Kaliningrad, Round Two Video

Russia's western exclave rattled the Kremlin with massive public protests in January. It's planning a repeat performance this weekend. More

Kurds Losing Control Of Kirkuk

The results of Iraq's elections could complicate Kurdish hopes of incorporating oil-rich Kirkuk into their autonomous region. More

Norouz Holiday Ushers In The New Year  Video

People across Iran and Central Asia are welcoming spring with flowers, festivals, and traditional dishes. More

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A Turkish Role Model For Iran?

As Ankara has worked to improve relations with Iran, person-to-person bilateral contacts have blossomed in recent years. The experience, Abbas Djavadi writes, has been good for both sides. More

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From Our Bureaus

Yegor Gaidar Foundation To Be Established

Friends and colleagues of deceased former Russian Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar say they plan to set up a foundation named after him "to develop a liberal ideology in economy and politics." More

Pardoned Azerbaijani Journalist Says 'Deserved' Freedom

An Azerbaijani opposition journalist released from jail this week has told RFE/RL's Azerbaijani Service that he "deserved" to be freed. More

Eastern Kazakhstan Flood Evacuations Continue

More people are being evacuated from villages in eastern Kazakhstan due to the danger of flooding. More

Iran Activist 'Transferred To AIDS Ward'

The mother of jailed Iranian labor activist Mansour Osanlou has told RFE/RL's Radio Farda he has been transferred to a prison ward for drug addicts and prisoners suffering from Hepatitis and AIDS. More

Ukraine Region Wants Pollution Help

Residents of a heavily polluted area in eastern Ukraine say they're hoping for help from native son President Viktor Yanukovych in cleaning up the area. More
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Cultural Capital

Prague's One World Festival Puts Focus On Iran Video

The One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, which will show over 100 films from 30 countries in Prague from March 10-18, has a special focus on Iran this year. More

'Forbes': Number Of New Billionaires Reflects Global Recovery

"Forbes" magazine's list of the world's billionaires mirrors the global financial recovery. It includes 62 Russians -- nearly twice as many as last year -- most of whom are returning after being knocked off during the economic crisis. More

Sheikh Tantawi, Prominent Sunni Muslim Voice, Dead At 81

One of the most prominent and moderate voices in the Sunni Muslim world -- Sheikh Muhammad Sayed Tantawi -- has died. More

Easier Internet Export Rules Please Google

Internet giant Google has welcomed a U.S. decision to relax restrictions that have prevented U.S. companies from exporting Internet services and software to Iran, Cuba, and Sudan. More

Well-Known Russian Historian Sergo Mikoyan Dies

Prominent Russian historian and journalist Sergo Mikoyan has died in a Moscow clinic of leukemia. More

Iraq Film Snags Pioneering Award Win

The Academy Awards broke new ground on March 7 by giving its best director award to a woman, Kathryn Bigelow, for her film "The Hurt Locker," a story about the dangerous lives of U.S. bomb disposal experts in the Iraq conflict. More
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RFE/RL Off Mic Blog

'Voices from Afghanistan' Visitors Discuss Exhibit

The Library of Congress is displaying letters sent to Afghanistan's most popular radio station, RFE/RL's Radio Azadi. Abby Holekamp discusses the exhibit with a couple visitors. More


Booksellers' Road

Once stilled by war, cultural life is reemerging among the bookstalls and cafes of Baghdad's legendary Mutanabbi Street, near the banks of the Tigris.

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Moscow hosts a meeting of the Middle East Quartet.

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