tehranbureau An independent source of news on Iran and the Iranian diaspora

Slideshow | Who Owns the Cars in Park Prince?


01 Oct 2012 23:09Comments
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[ feature ] I have some friends who live in an apartment complex in Tehran called Park Prince. Near Vanak Square, it was built in the 1970s -- before the Revolution. It's one of the city's first glitzy residential highrises, consisting of four towers set amongst a well-tended plaza housing chic shops and restaurants. Apparently it was home to TV stars and celebrities back in the day. It has a touch of luxury even now. You can even get a very good iced coffee in the faux Starbucks; there's a Sushi restaurant with a black-interior, and an Italian, as well as a traditional restaurant serving dishes from the North of Iran. There's even an antiques shop, a rare sight in my experience of this city.

But the basement is where the real treasure is -- a surprising array of abandoned cars: Buick Dodges, Chevrolets, BMWs, even a Datsun covered in dust. Who owns them? Some look like they are still driven with up-to-date registration plates. Others are flat-tired, and look undriven for decades. My friend says that their owners left either before or since the Revolution.

I'm sure there must be some good stories attached to these prideful machines. If you know anyone who might own them, do please get in touch via: info [at] tehranbureau [dot] com, subject line: The Cars of Parks Prince.

Copyright © 2012 Tehran Bureau

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