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A Modest Proposal for Our Struggling Canadian Teabaggers

I suspect we have all been entertained by the bold, revolutionary fervor displayed by our Canadian Teabaggers. Whether it’s fearlessly addressing tiny crowds in parking lots or harassing folks whose religion they despise, they inspire us all with their grim commitment to sipping the dregs of American crazy and game attempts to whip up comparable levels of hysteria in our calmer, kinder climate. But doesn’t it seem just a little – silly?

March 19, 2010 | 10 Comments | Permalink

Why I Am An Atheist

The first conclusive evidence that God, if it ever existed, has abandoned its creation.

March 18, 2010 | 10 Comments | Permalink

10% ‘ers Improve Public Discourse & Democracy?


According to Steven Fletcher, minister of state for democratic reform, that’s exactly what they do – personally I think he’s full of shite.


Lets everyone set aside their partisanship and be honest here for a few minutes – OK?


How many of you read the propaganda laden tripe information your own Member of Parliament sporadically feels compelled to send you – let alone the propaganda laden tripe information that some party stooge MP you’ve never heard of from some gods forsaken riding you couldn’t find on a map without the help of Comrade Google decides you need to see?

March 17, 2010 | 9 Comments | Permalink

The Important Part Of This Story –


– is not that RCMP spies labeled Rene Levesque “a suspected Communist“, the important part of this story is that the RCMP spies on Canadians.

March 17, 2010 | 11 Comments | Permalink

Balb’s Best of Ireland

Treats Thalian, Epicurean and Euterpian from the Emerald Isle.

March 17, 2010 | 2 Comments | Permalink

Shorter Mike Duffy


Noam Chomsky = bad


Critical thinking = bad


Conservatives = good

March 16, 2010 | 11 Comments | Permalink

Climate Change: While Dinosaurs Fight


You may have noticed that while the climate change debate rages in the media and various quadrants of the blogosphere and twitterverse I haven’t dedicated any space to it of late.


The reason for that is relatively simple, it would be pointless to do so. While no one was looking a whole bunch of people not actively involved in the trench digging and insult hurling made a decision and now the deal is done.

March 13, 2010 | 69 Comments | Permalink

“Backwards” Is A Good Word, So Is “Hick-A-Billy”


If you thought that the only place this sort of thing happened was in undeveloped and backward theocracies – think again.

An 18-year-old lesbian student who wanted to take her girlfriend to her senior prom is asking a federal judge to force her Mississippi school district reinstate the dance it cancelled rather than let the couple attend.

March 12, 2010 | 16 Comments | Permalink

Stephen Harper Says


Step out of the car and prove you are sober.


There are all sorts of different ways that the proponents of this chunk on intrusive law are going to try and spin it, but essentially that’s what we’re looking at – drivers in Canada will soon be pulled to the side of the road and forced to prove that they are sober.

March 11, 2010 | 18 Comments | Permalink

Stephen Harpers Government


Getting things done — or at the very least talking a real good game.

CIDA’s Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund: millions raised, nothing spent

March 10, 2010 | 6 Comments | Permalink

Partisan Straw Grasping


Every now and again you read something from someone who really should know better – this is one of those times, and David Akin is one of those people.


The judge who sentenced Rahim Jaffer is a Tory?

March 9, 2010 | 19 Comments | Permalink

God Apparently Scribbled On His Hand Too

At an Ohio Right to Life fundraiser Friday night, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin once again defended the notes she wrote on her hand during last month’s Tea Party Convention. She said she didn’t have a good answer to media criticism at the time, but now she has one: God did it too.

March 9, 2010 | 8 Comments | Permalink

Give it to Mikey

A photographic salute to Michael Ignatieff’s bold and unequivocal response to the Harper Budget.

March 5, 2010 | 6 Comments | Permalink

Vatican Hit By Gay Sex Scandal

Vatican chorister sacked for allegedly procuring male prostitutes for papal gentleman-in-waiting

How convoluted is it that the same organization known for sheltering and protecting pedophiles will give someone the papal pink slip for arranging a simple business transaction between consenting adults where no harm or hurt is involved.

March 5, 2010 | 2 Comments | Permalink

A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words


I popped over to the site to have a look at what they had to say about the latest Harper budget but didn’t get much passed the image of Ignatieff they have on the page — that’s a “Oh please don’t make it a budget we absolutely have to vote down!! pose if I’ve ever seen one.

March 5, 2010 | 4 Comments | Permalink

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  • Patrick Ross: Riiiiiight, Tickles. Because bringing inconvenient details to your attention is “stalking”....
  • stageleft: @Throbbin: The beaver is noble?
  • Holly Stick: Like the blog comment I read a few years ago: “Why don’t you do like a Buddhist monk and...
  • Peter: “how many of them proudly display the noble Beaver on their websites?” None, perhaps, but they proudly...
  • Ti-Guy: *sigh* The stalking begins again…
  • Patrick Ross: Oh, yeah, Ti. The Conservatives are the only ones abusing 10%ers… Or not. Oops.
  • Ti-Guy: Ew. Anyway, since this post is about advice…one of my favourite journalists, David Olive, has picked up...
  • Throbbin: If one accepts that human generated Greenhouse Gases are dangerous and harming the planet, I propose the...
  • balbulican: “how many of them proudly display the noble Beaver on their websites?” Well, Wendy Sullivan...
  • Throbbin: The shame is that they *could* improve public discourse and Democracy if they weren’t so lame....

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