 AM

I like your article except the last part, khamenie can not fix his mistakes , can he? can he bring back all those people that he killed, his crime is against humanity , we will get our country back in near future , you will see.Our country would be so great that every body wants to visit, you will see.

ruha / December 30, 2009 2:50 AM

I feel so saddened for the youth of Iran, religion poisons everything. This is typical of a brutal mindless regime in the the last throws of death, to kill your youth is to kill your future. Persia, once the greatest civilisation in the ancient world has been dragged back into the stone age by these thugs. If America had not gotten rid of Bush & the Neo cons Americas future could well have been the same under the fundamentalist Christians.If they had not made such a mess of things in Iraq, intervention may have been welcome. I personally have no hope for the future, in Iran or the rest of the world, selfishness is the mindset of the day.

Brian Dillon / December 30, 2009 5:07 AM

The very last paragraph suggesting that the regime could retain power is a half truth.
I say a half truth because the regime can only retain power by killing millions of Iranians. It can only delay the change for a couple of years but not prevent it.
It can not find a new "softer' way to deal with the public, as the article suggests, simply because it is not in its nature. This is like asking a snake to behave like a pussy cat in your house! It can't happen.
Free Iran

Kambiz / December 30, 2009 5:59 AM


I am forced to ask why do you see that the regime will be falling???

Victor / December 30, 2009 8:49 AM

Did you see this video? It is quite possibly the most important video clip which has emerged from the unrest on Sunday. It clearly shows peaceful protesters marching ahead until they are shot at by security forces. This one will make it to international courts in time:

sabz / December 30, 2009 9:43 AM

Papa Ray, If you're so caring and able, I suggest that you prove it first inside USA. Get rid of the immense power and influence of special interest groups which have royally scr...ed the country financially, and will continue to do so. Until such time that you just huff and puff and order what Iranians should or should not do, I wouldn't give any value to what you demand.

The attempt of this article is not sincere, the author, an active Israeli is trying to legitimize and get credit by connecting the non-violent democratic movement in Iran to the performance and reccord of his beloved country Israel. These two don't have anything in common. And he very deliberately used a word such as "intifada", and it wasn't used as a compliment.

He is wishing for Iran to fall apart by events turning bloody and by the hands of Iranians. Ne is wishing for increased violence. that's what he is indicating in his article. The rest is just nice sounding icing covering his cake.

Behzad / December 30, 2009 11:34 AM

I hear the the protesters came out of the day happily, that they were in full control and they had taken police in hostage...we don't need clashes with gun or stone. Things just accumulated for 30 years are coming out little by little...Sooner or later many Ahmadinejadi's will join green camp..not now...but sooner or later! wait to see, if they see they are covered too, if they see that this movement is really beyond Musavi...

Anonymous / December 31, 2009 1:04 AM

Papa Ray,

Many of us have grown up in U.S.A. and are very familiar with American values and sense of liberty.Americans don't like losers and work hard to achieve their dreams. Papa Ray, nothing is forgotten. In our time, in good time.Never again will Iran submit to tyranny. Never again will Iran put its fate blindly in the hands of such backward group of people. The generation of our fathers made critical mistakes due to their lack of political education. But Never Again. Never Again.

God bless America, my home. God bless Persia, the country these Barbarians have temporarily taken away from me.

Sohrab / December 31, 2009 1:06 AM

Dan and William!
US should stop giving money and arms like they did in Afghanistan by creating much as we dislike the regime Iranians inside are not interested in the arm intervention of americans...we are tired of their crazy ways! How long should we pay the price of their mistakes? US has created another terrorist group in southeastern Iran to instigate ethnic clashes...that is not what we want...can US help Iranians in a peaceful way?

Sahar / December 31, 2009 1:16 AM

This site probably gets its funding from USAID.
They've been unreliable from the start. Iran is divided but the government is considered legitimate by most.
That's a problem but it's not one that's going to be solved by disaffected urbanites in Tehran.

And it's insulting to call it an Intifada

no / December 31, 2009 3:04 AM

This is quite base propaganda. The attempt to connect the palestinian intifadas is shameless also. Claiming that it is Kamenei ordering funerals attacked and attempting to compare him to the shah is ludicrous. I guess next you are going to claim the election was stolen. I abhor liars, especially collusive liars. I guess you this journalist will claim he is for freedom so no matter what violence the protesters commit or how much they lie really matters.

miguel decosta / December 31, 2009 3:10 AM

Guys, not everybody who visits this site is Iranian, please leave your comments in English if you can so everybody can know how we think, our opinions need to be understood by all for them to have solidarity with us. We shall prevail!

Mahyar Hojjatie / December 31, 2009 6:34 AM

Can the US and Zionist contributors call their own governments to account who have been described by Chomsky as the greatest threats and definitely a more serious threat to global peace and security than IRI. Iranians need to sort their own political disputes.

rezvan / December 31, 2009 1:36 PM

Fot the love of God, can you forget about Israel and focus on our own country for a change.Israel is not our problem. Pals are anot our problem.Iran, try to say it, Iran(our country) is our problem right now.Can you try to understand? Thanks a million.

Fereshteh / January 1, 2010 2:09 AM


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