
Big-mouth Jord stops Alex chat

The new private Jordan ... Katie Price

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PUBLICITY hungry Jordan insisted that she intends to keep her relationship with Alex Reid private - but then blabbed about their upcoming wedding and family plans.

The glamour model, real name Katie Price, said she doesn't want the cage fighter to be seen on new episodes of her ITV2 reality show What Katie Did Next when she appeared on today's This Morning.

But she then went on to rave about her marriage blessing and trying for a baby, even saying she's not pregnant yet because she's on her period.

The 31-year-old bizarrely even refused to answer some of Phillip Schofield's questions about him - despite divulging every detail of her life to magazines for years.

She also slipped up during the interview - at one point referring to Alex as her ex Peter Andre, saying "Me and Pete", before quickly correcting herself to say "Me and Alex".

Talking about her Vegas wedding to Alex, Katie said: "We didn't want cameras in because we want to be private."

Katie Price on GMTV
Getting a grilling ... Jordan

And in a dig to Peter, she added: "It's not a Pete and Kate relationship."

Katie, showing off her new brown highlights, went on: "We've got more to talk about when we go home because we're not in each other's pockets 24/7. It's a much healthier way to be.

She said the pair will have a blessing in the summer with both of their families there, and that she and Alex will plan it all with the help of their relatives.

Katie said: "I love being married again. It's completely different. We've done the house up so there's a different feel in the house. We're looking to buy a house together, it's how it should be done.

"Alex will not be in the show much. I don't want him in the show much, it's not the Kate and Alex show, it's What Katie Did Next.

"Of course Alex will be in it but it's not going to be filming him when he goes to work. It's about me and my dramas.

"There's so much about us that people don't know and we haven't done interviews together."

And she vowed: "We won't sell an interview or our wedding. I don't plan to do that, no.

"Our lives are completely different to what I had before. I'm so much happier, there's no stress, life's brilliant."

When Phil pressed her to describe what she liked about being married to Alex, she said: "I don't want to dwell on it because we are private."

But she couldn't resist making another swipe at Pete, adding: "It's nice to be with someone you can actually be yourself with."

And despite her new privacy policy, she went on to say that the pair are still trying for a tot - but that she knew she's not pregnant at the moment because she had her period.

Katie said: "It's obvious we will have children eventually. Our families are excited, we can't wait."

But she clarified: "My relationship is 100 per cent right, we don't need a baby to do that, it's going to be a really good year."

Meanwhile, she confirmed that she is planning to launch a kids' make-up range and a film about her life - saying she'd want to make a cameo appearance in it.


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