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Barack Obama's Facebook FeedHealth care, Letterman, and the president's blingtastic Middle East tour.

Click here to see recent feeds.

General Motors added the Zombies application.
Newt Gingrich posted a note: Sotomayor Speech, Berkeley, 2001.
"... a wise Latina woman ..."
Robert Gibbs
She misspoke.
The group Senate Judiciary Committee posted a note: Sotomayor Speech, Puerto Rico, 1994.
"... a wise woman ..."
The group Senate Judiciary Committee posted a note: Sotomayor Speech, Women's Bar Association of New York, 1999.
"... a wise woman ..."
The group Senate Judiciary Committee posted a note: Sotomayor Speech, Seton Hall University, 2003.
"... a wise Latina woman ..."
Robert Gibbs
Like I said, she misspoke.
Joe Biden Megan Fox
Joe Biden Oops, wrong field
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad created the group 1 Million Strong for Mahmoud.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad created the group 100 Strong for Mahmoud.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad created the group Mahmoud for Mahmoud.
MSNBC posted a video: Obama Puts Focus on Health Care.
Fox News posted a video: GOP Fights Obama Health Plan.
CNN posted a video: Twiggy the Water-Skiing Squirrel.
Barack Obama became a fan of Public Options.
Max Baucus became a fan of Individual Mandates.
Ted Kennedy became a fan of Guaranteed Issue.
John Boehner became a fan of Freedom.
David Carradine signed off.
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama joined the Saudi Arabia network.
Barack Obama posted a note: Assalamu Alaykum.
Alan Keyes
Knew it.
Sonia Sotomayor updated the About Me section of her profile from "Female, Latina" to "Female, Latina, Disabled."
Barack Obama tagged himself in a photo.
Michael Steele tagged himself in a photo.
Chuck Grassley Pres Obama you got nerve while u sightseeing in Paris to tell us 'time to deliver' on health care. We still on skedul/even workinWKEND.
Chuck Grassley oh look at ME I'm barack obama just going to some pyramids while CHUCK writes a BILL for me back in DC kthxbyee.
Chuck Grassley hey PREZ hows Normandy getting a tan while we FIX ur COUNTRY? have fun getting sarKOZY with Nicolas boy I like twitter ok im out of chrcterz.
Barney Frank sent Chuck Grassley a Xanax.
Barack Obama posted a video: Speech to the Muslim World.
200 million views
Osama Bin Laden posted a video response to Speech to the Muslim World.
Osama Bin Laden
Robert Gates
Dan Choi
Robert Gates
Well done, homosexual
Dan Choi
So can I have my job back?
Robert Gates
Barack Obama invited Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the event Birkenau Tour.
Joe Biden tattoo parlor dc
Joe Biden Sorry, still figuring this Twitter thing out
17 members of the group Uighurs joined the Republic of Palau and Bermuda networks.
Abdul Razak
Yusef Abbas
Haha suck it Virginia
Mahmut Bahtiyar
Where my Uighurs at??
Sarah Palin is attending the event NRSC/NRCC Fundraiser.
Sarah Palin is no longer attending the event NRSC/NRCC Fundraiser.
Sarah Palin is attending the event NRSC/NRCC Fundraiser.
4,523 people are no longer attending the event Sarah Palin fundraiser.
Laura Ling and Euna Lee joined the North Korea network.
Error: Unable to leave North Korea network.
Kim Jong Un changed his Work and Education info to Dear Leader-in-Waiting.
Kim Jong-il sent Kim Jong Un a gift: Laura Ling and Euna Lee.
Donald Trump wrote on Carrie Prejean's Wall.
You're fired!
Playboy, Hustler, Juggs, and the National Organization for Marriage wrote on Carrie Prejean's Wall.
Call us!
Terry McAuliffe created the group The Macksterrr. The Mack Maaan. The Mackarenaaa.
Creigh Deeds created the group Creigh Deeds: Not a Tool.
The FBI posted a link: Holocaust Museum Shooting.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
I highly doubt this happened.
David Letterman posted a video: Jokes About Sarah Palin's Daughter.
The group Sarah Palin posted a note: David Letterman Is a Pervert.
David Letterman
I am so, so sorry.
David Letterman sent a friend request to Willow Palin.
The American Medical Association created the group No Public Option!
Rahm Emanuel is visiting the American Medical Association.
The American Medical Association created the group Public Option Yay!
Joe Biden joe biden hot or not
Joe Biden These keyboards just type whatever they want, don't they?
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Christopher Beam is a Slate political reporter. Chris Wilson is an assistant editor at Slate in Washington, D.C.
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