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Mar 06 - Mar 12
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Monthly Jihad Report
 February, 2010
 Jihad Attacks:






 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:



Muslim Rights Vs. Muslim Wrongs
Islam's Indian Slave Trade
European Slave Trade by Muslim Turks
Islam in Africa
(Video) My Slave, My Infidel
The Islam Saturation Index
Ten Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace
What is 'Islamophobia'?"

"Brother, you can believe in stones, so long as you don't throw them at me..."
Wafa Sultan on al-Jazeera

Fundamentalist Fashion Show

Daily Show: Marijuana Debate

"It's a sad day when a man changes his oil with a credit card instead of a wrench"

Other Lessons for Men
"A man..."

Knows his Limits
Doesn't Compensate

Has a Pair
Respects Women *

* Most important lesson: 

A real man knows to
treat women with respect.



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or a Producer?

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. .
Picture of the Week

eep on truckin'...

Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace
"He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause"
Muhammad, prophet of Islam

2010.03.18 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Islamic terrorists murder a woman inside her home.
2010.03.18 (Sherquat, Iraq) - Two men are abducted and beheaded by suspected al-Qaeda.
2010.03.18 (Netiv Haasara, Israel) - A 30-year-old farm laborer is killed by a Palestinian rocket fired from Gaza.
2010.03.17 (Mosul, Iraq) - A 55-year-old Christian father is shot down in cold blood.
2010.03.17 (Dyie, Nigeria) - Thirteen more Christian villagers are massacred by Muslim raiders in an overnight attack.
2010.03.17 (Yala, Thailand) - Muslim militants murder a teenage boy and seriously injure his parents.


Articles & Commentary

Desperate Housewives (Religion of Peace Style)  (Human Events)
Two American women are arrested for plotting to kill a cartoonist. Bet you can't guess their religion.

Silencing the Jews  (Pajamas Media)
A well-researched article on Islam's inherent and historical hostility to Jewish people.

Baida's Story  (Islam Monitor)
She may act psychotic, but "the only psychological disorder Baida suffers is that she is a devout Muslim following Islam's text and the fine example of Mohammad."

Ready. . . Set. . . Lie  (Jihad Watch)
Recent CAIR falsehoods.

Whitewashing Genocide the Easy Way  (Jerusalem Post)
"It is bad enough that millions of Armenians were slaughtered in 1915 and that thousands of Christian Nigerians are hacked to death and buried in mass graves. It is worse that their deaths are denied or ascribed to 'underlying causes'."

Break the Silence on Islam  (Right Side News)
"One cannot point to Jihadists or terrorists and say Muhammad did not advocate it."

Kiss of Death for Dubai Tourism?  (Wall Street Journal)
Will the recent moral crackdown turn away Westerners?

Why are We Still Bowing?  (
At what point will the American President realize that his good will isn't being reciprocated?

Hamas Childrens Cartoon Incites Hatred  (MEMRI)
Jewish parents would not tolerate this sort of Saturday morning fare for their children.

No Compromise over Jerusalem  (FrontPage Magazine)
How dare the Israelis construct housing in their own capital?

The Christian Genocides: An Inconvenient Truth  (Assyria Times)
In 1915, Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks were butchered by the hundreds of thousands by Muslim Turks, who are now suffering hurt feelings over not having completely gotten away with it.

Islamic Calculus: Women as Functions of Male Lust  (NewsRealBlog)
"Not only do Islamic women exist for men, according to Islam their very ontological significance is derived from their relation to men. Apart from men, they have no final cause, no purpose."

Obama's Israel Crisis  (FrontPage Magazine)
Israel builds family houses. Hamas lobs missiles at them. Guess which one garners international condemnation?

Jihad Janes Allies in the Courts  (NY Daily News)
"Lawfare Jihad" targets freedom of speech.

The True Face of Islam  (MEMRI)
We've been running a bit short on articles lately. Here is a nice collection of short videos that we hope keeps our readers entertained until things pick up a bit.

An Open Letter to Geert Wilders  (FrontPage Magazine)
"Your accusers are a pack of soi-disant anti-Dreyfusards, Vichy-type sellouts, cowards and hypocrites."

The Persecuted Jihadi  (Pajamas Media)
Women in America getting beat down in public bathrooms and office hallways? Muslim men are taking this "battle of the sexes" thing way too seriously.

More Crazy Talk from "Muslims of America"  (Pajamas Media)
Move over Fred Phelps. You've got competition.

Muhammad and the Denial of Human Rights  (Islam Watch)
"Muhammad never defended the human rights of kafirs. In Muhammad's Medina, jihad occurred on the average of every six weeks."

Muslims Massacre 500 Christians - World Yawns  (Right Side News)
"If you hear them shouting 'Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar', then it means that they have killed somebody."

Dialogue with Hezbollah is Futile  (Global Politician)
Hezbollah's real victim is Lebanon.

Too Radical for Hamas?  (Times Dispatch)
How bad has it gotten for Gazans when the moderate choice is an Islamist terrorist group that promises to only murder Jews?

FOX News Becomes a Hen?  (FSM)
Populism and Saudi money are a bad combination for viewers of an American news network.

Trusting Terrorists, Abandoning Troops  (American Spectator)
Since when does torture include a 6,000 calorie diet?

Muslims' Sheep Mentality  (Amil Imani)
A hard-hitting article that we believe is really about the average devout Muslim - as opposed to the average Muslim.

Where Feminists Get it Right  (South Bend)
Slightly off-topic, perhaps, but an interesting article nonetheless.

Pilgrim Non Grata in Mecca  (News-Record)
A New York Times columnist discovers that Islam has different rules for non-Muslims.

Terrorizing Christian Girls in Iraq  (YouTube)
Gang rapists yelling 'Allahu Akbar.' Certainly that would be of no surprise to our readers, but the stories of their victims are heartwrenching nonetheless.

View Articles Archive... 

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Previous Picture of the Week

Although hardly worth comparing to what Muslim bigots do
to churches and Christians in the Islamic world, this recent
vandalism  of a Nashville mosque (if genuine) was absolutely
deplorable - and thankfully
short-lived.  (See also, Spencer's
skepticism and Muslim examples of hate crime hoaxes A, B, C

A 48-year-old Somali begs for his life as he is partially
buried in preparation for stoning over adultery by an
Islamic court.  (Needless-to-say,
he wasn't successful).

Colonial Hills Christian - Tammy McKee


Obedient Women
Obedient Women

 Islam gets results.

Respectful Children
Respectful Children

Impressive Technical Skills

Moral Clarity


Previous Picture of the Week

In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10
countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.
Jeanette Runyon


Hate speech? Sounds like it to us, too... but, oddly enough, devout Muslims would have to disagree.

(Some people don't seem to understand the point that we're making here.  Try clicking on the link!)


Gay Pride Day in Iran

<Image Permanently Removed to Satisfy Censorware Providers>

But it was a good one...  two gay teens hanging out in Iran, as it were.  Good times...


So, you think the Ku Klux Klan
and the Spanish Inquisition are bad?
So do we, but...

Put the Numbers in Perspective

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years. (

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years. (source)

Muslim countries have lower rates of adultery.

<Image Permanently Removed to Satisfy Censorware Providers>

Yep, this was a good one too... a picture of a woman being planted
  in the ground and pelted with rocks for having unauthorized sex. 
Hey, can you really argue with the results?  There is less adultery...


It's all about Iraq, isn't it?

Yep, it's all about Iraq and...

India and the Sudan and Algeria and Afghanistan and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Ingushetia and Dagestan and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and Lebanon and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and California and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Iran and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Louisiana and Texas and Tanzania and Germany and Australia and Pennsylvania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Scotland and Chad and Canada and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and...

...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who
are near to you, and let them find harshness in you,
and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty"
 Qur'an, Sura 9:123


Chicago Muslim Pleads Guilty to Helping Murder 160 in India...
Fiance's Family Tells Simon Cowell to Convert to Islam...
Cleric Advocates New Mecca Mosque to Segregate Genders...
UK Cab Driver Rapes Disabled Teen...
Dutch Mayor Warns of Muslim 'No-Go' Areas...
Civilian Dies as Palestinians Attack Israel with Rockets...
Turkey Threatens to Expel Thousands of Armenians...
Taliban Fire at Troops from Behind Women and Children...
'Jewish-Sounding Names' Make CAIR Suspicious...
Brooklyn 'Arabic' Public School Tops NYC's Most Violent...
Turks Have the 'Cure' for Gays?
Teacher Assaults Child with Attention Deficit Disorder...
Gay Muslim Snookers NY Woman with Marriage Scam...
Gaza Gold Bazaar Thrives...
Dutch Report: Jihad Threat Diminished by Wife and Baby...
UK Report: Jihads Ready to Sacrifice Wives and Babies...
'I Could Not Reconcile Living in the U.S. and Being a Muslim...
Hitler Has Following in Pakistan...
Palestinian Authorities Shut Down Sole Christian Broadcaster
Turkey Urges German Turks Not to Integrate...
55-Year-Old Catholic Factory Owner 'Executed' (Mosul)...
Apostate Woman's Fingernails Torn Out by Family...
'Sexting' Lands Couple in Jail - 'Coercion to Commit Sin'...
Hamas Minister of Religion: Jews are Bacteria to be Annihilated...
Jihad du Jour: 13 More Christians Murdered in Nigeria...
Priest's Killer Slain by Russian Police...
Pak. Judge Blames Hindus for Terrorism...
Nigerian Muslims Encouraged to 'Jihad in the Cause of Allah'...
Christian Dies Days after Islamic Attack on Charity...
Brussels Mosque Links to Holocaust Denial 'Portals'...
'Unclean' Dog Stops Muslim Illegal from Raping UK Woman...
Maid Burned Alive to Keep Muslim Rape Quiet...
Turkey Restricts Travel for Artificial Insemination to 'Protect the Extraction of the Country'...
Quebec Takes Stand against Veil...
Teacher Drugs, Sexually Assaults Young Christian Girls...
Lockerbie Bomber 'Better than Ever' Brags Gaddafi's Son...
Dutch City Becomes Capital of Moroccan Criminals...
Children Pay Price as Morocco Deports Christians...
Malaysia Rejects Child Marriage Reform - Defends Islamic Law...
Taliban Train Kids to Behead, Write Messages with Blood...
Attempted Rapist of Schoolgirl Fined $144 by Local Jirga...
Prison for Violent Husbands is 'Against the Qur'an', Says Cleric
San Francisco Gay Bashers Taped 11 Other Attacks...
Facebook Takes Down Fake 'Allah' Fan Page...
Muslim Women Defy Cleric's 'Advice' to Stay Out of Politics...
Terrorists Target Child Recruits Via Facebook, Twitter...
Uzbekistan Cracks Down on Freedom of Religion...
Fort Hood Shooter 'Subpar' for Army - Retained Anyway...
Microsoft Bing Going Soft on Islam?...
Obama's Cousin Says Time to Deliver to Muslim World...
Family: Colorado Woman Turning Young Son into 'Baby Bomber'...
11-Year-Old Bride Abandoned, Mother Blames 'Black Magic'...
(UK) 'Slave Brides' Speaking Out...
Couple Sentenced to Month in Jail for 'Peck on the Cheek'...
Hamas Sermon: 'Rome Will be Conquered by Islam'...
Sharia Law Imposed by Muslim Gangs in British Prisons...
'Sharia in Ireland' Website Gets 270,000 Hits...
Swiss Muslims Demand Islamic Cemetery in Every Canton...
Pakistanis Caught Plotting Terror Attack on Indian Shopping Mall...
Jewish Students Attacked by Muslims in Norway...
Abuse and Polygamy Charges Filed against Spanish Imam...
American al-Qaeda Tricked Guard with Prayer Request...
(Spain) Men Who Passed Sharia Death Sentence Releaed when Woman Fails to Show...
NY Woman Assaulted for Dissing Muslim on Dance Floor...
Pakistani Girl Murdered after Turning Down 'Suitor'...
Charge: Pakistan to Compensate Families of 26/11 Terrorists...
Kissing Couple Taken Down Quickly by Dubai Police...
Saudis Uphold Death Sentence for Magician...
Second 'Jihad Jane': Colorado Convert Captured in Ireland...
Egypt: 3,000 Muslims Attack Christians over Church Rumor...
(UK) Muslim Police Association Funded 15 Times over Christian...
Malaysia Child Marriage: Psycho-logists Take On Islamists...
Ohio Youth Pastor a Victim of Islamic 'Lawfare'?...
New DOJ Letter Affirms CAIR's Unindicted Co-conspirator Status
Obama Tasks NASA with Muslim Outreach Program...
Jihad du Jour: Fresh Suicide Bombing Leaves 13 Dead...
Indonesian Christians Defy Order to Close Church...
Hindus, Sikhs Targeted by Muslim Rioters in India...
Dildo Bust in Kuwait...
Report: 98% of Foreign Women Sexually Harrased in Egypt...
al-Qaeda Frees Spanish Hostage after She Embraces Islam...
Jihad Jane Vows Not to Quit 'Until Islam Dominates the World'...
Indian Clerics Blast Bill that Encourages Women in Politics
Canada 'Can't Stop' Muslim Men from Child Marriages...
Anti-Terror Cleric Admits Life in Danger...
Azerbaijani Bloggers Jailed for Satirical Donkey Video...
Would-Be Suicide Bomber Worked for British Airways...
(France) Teacher Sprayed with Gas after Denouncing al-Qaeda...
Christian Couple Begins 25-Year Sentence for Touching Qur'an...
Court Orders Muslim Convert to Return Baby to Hindu Mother...
Report: Half of UN Food Aid Diverted from Starving Somalis...
Murdered Christian Aid Workers 'Forewarned' over 'Immodesty'...
Jos Survivors Found Children, Women Hacked to Death...
Radical Imam to Open Virginia State Legislature...
UK Muslim Gang Sentenced for Torturing Teen Kidnap Victim...
Hitler 'Heiled' in Malmo, Sweden
Morocco Cracks Down on Christians...
(Turkey) Illiterate Woman Given 7-Years for Placard...
Mother Tells of Her Own Baby's Slaughter...
(US) 'Jihad Jane' Thought Blond Hair, Blue Eyes Would Help Plot to Murder Cartoonist...
Vancouver Expects to Triple Muslim Population in 20 Years...
Christian Dies During Muslim Home Invasion...
British 'Non-Faith School First to become 'Halal Certified'...
Gaza Women Denied Inheritance Rights...
Suicide Bomber Unleashes Holy Hell on School Kids...
French Resistance Forming against Sharia Fast Food...
Turkey to Withold Ambassador from U.S...
Muslim Refugees Starving to Death in Bangladesh...
Tortured Pastor Faces Execution in Iran...
Turkey: Homosexuality a 'Biological Disorder'...
Women in Nigeria's Muslim North: 'We are Seen as Slaves'...
'No Mercy' As Muslims Even Scalped Children...
UK Muslims More Outraged by Film than Massacre?...
Seven Arrested in Ireland over Plot to Kill Cartoonist...
UC Berkeley Jew Assaulted with Shopping Cart of Donated Toys...
Women Victimized by Rising Polygamy in Kyrgystan...
Nigerian Jihadis Yelled 'Allah Akbar' During Massacre...
Turkish Police Storm Synagogue
Mother Forced to Leave Her Children in Saudi Arabia...
UAE to Follow 'Third Reich' Policies against Jews...
'Broad Support' for Sharia in Australia...
Russia Kills Ingushetia's Leading Islam Advocate and Terrorist...
(US) Women Continue Battle against Gender-Segregation...
Hindu Girl Strangled to Death in Public Toilet by 'Lover'...
Freed Gitmo Detainee Leads Bloody Wave of Afghan Terror...
(Nigeria) Death Toll of Massacred Christians Tops 500...
Fort Hood Shooter Called 'Ideal Role Model' for Muslims...
'Prusdish' Microsoft Bing Censors Sex-Related Queries...
Scottish Law Firm Branches into 'Sharia Advice'...
Pakistan Leads in Gender Based Disparities...
Pakistani MP's Fly Home Rather than Go through Body Scanner...
(UK) Female Councillor Gets Death Threats over Dress...
Ahmadinejad Says 9/11 Attacks a 'Big Lie'...
Magazine Apologizes for Church Desecration, Not for Spying...
Islamic TV Founder (and Famed Beheader) Denies He's Religious
Ex-Terrorist Invents 'Halal' Soap...
Indonesian Students Call Obama 'Enemy of Islam'...
Obama Vows to Block Armenian Genocide Resolution...
Cancer-Stricken Hindu Maid Dies after Being Thrown into Street...
Egypt Acquits Beheaders of 61-Year-Old Christian...
London Islamists Rail against 'Fags' - Advocate Death Penalty...
Somali Islamists Ban English and Science Classes...
Suicide Bomber Steps in Shop to Avoid Rain, Accidently Detonates
Posters of Unveiled Candidates Cause Traffic Accidents...
Clashes Ensue as Muslims Pelt Praying Jews with Rocks...
Egyptian Tycoon on Trial for Killing Singer to Hide Affair...
San Francisco Muslims Jailed for Anti-Gay Hate Crime...
Indians Were Hunted Down in Kabul Attacks...
Arab States 'Fully Support' Libya Following Call to 'Holy War'...
9/11 'Truther' Opens Fire on the Pentagon...
Property Dispute Turns Stupid...
California Seeks Death Penalty against Hindu Man's Killer...
Hamas Bans Men from Working in Women's Hair Salons...
Turkey Threatens Washington over Genocide Recognition...
Kidnapped Sikhs Forced to Cut Hair, Convert to Islam...




List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 2 Months

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2010.03.18 Iraq Sherquat 2 0 Two men are abducted and beheaded by suspected al-Qaeda.
2010.03.18 Israel Netiv Haasara 1 0 A 30-year-old farm laborer is killed by a Palestinian rocket fired from Gaza.
2010.03.18 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Islamic terrorists murder a woman inside her home.
2010.03.17 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 55-year-old Christian father is shot down in cold blood.
2010.03.17 Nigeria Dyie 13 6 Thirteen more Christian villagers are massacred by Muslim raiders in an overnight attack.
2010.03.17 Thailand Yala 1 2 Muslim militants murder a teenage boy and seriously injure his parents.
2010.03.16 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A woman and her daughter are gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
2010.03.16 India Srinagar 4 9 A salesman is among four people murdered in two separate attacks by Islamic snipers.
2010.03.16 Pakistan Kurram 3 0 Three local tribesmen are killed in a botched kidnapping attempt by Taliban hardliners.
2010.03.16 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamists shoot a 38-year old teacher to death in an attack that leaves his 7-year-old son injured.
2010.03.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamic radicals shoot a 43-year-old Buddhist civilian to death.
2010.03.16 Iraq Mussayab 8 11 Jihadis plant two bombs on a bus that leave eight dead and eleven more in agony.
2010.03.15 Iraq Fallujah 8 28 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates among a group of laborers, leaving at least eight dead.
2010.03.15 Iraq Khaldiya 1 0 A Sunni cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2010.03.15 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Three police are killed in separate Mujahideen attacks.
2010.03.15 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 0 Three civilians are shredded by a Taliban shrapnel bomb.
2010.03.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An imam leaving a mosque is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2010.03.14 Pakistan Khyber 2 0 An electrician is among two civilians shot to death by Islamic militants.
2010.03.14 India Srinagar 1 5 Islamic militants lob a hand grenade at a police vehicle, killing one officer.
2010.03.14 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Islamic terrorists kill a civilian with a landmine.
2010.03.14 Afghanistan Marjah 1 0 A reported beheading of a local civilian by the Taliban is confirmed.
2010.03.14 Iraq Mosul 4 2 Four local cops are cut to pieces by Jihadi roadside bombers.
2010.03.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 35 52 About thirty innocent people are incinerated by a series of paradise-seeking suicide bombers
2010.03.13 Pakistan Mohmand 3 0 Three tribal members are machine-gunned to death by Religion of Peace radicals.
2010.03.13 Iraq Baghdad 3 19 Three Iraqis are taken down by a pair of Jihad blasts.
2010.03.13 Pakistan Mingora 17 51 Seventeen people at a courthouse are blown to bits by a Tehreek-e-Taliban suicide bomber pulling a rickshaw.
2010.03.12 Pakistan Lahore 57 90 Over fifty innocents are sent to Allah by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2010.03.12 Iraq Karbalah 2 3 A car bomb follows prayers, leaving two dead.
2010.03.12 Egypt Marsa Matruh 0 23 Twenty-three Chistians are injured when a Muslim mob attacks their community after rumors of a church construction.
2010.03.12 Thailand Yala 2 2 A respected police chief is murdered by Islamic bombers six months short of retirement.
2010.03.12 Iraq Zoubaa 1 1 Freedom fighters kill a young boy outside of a policeman's home.
2010.03.12 India Srinagar 1 0 A civilian standing outside a mosque is murdered by a Mujahideen sniper.
2010.03.11 Pakistan Bajaur 2 0 Two people are killed in a shooting ambush by Islamic militants.
2010.03.11 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Four Sunnis are shot to death by Shiites while riding in a car.
2010.03.11 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Three telephone company workers are shot by Mujahideen and then set on fire while still alive.
2010.03.11 Pakistan Peshawar 4 21 A child is among four people taken down by a suicide bomber.
2010.03.11 Afghanistan Kapisa 5 3 Four children and one adult are dismembered by a Taliban roadside blast.
2010.03.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists gun down a 61-year-old Buddhist broom salesman.
2010.03.11 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two telecom employees are dragged into the street and beheaded by Religion of Peace extremists.
2010.03.11 Afghanistan Paktia 3 1 Three local security personnel are murdered by fundamentalist bombers.
2010.03.10 Afghanistan Faryab 2 4 Two children are blown apart by a terrorist landmine. Four others are injured.
2010.03.10 Somalia Mogadishu 42 83 At least forty civilians are killed during a sustained assault by al-Shabaab militia.
2010.03.10 Pakistan Oghi 6 0 Six aid workers of a Christian charity are herded out of their office by Muslim gunmen and machine-gunned to death.
2010.03.10 Afghanistan Paktika 5 4 Five security personnel are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2010.03.09 Afghanistan Khost 2 3 A Shahid suicide bomber at a military base kills two soldiers.
2010.03.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Sunni terrorists gun down a man at a bus station.
2010.03.09 Lebanon Hakr al-Daheri 1 0 A 24-year-old woman with a boyfriend is shot twice in the head by her brother to 'cleanse the family honor.'
2010.03.09 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 At least three civilians are killed during an attack by Islamic militia.
2010.03.09 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists assassinate a rival in an open-air market.
2010.03.09 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 45-year-old salesman is shot once in the back of the head, then set on fire by Religion of Peace terrorists.
2010.03.08 Pakistan Lahore 15 60 Fifteen people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at an office park.
2010.03.08 Afghanistan Badghis 12 0 Ten civilians and two local cops are dismembered by two Sunni bombs.
2010.03.08 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 1 Two tribal elders are blown apart by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2010.03.08 Pakistan Lashkar-e-Islam 2 0 Lashkar-e-Islam gunmen take down two people in separate attacks.
2010.03.08 Iraq Fallujah 2 1 Two civilians are gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
2010.03.08 Niger Niamey 5 0 Five members of a border patrol lose their lives to an al-Qaeda ambush.
2010.03.07 Yemen Sanaa 2 0 Two hospital guards are gunned down by an al-Qaeda terrorist.
2010.03.07 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Christian man dies during a home invasion by Muslim gunmen.
2010.03.07 Pakistan Orakzai 1 0 The beheaded body of a tribal elder is found a few days after his abduction by the Taliban.
2010.03.07 Iraq Baghdad 51 140 Over fifty Iraqis are taken down in a series of bomb blasts and shootings around the country by Mujahideen intent on disrupting elections.
2010.03.07 India Srinagar 1 0 A 30-year-old shopkeeper is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2010.03.07 Nigeria Dogo Nahauwa 528 600 Over five-hundred Christians, mostly women and children, are hacked to death by Muslim raiders with machetes in a night-time attack on their village. The killers yelled 'Allah Akbar,' as they chopped.
2010.03.06 Iraq Najaf 4 54 Four Shia pilgrims are killed when Sunni radicals bomb a shrine.
2010.03.06 Iraq Garma 1 2 A woman is taken out by a Jihadi bomber.
2010.03.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A taxi driver dies after a savage machete attack by Muslim separatists.
2010.03.05 Iraq Mussayab 1 0 A child is blown apart by Mujahideen bombers.
2010.03.05 Pakistan Hangu 12 35 At least four women are among a dozen dead Shiites after a Sunni suicide bomber detonates near a passenger bus.
2010.03.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 0 Five construction workers are shot to pieces at point-blank range by Islamic terrorists.
2010.03.04 Pakistan Chamarkand 1 0 One person is killed when religious extremists attack a security post with rockets.
2010.03.04 Iraq Baghdad 17 61 Three separate Jihad bombings take the lives of seventeen people, including voters waiting in line.
2010.03.03 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Terrorists stab a man and his wife to death inside their home.
2010.03.03 Somalia Mogadishu 12 49 Children are among those killed during an al-Shabaab assault.
2010.03.03 Iraq Baquba 33 55 Three Shahid suicide bombers take down more than thirty Iraqis in coordinated attacks.
2010.03.03 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An imam is gunned down in his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2010.03.02 Thailand Pattani 2 2 Islamists open fire on a father and his three daughters, killing him and a 7-year-old.
2010.03.02 Pakistan Khuzdar 2 12 Suspected fundamentalists bomb a music show, killing two college students.
2010.03.01 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Islamic fundamentalists bomb a liquor store, killing the owner and three patrons.
2010.03.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 15 A civilian is killed by a Taliban bomb.
2010.03.01 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 0 Two employees of a construction company are incinerated by a Sunni roadside bomb.
2010.03.01 Pakistan Karak 4 24 A Holy Warrior sends four innocents to Allah with a suicide bomb.
2010.03.01 Afghanistan Baghdad 3 0 A 10-year-old boy is among three people killed by dedicated Islamic bombers.
2010.03.01 Philippines Mindanao 1 0 A Chinese national dies from health complications suffered during an Abu Sayyaf kidnapping.
2010.03.01 India Shimoga 1 0 A man dies from injuries after being hit with stones thrown by a mob angered over a newspaper article deemed insulting to Islam.
2010.03.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four civilians die in a brutal suicide attack on a bridge.
2010.02.28 Afghanistan Khost 6 0 Six local soldiers die in two Taliban bomb attacks.
2010.02.28 Iraq Khalidiya 2 2 Jihadis take out two Iraqis with a car bomb.
2010.02.28 Afghanistan Kabul 5 2 Muslim terrorists shoot five family members to death inside their home.
2010.02.28 Afghanistan Helmand 11 0 Two women and two children are among eleven civilians taken down by Islamic bombers.
2010.02.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic separatists pump a 70-year-old man full of bullets as he is walking home.
2010.02.27 Pakistan Karak 4 23 A child is among four locals murdered in separate suicide bombings.
2010.02.27 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 7 A sectarian sniper takes down one civilian in a Sunni procession.
2010.02.27 Philippines Tubigan 15 13 Women and five children (ages 1 to 11) are among thirteen gunned down by Moro Islamists sweeping through a Christian village.
2010.02.27 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 7 38 Seven people are killed in a sectarian mob attack on a seminary.
2010.02.26 Afghanistan Kabul 17 32 Religious extremists attack guesthouses with suicide bombs and gunfire, killing seventeen people, including several foreigners.
2010.02.26 Liberia Voinjama 4 23 A Muslim mob burns churches and kills at least four Christians.
2010.02.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 An imam is shot to death by members of a rival mosque.
2010.02.26 Iraq Mosul 3 22 Three Iraqis are taken down by a Jihadi bomb planted in a dumpster.
2010.02.26 Somalia Mogadishu 4 5 An Islamist landmine attack leaves four local soldiers dead.
2010.02.25 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two members of a minority community are gunned down in their store by militant Muslims.
2010.02.25 India Pulwama 1 0 Mujahideen gun down a shopkeeper.
2010.02.25 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 3 Four British cyclists are delibertely run down by drivers in two cars. A 54-year-old humanitarian worker dies from injuries.
2010.02.25 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two women are killed in separate Jihad attacks. One is stabbed and the other beheaded.
2010.02.24 Pakistan Peshawar 4 0 Four young brothers, ages 4 to 17, are destroyed by a Taliban rocket attack on their home.
2010.02.24 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 0 Three civilians have their throats cut by the Taliban, who throw their headless bodies into a ditch.
2010.02.24 Pakistan Hangu 3 3 Suspected Islamic radicals fire on a railway car, killing three passengers, including a college student.
2010.02.24 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a judge with a bomb outside his home.
2010.02.23 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 7 14 Seven civilians at a bus stop are blown to pieces by a bicycle bomb.
2010.02.23 Iraq Mosul 2 5 Jihadis gun down two local cops.
2010.02.23 India Baramulla 3 3 Islamic militants open fire on a group of Indian soldiers, killing three.
2010.02.23 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 Islamists plant a bomb on a dead body, which kills three people assigned to remove the corpse.
2010.02.23 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A Christian father and his two sons are murdered in their home. They were relatives of a priest.
2010.02.23 Ingushetia Ordzhonikidzevskaya 1 0 A security officer is gunned down in his car by Muslim rebels.
2010.02.22 Indonesia Aceh 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death by Jemaah Islamiyah linked terrorists.
2010.02.22 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two guards at a shop are shot to death in a Muslim drive-by.
2010.02.22 Pakistan Mingora 13 41 Four women are among more than a dozen innocents blasted to death by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2010.02.22 India Baramulla 1 3 A local family is brutally assaulted by Muslim thugs, who smash the head of their 10-day old infant with a rock.
2010.02.22 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Sunni militants invade a home and gun down a Shia woman and her three daughters.
2010.02.22 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 A prominent Shia leader is assassinated by Sunni gunmen.
2010.02.22 Algeria Boumerdes 1 5 A local soldier is killed in a bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
2010.02.22 Iraq Baghdad 7 8 A university professor and a streetsweeper are among seven people shot to death by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
2010.02.22 Iraq Ramadi 5 5 A Jihadi car bomb takes down five Iraqis outside a government building, including a 6-year-old boy.
2010.02.22 Pakistan Swat 6 5 A half-dozen people are taken down by a Shahid suicide bomber at a marketplace.
2010.02.22 Iraq Baghdad 8 0 Eight Shia family members, including a pregnant woman are shot and beheaded in their home by suspected al-Qaeda.
2010.02.21 Iraq Taji 1 7 Sunni gunmen fire on a bus carrying Shia pilgrims, killing at least one passenger.
2010.02.21 Iraq Tikrit 1 2 A suicide bomber targeting a mosque manages to kill one civilian.
2010.02.21 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three men are killed in a Hizbul Islam bombing.
2010.02.21 Iraq Khanaqin 5 1 Jihadis gun down five guards at a power station at point-blank range
2010.02.21 Pakistan Khyber 2 0 The heads of three Sikhs, kidnapped by the Taliban, are discovered. Two were businessmen who did not pay the Jizya. The other would not embrace Islam.
2010.02.20 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 Two civilians on a motorcycle are murdered by Mujahid bombers.
2010.02.20 Pakistan Balakot 1 3 Three suicide attackers manage to kill only one police officer in assaults on two stations.
2010.02.20 Ingushetia Nazran 2 37 Two people are blown to bits by an Islamic bomb.
2010.02.20 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 57-year-old Christian shopkeeper is kidnapped and brutally shot to death by Muslim kidnappers.
2010.02.20 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Three Iraqis are dismembered by Sunni bombers.
2010.02.20 Pakistan Swat 1 0 The body of a businessman kidnapped earlier by Islamic fundamentalists is discovered.
2010.02.20 Afghanistan Helmand 6 2 The Taliban open fire on a group of police officers clearing a poppy field, killing six.
2010.02.20 Bangladesh Baghaichhari 8 200 At least eight people are killed when Muslim villagers riot against Christian and Buddhist neighbors.
2010.02.19 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 Islamic gunmen murder a cop on his way home.
2010.02.19 Iraq Ramadi 10 15 Terrorists successfully kill ten Iraqis with a car bomb.
2010.02.19 Philippines Basilan 2 1 Two local soldiers killed by an Abu Sayyaf bomb.
2010.02.19 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four civilians are taken down by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2010.02.18 Iraq Baghdad 13 26 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends over a dozen Iraqis to Allah.
2010.02.18 Pakistan Mingora 1 2 Taliban hard-liners ambush a police patrol, killing one officer.
2010.02.18 Iraq Mosul 0 22 A Jihadi car bombing injures two dozen people.
2010.02.18 Thailand Yala 1 12 Industrious Islamists shoot a civilian to death in one district and set off a motorcycle bomb in another.
2010.02.18 Pakistan Tirah 31 110 Thirty people are incinerated by a Shahid suicide bomber at a rival mosque.
2010.02.17 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Religion of Peace advocates behead two government soldiers trying to guard teachers.
2010.02.17 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Another young Christian is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2010.02.17 Philippines Mindanao 1 2 A 9-year-old boy is taken down by a Moro Islamist landmine.
2010.02.16 Iraq Mosul 2 9 Holy Warriors manage to kill two Iraqis with a car bomb.
2010.02.16 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A woman and a civil servant are gunned down in separate Jihad attacks.
2010.02.15 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 20-year-old Christian student is kidnapped and brutally murdered by Mujahideen.
2010.02.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 36-year-old man is shot to death by Islamic militants at his work site.
2010.02.15 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A rubber tapper and her daughter are gunned down by Muslim radicals on the plantation where they worked.
2010.02.15 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 42-year-old Christian is shot to death in front of his store.
2010.02.15 Yemen Jawf 1 0 A 51-year-old man is shot to death by Shia radicals while eating lunch.
2010.02.15 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 An al-Shabaab suicide bomber targets a moving vehicle, killing two bystanders.
2010.02.15 Lebanon Ain el Hilweh 2 0 An attack by a Sunni fundamentalist group leaves two people dead, including a woman.
2010.02.14 Pakistan Khyber 3 0 Muslim radicals gun down three civilians in separate attacks.
2010.02.14 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Mujahideen bomb a cafe, killing two patrons.
2010.02.14 Pakistan Sindh 3 16 Suspected fundamentalists bomb a movie theater, leaving at least three innocents dead.
2010.02.14 Ingushetia Nazran 2 0 Jihadis wipe out a young man and his mother near the entrance to a mosque.
2010.02.14 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Islamists brutally murder a Buddhist woman and her 13-year-old daughter.
2010.02.14 Iraq Mosul 1 1 Islamists enter a Christian businessman's home and murder him.
2010.02.14 Dagestan Novogodari 3 0 A young girl is among three people killed when Muslim gunmen open up on a vehicle.
2010.02.13 Iraq Kufa 6 10 A female suicide bomber murders at least six Shia pilgrims headed to a religious ceremony.
2010.02.13 India Pune 17 37 Five women are more than a dozen innocents blasted to death by a Mujahid bomber at a bakery near a Jewish center.
2010.02.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends two other souls to Allah.
2010.02.13 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim militants shoot a man sitting on his front porch with friends.
2010.02.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 44-year-old man is gunned down by Islamic militants while using the restroom.
2010.02.13 Pakistan Kasur 1 0 A Muslim mob beats a young man to death after his father declares himself a prophet.
2010.02.12 Iraq Buhriz 2 0 A man and his son are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers.
2010.02.12 Yemen Saada 1 7 Militant Shiites ambush and kill a government soldier.
2010.02.12 Somalia Afgoye 2 0 al-Shabaab Islamists shoot two civilians to death.
2010.02.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 38-year-old man is murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2010.02.11 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Jihadis murder a 17-year-old with an IED.
2010.02.11 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 An imam at a mosque is gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2010.02.11 Philippines Cotabato 1 0 Muslim extremists shoot a man to death as he is riding a motorbike to work.
2010.02.11 Pakistan Bannu 15 24 Fifteen innocents are blown to bits in a double suicide bombing by Islamic militants.
2010.02.10 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 4 Two Iraqi cops are blown apart by Mujahideen bombers.
2010.02.10 Somalia Hamarjajab 5 7 al-Shabaab militants take out five Somalis with a roadside bomb.
2010.02.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man at a bird singing competition is brutally gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2010.02.10 Pakistan Khyber 18 10 A teenage Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates along a highway, killing nearly twenty others.
2010.02.10 Israel Nablus 1 0 A Palestinian policeman walks up to an Israeli soldier and stabs him to death.
2010.02.10 Pakistan Khyber 1 2 The Taliban murder a member of a rescue team.
2010.02.10 Iraq Baquba 2 1 Jihadi gunmen take down two Iraqis in their own home.
2010.02.10 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two men are shot to death by Mujahideen in separate attacks.
2010.02.09 Sudan al-Baytari 4 15 Janjiweed militia attack a refugee camp and murder four residents.
2010.02.09 Egypt Menoufia 1 0 A young Christian carpenter is gunned down at close range by a Muslim policeman in a suspected sectarian attack.
2010.02.09 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Muslim assassins murder a man in front of his wife.
2010.02.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 41-year-old man is shot to death in his own backyard by Islamists.
2010.02.08 Pakistan Rawalpindi 4 1 Muslim terrorists open fire on a vehicle, killing two occupants and two bystanders.
2010.02.08 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 One civilian is killed by Jihadi bombers while crossing a bridge.
2010.02.08 Pakistan Khyber 1 4 A young girl is killed in a rocket attack by Sunni hardliners.
2010.02.08 Somalia Mogadishu 10 20 al-Shabaab claims responsibility for a series of attacks that leave at least ten civilians dead.
2010.02.08 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic radicals target a Buddhist teacher riding home on his motorcycle. He is shot and then set on fire.
2010.02.08 Pakistan Punjab 0 1 A Christian man is beaten unconscious for refusing to embrace Islam.
2010.02.08 India Sopore 1 0 A police officer is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2010.02.07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 An Afghan refugee is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic hardliners.
2010.02.07 Iraq Mosul 1 1 A female veterinarian is shot to death by Holy Warriors.
2010.02.07 Iraq Diwaniya 1 3 Jihadis bomb a minibus, killing one occupant.
2010.02.07 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 2 Islamists detonate a hidden bomb under a bridge, taking out a car full of local cops.
2010.02.07 Afghanistan Mazar-e Sharif 3 1 Two Swedes and their interpretor are shot to death by religious extremists dresses as police.
2010.02.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A local soldier in a moving truck is killed by a Mujahideen sniper.
2010.02.05 Iraq Karbalah 41 154 A barbaric Sunni double car-bombing against Shia pilgrims at a religious festival leaves at least forty dead.
2010.02.05 India Sopore 3 0 Islamic terrorists approach a police checkpoint and open fire, killing a civilian and two officers.
2010.02.05 Pakistan Karachi 33 80 A Christian family and dozens of Shiites are blown to bits by Sunni bombers at two locations, one a hospital.
2010.02.05 Afghanistan Helmand 2 20 Two civilians are incinerated by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2010.02.05 India Baramulla 2 0 A civilian and local cop are murdered in a Mujahideen ambush.
2010.02.05 Pakistan Malakand 1 0 A local soldier standing guard is gunned down in cold blood by Islamists.
2010.02.04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A man leaving a mosque is killed by a suspected Mujahid.
2010.02.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 17 Three people are dismembered by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2010.02.03 Pakistan Swat 9 115 Four children are among nine people killed when the Tehrik-e-Taliban bomb am opening ceremony at a girl's school.
2010.02.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Sunni bombers send a Shia pilgrim straight to Allah.
2010.02.03 Iraq Karbalah 23 147 A Fedayeen bomber passes out fruit to children before detonating, killing nearly two dozen.
2010.02.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A rubber tapper working with his wife is shot in the back by Muslim militants with a shotgun
2010.02.03 Iraq Touz Khormato 1 0 A teacher is kidnapped and killed by Muslim radicals.
2010.02.03 Germany Northrhein-Westphalia 1 0 A mother of four is beheaded and then has her fingers cut off in a suspected 'honor' attack by her husband.
2010.02.02 Iraq Karbalah 3 21 Three Shia pilgirms are murdered by Sunni bombers.
2010.02.02 Pakistan Mohmand 2 2 Two members of a peace community pay the ultimate price when Islamic hardliners blow them up.
2010.02.02 Philippines Maluso 1 8 Suspected Abu Sayyaf militants plant a landmine that kills one local soldier.
2010.02.01 Ingushetia Nazran 1 3 Islamists fire five grenades into a building, killing at least one occupant.
2010.02.01 Iraq Baghdad 54 117 A female suicide bomber murders fifty-four innocent Shia pilgrims at a hospitality tent, mostly women and children.
2010.02.01 Ingushetia Nazran 1 3 A bomb planted in a kindergarten explodes, leaving one person dead.
2010.01.31 Thailand Pattani 3 1 A 6-year-old boy and his parents are brutally shot to death by Religion of Peace advocates.
2010.01.31 Pakistan Mohmand 2 2 The Taliban take out two local troops with a landmine.
2010.01.31 Somalia Mogadishu 8 55 A mother and her 4-year-old child are among eight civilians killed during an al-Shabaab mortar attack.
2010.01.31 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A young woman is shot to death inside her home by Muslim terrorists.
2010.01.30 Iraq Samarrah 2 20 Two people at a restaurant are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2010.01.30 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered by Islamic radicals while on their way to work at a rubber plantation.
2010.01.30 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 1 A baby is killed when religious extremists use the mother as a human shield in an attack on Afghan troops.
2010.01.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 Sunni bombers take out a Shia pilgrim.
2010.01.30 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 The Taliban abduct two civilians, then shoot them to death in captivity.
2010.01.30 Pakistan Bajaur 16 20 A suicide bomber at a market sends sixteen shoppers straight to Allah.
2010.01.30 Somalia Mogadishu 12 25 A mother and her two children are among a dozen civilians burned or blasted to death when Islamists lob mortars into their neighborhood.
2010.01.30 Pakistan Bolochistan 3 7 Sectarian Jihadis fire into a bus filled with Shia pilgrims, killing at least three.
2010.01.29 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 3 At least one civilian is killed during a sustained Taliban assault on a commercial district.
2010.01.29 India Kishtwar 2 0 Two Indian troops are gunned down in cold blood by Islamic militants.
2010.01.29 Somalia Mogadishu 10 35 An al-Shabaab ambush leaves at least 10 people dead.
2010.01.29 Afghanistan Wardak 2 0 An interpreter suddendly turns on two US soldiers, killing both.
2010.01.29 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A bomb detonated at a mosque kills a local soldier.
2010.01.28 Iran Tehran 2 0 Two people are executed for 'waging war against Allah'.
2010.01.28 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 Islamic militants fire on a car, killing the driver.
2010.01.28 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two Ugandan peacekeepers die from shrapnel injuries suffered during an Islamist mortar attack.
2010.01.28 Iraq Adel 1 0 An imam is gunned down by Muslim rivals while leaving a mosque.
2010.01.28 Iraq Mosul 4 3 Jihadi bombers take down four Iraqis.
2010.01.27 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists assassinate a local official at a market.
2010.01.27 Pakistan Mardan 1 5 A drive-by attack by Sunni hardliners leaves one cop dead.
2010.01.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 A woman is among two people murdered by Mujahid gunmen.
2010.01.27 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Muslim terrorists shoot two people to death.
2010.01.27 Pakistan Dir 3 0 Three children are murdered by Taliban bombers while grazing their family goats.
2010.01.27 Somalia Hiran 8 0 Rival Islamic groups Hizbul Islam and al-Shabaab go on a beheading spree, lopping off at least four heads apiece.
2010.01.27 Ingushetia Nazran 2 2 Two police officers die in the hospital from injuries suffered in a Islamic ambush.
2010.01.26 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Two Buddhist contruction workers are among three people gunned down Islamic separatists in two attacks.
2010.01.26 Somalia Mogadishu 5 3 al-Shabaab Islamists bomb a hospital clinic, killing at leat five.
2010.01.26 Afghanistan Helmand 4 0 Talibanis ambush and kill four local policemen in the middle of the night.
2010.01.26 Iraq Baghdad 22 80 A Shahid suicide bomber murders over twenty people working at a police crime lab.
2010.01.26 Iraq Mosul 0 1 A Christian shopkeeper is targeted by Muslim gunmen and seriously injured.
2010.01.26 Pakistan Salarzai 1 0 A local tribesman is abducted and murdered by Sunni extremists.
2010.01.25 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two cops sitting at a gas station are wasted by Sunni gunmen.
2010.01.25 Somalia Sool 2 3 Two police officers are killed by a bomb hidden in a mosque.
2010.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 41 102 Three horrific bomb attacks on hotels leave at least three dozen dead and many more in agony.
2010.01.25 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A woman and her daughter are shot to death in their own home by Holy Warriors.
2010.01.25 Yemen Sanaa 3 0 al-Qaeda militants attack a checkpoint, killing three local soldiers.
2010.01.24 Iraq Mosul 6 2 Six Iraqis are killed in two Mujahid bomb blasts.
2010.01.23 Pakistan Gomal 4 11 Two children are among four people dismembered by a suicide bomber.
2010.01.23 Pakistan Orakzai 3 0 Three local soldiers are ambushed and killed by religious extremists.
2010.01.23 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A young marine is murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2010.01.23 Pakistan North Waziristan 7 0 Seven civilians are kidnapped and executed by Sunni hardliners.
2010.01.23 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 A 16-year-old boy is sent straight to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2010.01.23 Afghanistan Helmand 2 2 Muslim radicals take out two children with an IED blast.
2010.01.23 Afghanistan Paktika 4 3 Islamic hardliners fire into a taxi, killing three women and a boy.
2010.01.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Jihadi gunmen assassinate two police officers.
2010.01.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 1 Four soldiers are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2010.01.22 Pakistan Pattar 2 0 Two tribal elders are murdered by Muslim militants and dumped under a bridge.
2010.01.22 Bangladesh Netrokona 0 2 A Catholic humanitarian worker and his wife are attacked by a gang of Muslims.
2010.01.22 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 12-year-old Christian girl is raped, tortured and killed by her Muslim employer, a respected lawyer.
2010.01.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 42-year-old defense volunteer is gunned down by Islamic radicals while riding a motorcycle.
2010.01.21 Iraq Mussayab 1 5 Mujahideen murder a cop with a roadside bomb.
2010.01.21 Pakistan Bajaur 3 22 A woman is among three people blown to bits by an Islamic bomb.
2010.01.20 Iraq Mosul 0 45 A suicide bomber injures over forty Iraqis, but manages to kill only himself.
2010.01.20 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A woman 8-months pregnant is stabbed to death with an axe and dagger by her family for marrying against their will.
2010.01.19 Pakistan Jandola 2 0 Islamic hardliners end the lives of two local soldiers with a bomb.
2010.01.19 Somalia Bosasso 1 0 Fundamentalists shoot a man to death inside his bookstore.
2010.01.19 Somalia Mogadishu 19 30 Women and children are among nineteen killed when Islamists launch multiple assaults on 'apostates and Christian backers.'
2010.01.19 Pakistan Mohmand 2 2 Religious extremists open fire on a peace committee, killing two members.
2010.01.18 Algeria Kabylie 1 0 Armed fundamentalists cut down a cop at point blank range.
2010.01.18 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Muslim gunmen storm a humanitarian office, killing four workers and a mother in front of her 3-year-old daughter.
2010.01.18 Afghanistan Kabul 5 71 Fedayeen stage a massive suicide attack against government buildings in the capital, leaving at least five dead.
2010.01.18 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Islamic terrorists gun down a Christian man inside a grocery.
2010.01.18 Pakistan Mohmand 1 2 The Taliban attack a village, killing a defense volunteer.
2010.01.17 Afghanistan Chishti Sharif 6 0 Sunni hardliners open fire on a vehicle, killing six local occupants.
2010.01.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist woman is dismembered by a Muslim bomb thrown into a karaoke bar.
2010.01.17 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two civilians are gunned down by Islamic radicals in separate attacks.
2010.01.17 Iraq Mosul 2 0 At least one of two men gunned down in a targeted shooting is a Christian father of two.
2010.01.17 Iraq Kharab 3 0 According to reports, three brothers are dragged out of their home and shot to death on their doorstep by Muslim terrorists.
2010.01.17 Nigeria Jos 48 96 Muslim youth go on a rampage, hacking about 48 Christians to death after an attack outside a church. The victims include two pastors.

We are tired of the arrogance, excuses, and whiny demands.
 It's time for Muslims to take responsibility and end the violence.
Tammy McKee of Colonial Hills Christian
Previous Years:

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2009

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2008

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2007

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2006

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2005

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2004

Islamic Attacks from September 11th, 2001 through 2003

About the List of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims

"The spread of Islam was military. There is a tendency to
apologize for this and we should not.  It is one of the
injunctions of the Qur'an that you must fight to spread Islam."

Dr. Ali Issa Othman, Islamic Scholar

  Hamas Wants Your Money!   

This is Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Hamas terror group, which the Palestinians have chosen to run their government.  He wants your money...  unconditionally.

These are his people, the Hamas terrorists who have slaughtered hundreds of innocent people in shopping malls, cafes and even on buses.  (They're holding Qur'ans).

This is an example of who they murder: Mazal Marciano a talented and devoted mother of two small children.  She made easy pickings for Haniyeh and his henchmen.

Are you burning with the Peace of Islam?

Mark Haim Anti-Nuclear Lies
 Chasing Evil - ChasingEvil Reverend Jim Sutter
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