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* Source Talkers Magazine

Daily Topics – Monday – March 8th 2010

payday imagesQuote of the Day:  Debt is the fatal disease of republics, the first thing and the mightiest to undermine governments and corrupt the people. — Wendell Phillips

Welcome to our newest stations, CTV North Suburbs in Roseville, MN and Salem Access Television in Salem, MA

Hour One - Financial reform…get ready for another meltdown…

Hour Two - Should the USPS be more or less socialized? Tad DeHaven

Hour Three - Payday lenders…necessary evil or loan sharks in sheep’s clothing? Wayne Root front-runner for Libertarian presidential nominee in 2012

Upcoming Events with Thom Hartmann:

Friday, March 19th, 6-8pm AM 1600 Demos and the New York Law School Chapter of the American Constitution Society present an evening with Thom Hartmann - ”When Corporations Became People.”  Thom will also talk about his updated book “Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights”…event is at New York Law School Auditorium, 185 W Broadway, New York, NY…free tickets at (and click on events)

March 8, 2010 | 40 Comments | Read More »

Daily Topics – Wednesday – March 10th 2010 – Carl & Christine from KPOJ hosting today….

nuclear peace time imagesHour One - Ira Reducing the threat of/from nuclear weapons…SALT Treaty is up for renewal this year

Ira will be speaking on Wednesday night (3/10) in Seattle at 8pm at Mulleady’s Pub, 3055 21st Avenue West in Seattle, WA and Thursday in Portland, OR at 6:30 pm at Davis Street Tavern 500 NW Davis Street.

Hour Two - Frank Schaeffer The rise if right wing fundamentalist hate groups

Hour Three - Chris Hedges Should progressives give up on Barack Obama?

Upcoming Events with Thom Hartmann:

Friday, March 19th, 6-8pm  Demos and the New York Law School Chapter of the American Constitution Society present an evening with Thom Hartmann - ”When Corporations Became People.”  Thom will also talk about his updated book “Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights”…event is at New York Law School Auditorium, 185 W Broadway, New York, NY…free tickets (and click on events)

March 10, 2010 | 28 Comments | Read More »

Highlights on the Show…March 8 – 12, 2010

highlights imagesMonday

Hour Two: Privatize the USPS?! Thom has a rumble with Tad DeHaven of the Cato Institute

Hour Three: Payday lenders, necessary evil or loan sharks in sheep’s clothing? Thom confronts Libertarian Wayne Root


Hour Two: “The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr” Ken Gormley talks to Thom about the political battle that divided America

Hour Three:  Hunting the blood sucking “vulture funds” Thom talks with investigative journalist Greg Palast


Hour Two: Has the right wing become “Crazy for God?” Frank Schaeffer guests on the rise of right wing hate groups in America

Hour Three: Should Progressives give up on Obama? Columnist/author Chris Hedges stops by


Three: Is our government broken? Thom challenges conservative columnist Tony Blankley


Hour One: “Brunch With Bernie” Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions

Hour Two: More American jobs going overseas…how do we stop the bleeding?  AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka talks to Thom
Upcoming Events with Thom Hartmann:

Friday, March 19th, 6-8pm Demos and the New York Law School Chapter of the American Constitution Society present an evening with Thom Hartmann - ”When Corporations Became People.”  Thom will also talk about his updated book “Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights”…event is at New York Law School Auditorium, 185 W Broadway, New York, NY…free tickets at (and click on events)

March 7, 2010 | 2 Comments | Read More »

Thomas Jefferson on Student Lending….

banking imagesSix Democrats have sided with banks, against the Landmark Student Lending Reform. Who are they? Bill Nelson (Fl.), Tom Carper (Del.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), Jim Webb (Va.), Mark Warner (Va.) and Ben Nelson (Neb.). The student lending industry has launched an “aggressive lobbying campaign” of senators representing states where big lenders are based, scaremongering about job losses resulting from passing SAFRA. Now, it appears that their lobbying is paying off. We’re a long way away from when Thomas Jefferson started the University of Virginia with the notion that part of building a middle class (necessary to a democracy, he said) would require people with some education, and advocated a national program of free education up to and including university levels, the last state to fall from that ideal was when Governor Ronald Reagan ended free enrollment in the University of California system. My question – how do these people sleep at night or look themselves in the mirror?

March 11, 2010 | Leave a comment | Read More »

Highlights on the Show…March 8 – 12, 2010

highlights imagesMonday

Hour Two: Privatize the USPS?! Thom has a rumble with Tad DeHaven of the Cato Institute

Hour Three: Payday lenders, necessary evil or loan sharks in sheep’s clothing? Thom confronts Libertarian Wayne Root


Hour Two: “The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr” Ken Gormley talks to Thom about the political battle that divided America

Hour Three:  Hunting the blood sucking “vulture funds” Thom talks with investigative journalist Greg Palast


Hour Two: Has the right wing become “Crazy for God?” Frank Schaeffer guests on the rise of right wing hate groups in America

Hour Three: Should Progressives give up on Obama? Columnist/author Chris Hedges stops by


Three: Is our government broken? Thom challenges conservative columnist Tony Blankley


Hour One: “Brunch With Bernie” Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions

Hour Two: More American jobs going overseas…how do we stop the bleeding?  AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka talks to Thom
Upcoming Events with Thom Hartmann:

Friday, March 19th, 6-8pm Demos and the New York Law School Chapter of the American Constitution Society present an evening with Thom Hartmann - ”When Corporations Became People.”  Thom will also talk about his updated book “Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights”…event is at New York Law School Auditorium, 185 W Broadway, New York, NY…free tickets at (and click on events)

March 7, 2010 | 2 Comments | Read More »

Live Blog

Thomas Jefferson on Student Lending….

Thomas Jefferson on Student Lending….

Six Democrats have sided with banks, against the Landmark Student …

Mar 11, 2010 | No comment | Read More »
Daily Topics – Thursday – March 11th 2010

Daily Topics – Thursday – March 11th 2010

Quote: ”Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible …

Mar 11, 2010 | 88 Comments | Read More »

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