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Human rights out in Malaysia deal

The Gillard Government is under fire for its Malaysian solution.

Slain Digger cited by NATO

Sgt Brett Wood

SERGEANT Brett Wood was was recognised by the US commander of the NATO campaign in Afghanistan for his bravery.

Crisis 'could destroy' Defence

Australian Navy ship

THE head of defence acquisition has admitted that the the plan to build three new air warfare destroyers, is a "crisis".

Out of their depth

Spanish frigate

AFTER days of enduring a horror run of bad publicity, senior defence official Warren King made his stand.

Tragedy points to problems with borders

Debbie Guest

THE more that one of Australia's worst peacetime maritime disasters is isvestigated, the more flaws in the nation's border security are being exposed.

Nation farewells a 'true warrior'

Wood funeral

A HIGHLY-decorated Australian commando has been honoured by the United States military at his funeral in Sydney.

Security concern as cyber threat grows

cyber attack

THE Gillard government is so concerned about attacks on computer systems it will produce a white paper focusing on cyber security.

Slain Digger 'shot at random'

Lance Corporal Andrew Jones

IT appears likely Lance Corporal Andrew Jones was shot at random by a renegade Afghan soldier as he walked out of his accommodation.

Top gun warns of maritime rivalry


THE commander of the US Pacific forces says the assertiveness of rival navies in the South China Sea had taken aback regional observers.

Solo soldier fights off 30 Taliban

Dipprasad Pun

A NEPALESE soldier in the British army has been given a top bravery award by the Queen for single-handedly seeing off more than 30 Taliban fighters.

US beating Russia in nuclear arms race

Russian ICBM

THE United States has 30 per cent more deployed long-range ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads than Cold War foe Russia, according to new data.

Our troops must leave Afghanistan

opinthumb Greg Sheridan

AUSTRALIAN politicians have been on autopilot over the Taliban and Pakistan.

42 comments on this story

No photo of rogue Afghan

110531 AUS NEWS PIC Andrew Jones

AUSTRALIAN forces searching for an Afghan soldier over the shooting death of Andrew Jones have not distributed a photo of the wanted man.

Somalia gave chief lesson in war and peace

David Hurley

MONTHS spent commanding Australian peacekeeping troops in Somalia gave David Hurley vital experience.

A new man on the front line

David Hurley

DAVID Hurley is a steady as she goes appointment.

Age news judgment under fire

Sgt Brett Wood

THE deaths of two Australian soldiers in Afghanistan would normally be considered front-page news any day of the week.

Anzac promo 316

Imam wants sharia, but A-G says no way

Sheikh Mohamadu Nawas Saleem

ONE of the nation's top Muslim leaders, Sheik Mohamadu Nawas Saleem, has supported a plan to introduce sharia law in Australia.

Low-paid workers win $22 a week rise

wage demand

MOST of the nation's 1.4 million low-paid workers stand to receive wage rises of at least $22 a week from July 1.

Treasury failure cost chances for reform

Martin Parkinson

THE HEAD of  Treasury has conceded his department's failure to forecast the strength of the resources boom resulted in lost opportunities during the Howard years.

Intervention child health checks flawed


A KEY strategy of the Northern Territory intervention - child health check-ups - did not meet World Health Organisation guidelines,

Degree of knowledge a good thing

Julie Hare

GENERATION Z, aka the millenials, the iGeneration and generation Next, are on track to be the most educated cohort in history.

Labor urged to revive Pacific Solution

Asylum seekers

LABOR'S support base on border security is crumbling, with a key critic of the Howard government's Pacific Solution calling for its partial revival.

Coalition urges more action on forests


THE Coalition has called on the government to reinvigorate a Howard government policy and invest far more in halting global forest loss to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard Promo

Member for Lalor (ALP). Australia's first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard was returned to power in an election that resulted in the first hung parliament since 1940.


Also in The Australian Today

Human rights 'critical' in refugee deal

THE Gillard government said human rights will be a "critical" part of its final asylum-seeker deal with Malaysia, as the UN backed away from  criticisms of the plan.

Android app can 'hack' Facebook, Twitter

FACEBOOK and Twitter users face a new security headache from an Android app that allows anyone to hack social media accounts at public WiFi spots.

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Wall St tumbles on bleak labour report

US stocks tumbled again, capping the first five-week losing run in seven years as dismal jobs data foreshadowed extended economic uncertainty.