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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Basic Lesson from the Judge on Government vs Private Enterprise
Posted by: chris field at 9:12 PM
An excellent one-and-a-half-minute lesson on how the government consumes wealth and the private sector creates it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Obama Supports Offshore Drilling... in Brazil
Posted by: Meredith Jessup at 8:35 PM
The Obama administration is financing offshore drilling off the coast of Brazil.  According to the Wall Street Journal,
The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil's Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil's planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.
The oil reserves in Brazil's Tupi oil field are likely to make Brazil one of the world's top oil exporters.  In the U.S., however, domestic companies are denied access to rich oil reserves in Alaska and off the East and West Coasts.  This leaves us all to wonder: why is Obama in favor of drilling off Brazil's coast, but not our own?  And if drilling is so wrong, why in the world are we paying for it?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
"Conservatives" Outnumber "Liberals" in All 50 States
Posted by: Meredith Jessup at 8:22 PM
According to a recent Gallup poll, more Americans now identify themselves as "conservative" than "liberal" in all 50 states--more than at any point in the last four years.
In 2009, 40% percent of respondents in Gallup surveys that have interviewed more than 160,000 Americans have said that they are either “conservative” (31%) or “very conservative” (9%). That is the highest percentage in any year since 2004.

Only 21% have told Gallup they are liberal, including 16% who say they are “liberal” and 5% who say they are “very liberal.”
Thirty-five percent of Americans say they are moderate.
To see how your state stacks up, see the Gallup analysis here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
No One Likes Palin's Move
Posted by: Jillian Bandes at 6:54 PM
Sixty-one percent of Americans don't think her quitting was a good thing. But 73% of Republicans still like her, according to a Marist survey.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Co-ops: A Misnomer
Posted by: Kevin Glass at 6:13 PM
Jillian, I see you've joined NRO's Reihan Salam in saying to all the curmodgeonly conservatives that we shouldn't be so knee-jerk opposed to co-ops.

While I agree with the general sentiment of "let's not rule something out the moment it leaves a Democrat's mouth," the Kent Conrad co-op plan (the most comprehensive on the table at the moment) seems like it's something that conservatives can unite against.

These government-chartered co-op plans aren't what we conjure up in our minds when someone mentions the word 'co-op.' As Lewis McCrary detailed at the American Conservative, we should think less of the stereotype food market co-operative and more of Fannie Mae.

"When I hear the word cooperative, I imagine myself banding together with my neighbors to create a community-based solution. But Conrad’s approach is not the kind of organically emerging network of local civil society organizations that many conservatives could endorse. Such a decentralist approach to filling the gaps in health care could never come from a top down Washington plan that requires “strong governance standards” (and most likely a large regulatory bureaucracy)."

And John Hood at NRO says that this will just be government-run health care by another name.

If a federal law creates a bunch of new entities, financed with federal taxes and subjected to federal rules, and likely overseen by political appointees, calling them “cooperatives” will not change their essential nature.

While it's possible that encouraging the establishment of health care co-ops might be a good idea in general, the Conrad plan (and any plan that likely comes out of Congress) is going to be a government-controlled enterprise full of unnecessary mandates and rent-seeking.

Conservatives should definitely be open to all sorts of health reform ideas. There's a lot of good work being done in these areas by, off the top of my head, the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute. We shouldn't be against "co-ops" as an idea. But we should be wary of what's coming out of Conrad and Obama.

Salam says that "bitter opposition to the idea suggests that the right is needlessly hostile to reform." This is half-true. The right is hostile to reform, but not needlessly so, and not to all reform. Conservatives should be under no illusion that we're going to get health reform in the direction that we think is important while the Dems control the White House and Congress. What I'm hoping for is a plan that will do the least damage, have the lowest price tag, and be the easiest to sunset once the Democrats fall out of power again.

Tags: co-op

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Howard Dean: GOP Wants To Kill The Bill & The President
Posted by: Greg Hengler at 6:10 PM

Another deep thought from "The Howler" on today's left-wing Stephanie Miller Show via HotAir:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Democrat Congressman: Americans Elected Democrats To Ram Through Obamacare
Posted by: Greg Hengler at 5:44 PM
Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) has been making the rounds on cable television today and I think he is getting bolder and more unsettled with each appearance. Americans may have asked for hopenchange but I honestly don't believe they saw Obamacare on that list. On the other hand, Weiner's baseline for argumentation does have credibility, I just don't think America truly knew what they were voting for besides the hopey changey rhetoric.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ken Blackwell on Being a Bob Novak Source
Posted by: Matt Lewis at 5:19 PM
I just spoke with former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell about Bob Novak, whom he called, "The prototype of the 20th century investigative reporter."

As a top-notch reporter, Novak developed and cultivated numerous sources in key states.  As Blackwell noted,

Bob was a good source for Ohio history.  From really Eisenhower forward, he had great lines of communication with the political players of Ohio -- and he knew Ohio was crucial for any Republican success -- so he studied Ohio. 

We would talk on the phone, and I was like any number of his sources.  He would just call and it was off-the-record or on background, and he would ask probing questions.  He knew the numbers, but he would also try to understand the human dimension associated with intrastate politics in Ohio.

Regarding Novak's famous conversion to Catholicism, Blackwell said that, prior to converting, as a skeptical reporter by nature, Novak fully researched the faith.  And because Blackwell was then a vice president and member of the faculty at Xavier University -- a prominent Jesuit, Catholic University in Cincinnati -- Novak would sometimes ask him about Catholic history. 

Prior to converting, "He kicked the tires, so to speak," said Blackwell.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Pres Clinton (1993): All Efforts To Strengthen Economy Will Fail w/o Immediate Healthcare Reform
Posted by: Greg Hengler at 4:16 PM
I didn't believe him until he dramatically paused, tightened his jaw and sprinkled his personal dash of urgency to reform Healthcare. His theatrics remind me of his VP's when discussing climate change. Obama needs to intensify his sales pitch in order to be placed in the company of these two titans.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Michael Williams Hopes to Replace KBH in Texas
Posted by: Matt Lewis at 4:12 PM
Chairman Michael Williams

With the imminent resignation of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas Governor Rick Perry has the chance to make a game-changing interim appointment. 

There are many good potential candidates to choose from, but among them, Governor Perry should give serious consideration to Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams.

Beyond the obvious point that Williams would be the only Republican African-American in Congress (Oklahoma's J.C. Watts was the last), he is a talented speaker (as I learned when I recently heard him speak at the RedState gathering in Atlanta, Georgia), who is well-versed on many of the issues today's Democrats think they own, such as energy and the environment, education and urban crime. 
As an energy regulator for a decade (the title 'Railroad Commissioner' is misleading; it has more to do with energy), Williams could be a highly-credible spokesman on issues such as carbon cap and trade. He has also served as a local prosecutor and a United States Department of Justice prosecutor, and as a high-level aide for George H.W. Bush's Department of Education.  In that capacity, he demonstrated a willingness to take heat when he argued against racial preferences in academic admissions.

As I noted earlier, Perry has some good candidates to choose from, including former secretary of state Roger Williams and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst.  Whomever Perry picks as the interim senator will obviously have a leg-up on winning the special election to replace her. 

... Michael Williams is one to watch.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rove: If The Bush WH Asked For "Fishy" Emails, Reid & Pelosi Would've BBQ'd Me!
Posted by: Greg Hengler at 3:59 PM
Rove provides us with the "Duh!" snippet of the day.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Robert Novak: A Principled and First-Rate Journalist
Posted by: Staff at 3:18 PM
I am deeply saddened at the news today of the death of Bob Novak.  Like so many others, I held him in high regard as a principled and first-rate journalist.  I am also honored to have called him a good friend and a great ally. 
His honesty and devotion to investigative journalism did much to bring balance to the increasingly ideological world of journalism.  Though he was unabashedly conservative, his reporting was more than the offering of opinion.  He paid attention to the interplay between policy and politics, reporting on how mandates handed down from Washington impacted the rest of America.  To name but one example, he was one of the first political columnists to report on how the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley financial accounting law had a direct and negative impact on American economic growth and competitiveness. 
Yet, for all his tenacious and dogged style, Novak was also possessed of a wit and humor that softened his basic Calvinist view of mankind.  Sadly, the political world will see far less light now that the Prince of Darkness has passed. 

-CEI President Fred L. Smith

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Prince of Darkness on Life...
Posted by: Matt Lewis at 2:39 PM
Note:  I originally published this here in September of 2007...

I'm reading Bob Novak's excellent tome, The Prince of Darkness, and wanted to share this story from the book.  I think it demonstrates the constant tension in the GOP between the conservative activists and the "insiders."

This particular exchange took place in 1984, between Drew Lewis, the White House agent on the party platform, and Novak's wife, Geraldine.  The topic was whether or not to keep a Pro-Life plank in the GOP platform:

Lewis abruptly turned to Geraldine, whom he had never met before.  "Now, Mrs. Novak," he said, "Surely you favor exemptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother, don't you."  Geraldine detested political debate, and I'm sure she would rather have been anywhere else.  But she was asked a direct question and answered it:  "No, I don't." "You are not in favor of any exemptions?" Lewis persisted.  "No."  "Not even for the life of the mother?"  "No," she insisted.  A moment of silence followed, before an embarrassed Lewis told my wife:  "Well, that's your opinion, and stick to it."  Lewis had no idea my wife was a prolife activist doing volunteer work for the National Right to Life Committee.  I could not have been more proud of her courageous stand taken with a couple dozen pairs of eyes fixed on her.

... First, I had no idea Novak's wife was a prolife activist.  But here's the part I think is relevant to the point about the dichotomy between the GOP and grassroots activists:

Drew symbolized corporate executives, lawyers, lobbyists, and campaign consultants who were trying to plane down the new Republican Party's rough edges.  Geraldine typified new Republicans who were loyal to Reagan but not to Reagan's aides.  She had come to Washington twenty-four years earlier as a born-and-bred Texas Democrat, a twenty-three-year-old secretary on Lyndon B. Johnson's staff.  She had changed her registration to Republican mainly because of abortion.  If the Republican Party abandoned her on this issue, I knew she would abandon the Republican Party.  I'm not sure that Drew Lewis fully understood that.

It's funny how things never change.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Stimulus Report: Six Months Out
Posted by: Meredith Jessup at 1:54 PM
Yesterday marked the six-month anniversary of Pres. Barack Obama's $787 billion stimulus package, aptly named the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." 

Some recovery. Since the stimulus bill was signed into law, the country has shed 2.8 million net jobs and increased unemployment from 7.6% to 9.4%, with 15 states seeing average unemployment of 10% or more. 

No wonder the latest Gallup poll shows that 57% of Americans believe the stimulus has failed to work, or even made things worse.  But click over to the White House website or "" and it's all sunshine and rainbows. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Washington Beat Takes on the Town Halls
Posted by: Jillian Bandes at 1:29 PM

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Comments Comments

 Re: "Conservatives" Outnumber "Liberals" in All 50 States
  By Val
 Re: Rove: If The Bush WH Asked For "Fishy" Emails, Reid & Pelosi Would've BBQ'd Me!
  By mike
 Re: No One Likes Palin's Move
  By Val
 Re: No One Likes Palin's Move
  By Huey
Komrade Kaboomski.."Still" Waiting...???
 Re: Howard Dean: GOP Wants To Kill The Bill & The President
  By NeoConScum
 Re: No One Likes Palin's Move
  By Good man's wife
Jo ann
 Re: Rove: If The Bush WH Asked For "Fishy" Emails, Reid & Pelosi Would've BBQ'd Me!
  By mike
Meredith Jessup 8:22 PM
 Re: "Conservatives" Outnumber "Liberals" in All 50 States
  By Bob Munck
Palin in 2012 .....
 Re: No One Likes Palin's Move
  By Jo Ann
 Re: Obama Supports Offshore Drilling... in Brazil
  By foxmustang
CANNOT Be Caricatured Adequately
 Re: Obama Supports Offshore Drilling... in Brazil
  By NeoConScum
What Does it Take
 Re: Obama Supports Offshore Drilling... in Brazil
  By Apollo
Val whines:
 Re: No One Likes Palin's Move
  By BK
 Re: "Conservatives" Outnumber "Liberals" in All 50 States
  By Legally Remove BO
Jeff 7:57 PM
 Re: Co-ops: A Misnomer
  By Bob Munck
Little Phag Johnny
 Re: Conservatives Defend Glenn Beck
  By Big Sky Cowboy
Senate decision
 Re: Cisco's Senate Decision
  By Konstantin
one more point
 Re: Liberals Go Looney on Whole Foods CEO
  By king
 Re: No One Likes Palin's Move
  By Val
"no fury like the left scorned"
 Re: Liberals Go Looney on Whole Foods CEO
  By king

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