
In Defense of the Constitution

*         *         *         *
Let there be no doubt that the Council on American-Islamic Relations
is a terrorist supporting front organization that is partially funded
by terrorists, founded by terrorists, and that CAIR wishes nothing
more than the
implementation of Sharia Law in America

*         *         *         *

*         *         *         *
- The Proven Truths About CAIR -

Click Here To Read

*         *         *         *

March 19, 2010

- Internet News -




News & Analysis

 CAIR: Defending Kifah Mustapha, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and the Holy Land Foundation

Military Officers To Be Charged In Major Hasan Islamist Terror Murders

The New Year, Are We Safer?

CAIR And North American Muslims; The Truth

CAIR And The Muslim Mafia

Anti-CAIR Book Review
Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld Thats Conspiring to Islamize America

Rep. Keith Ellison's
Seditious Behavior?

Issue 007/09
CAIR: Continues Its Attack On The FBI

Issue 006/09
Anti-CAIR Agrees With CAIR; “Flying Imams” Should Get Their Day In Court

Issue 005/09
CAIR: Lies, Smears, & Guilt By Association - Or Just Plain Treason?

Issue 004/09
CAIR: Defending Muslim Student “Rights”?

Issue 003/09
CAIR's Chairman Larry Shaw Responds To American Citizen, Then Bans Him

Issue 002/09
CAIR’s Chairman Larry Shaw; Useful Idiot or Co-conspirator?

Issue 001/09

*Anti-CAIR Report*

CAIR: Created For HAMAS


*2008* Issues Archive

Help Anti-CAIR
Fight CAIR

Special CAIR Report
(In Ten Parts)

Part One:  As IAP Offshoot, CAIR Followed Pro-Hamas Agenda From The Start
(PDF link)

Part Two:  Funding Ties With HLF and Foreign Donors Show CAIR's True Agenda (PDF link)

Part Three:  CAIR Officials Convicted of Crimes, More Tied to Extremist Groups  (PDF link)

Part Four:
  CAIR Remains Apologist for Hamas, Seeks To Silence Critics
(PDF link)

Part Five: 
Quick To Defend Alleged Terrorists, CAIR Even Questioned Al Qaeda 9/11 Role
(PDF link)

Part Six:  CAIR Portrays "War On Terrorism" As Malicious "War On Islam"

(PDF link)

Part Seven: 
CAIR Seeks To Define Away Threat Posed
by Radical Islamists

(PDF link)

Part Eight
:  CAIR  Backed Islamist Meetings,Denigrated Muslim Moderates
(PDF link)

Part Nine: 
Leaders' Statements Illustrate CAIR's Extremism, Anti-Semitism
(PDF link)

Part Ten:
   CAIR Pushes Phony Charges of Anti- Muslim Hysteria, Hate Crimes
(PDF link)

A CAIR Miscellany

Special Report: (PDF)

Council on
Islamic Relations
Civil Rights or Extremism?

CAIR Raises Donations For 9/11 Victims Through GRF And Holy Land Foundation
(Website Screenshots)



JINSA Article
Anti-CAIR: Challenging Radical Islamism in America

Justice Files
-The CAIR Legal Battle-
*    *    *
*Announcement from Andrew Whitehead
Director of Anti-CAIR

*Holy Land Foundation
Trial Evidence

Data Base

*Anti-CAIR's Purpose

*Estate Of
J.P. O'Neill
vs. CAIR

*CAIR's Legal Tribulations

Media Files


*    *    *   *    *    *

* Bill Whittle *
The Islamic Infiltration: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets
"CAIR Is A Hamas Entity... It Is Hamas"

*Jasser Vs. Ellison*
AIFD Congressional Briefing
October 1, 2009

*Video* Interview
Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser
A devout Muslim taking a stand against radical  organizations like CAIR.

*A.A.H. Rally Videos*
CAIR Declaration: "Hamas Is Not
A Terrorist Organization"

U.S. Army Lt. Col. Allen West Exposes CAIR Agenda

-Undercover Mosque- Exposing The Islamists

*CAIR NYC Protest Video

*Terror & Indoctrination
In The USA
Islamic Association For Palestine Kansas City 1989

*The St. Petersburg Declaration

*Anti-CAIR Video
Council on American- Islamic Relations
- Exposed -

*CAIR Video:
Anti-Israel Rally And Support Of Hizballah
Videographer "shoved" and "grabbed"  by Dr. Ahmad Al-Akhras of  the Council on American-Islamic Relations...

Prophet Mohammed Cartoon Protest Video Coverage

(NEFA Foundation)

"Denmark Watch Your Back - Bin Laden's Coming Back"
(watch excerpt)

*CAIR's Ahmed Bedier Steps in it ...
(Click To Watch)

States there is "nothing immoral" about associating with Palestinian Islamic Jihad before 1995 ...

  Islamists In N.Y.C. Desecrate U.S. Flag:
CAIR Silent

(Click to Watch)

"Oh Muslims! Do you know your enemy?
Isn't it obvious?"

"Islam to dominate over all other religions, to dominate the world, even though the non-Muslims may hate it."

Free Muslims
Speak Out:

*Imam Khaleel Mohammed, Ph.D.
( "I can mention bloody
names ..." )

Lt. Cmdr. (Ret.)
Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser

( "The sharia needs to stay

at home..." )


*NPR Slams CAIR On Bogus Hate Crimes Reporting

*KOGO's Steve Yuhas on CAIR & Anti-CAIR
with Robert Spencer

Andy Whitehead On
Israel National Radio

- Opinion Links -
Anti-CAIR Is Not Responsible
 For Opinion -- Content Doesn't Necessarily Reflect Anti-CAIR Views

*  *  *  *  *  *
*Shaykh Professor Abdul Hadi Palazzi:

*Bob Parks:
The Islamic Empire
Strikes Back


"Six Years"

*D.C. Watson:
CAIR: Just Plain Bad

For America

*DC Watson
Interview In FPM

*DC Watson: A Message
To Our Grandchildren

*DC Watson To CAIR:
"Sit Down And Shut Up"

*CAIR's "Islamophobia and Anti-Americanism" Conference

Nonie Darwish
The Silent Muslim Majority IS The Problem

Jeff Jacoby
*Iraq Through Iraqi Eyes

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser

*Letter To Anwar Al-Awlaki

*Failing At Force Protection: The Misguided Pentagon Report On The Ft. Hood Massacre

*Rifqa Bary, Islam, Muslims, Shar'iah, and Apostasy
Part 1     Part 2

The Words Of Samuel Adams:

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a  fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an ever lasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."

The Ballad Of 
Mike Moran


- Justice Will Prevail -

"No arsenal, no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.   - Ronald Reagan



                 Welcome to the home of

We are a group of concerned Americans dedicated to eliminating the
Islamist terrorist threat to the United States Constitution.

We believe that the Council on American-Islamic Relations, (CAIR), is a clear and present danger to our Constitution and our way of life. We will continue to expose CAIR's involvement in supporting Islamist terrorists, terrorist-sponsoring organizations and groups in the United States.
(Founded April 2003)

*          *          *          *


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The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

*“I swear by Allah that war is deception,”...“We are fighting our enemy with a kind heart ... Deceive, camouflage, pretend that you’re leaving
while you’re walking that way. Deceive your enemy ...”

*"Politics Is A Completion Of War"

*“In my opinion, we must form a new organization for activism which will be neutral because we are placed in a corner, we are place in a corner. It is known who we are, we are marked and I believe that there should be
a new neutral organization which works on both sides"

- The Philadelphia Meeting -
(Click Here To Read)

Omar Ahmad
(Click Photo)
Co-Founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
President and CEO of Silicon Expert Technologies.
Former  Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) Officer.

Omar Ahmad was captured on FBI surveillance tapes at Hamas meetings in the U.S.A. during 1993 explaining that the IAP could not, for political reasons, admit its support for Hamas, and then
discussing how the Hamas agenda could be cloaked and advanced.  Omar Ahmad's airfare
and hotel bills for this meeting were paid for by the Holy Land Foundation

"Those who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping Mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam ... Islam isn't in America to be equal to
any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book
of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the
only accepted religion on Earth."

"Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide," ...
"They kill themselves for Islam."
(Ahmad Praising Suicide Bombers)

"Registering an organization is easy. I can register 100 organizations
in 100 cities in one day ..."I mean, we don't really have available
people whom we could dedicate for the work we want to hide ..."

" Politics is a completion of War "

Nihad Awad
(Click Photo)

Co-Founder and CAIR Executive Director
Former Public Relations Director for the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
A Palestinian born in Jordan and now a U.S. citizen.
Identified participating at a 1993 Hamas meeting in the United States

"I am in support of the Hamas movement."

"We Should Not Blame The United States Alone For The 11 September 2001 Attacks"

"Our administration has the burden of proving otherwise.”
(Awad's response to muslim accusations that federal raids
were a War against Islam and Muslims)

"Address people according to their minds. When I speak with the American,
I speak with someone who doesn't know anything."

"If you love Israel, you're OK ... If that is the litmus test, no American Muslim
and no freedom-loving person is going to pass that test."

Ibrahim Hooper
CAIR Spokesperson
Former  Employee Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)

"CAIR does not support these groups publicly."
(Hooper comments on CAIR's record of supporting Hamas,
Hezbullah and other official terrorist groups)

"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of
the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to
do anything violent to
promote that. I'm going to do it through education."

Mousa Abu Marzook
 Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) Founder
Parent organization of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
Officially Designated Terrorist and Fugitive from Justice.
(IAP was found Liable for aiding and abetting Hamas in the murder of a 17-year-old American)

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it,
just as it obliterated others before it" -  Hamas Charter

Senior Hamas member Marzook conspired with Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad, and others to establish what the United States government has termed “front organizations” to support and advance the interests of Hamas and radical Islam in the United States. IAP provided the
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) with employees, funding, operational
expertise, and ideological guidance.

" ... probable cause exists that Abu Marzook knew of Hamas's plan to carry out violent, murderous attacks, that he selected the leadership and supplied the money to enable the attacks to take place, and that such attacks were, therefore, a foreseeable consequence
of the conspiracy."
  (Judge Kevin Duffy on Marzook)

Ahmed Rehab
(Click Photo)
CAIR National
Strategic Communications Director

"CAIR is not a front for Hamas, Hezbollah, or any other foreign group,
nor has it ever been. CAIR is an independent American institution,
established by Americans ..."

"Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad have never been members of
or associated
with or tied to Hamas"

Corey Saylor
(Click Photo)
CAIR Director Of Government Affairs
"Some people try to hold us responsible for the actions of people that
are associated with our organization.
That’s absolutely ludicrous …
you don’t hold all of Enron responsible for what Ken Lay did."

(Click Photo)
Razi Hashmi
Director of CAIR-Oklahoma
"We Have No Ties To Any Terrorist Organization"

Ahmed Bedier
(Click Photo)

(Former) CAIR-Florida Communications Director
"We are to the American Muslim community what the NAACP is to blacks
in America.
If you attack us, you are attacking the Muslim community
and the religion of Islam in this country."
(Mpls Star-Trib -10/24/06)

"Catholic priests pose more of a terrorism threat by having sex with young
altar boys than those who flew planes into the World Trade Center."

   Ahmad Al-Akhras
(Click photo)

CAIR Vice-Chairman\
"Americans in general might be more supportive of targeted attacks on civilians,
as part of the war on terror, than U.S. Muslims"

"What has happened in Somalia, for the majority of Somalis inside
and those who are abroad, is a positive change."

Randall "Ismail" Royer
(Click Photo)
CAIR-National Civil Rights Coordinator
Communications Specialist
Committed Terrorist Crimes while working for CAIR
Pled guilty to using and discharging a firearm during, and in relation to,
a crime of violence; and with carrying an explosive during commission
of a felony ... admitted helping four people gain entry to a terrorist
training camp in Pakistan operated by Lashkar-e-Taiba.
[United States Of America V. Randall Todd Royer (pdf)]

Ghassan Elashi
(Click Photo)
Founder Of CAIR-Texas
Chairman of Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development

Sentenced To 65 Years In Federal Prison

Committed Terrorist Crimes while working for CAIR
Tried on 21 counts of conspiracy, money laundering and dealing
in property of a terrorist. Found guilty on all 21 counts.
[United States of America V. HLF (pdf)]

- Writings About

  *CAIR Backs Down From Anti-CAIR

In brief, Whitehead won a sweet victory, while CAIR suffered a humiliating defeat ...In anticipation of a court hearing regarding discovery, Rubinstein filed papers in the Virginia Circuit Court in October 2005 and December 2005 alleging extensive links between CAIR’s organizers and control group with Hamas and other foreign and domestic Islamists. Among other things, these papers alleged: CAIR’s lineage goes back to a key Hamas leader (Musa Abu Marzook), and that CAIR has long been connected with, and “exploited” the 9/11 attacks to raise money for the Holy Land Foundation, a Hamas front group. CAIR is heavily supported, financially and otherwise, by suspect Saudi and UAE-based individuals and groups. CAIR states that the U.S. judicial system has been “kidnapped by Israeli interests,”... In March 2006, shortly before a scheduled court hearing to decide on several of Whitehead’s requests (compelling CAIR to disclose its financial data, to answer questions about its relationship with Hamas and other Islamists, and to provide information regarding its leaders’ activities and intentions), the case was settled and then dismissed with prejudice by stipulation (meaning, the plaintiff has agreed to forever drop all of the claims that were in, or could have been in, the complaint) ... According to CAIR’s own analysis of Whitehead’s initial statements, they “impute the commission of a criminal offense” by CAIR, in that these suggest CAIR “actively supports” terrorists, and advocates the “overthrow” of the U.S. Constitution in favor of Islamic law. It bears noting that none of these words were found to be false, they were not retracted, and they remain posted on Anti-CAIR’s website ...

*Anti-CAIR Report* CAIR Created For Hamas
An FBI Investigation Reveals CAIR's Founder Omar Ahmad  "A Leader Of The Palestinian Committee"
The Truth exposed by FBI investigations that snared CAIR founder and Chairman Emeritus Omar Ahmad -
a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood's clandestine "Palestine Committee" - and partner Nihad Awad, flies in the face of CAIR's denials...

*CAIR: Fort Hood Co-Conspirator
Thanks to CAIR, 42 brave American Soldiers were gunned down by an Islamic nut in Texas. That’s right, thanks to CAIR...

* FBI's Miller Speaks On Breaking Ties With CAIR And CAIR Chapters
"I think there is something disingenuous about the idea of a representative of CAIR saying, 'We don't know what this is about.'"... "During the Holyland Foundation trial, evidence was brought to bear that two of the founding members of CAIR - who were still in those positions at the time - were related to Hamas organizers, and the question that was raised was, 'Is CAIR going to be an appropriate liaison partner for the FBI if the two founding members who are still in place are maintaining that relationship with Hamas, a designated terrorist group...'"

*FBI: CAIR Is A Front Group

FBI Special Agent Lara Burns was going over more transcripts from the Philadelphia meeting -- the 1993 gathering of Holy Land officials and Hamas sympathizers that the government contends was meant to brainstorm ways to downplay the Foundations extremist ties -- when talked turned to a passage from defendant Shukri Abu Baker. He is quoted on the wiretap transcript talking about how it would be beneficial to have more traditional, secular American organizations to help spread the Islamist message. He and others envisioned an "alternative" organization "which can benefit from a new atmosphere, one whose Islamic hue is not very conspicuous," according to the transcript. Prosecutor Barry Jonas asked Burns whether any groups formed after the Philadelphia gathering fit this mold. "CAIR," she said...

*CAIR Listed On Palestine Committee Meeting Agenda (HLF Trial Evidence)
"Future Suggestions To Develop Work Of The Following Organizations: IAP HLF UASR CAIR"

*FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Questions

The decision to end contacts with CAIR was made quietly last summer as federal prosecutors prepared for a second trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), an Islamic charity accused of providing money and political support to the terrorist group Hamas..."[I]f CAIR wishes to pursue an outreach relationship with the FBI, certain issues must be addressed to the satisfaction of the FBI..."

*FBI Letter To Senators Schumer, Kyl, Coburn
"Until We Can Resolve Whether There Continues To Be A Connection Between CAIR Or It's Executives And Hamas, The FBI Does Not View CAIR As An Appropriate Liaison Partner..."

*Senators Schumer, Kyl, Coburn, Support FBI Severing CAIR Ties
"We Certainly Support That Action"

*Congressman Frank Wolf On The House Floor Asks - Who Is CAIR?
"Given CAIR’s genesis, its associations with known terrorist entities and individuals, and its tactics...their cries of victimization and accusations of religious bigotry appear disingenuous..."

*Congress Gets The Memo On CAIR - "Beware Of CAIR"
[A] "Dear Colleague" letter sent out to every House member warns lawmakers and their staffs to "think twice" about meeting with CAIR officials...

*Holy Land Foundation Defendants Guilty On All Counts
"By funneling millions of dollars to Hamas, this organization and its leaders believed that it could help those who resort to violence to support their cause," ... "All Americans should thank the Justice Department for their aggressive and tenacious pursuit of this group and its leaders."

*Bill Whittle Interview (video): "The Islamic Infiltration"
Former FBI Agent says "CAIR Is A Hamas Entity... It Is Hamas"

*Muslim Woman On Northwest Flight 253
"I'm always standing up for rights and privacy concerns, but now I hope that body scans will be mandatory"... "Balanced against national security, it's worth the invasion of privacy. And I acknowledge the fact that there has to be attention paid to Muslims."

*CAIR-Texas Founder and "Palestine Committee" Associate of CAIR's Omar Ahmad Ghassan Elashi Sentenced To 65 Years For Aiding Hamas Terrorists. "Your function in life was raising money to support Hamas,"..."You stated it was to help people, but the motive was to support Hamas," the judge said. "You state that you are innocent, but the evidence shows the opposite."

*Terrorist Supporting Front Group CAIR Wants Investigation Into FBI Shooting Of Pistol-Packing Cleric Who Fired On FBI Agents During Arrest
Investigate "Whether Abdullah shot the FBI canine as an act of self-defense..."

*CAIR Denies Omar Ahmad's Departure Has Anything To Do With Hamas Ties
Evidence presented in October at a trial in Texas of the largest Islamic charity in the country, the Holy Land Foundation, suggested that Ahmad and Nihad Awad, the current executive director of CAIR, attended a meeting with supporters of Hamas in 1993 -- two years before Hamas was designated a terrorist group.
"These allegations are old. They have been around for almost two decades," said Ibrahim Hooper, a CAIR spokesman. "Fifteen years is a long time to be on the board of any organization, and this is just a natural transition."

*Nihad Awad, Youth Exploiter
CAIR's Top Radical Terrorist Supporter & Shameless Exploiter Of Muslim Youth For Islamist Propaganda States: "Many of young people are vulnerable to being preyed on..." (See 1 & 2 )

*CAIR "Not Consulted" And Seething Over Tampa Mayor's CAIR Shut Out
Panting CAIR Stooge says Mayor Iorio made her decision in the matter without "consulting them", and the group will seek a meeting with her to discuss it...Mayor acted on evidence presented showing CAIR's direct ties to Hamas...

*"CAIR Out! Doublespeak Out!"
Family & Friends Of Killed Somali Teen Protests CAIR For Hampering FBI Investigation Of Disappearances: "We don't want anyone to come into our community and tell us to shut up,"... "They are supporting the groups we suspect of recruiting our kids ... We refuse to be silent."

*What’s The Truth About CAIR?

Cindy Crenshaw, president of Oklahomans Against CAIR Hate, called for the condemnation of CAIR after a former CAIR leader was deported...she wants Oklahomans to know the truth about CAIR, that it is a hate group like the Ku Klux Klan. “I love America and don’t want to sit back and watch enemies destroy my country, both from the inside and out,”... she wants Americans to do their own research on CAIR and its alleged ties to terrorism.

*Seething CAIR Says Congressman's Remarks An "Attack On Islam"

"It is outrageous and very sad that a representative of the people would partake in an attack against a global faith," said Ahmed Rehab

*CAIR's Nihad Awad "Radioactive", Should Not Have Attended Obama Meeting

"A second meeting participant speaking on condition on anonymity said he was stunned to learn that [CAIR Executive Director Nihad] Awad and Bray had been invited to an event where Obama representatives would be present. The participant said Awad and Bray are considered politically 'radioactive.'

*Documents Detail Hamas Support Within U.S.
The 1991 bylaws of a group called the Palestine Committee say it was created to be the highest authority on "work for the Palestinian cause on the American front." The committee was led by Mousa Abu Marzook, ... The committee oversaw a number of past and current Muslim organizations in the United States. One was Holy Land, which was shut down in December 2001 and accused of being a fund-raising front for Hamas ... And a third was the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR,... For the first time, evidence in the case put CAIR’s founder, Nihad Awad, at a Philadelphia meeting of alleged Hamas supporters that was secretly watched and recorded by the FBI ...

*[CAIR] "Conspired ... To Support Terrorists"

 In the instant case, striking CAIR's name from the attachment to the Trial Brief will not prevent its conspiratorial involvement with HLF, and others affiliated with Hamas, from becoming a matter of public record. That has already occurred as a consequence of the presentation of evidence at trial ... [I]n their assessment of evidence, CAIR "conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists."...

*Fact-Checking The Mosque Infiltration Kerfuffle (CAIR/AMT Deception?)
Rather than praising law enforcement for rooting out a would-be terrorist from their community, Islamist groups are casting FBI efforts - the use of an informant inside mosques - as an assault on the civil liberties of all Muslim Americans ... Niazi is accused of failing to disclose his links to designated terrorist organizations, lying to officials about his travels to Pakistan, suspected of illegally structuring financial transactions to avoid law enforcement detection ...FBI agents in California sent an informant into an Irvine mosque to record conversations with Niazi...

*CAIR Terror Symp Dawud Walid's Amazing Claim
"Some women may not report crimes to police over fears they may later be asked to remove their veil in court"

*CAIR Frontman Larry Shaw Takes Credit For Lowered Oil Prices:
"Where do you think that came from?" ..."You draw your own conclusions," ... "I think maybe in that sense it might have been a benefit and a service for me having been there to speak to the king's advisors and his minister, in a way that they would understand it."

*The Islamic Center of Hate in the U.S.A.
Before (CAIR Chairman) Senator Larry Shaw begins focusing on Sudan, he should first “clean” his own house... he allows violent Islamic material from Sudan to be taught to the children in Raleigh, NC.

*Radio Broadcast  On Muhammad Upsets CAIR
"I am a former Muslim,"..."I know exactly what I am talking about. These are the things we were taught as children. We are quoting the Quran and the Hadiths, and if the Muslims have a problem with that then they have a problem with their own book..."

*CAIR Exec's Telling Interview
"[W]e should not blame the United States alone for the 11 September 2001 attacks,"... Before founding CAIR, Awad, in his capacity as Public Relations director for IAP, famously wrote a letter to the American Muslim periodical, The Message, excoriating the publication its use of the word "Israel." Awad wrote that he hoped it was merely "the result of an oversight," and that the magazine would "return to the terminology ‘Occupied Palestine' to refer to that Holy Land"...

*Case Closed - Government Documents Reveal CAIR Is Hamas

Court documents name the Council on American Islamic Relations, CAIR as being among "individuals/entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee and/or its organizations." In a precedent setting revelation, the government's trial brief sets forth in great detail incontestable evidence linking CAIR to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. According to documents seized from co-conspirator Ismail Elbarrasse, there is a straight line of associations going from Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and terminating with the Islamic Association for Palestine, CAIR's immediate antecedent ... Such excuses will no longer pass muster, the court documents and evidentiary materials that have been amassed for use in the Holy Land Foundation case now prove beyond all doubt that CAIR is Hamas. The evidence developed by Federal law enforcement places CAIR within a top down hierarchical arrangement of terror supporters ...

*The Last Days Of CAIR
"CAIR is a criminal organization and its days are numbered. The Holy Land Foundation conviction was a serious blow... When we get into discovery, we will follow the path chosen by those sued by CAIR and who simply wanted the nightmare to end. In this case, we are CAIR’s worst nightmare..."

*CAIR Named As "Unindicted Co-Conspirator"
Prosecutors applied the label of "unindicted co-conspirator" to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, and the North American Islamic Trust in connection with a trial planned in Texas next month for five officials of a defunct charity, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development ... The document gave scant details, but prosecutors described CAIR as a present or past member of "the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee and/or its organizations."... However, Mr. McGonigle reported that records showed that the foundation sometimes singled out the families of Hamas "martyrs" for assistance. Mr. McGonigle's lawyer said his client could be targeted by terrorists if he forced to testify. "A journalist who is perceived to have acted as an agent for the U.S. Government will almost inevitably be placed at a substantially greater risk when on assignment in the Middle East," ...

*Myrick Takes Aim At Terror
Among her goals is to investigate Muslim military and prison chaplains who were approved by a man now in prison for funding terrorism, and examine the nonprofit status of an organization partially fundedby Saudis. That group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, says her assumptions are wrong and agendas like hers move Muslim bashing into the mainstream. "It sounds like your usual  laundry list of talking points you can see on anti-Muslim hate sites on the Internet," ... Myrick's 10-point plan includes: Investigate all military chaplains endorsed by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was imprisoned for funding a terrorist organization. Investigate all prison chaplains endorsed by Alamoudi. Investigate the selection processof Arabic translators working for the Pentagon and the FBI. Examine the nonprofit status of the Council on American-Islamic Relations ...

*CAIR's True Color's
The following report shows the consistent support CAIR officials have shown for Hamas, Hizballah and other radicals and their refusal to condemn terrorist attacks and suicide bombings by those groups...

*CAIR Identified By FBI As Part Of Muslim Brotherhood's "Palestine Committee"

Both Omar Ahmed and Nihad Awad, CAIR co-founders who today serve as CAIR’s chairman emeritus and executive director, respectively, were also listed as individual members the Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee in America.

*CAIR Trains FBI Agents As New Report Cites Links To Terror
"CAIR consistently deceives the American public, law enforcement and politicians, portraying itself as a moderate and independent organization,"..."But its own records, statements and other documents tell a different story which the public deserves to know." ...There is one non-profit, Anti-CAIR, founded by Andrew Whitehead, which devotes all of its energies to exposing what it considers CAIR's shady practices. It was Anti-CAIR that publicized the fact that a link on CAIR's website soliciting donations for New York firefighters actually took contributors to the home page for Holy Land--the accused backer of Hamas..

CAIR-Canada's Lawsuit Against Former CSIS Official Dismissed
It is for others to decide why CAIR-CAN balked at the prospect of proceeding to trial. It is unknown whether this unease stemmed from concern about the detailed review and disclosures that would derive from such proceedings ... People of good faith must look carefully at the broader implications of all of this. In their Statement of Claim, CAIR-CAN chose to construe my question about its relationship with US CAIR, as implying that: [CAIR-CAN is an Islamist, extremist sympathetic group in Canada supporting terrorism; Sheema Khan is an individual supporting Islamic, extremist causes, including the support of terrorism; CAIR-CAN is a subsidiary of its parent organization, CAIR, which itself is an organization supporting terrorism and run by individuals convicted of terrorist­ related offences. CAIR-CAN and CAIR share a common and inter-related goal of fostering their extremist views, and of supporting terrorism to achieve their objectives; CAIR-CAN and Sheema Khan falsely and fraudulently misrepresent themselves as moderate representatives of Muslim interests; CAIR-CAN and Sheema Khan are frightening moderate Islamists, and are driving young people into extremism] ...

*CAIR Called 'Turnstile' For Terrorist Suspects
Muthanna al-Hanooti: The CAIR director's home was raided last year by FBI agents in connection with an active terrorism investigation. Agents also searched the offices of his advocacy group, Focus on Advocacy and Advancement of International Relations ... Laura Jaghlit: A civil-rights coordinator for CAIR, her Washington-area home was raided by federal agents after 9/11 as part of an investigation into terrorist financing, money laundering and tax fraud. Her husband Mohammed Jaghlit, a key leader in the Saudi-backed SAAR network, is a target of the still-active probe ... Abdurahman Alamoudi: Another CAIR director, he is serving 23 years in federal prison for plotting terrorism. Alamoudi, who was caught on tape complaining bin Laden hadn't killed enough Americans in the U.S. embassy bombings in Africa, was one of al-Qaida's top fund-raisers in America ... Mohamed Nimer: CAIR's current research director also served as a board director for UASR, the strategic arm for Hamas in the U.S.... Siraj Wahhaj: A member of CAIR's board of advisers, Wahhaj was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The radical Brooklyn imam was close to convicted terrorist Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, and defended him during his trial...

*Government Reminds Court Of CAIR/MAS Ties To Terrorists
CAIR was listed among "entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee." Then, when the group petitioned to remove its name from that list, prosecutors said such relief "will not prevent its conspiratorial involvement with HLF, and others affiliated with Hamas, from becoming a matter of public record."  Now, in a federal court filing from December, federal prosecutors have described CAIR as "having conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists." The government also stated that "proof that the conspirators used deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists was introduced" in the Dallas Holy Land Foundation trial last year and the Chicago trial of the Hamas men in 2006 ... Federal prosecutors used their response to the brief to remind the court of the both organizations' questionable stand on the issue of terrorism itself ... (Federal Court Filing)

*HLF's Financial Support of CAIR Garners New Scrutiny
When it was formed, CAIR was helped out by $5,000 from HLF ... "This is an outright lie," Awad said. "Our organization did not receive any seed money from HLFRD. CAIR raises its own funds and we challenge Mr. Emerson to provide even a shred of evidence to support his ridiculous claim." Emerson did better than that. Through Epstein, he provided the Senate committee with HLF's original seed money to CAIR, drawn on a Saudi Arabian bank account ... Awad's testimony wasn't the first time CAIR denied the HLF support. Earlier in 2003, during a deposition for a civil case, CAIR co-founder and then-chairman Omar Ahmad was asked, "Did they [HLF] give you any money to help start CAIR?" He responded unequivocally, "No." ... Awad then attempted to minimize the significance of the CAIR/HLF money trail: "HLF was not indicted for any criminal activity at the time of its donation in 1994 and its assets were frozen by the Justice Department seven years later in December 2001." He added that HLF's "relatively small donation" came "seven years before any wrongdoing was attributed to Holy Land Foundation." Transcripts from government surveillance tapes make clear, however, that CAIR's founders were fully aware of the support HLF leaders voiced for Hamas well before accepting the money...

*Legal Jihad: How Islamist 'Lawfare' Is Stifling Western Free Speech On Radical Islam

One of the major proponents of Islamist lawfare in the US is the Washington-based Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in a terror financing case and self-described representative of the American Muslim population...

Radicalization in the West met with enthusiastic approval from anti-extremist, moderate Muslims, but with predictable condemnation from the "Wahhabi lobby" represented by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its allies ... The radical Muslim response to the NYPD report predictably employed the pretexts of alleged "profiling" and "inappropriate" criteria. But the report did not embody "profiling;" rather, it was an academic-style work based on open source documents and serious expertise, and utilized a case study approach drawing on terrorism incidents abroad ... But for Islamists in America, charges of "profiling" and "inappropriate" methods are the preferred reply to critical discussion of almost all significant matters.... According to the radicals, they themselves represent the Muslim mainstream, their practices and beliefs are harmless, and any questioning of them amounts to persecution. Unfortunately for the extremists, many Muslims disagree with them, considering them a deviant phenomenon, their habits and views distorted, and their worldwide quest for domination worthy of decided opposition ... Her involvement in CAIR's counter-attack on the NYPD demonstrates otherwise ... Debbie Almontaser appears to be a classic "stealth Islamist," and KGIA looks like just the kind of radicalizing effort it was said to be by its critics ... Shia Muslim community leaders in New York have expressed their opposition to the campaign and their support for the police, and have refused to sign the letter ...

*Savage vs. CAIR: The Battle Over Free Speech

But rather than taking CAIR's boycott lying down, Savage is fighting back, in court. Represented by his lawyer, Daniel A. Horowitz, Savage is suing CAIR primarily for copyright infringement. According to the text of the lawsuit, which is posted at Savage's Web site, CAIR "misappropriated" his work by posting the four-minute segment in question at its Web site and including it in outreach and fundraising efforts. Taking it a step further, the lawsuit accuses CAIR of misrepresenting itself as a "civil rights organization" and of "advocating a specific political agenda that is directly opposed to the existence of a free society." While the copyright infringement charges against CAIR may or may not pan out, the broader implications could end up holding the most weight ...

*Congressional Paul Revere Warns Nation About Islamofascist Threat
We have 118 members — both Democrats and Republicans. The threat we face from radical Islamofascists is not a partisan issue ... The radical Islamofascists have told us how they intend to infiltrate all areas of our society and use the freedoms that are guaranteed under our Constitution to eventually Islamize our country, eliminate our Constitution and enact Shariah law ... I know of some Muslim nongovernmental organizations that are doing good things, such as the Islamic Supreme Council of America, the American Islamic Congress and the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. However, groups such as Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and others have a proven record of senior officials being indicted and either imprisoned or deported from the U.S. Just to name a few: Ghassan Elashi, a founding board member of CAIR, is serving 80 months in prison; Randall "Ismail" Royer, the communications director for CAIR, is serving 20 years in prison; and Bassam Khafagi, the director of CAIR's community relations, has been arrested and deported. There was a lot of evidence presented at the recent Holy Land Foundation trial, which exposed CAIR, ISNA and others as front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood ...We need to shed the veil of political correctness that shields government officials from speaking out against them...

Daniel Pipes? Enough, Already!
What is it about Mr. Pipes that makes Mr. Ibrahim Hooper (CAIR Spokesperson) swoon at the very mention of his name?  What is so frightening about Mr. Pipes? Has he advocated violence and supported terrorist murders like Mr. Ahmad and Mr. Hooper?   Does Mr. Pipes advocate blowing up buses, like Mr. Ahmad and Mr. Hooper have?  Has Mr. Pipes fought the FBI to stop them from investigating Islamist terrorists, like Mr. Ahmad and Mr. Hooper have?  Has Mr. Pipes blamed every single offense against Jews (no matter how big or small) on “Anti-Jewish” bigotry by Americans as Mr. Ahmad and Mr. Hooper have for Muslims?...Mr. Ahmad and Mr. Hooper are self-serving prostitutes to the Anti-American, Anti-Freedom cult that is Wahabbi Islam.  For either of these “men” to self-appoint themselves as leaders of the Islamic faith is a grave insult to peaceful followers of Islam....

*CAIR Executive Director Placed at HAMAS Meeting
On the telephone, three men discussed who should be invited to join them in a meeting to discuss what to do next. The call included Omar Ahmad (CAIR’s chairman emeritus), who at the time served at President of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), Shukri Abu Baker, President of the Holy Land Foundation and one of the defendants now on trial, and Abdelhaleem al-Ashqar, the Executive Director of a HAMAS-linked charity known as the Al Aqsa Educational Fund. They discussed inviting people from the “Union,” a code reference to the IAP. They mentioned “Akram,” “Abdul Rahman” and “Nihad.” In 1993, Nihad Awad was the spokesman and public relations director for the IAP. During that same telephone conversation, the men on the telephone call referred to Nihad's work in "media." Shukri Abu Bakr mentioned "a full article in Dallas Morning News...and every few lines: Mr. Nihad said this and that...." The Dallas Morning News did publish an article that day. It ran under the headline "Dallas' Mideast Observers Warn of Conflict Ahead." It extensively quoted "Nihad Awad, spokesman for the Dallas-based Islamic Association of Palestine." ...

*CAIR: Youngest Member of Hamas Family Tree
What has so far gone unnoticed, though, is one last organization on this list that the Committee hoped to establish in the future. As stated in the bylaws, this organization would handle “issues relating to political work and foreign relations”: It is a committee which operates through the Association [IAP] for now. It is hoped that it will become an official organization for political work and its headquarters will be in Washington, God’s willing. It represents the political aspect to support the cause politically on the American front.  An organization headquartered in Washington, DC, tasked with political activism, born out of the IAP? Maybe a vague reference at first glance, but growing evidence points to the identity of the mystery organization listed in the bylaws as the youngest in the family of HAMAS front groups founded on American soil. Fast forward to July 30, 1994, just weeks after the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was founded. A Palestine Committee meeting agenda lists several issues to be discussed, including a review of the reports of the “working organizations.” Listed among these organizations right beside HLF, IAP, and UASR – all members of the Palestine Committee as listed in the bylaws – is the word “CAIR." The same CAIR that is headquartered in Washington, and whose co-founders - executive director Nihad Awad and chairman emeritus Omar Ahmad - served as president and public relations director, respectively, of the IAP ...

*From HLF To Hamas: A Modern Parallel
Ahmad, for his part, announced his maximalist intentions, stating, "We've always demanded the 1948 territories," code for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with an Islamist state, but signaled his unwillingness to go public with his views for fear of damaging his movement's position, stating, "No, we didn't say that to the Americans." Despite the less than optimal outcome of the HLF trial, and while the defendants await a decision by the prosecutors regarding a retrial, another opportunity has presented itself to compare the mindset of the HLF defendants with those of Hamas. Later this month, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are planning to meet in Annapolis, Maryland for a conference designed to push the Middle East peace process forward. Not to be dissuaded, and very much in the mold of the 1993 Philadelphia meeting, Hamas is planning a "rejectionist" conference in Damascus, inviting all Palestinian hard-liners and terrorist groups, to coincide with the official Annapolis event. Current Hamas Deputy Political Bureau Chief Mousa Abu Marzook, himself very much a part of the HLF trial, said the reasoning behind the conference was, "to send a clear message to the international community and the United States that Abu Mazen (Abbas) does not represent the Palestinian people in these negotiations," an unsurprising position for a top Hamas official. But Hamas' positions are hardly limited to determining who is allowed to speak for Palestinians. The Hamas Charter states, "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" ...

*Holy Land Trial Revealed A Covert Islamist Agenda
[T]he evidence shows "definitive proof that CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and all the Muslim Brotherhood groups in this country came here with a markedly different purpose from what they claim, and they have gone through decades of deceit to conceal their true identities and purposes."... Earlier this month in Washington, a handful of prominent Muslims gathered to explain to an American audience why the Muslim Brotherhood was a clear and present danger both to American Muslims and the nation. Naser Khader, a Muslim parliamentarian from Denmark living under death threat for speaking out against Islamic radicals, even called U.S. government officials "useful idiots" for continuing to succor extremists ...Turkish-born Zeyno Baran, a Hudson Institute scholar who advises the Pentagon and other federal agencies, called the Brotherhood affiliates "a fifth column of activists working to undermine the foundation of America." Ms. Baran, a Muslim who defends democratic secularism, blasted the U.S. government for working with CAIR, ISNA and the rest, saying official recognition legitimizes these groups among the wider Muslim community. One cost of the American mainstream's refusal to call out these front groups, she warned, is giving carte blanche to Islamists who want to quietly radicalize all American Muslims, starting with students. If we want to avoid the kind of social conflict tearing up Britain, Ms. Baran said, we must wake up and challenge these closet Islamists publicly and not fall for their rhetoric of victimization ...

*CAIR Goes Back To School
One of the new educational warlords these unsuspecting Somali families are encountering is Ahmad Al-Akhras, CAIR national vice chairman, who is listed as one of the incorporators of both charter schools, and who is listed as the treasurer of  International Academy. Joining him on the board of both schools is Abukar Arman, the Somali terror apologist who was recently forced to resign from the Central Ohio Homeland Security oversight board ... Ahmad Al-Akhras is one of Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman’s closest advisors, and Coleman has rewarded his political partner by appointing him to the city’s Community Relations Commission, along with several other city government boards and working groups. This despite the public support that Al-Akhras has given to two convicted Columbus-area Al-Qaeda operatives, another who was recently indicted for supporting terrorist activity, and his self-described longtime friendship with convicted and deported Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative, Fawaz Damra, who received considerable support from CAIR-OH and the national organization prior to his deportation ... Another indicator of the partisan political and sectarian use of these schools is in an anti-Israel “teach-in” sponsored by CAIR-OH held at International Academy in September 2006, entitled “Palestine 101”. The event was co-sponsored by a number of Marxist and extremist organizations: The Committee for Justice in Palestine, International Socialist Union, World Can’t Wait-Columbus, and Not In Our Name-Columbus. CAIR national official and school treasurer Ahmad Al-Akhras served as one of the panelists ...

*Why CAIR Dropped Its Lawsuit
In court, CAIR was asked to admit that "Hamas murdered innocent civilians" to which it replied: "Objection, calls for legal conclusion..." Questioned as to whether CAIR has had "one or more communications with Abu Musa Marzook?" The plaintiff's reply was, "To be subject to plaintiff's motion for Protective Order...," restricting the response to Whitehead's counsel. Called to confirm Article Seven of the Hamas Charter which states that "the Hamas has been looking forward to implementing Allah's promise whatever time it might take. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews, until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" CAIR again refused to respond by stating: "CAIR objects because the Hamas Charter speaks for itself and because the Plainiff is
without means to obtain current, accurate, and reliable copy of the Hamas Charter." ...

*The Towering Evidence Against the Holy Land Foundation
McGonigle held three interviews in his time in Gaza.  The first two were with known Hamas leaders, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Mahmud Zahar (unindicted co-conspirators to this case), who both told McGonigle that they knew nothing of the HLF.  From there, McGonigle made an unannounced visit to the Holy Land Foundation office in Gaza where he met with Asaad Abu Sharkh and Muhammad Muharam - (unindicted co-conspirators as part of Hamas’ social infrastructure in the Palestinian territories in this case).  They discussed the HLF charitable activities throughout the region and, most importantly, how they were in no way involved with Hamas ... Then, the prosecution played an audio tape which was intercepted on December 2, 1999 - the date in which McGonigle was present in Gaza and was speaking with the Gaza HLF office.  This conversation took place between Shukri Abu Baker, the HLF CEO in Richardson, Texas, and Mohammad Muharam, the Gaza office director.  Muharam had called Baker immediately following McGonigle’s visit to advise him of the situation.  They discussed that McGonigle could not be trusted because he was part of the Jewish lobby.  Muharam advised Baker that McGonigle wanted to speak to some of the people HLF was helping in Gaza and Baker stressed to Muharam that under no circumstances should he be taken to visit the families of the martyrs or prisoners in Israeli jails who were receiving HLF aid ... One of the most enlightening examples of evidence was a phonebook belonging to Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook found at the home of one his former assistants.  Nearly 30 names from Marzook’s phonebook matched up with the HLF’s overseas speakers list ...

*CAIR “Affiliated With” Hamas
In addition to picking apart the arguments laid out in CAIR’s brief piece by piece, the government set an important precedent, officially and definitively linking CAIR to Hamas, writing: "In the instant case, striking CAIR’s name from the attachment to the Trial Brief will not prevent its conspiratorial involvement with HLF, and others affiliated with Hamas, from becoming a matter of public record. That has already occurred as a consequence of the presentation of evidence at trial."... The government also argues some legal basics, that CAIR has no standing to petition its removal from the list of unindicted co-conspirators since the list is not directly pertinent to the “actual, ongoing controversy” of HLF’s criminal trial, basically that, by filing the brief, CAIR has not acted as a “friend of the court,” but rather only out of self interest, and that, in the brief, CAIR has failed to show any injury as a result of its inclusion on the list of unindicted co-conspirators ...

*CAIR's Islamism Revealed
Will CAIR acknowledge that counter-terrorism is a greater public responsibility to the organized American Muslim community than the obsession with the protection of our civil rights? Is it not the primary role of Muslim American organizations to lead the ideological war against radical Islamists? Isn’t this the number one issue on the mind of most Americans in 2007? Non-Muslims can do nothing to deconstruct this poisonous ideology. Our fellow Americans living in fear for their security are looking for us to lead this fight. The credibility of Muslims is suffering deeply as a result of the complete denial of this responsibility by groups like CAIR. In fact, there may be no better way to preserve our rights than by leading an ideological movement against political Islam and militant Islamism ... The Washington Times piece about CAIR was not a hit-piece nor was it anti-Muslim or anti-Islamic. It begins the long overdue debate about the agenda of organizations like CAIR and where they stand with regard to political Islam and these questions. Soon, mainstream media and government leaders are going to need finally to begin to ignore the intimidation tactics of organizations like CAIR and to engage political Islam...

*The CAIR-U.A.E. Connection
The United Arab Emirates recently announced on its official government website that it has set up an endowment serving as a source of income for CAIR. The amount of the funding is undisclosed, but sources say it will be enough to help CAIR finance the construction of a new $24 million office building and a planned $50 million public-relations campaign aimed at repairing Islam's -- and the UAE's -- image in America ...In a press statement he issued after 9-11, Hooper flatly asserted: "We do not support directly or indirectly or receive support from any overseas group or government." He has claimed CAIR receives its funding from member dues. In fact, CAIR not only receives support from the UAE, but also from interests based in Saudi Arabia ...To help assuage skeptics, CAIR has enlisted the help of former Republican congressman Paul Findley, a well-known apologist for Islam who happens to do business in the Middle East...

*Accommodation As An Islamist Political Instrument
This behavior and Islamist commentary which exploits personal practices of the Muslim faith in order to make public statements and impose the mandates of one’s personal faith upon general society is classical behavior for Islamists. We saw it with the flying imams and now we see it with demands for the accommodation of an entire school time schedule for Muslim prayer obligations ... Islamist organizations, like CAIR who never met a demand from rigid Muslims they didn’t like, will continue to demand ‘logistical requirements of faith’ all the while intimidating non-Muslims into allowing them to control public spaces and times. Whether cabbies in Minnesota, children at San Diego schools, or women at Michigan fitness clubs, the Islamist agenda is transparent. It’s all about accommodation with no sense of moderation. Necessary for the validity of these demands of accommodation is a deeply rigid uncompromising interpretation of Islam—salafism and Wahhabism. Flexibility and moderation would make these demands generally disappear ...

*What CAIR-Saudi Connection?
Carlson challenged Hooper on CAIR's receiving money from the Saudi government. Hooper declared: "To my knowledge we don't take money from the government of Saudi Arabia." ... Does he mean that they don't take money from the Saudi government, but from individual Saudis? Or that CAIR may take money from the Saudi government, but if it does, no one is telling Ibrahim? ... American Libraries gratefully reported in February 2003 that Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal donated $500,000 to a CAIR project that aims to put Wahhabi Islamic reading materials in public libraries across the United States ... World Association for Muslim Youth (WAMY) – a government-funded organization responsible for radical, Wahhabi proselytizing and recruitment – gave financial support for a 2002 CAIR weekly advertising campaign in American publications. This gift to CAIR alone was valued at $1.04 million ...

*Al-Qaida Angle Emerges in CAIR-Tied Terror Case
CAIR has repeatedly denied any association with Hamas. But don't believe it, says retired FBI special agent John Vincent, who has worked Hamas cases in Chicago, where IAP is based. "There is no question CAIR supports Hamas," ... Even more disturbing are the links that CAIR's forerunner, IAP, has maintained with al-Qaida. In 1989, IAP dedicated its annual convention to the late Abudullah Azzam, the fiery Palestinian cleric and mentor of Osama bin Laden. And newspapers published by IAP have often contained articles praising Azzam, who called for bloody jihad against Israel and its supporters ... Awad helped edit the IAP rags before co-founding CAIR ... Ahmad, in fact, is a longtime member and leader of the large Wahhabi mosque -called the Muslim Community Association,, or MCA - which last decade also raised thousands of dollars for a special invited guest: Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second in command to bin Laden ... Holy Land Foundation's El-Mezain last decade told an audience at an Islamic conference in Los Angeles that he had raised nearly $2 million for Hamas inside the U.S. The keynote speaker at the MAYA conference, Sheikh Muhammed Siyam, told the crowd: "Finish off the Israelis. Kill them all. Exterminate them. No peace ever." ... After 9/11, an Al-Qaida operative by the name of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali participated in paramilitary training exercises with members of the Virginia Jihad Network-whose convicted ringleader was none other than CAIR's civil-rights coordinator. The ringleader, Randall "Ismail" Royer, worked out of CAIR's Washington, D.C., headquarters. His pal Abu Ali recently was convicted of plotting to assassinate Bush ...

*Ahmad Al-Akhras: Getting by With a Little Help From His (Terrorist) Friends

Some of his other friends, however, are not so fashionable; for instance, his friend Christopher Paul, who was indicted in April as part of an active al-Qaeda cell in Columbus. Paul was planning to kill Americans at European resorts and attacking US military installations overseas ... Al-Akhras’ friend Abdi was charged with plotting to blow up a Columbus-area shopping mall, providing material aid to al-Qaeda, and falsifying virtually every element on his asylum application. Abdi is also accused on lying on a 1999 visa application to fly to Germany and Saudi Arabia, when in fact he was traveling to Ogaden, Ethiopia for terrorist training ...

*CAIR: Islamism Is Islam
This seems to be more than just Ahmed changing the words to hide the truth from the readers, something that Ahmed’s organization, CAIR, does frequently.  What he was saying, just as in the previous statements equating Hamas with Muslim religious groups, was that Islamism, a fanatic political movement, is the same as Islam, that they are interchangeable with one another. What we also learn from this is that Ahmed, himself, is a radical Muslim, because, whether what he said was true or not, only a Muslim that has been radicalized would formulate such equations regarding his/her Islamic faith.  There is no surprise with this, though, as Ahmed is the leader of an organization that has intimate ties to Hamas, an organization that was created by a Hamas front, an organization that solicited money for Hamas charities, an organization whose Executive Director said he supports Hamas, an organization that had one of its leaders convicted for Hamas-related crimes, and an organization that repeatedly refuses to condemn Hamas as a terrorist group.

*CAIR Membership Falls 90% Since 9/11
The number of reported members spiraled down from more than 29,000 in 2000 to fewer than 1,700 in 2006. As a result, the Muslim rights group's annual income from dues dropped from $732,765 in 2000, when yearly dues cost $25, to $58,750 last year, when the group charged $35.  The organization instead is relying on about two dozen individual donors a year ... "This is the untold story in the myth that CAIR represents the American Muslim population. They only represent their membership and donors," ... A February press release from CAIR's Chicago office says it met with Homeland Security immigration officials and made an agreement to "conduct sensitivity training to [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] officers and possibly prison personnel." Homeland Security officials deny such claims ... "The department does not have a formalized relationship with that particular organization," said one Homeland Security official ... "It is not uncommon for that particular organization to issue a press release attempting to overstate their interaction with the department," ...

*Defining Terror Down
Apparently the media elite spent too much time on the phone with CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) apologists to bother reading the FBI affidavit, which makes it clear they were motivated simply by Islamic jihad (as if that were anything new). It records the men saying they were willing to die killing infidels in the name of Allah. One asks who'll take care of his family. Not to worry, another responds, "Allah will take care of your wife and kids." They watched speeches by Osama bin Laden calling for jihad, videos of jihadi attacks, and videotaped messages from two of the 9/11 "martyrs." Yet the media would have none of it. AP quoted one of their fathers insisting his son "is not a terrorist." Of course not. He's a "mujahedeen," a freedom fighter. And we are the terrorists. A friend of his son confirmed he's a religious man, but he "wasn't violent at all." They never are — until they decide to slit your throat. CAIR immediately issued a warning to the media to "refrain from linking this case to the faith of Islam." And the media dutifully obliged. By defining terrorism down to appease such Muslim groups, they are committing professional malpractice, which is unconscionable in time of war. They're abdicating their duty to report the facts to a public still under threat of terrorism ...

*CAIR’s Grievance Theater, the Flying Imams and 9/11
Seven years earlier in November 1999, two Saudi students on an America West flight from Phoenix to Columbus were detained after landing because they had made repeated attempts to enter the cockpit area of the plane during the flight. In both cases, CAIR rose up to defend the offenders in question and engaged in their now standard grievance theater protest politics ...When it comes to the November 1999 incident, any mention of CAIR’s involvement or defense of the Saudi students has been scrubbed from the organization’s website. It’s no wonder, as the 9/11 Commission Report (page 521, footnote 60) explains that the FBI now considers the incident as a “dry run” for the 9/11 hijackings. And the two men involved? As the 9/11 Commission Report explains, Hamdan al-Shalawi was in Afghanistan in November 2000 training at an Al-Qaeda camp to launch “Khobar Tower”-type attacks against the US in Saudi Arabia, and Mohammad Al-Qadhaieen was arrested in June 2003 as a material witness in the 9/11 attacks. Both men were friends of Al-Qaeda recruiter, Zakaria Mustapha Soubra, who drove them to the airport that day in Qadhaieen’s car. Another friend of Shalawi is Ghassan al-Sharbi, another Al-Qaeda operative that would later be captured in Pakistan with high-level Al-Qaeda leader Abu Zubaida...

*CAIR And Hate Crimes Fabrication
Arson investigators have determined that the final blast that severely injured the store owner, Musa Shteiwi, and his son, Essa, was set by the pair themselves. In a performance worthy of a Darwin Award, the Shteiwis were standing in a pool of gasoline that they intended to use as an accelerant in setting their store ablaze later that night when Musa Shteiwi took a break and lit up a cigarette, igniting the gasoline prematurely and causing the blast that inflicted their injuries ... But there's more: prosecutors claim that Shteiwi had hired a former employee, Joshua Hunter, to commit the previous attacks against his store that CAIR had insisted were hate crimes committed by non-Muslim members of the Xenia community. Hunter has been jailed and charged with arson, and similar charges against Musa and Essa Shteiwi are pending until after they have recovered from their injuries ...

CAIR Chairman Elected to Board of ACLU – Florida
On March 8, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced that National Board Chairman Parvez Ahmed has been elected to the board of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida (ACLU – Florida) ... CAIR, birthed from the Islamic Association of Palestine and a front for radical Islam in the United States and Canada is unashamedly anti-American by both action and word.  CAIR has never apologized, or explained, the several Muslim criminals convicted on Islamic terrorism charges they have had on staff…how many more are waiting for their chance to attack Americans?  Which of us may be the next victim? CAIR is consistently on the wrong side in the war on Islamic terror; along with the ACLU, we can expect nothing but obstruction and opposition to common-sense initiatives to further prevent Islamic terrorist attacks on North America and deliberate attempts by both to provide extra-legal protections to Muslim terrorists. The war on Islamic terror is a black and white issue. You either stand with America or you do not. CAIR & the ACLU:  A marriage made in hell and consecrated on the bodies of dead Americans.  How many more Americans will be endangered by this alliance? To those who say that this is not an alliance between CAIR and the ACLU, ask yourself this question:  “Would the ACLU have bothered with Ahmed if he weren’t chairman of CAIR?”

*CAIR vs. Human Rights
But CAIR’s opposition to the Summit may offer one hint as to why they felt they had to leave the fold. As Tawfik Hamid, author of The Roots of Jihad, told Bedier on the Glenn Beck show, “The truth should be independent of whoever says it.” ... Shouldn’t CAIR gladly and without hesitation endorse a statement calling for protection of “sexual and gender minorities from persecution and violence” and the elimination of “sectarian education that teaches intolerance and bigotry towards non-Muslims”? Isn’t CAIR dedicated to protecting “civil liberties”? And as for the developing of “an open public sphere in which all matters may be discussed without coercion or intimidation,” wouldn’t such a public atmosphere help CAIR “encourage dialogue” and “build coalitions”? ...

*What Is CAIR Afraid Of?

CAIR declared the summit illegitimate because few of the participants are "practicing Muslims," and those who are, it claims, are merely pawns playing into the hands of "Islamophobes." "In order to have legitimate reform, you need to have the right messengers," asserted CAIR spokesman Ahmed Bedier. And who might that be? The four CAIR executives who have been successfully prosecuted on terrorism- related charges? The CAIR co-founder who said the Quran should replace the U.S. Constitution as "the highest authority in America"? ... Fittingly, CAIR's Bedier balked when summit delegate Tawfik Hamid, a former terrorist, challenged him to denounce Saudi sharia law for "killing apostates, beating women and stoning women." ... Just a handful of reformers gathered in Florida made CAIR squirm ...

*CAIR: Prostitutes For Radical Islam

Awad, true to form and right from the CAIR playbook, immediately goes on the offensive to defend CAIR’s so-called “honor”.  Awad denied the charges that CAIR has any links to terror groups and claims a “deliberate smear campaign” by individuals whom support Israel are behind efforts to smear the Muslim community and silence its voice ... we believe that the "fall in respect" by the average American for Islam as a religion can be directly tied to activities by CAIR to undermine our country, prepare North America for conversion to an Islamic thugocracy, and CAIR’s obvious ties to radical Islam ...

*Numbers Don’t Lie
An inspection of CAIR’s most recent publicly available IRS Form 990 (2004) shows for that year they received $119,029 in membership dues for that year (line 3). But at $25 per membership (the current rate is $35), that would mean that in 2004, CAIR only had 4,761 dues-paying members – less than 5,000 members out of 8 million Muslims in America. This would mean that CAIR only represents 1 out of every 1,680 Muslims. Even if a lower 6 million Muslim population figure were assumed, CAIR would still only be able to claim representation for 1 out of every 1,260 Muslims for that year ...

*Were We Unfair To CAIR?
Ibrahim Hooper Whines & Dodges the Truth  (Salon's Jake Tapper  responds)
The rest of Hooper's complaints, however, have no merit, and in fact typify the type of obfuscation CAIR regularly engages in when faced with criticism. Hooper claims I somehow have twisted his words over his inability to offer an unqualified condemnation of Osama bin Laden. He does so by -- again -- refusing to offer an unqualified condemnation of bin Laden. Hooper also never even mentions Hamas and Hezbollah, despite the fact that a major part of the story -- and point of serious concern among Muslim critics of CAIR -- is that CAIR and the AMC tacitly support these groups, which the U.S. State Department classifies as "terrorist" for killing Israeli civilians in terrorist acts and, in the case of Hezbollah, American soldiers. Also notice that Hooper continues to refuse to clarify CAIR's position on the "innocence" of the civilian victims of terrorism. Fundamentalist supporters of Hamas and Hezbollah are known to consider Jews and Israelis evil, and therefore justify murdering them, even children. They do not consider it to be terrorism. But instead of clarifying that that is not the position of CAIR, Hooper writes that that the group does not believe in a "hierarchy in which some civilian victims of terrorism are 'innocent' and others are not." Again, why the obfuscation? If CAIR believes killing civilians -- including Jewish and Israeli civilians -- is terrorism, and wrong, why not just say so? Surely most American Muslims would have no problem condemning bin Laden with no qualifications. Why can't Hooper?

*Addressing CAIR 'Empowers Islamists,' Say Moderate Muslims

We cannot blindly empower Islamists, like Gov. Ed Rendell and Rep. Joe Sestak have done, and then wonder why we are losing the ideological battle," added Zuhdi Jasser, chairman of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. "CAIR's focus on apologetics for terrorism, victimization and minority politics is simply a distraction from their responsibility to lead the battle within the Islamic community to defeat militancy and theocracy," ... "As an American Muslim, I have significant concerns with CAIR and their less-than-transparent agenda,"... "At the core, they present themselves as a representative of a faith community, but a brief review of all their materials demonstrates a heavily political agenda long on foreign and domestic policy criticism and very short on spirituality. "These politicians legitimize their faith representation and their political representation of our faith community -- which they certainly do not for many Muslims," he added. "Those reformers who understand that the root cause of terrorism is political Islam will have no chance whatsoever to win the ideological battle over the mosque if the Islamists are repeatedly endorsed and empowered by our government." Jasser also called CAIR's condemnations of terror "empty" and "dangerously non-specific."...

*Senator Barbara Boxer Recalls Award To CAIR "Activist"

Boxer’s office confirmed to NEWSWEEK that she has withdrawn a “certificate of accomplishment” to Sacramento activist Basim Elkarra after learning that he serves as an official with the Council on American -Islamic Relations (CAIR). After directing her staff to look into CAIR, Boxer “expressed concern” about some past statements and actions by the group, as well as assertions by some law enforcement officials that it “gives aid to international terrorist groups,” ... Boxer tells NEWSWEEK she never saw the letter to CAIR signed in her name or was even aware of the award to Elkarra before it was sent out. "I feel terrible about this," she says. "We just made a mistake. I was not in the loop. That was an automatic signature [on the letter]." But Boxer stands by her decision to withdraw the award and to distance herself from CAIR, saying she was influenced by previous critical statements about CAIR made by her Democratic colleagues Sens. Richard Durbin of Illinois and Charles Schumer of New York. "To praise an organization because they haven't been indicted is like somebody saying, 'I'm not a crook,'” Boxer says. “I'm going to take a lot of hits for this. But I'm just doing what I think is right." ... CAIR has formally asked for a meeting with Boxer and demanded that she withdraw the action - which one top CAIR official said smacks of “Islamophobia.” ... Boxer was unaware of the certificate to Elkarra that had been given in her name by staff members in her California office and only learned of it “when she came across a story on Horowitz’s blog,” ...  After review by her staff, Boxer was particularly concerned by claims that CAIR had refused to condemn Hamas and Hizbullah and recognize those groups as terrorist organizations,” ... [Joe] Kaufman, for his part, couldn’t be more pleased. “We are proud of Sen. Boxer,” he says. “By taking back this award, the senator has shown that she is conscious of the extreme problems that Basim Elkarra and his group, CAIR, pose to the public.” ...

*Did CAIR Founder Say Islam To Rule America? (Truth Will Not Go Away)
Muslims confront Omar Ahmad as newspaper insists report of controversial remarks accurate

Ahmad told the Muslim leaders – and WND in an interview – the attribution is a "total fabrication" and assured them the newspaper, the Fremont Argus in California, issued a "clarification" after he "challenged" reporter Lisa Gardiner. That seemed to satisfy the Muslim leaders, but Gardiner told WND she continues to stand by the story, and Editor Steve Waterhouse said he's confident she got it right. After hearing that news Thursday, one of the Muslim leaders immediately resurrected the issue with his colleagues, declaring Ahmad and CAIR need to find a way "to extinguish this fire."  "She was a good, solid reporter," Waterhouse said of Gardiner. "She was absolutely certain about what she said and what she reported." Gardiner, who now works for a non-profit group, told WND last week she's 100-percent sure Ahmad was the speaker and that he made those statements, pointing out nobody challenged the story at the time it was published eight years ago ... "I think Mr. Omar Ahmad and CAIR need to think hard and figure out a way to extinguish this fire,"... "The above statement is one of the most anti-Islamic, most arrogant, bullying statement[s] made in behalf of Islam. Let's strip this for good."... Critics of Ahmad and CAIR also have pointed to comments he made at a youth session of the Islamic Association for Palestine's annual convention in Chicago in 1999 in which he praised suicide bombers  who "kill  themselves for Islam," ... "Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide," Ahmad asserted. "They kill themselves for Islam."

*A Defeat For Islamism In America
It would be logical to assume CAIR did not want to expose its finances, its connections to foreign interests, and possibly the beliefs and intentions of its key leadership to legal process. My guess, based on the information we obtained during this case from a variety of sources, is that CAIR may have been most concerned about protecting its funding sources and its foreign backers. In truth, its leadership has been pretty open about ideology and goals ...The Whitehead case has counteracted the tactic of using U.S. courts to stifle free speech by demonstrating that the blowback from a defamation lawsuit – properly defended – is generally far worse than the harm caused by the original statements themselves...

*CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment
Perhaps the most obvious problem with CAIR is the fact that at least five of its employees and board members have been arrested, convicted, deported, or otherwise linked to terrorism-related charges and activities ...CAIR has also consistently defended other radical Islamic terrorists. Rather than praise the conviction of the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, it deemed this “a travesty of justice.”  It labeled the extradition order for suspected Hamas terrorist Mousa Abu Marzook “anti-Islamic” and “anti-American.”  CAIR has co-sponsored Yvonne Ridley, the British convert to Islam who became a Taliban enthusiast and a denier that Al-Qaeda was involved in 9-11. When four U.S. civilian contractors in Falluja were (in CAIR’s words) “ambushed in their SUV's, burned, mutilated, dragged through the streets, and then hung from a bridge spanning the Euphrates River,” CAIR issued a press release that condemned the mutilation of the corpses but stayed conspicuously silent on the actual killings ...

*Islam's Flawed Spokesmen
"There is general concern among Muslim intellectuals about how not only CAIR but some of these other organizations are claiming to speak in the name of the Muslim community, and how they're coming to be recognized by the government as spokespeople for the Muslim community in the U.S.," says Ali Asani, professor of Islamic studies at Harvard University. "That troubles people."...

*CAIR Named As Defendant In John P. O'Neill - 9/11 Lawsuit
CAIR and CAIR-Canada have, since their inception, been part of the criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terrorism. These organizations play a unique role in the terrorist network. They emanate from the notorious HAMAS terrorist organization and like so many of the terrorism facilitating charities named and indicted by the United States government they are engaged in fund raising under the guise of assisting humanitarian causes they are, in reality, a key player in international terrorism. The unique role played by CAIR and CAIR-Canada is to manipulate the legal systems of the United States and Canada in a manner that allows them to silence critics, analysts, commentators, media organizations, and government officials by leveling false charges of discrimination, libel, slander and defamation...

*Tampa's Racist Radio
While he underhandedly exploited the occasion of the death of Dr. King to work in CAIR’s pseudo claim of anti-Muslim bigotry, most of what Bedier said was inoffensive and harmless.  But no matter the kind words, on this same radio show, another message was being sent -- that of undeniable hatred ... The other two guests were New York imam Talib Abdur-Rashid and Kentucky academic Ihsan Bagby.  Both Abdur-Rashid and Bagby are leaders of the Muslim Alliance of North America (MANA), an African- American Islamist group founded in May of 2000, in response to the arrest of cop killer H.Rap Brown, a.k.a. Jamil Al-Amin. It took little time for the MANA duo to let out invectives directed at the white community and those black Christians that they believe are tools of the whites.  The following exchange between Abdur-Rashid, Bagby and Bedier (who felt the urge to chime in with his own prejudice) took place on the radio show and exemplifies this hate talk ...

*CAIR's Al Qaeda Link Exposed
[CAIR] civil rights coordinator Randall Todd "Ismail" Royer faces federal charges that he and others "conspired to provide material support to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization and to his Taliban protectors in Afghanistan," according to the Washington Post. Royer is one of 11 members of an alleged "jihad network" based in northern Virginia to support al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorists. Four of the 11 already have pled guilty and are cooperating with federal authorities ...

*CAIR: The 8-Million Muslim Lie
[I]t's a wildly inflated estimate manufactured by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, something that the media could easily refute if they dared — simply by deconstructing CAIR's unscientific methodology. While the number of Muslims is growing thanks to higher birthrates and immigration, it's nowhere near CAIR's claim. Even the most generous independent estimate puts it at half that size, or 4 million ... To come up with its own figure, it hired a "respected scholar" by the name of Ihsan Bagby to lead its "study." But Bagby not only lacks independence — he's a CAIR board member — he's not even a trained demographer. Worse, he admits the number he arrived at is a "guesstimation." ...

*Kicking A CAIR Extremist Off The Human Relations Commission
Ahmad, a Phoenix-based publisher, produces two radical newspapers, the English language “Muslim Voice” and the Arabic language “Arab Voice.”  The editorial position of  both papers is unapologetically pro-Hamas, including a February 2006 editorial in the “Arab Voice” hailing Hamas’ election victory in the West Bank and Gaza ... Mr Ahmad further complains about the Treasury Department’s closing of the Hamas-linked charity, the Holy Land Foundation, whose leadership is set to go on trial next year for funneling millions of dollars to Hamas ... Ahmad ran an editorial cartoon depicting a moderate member of the Arizona Muslim community as a ravenous dog. That moderate is Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, an Arizona-based physician and activist.  And why did Ahmad's paper attack Dr. Jasser?  Because Jasser takes the time to monitor and translate Ahmad's publications and alert the local community about his fierce level of extremism ... The Arizona chapter of CAIR, along with several other pressure groups, issued a statement announcing a press conference to state their “demands,” including that the Mayor and City Council of Phoenix revoke Ahmad’s “termination and to reinstate Mr. Marwan Ahmad’s membership on the Phoenix Human Relations Commission.”...

*Sen. Boxer & CAIR Meet - Boxer's Concerns Remain
[A] spokeswoman for the California Democrat said she does not intend to give back the certificate honoring Basim Elkarra, executive director of the Sacramento chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The senator also said the concerns prompting her to rescind his service award earlier this month haven't changed ... Boxer and her staff cited concerns about CAIR's positions on terrorist groups, contending that CAIR had refused to label Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations ...

*A Profiling In Courage (Six "Imams" Denied)
Kudos to US Airways. Risking fines and a boycott, it did the right thing this week by removing a group of Muslim men from a flight to protect its crew and passengers ... Then there's the case of Muhammed al-Qudhaieen and Hamdan al-Shalawi, two Arizona college students removed from an America West flight after twice trying to open the cockpit. The FBI suspected it was a dry run for the 9/11 hijackings, ...  Defending them was none other than the leader of the six imams kicked off the US Airways flight this week. Turns out the students attended the Tucson, Ariz., mosque of Sheikh Omar Shahin, a Jordan native. Shahin has been the protesters' public face, ... In an Arizona Republic interview after 9/11, he acknowledged once supporting Osama bin Laden through his mosque in Tucson. FBI investigators believe bin Laden set up a base in Tucson. Hani Hanjour, who piloted the plane that hit the Pentagon, attended the Tucson mosque along with bin Laden's onetime personal secretary, according to the 9/11 Commission Report. Bin Laden's ex-logistics chief was president of the mosque before Shahin took over. "These people don't continue to come back to Arizona because they like the sunshine or they like the state," said FBI agent Kenneth Williams. "Something was established there, and it's been there for a long time." And Shahin appears to be in the middle of it ...CAIR asserts the imams are peace-loving patriots. "It's inappropriate to treat religious leaders that way," ...

*CAIR vs. DePaul
Newly released evidence has revealed that the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) worked privately to pressure DePaul University to fire adjunct professor Thomas Klocek for telling Muslim activist students that their views on Middle-East issues were wrong.  According to a letter to DePaul’s President from CAIR’s executive director M. Yaser Tabbara, “In light of …Mr. Klocek’s biased remarks, we are requesting that the University…reprimand Mr. Klocek for his conduct by permanently dismissing him from any teaching post at DePaul University.”... John W. Mauck, attorney for Thomas Klocek, said, “These documents confirm our suspicions. Rather than protect academic freedom or even treat Thomas Klocek, a professor with a 14 year spotless track record at DePaul, the university surrendered to behind-the-scenes Muslim activist pressure. At DePaul academic freedom has been subjugated to Sharia.

*CAIR's Congress
Conyers has also masterminded House Resolution 288, which condemns “religious intolerance” but clearly singles out Islam as needing special protection from such criticism. It states that “it should never be official policy of the United States Government to disparage the Quran, Islam, or any religion in any way, shape, or form,” and “calls upon local, State, and Federal authorities to work to prevent bias-motivated crimes and acts against all individuals, including those of the Islamic faith.” The bill was referred to the House subcommittee on the Constitution in June 2005, but Conyers, as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, could rescue it from legislative oblivion ... William Gawthrop, former program manager for the Joint Terrorism Task Force of the Defense Department’s Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), has noted: “There is evidence to support the contention that sources of terrorism in Islam may reside within the strategic themes of Islam,” including “the example of Muhammad, the Quran, the hadiths, Islamic law, the pillars of faith and jihad.” However, “as late as early 2006, the senior service colleges of the Department of Defense had not incorporated into their curriculum a systematic study of Muhammad as a military or political leader. As a consequence, we still do not have an in-depth understanding of the war-fighting doctrine laid down by Muhammad, how it might be applied today by an increasing number of Islamic groups, or how it might be countered.” Conyers’ resolution would effectively end any hope that the Department of Defense or any other agency would begin such study, as vitally needed as it is ...

*Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite Smacks Down CAIR's Bedier With The Truth (pdf)

When it became apparent to you that I was not willing to champion your cause in Washington, you Mr. Bedier, made the following statement, which is so outrageous I remember it almost verbatim. You told me that you had done research on me and found that I was Catholic and then went on to say, "Catholic priests pose more of a terrorism threat by having sex with young altar boys than those who flew planes into the World Trade Center."  I found the statement so bizarre that I asked you to repeat it and, without hesitation, you did. It was at that point that I stood up and told you that the meeting was over. I also pointed out the fact that the Catholic priests did not kill 3,000 innocent people, and that we knew where the guilty preists were located and they were not hiding in caves ... Mr. Bedier, in closing, I know many fine Muslims who would be well served by your resignation from the local CAIR office. Your militancy and manipulation of facts does not serve them well ...

*Boxer's Stand
Despite being founded by two self-identified supporters of Islamist terrorism and continually refusing to condemn Islamist terrorism, CAIR has not only survived, but thrived ...  CAIR claims that Mrs. Boxer succumbed to the "pro-Israel lobby," who are "anti-Muslim extremists." The reality is that Mrs. Boxer, as politically safe as any member of Congress' upper chamber, received little flack for issuing a relatively minor certificate to Mr. Elkarra. She had little to gain, and much to lose ... CAIR has, in fact, never condemned Hamas or Hezbollah. Given repeated opportunities to do so by outlets such as The Washington Post and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, CAIR has flatly refused to denounce either. Asked point-blank by Newsweek just last month to condemn Hamas, CAIR Executive Director and cofounder Nihad Awad demurred, dismissing the question as "the game of the pro-Israel lobby." ... Seeing through CAIR's tapestry of lies and deceptions is admittedly a tough task, but by no means an impossible one. Mrs. Boxer did it with little outside prodding. How many others in the media and on the left will follow suit ...?

*Keith Ellison, CAIR, And Hamas

What is so troubling about Ellison’s connection with Awad and CAIR? Mowbray quotes the assessments of two leading Democrats: Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois has declared that CAIR “is unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its association with groups that are suspect.” New York Senator Charles Schumer, once said that CAIR “has ties to terrorism” and that Ellison’s supporter Awad has “intimate connections with Hamas.” ... But of course, saying flatly that “I am in support of the Hamas movement” is not simply stating a preference for Hamas over the PLO. In any case, if Awad supported Hamas before 1994, it is useful to examine what that means. I have here preserved the old Hamas website’s “glory record” of attacks against Israelis – the terrorist organization’s own record of its murderous actions. Here are some of Hamas’ self-described exploits from before 1994 ...

*CAIR: How Close To Terrorism?
Elashi founded CAIR’s Texas chapter sometime before October 2000. (CAIR-Texas first appeared as an affiliate on the CAIR national website at that time.) Therefore, it is evident Elashi was a high-ranking CAIR official at the time he committed the pro-terrorist crimes for which he was convicted...Once again, we see that CAIR clouds the issue of its possible complicity in Islamic terrorism with none-too veiled threats against those who attempt to call them to account. Why can’t CAIR stand on the facts? Simple: the facts plainly do not support CAIR’s story... CAIR’s apparent ties to terrorism go beyond the merely rhetorical. Authorities have linked Randall Royer with al-Qaeda. On page 15 of the federal indictment of eleven Islamist terrorism suspects, it is charged ...

*Misguided Muslim Groups
Rather than just condemn the plot and address the scourge of Islamic extremism, Muslim groups such
as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) sought to both legitimize terror and portray Muslims as victims ...Rather than help Muslims in America, most Muslim organizations hinder them. Self-appointed representatives downplay religious extremism and focus more on the image of Muslims rather than on the loss of innocent life. They remain silent on the assault waged on liberalism by Islamists. Most Muslims in America, though, fled the Middle East for the liberal values of their adopted country ...

Hamas For Hipsters
Ahmed Rehab has his own “reality.”  Born in Cairo, Egypt, Rehab has been inspired greatly by the violent Muslim Brotherhood organization that was established in his birthplace in 1928.  He stated as much, when he described – on his now-defunct personal website – the founder of the Brotherhood, Hassan Al Banna, as a “Contemporary Muslim Individual who influenced me” and when he labeled Brotherhood author and philosopher, Sayyid Qutb, his “Favorite Modern Personality.” ... Ahmed Rehab was also the one to break the story – through this author – that CAIR’s parent organization, the IAP, was no longer in existence.  The group had been found liable for the murder of an American boy, David Boim, during a Hamas terror operation is Israel ... Question:  How close was Rehab to the IAP – one of three American organizations to be founded by the number two leader in Hamas today, Mousa Abu Marzook – that he knew of the group’s closure before anyone else? ...

*CAIR Founded By “Islamic Terrorists”?
CAIR’s filing an amended motion has two apparent implications: that CAIR has tacitly acknowledges
the truth of Whitehead’s deleted assertions; and those assertions can now be repeated with legal impunity...These facts suggest why CAIR felt it had to drop most of its libel claims against Andrew Whitehead. Should this case go to court, we will watch with interest how Whitehead’s two remaining opinions (that CAIR is a terrorist-supporting front organization and that it seeks to overthrow the constitutional government of the United States) will fare...

*Muslims, CAIR, and the Seeing-Eye Dog Problem
Muslim taxi drivers refusing to allow the guide dogs into their cars is a recurring theme. In July 1997, for example, a New Orleans taxi driver, Mahmoud Awad, got so incensed at his passenger, Sandi Dewdney, trying to bring a dog into the cab that he physically yanked her out of it by the arm while yelling "No dog, No dog, Get out, get out." He harmed her broken wrist. To this, CAIR replied by pointing out that "the saliva of dogs invalidates the ritual purity needed for prayer" and left it to the scholars of Islam to decide whether a guide dog should be allowed in a cab. The judge, after researching Islamic attitudes and finding no support for the driver's claims, called his behavior "a total disgrace." Awad pled guilty to battery and was sentenced to 120 days of community service at the Lighthouse for the Blind ...

*Are We Ignorant Or Are They Violent?
As usual, saying anything bad about Islam means the now-expected rioting and the calling for the death to whoever spoke out of turn. Which is part of my confusion …We’re always told that Muslims mean us no harm (tell that to those in the Towers, the Pentagon, and that field in Pennsylvania). We’re always told that they’re a peaceful lot, and we just don’t understand their culture. If that’s the case, why is it whenever someone disses them or their religion of peace, love, and tolerance, they always riot, burn down buildings, and sometimes kill people? ... Madonna is currently touring the world and performing a mock crucifixion just to tick off the religious. Madonna’s been doing this for awhile, yet I don’t remember one Catholic riot occurring ...

*CAIR’s Catholic Blood Money
At a press conference, on Thursday, September 21, Ahmed Bedier, the Director of CAIR’s Tampa office, and Rev. Robert Gibbons, the Vicar General of the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg, held aloft a large poster-board check for $5000 bearing CAIR’s insignia.  The money was said to be for the half-dozen churches that had been attacked, five of which were firebombed and shot at, the other doused with gasoline and set aflame ... On September 25, on WTVT-Tampa’s ‘Your Turn with Kathy Fountain,’ Bedier lashed out at the Pope, the figure whose picture adorns the website of the CNEWA, the group CAIR is raising money through.  Bedier angrily stated, “He said his intention was to start a dialogue.  Well, if you want to start a dialogue with someone, you don’t start it off by slapping them across the face and calling them names and say, ‘Well, now let’s talk.’” It seems CAIR was acting in the same disrespectful manner towards Catholicism’s most revered, as it was accusing the Pope of acting towards Islam’s most revered  ...

*CAIR Doth Protest Too Much
As usual, CAIR is casting itself in the role of defender and spokesman for all Muslims. In so doing, it portrays the latter as a community of victims who are defamed anytime someone points out that there is an ideology - call it Islamofascism - that masquerades as a faith, yet is distinct from Islam. What utter rubbish ...By making a distinction, on the one hand, between those Muslims in America, and elsewhere, who are peaceable, law-abiding and tolerant, and, on the other, Islamofascists who are killing and intimidating them as a precursor to dominating the rest of us, Mr. Bush is doing the exact opposite of what CAIR's Ahmed claims: "equat[ing] the religion of peace [Islam] with the ugliness of fascism." He decidedly is not "feed[ing] the perception that the war on terror is actually a war on Islam." To the contrary, he is indicating that those who use Islam to justify and provide political cover for their totalitarian aggression are at odds not only with America but with Islam, itself ...

*CAIR, Assault And Videotape?
An attendee of the “Stop the Terror Rally” sponsored by the Council for America-Islamic Relations – Ohio held at the Federal Courthouse in downtown Columbus, Ohio, on Friday July 28 says she was twice assaulted by CAIR’s National Vice-Chairman, Dr. Ahmad Al-Akhras, when she asked too many questions about the organization’s apparent support for Hezbollah terrorists. Fortunately, she caught it all on tape ... At 5’3” and 100 pounds, “ciaospirit” is not a physically intimidating figure. Yet she says Dr. Al-Akhras assaulted her a second time as she was filming him as he addressed the rally ...

*A Saudi Turki in Miami [Bobs & Weaves On CAIR]

Kaufman:  Recently, you participated in an event sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), held at the Mosque Foundation, in Bridgeview, in April – Chicago… Both of these organizations are entities that have been known to have affiliations with Hamas.  As Ambassador to the United…

Prince Turki:  If they did have these affiliations with Hamas, do you think your government would let them exist?
Kaufman:  Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t.
Prince Turki:  Believe me, if your government says they have anything to do with Hamas, they would have shut them down.
Kaufman:  These things have been reported.
Prince Turki:  Reported by whom?  Your government is the authority on these issues.  The Kingdom does not support Hamas as a terrorist organization or any otherwise.  We have not sent money to Hamas, nor do we send money to Hamas.  What we do is we support the Palestinian people.
Kaufman:  If these two organizations [CAIR and the Mosque Foundation] are found to have been supportive of Hamas, would you denounce them, like you eventually did bin Laden?
Prince Turki:  That is for your government to find out.  That is for your government to decide ...

*The ABC's Of Radical Islam
ABC then parrots the CAIR line that there are 7 million Muslims in the United States. Where did that number come from? In 2001, CAIR commissioned a survey, which fraudulently claimed, "Estimates of a total Muslim population of 6-7 million in America seem reasonable in light of the figure of 2 million Muslims who associate with a mosque." ABC, and other gullible members of the media, have uncritically swallowed and regurgitated this figure ... Last year, the Pew Center for Research conducted its own poll on American Muslims in May 2007, which stated, "The total Muslim American population is estimated at 2.35 million, .. If CAIR can't even be trusted on the most basic of figures, why trust any of their other numbers? And how can anyone trust ABC if they cite a Hamas- front group as a source rather than the Pew Center? The ABC story was linked to a Primetime broadcast in which an actor posed as a bakery shop worker who berated a Muslim customer wearing a hijab with intense bigotry. The stunt was a test to see how other customers would react ... The issue is not the sociological experiment, but the network's sanitizing and parroting of a radical Islamist organization's misleading statements. In the past year, the U.S. Justice Department tabbed CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding case; described it as "affiliated with Hamas' in a related filing; and, in December asserted "CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists." Only ABC can explain why it ignored these facts in buying into propaganda from a Hamas front group ...

*CAIR Fifth Columnists and Multiculturalists
In the realm of terrorism, the threat to America is not just concerning dirty bombs and terror cells.  It’s not just about planes flying into buildings or suicide vests.  No, the threat is a lot greater than that – a solid infrastructure finely cultivated into our society, paid for, at least in part, by Saudi royalty.  It was created not to promote the values of our nation, but, instead, to impose Islamic law.  A large part of that infrastructure is the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR.  On one fine spring day this month, two institutions that we as Americans rely on – one from each of America’s coasts – gave CAIR the things that it so ardently craves and needs to survive -- cover and legitimization ...

*Does "Free Darfur" Harbor Genocide Supporters?
At least two organizations that labor on behalf of the persecuted people of Darfur—The Wilberforce Forum and the Institute on Religion and Democracy--declined to join the 160-member Save Darfur Coalition because of its decision to include The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),... “Frankly, I think CAIR’s role in this is to scrub up their image. Where’s the money? Where’s the heavy lifting? I don’t see them risking their reputation and money to help the people of Darfur,” ...“They (CAIR) have worrisome ties to terror groups, and in the past they have denied the existence of slavery in Southern Sudan. That’s why we didn’t join the Coalition, ...”

*CAIR (CAIR-Canada) Loses Another Lawsuit
Through the dedication of my family and many committed civil libertarians, including courageous colleagues of Muslim background, we prevailed against CAIR-CAN and Dr. Khan.  CAIR-CAN and Dr. Khan dropped their suit, cold.  No damages, no costs, no apology, no clarification ... It is for others to decide why CAIR-CAN balked at the prospect of proceeding to trial.  It is unknown whether this unease stemmed from concern about the detailed review and disclosures that would derive from such proceedings.  Or whether the collapse of its mother organization’s US $1.35 million libel case against the American Anti-CAIR organization ,[played a part].  We do not know whether it was the unearthing of a December 2003 court document in which Dr. Khan had sworn to CAIR-CAN’s subsidiary status in relation to the troubling US CAIR group.  Perhaps it was a concern that, on the witness stand, CAIR-CAN officials would be asked to answer the questions I had asked about that relationship on CFRA radio ...

*CAIR And Islamic Jihad

Many of the blog comments offered prayers to the Wultz family.  Others dealt with the terrorist groups’ reactions to Wultz’s injuries.  In an interview with Aaron KleinWorld Net Daily, Abu Ayman, a PIJ leader, said, “Our hero believed in Allah and died while fighting for Allah but your pig was killed in a restaurant in an area full of prostitution.”  And Abu Nasser, a leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the other group responsible for the attack, stated, “This is a gift from Allah.  We wish this young dog will go directly with no transit to hell.”  With comments such as these and others made before them, posters on LGF were understandably upset. CAIR strangely left all of that out.  Why?

*Saudi Charity Begins...Nowhere
Instead of blaming America and the West, as CAIR constantly does, it could initiate the establishment
of a new Muslim foundation with a similar mission to that of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This new Muslim foundation could supply immunization, HIV and anti-malarial medication, and medical means to reduce cervical cancer incidence and deaths in poor Muslim countries, feed millions of refugees from Muslim atrocities in Darfur, and generally “bring innovations in health” to Third World Muslim countries ... Yet, despite all this wealth, Muslim charities do not focus on alleviating the suffering of millions of poor Muslims and provide for their economic development the way the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) does. Instead, Muslim charities, led by the Saudis, continue to pour billions into madrassas to spread Wahhabism and hatred of the West around the globe – and not only in the Muslim world ...

*The Truth About Hamas--And Its Followers
By coincidence, just as the Anti-CAIR and Harris lawsuits were being shut down, Yale University Press released the most detailed study of the Hamas terror group ever offered to readers without a security clearance. The book is Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad; the author is Matthew Levitt, the chief intelligence officer of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and one of the world's leading experts on Hamas... The Post excerpts described Hamas's indoctrination of young people, Hamas' electoral strategy in the Palestinian Authority and the close co-ordination between Hamas' social-welfare projects, its terrorism and its overall ideological mission of building a global Islamic caliphate ... Nobody associated with CAIR-Canada has been charged with any criminal misconduct. Internal CAIR-Canada documents uncovered during CAIR's litigation against the National Post suggested, however, that 70% of CAIR-Canada's revenues were forwarded to CAIR in the United States...

A Night of Hamas "Heroes"
In an article he had written for ‘The Minnesota Daily,’ an independent newspaper at the University of Minnesota where he was active at the time in the Muslim Students Association, Awad discussed his experience in Bosnia. He wrote admiringly of the soldiers of the Bosnian Army, who he said, “courageously [stood] up to the might of Serbian tanks and planes” and who “wore patches carrying the Islamic declaration of faith.” ...It was around this time that Nihad Awad got involved with the Islamic Association for Palestine, or in Awad’s words:  After the Gulf War was over, I was offered a job with the Islamic Association for Palestine as their public relations director.”  He took the job, ... The Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) is widely regarded as the “primary voice in the United States” of the terrorist group Hamas.  The IAP was founded by Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook, a “senior political leader” of Hamas ...

CAIR: Respected or Feared?
You might think that with this kind of potential public relations baggage, CAIR would be running for cover. But you would be wrong because CAIR is not just the most respected Muslim advocacy group
in the United States, it's also the most feared. Attack CAIR and you could get sued or threatened with
a lawsuit or a boycott, as a number of media entities and companies have discovered ...

*CAIR For Governor?
This is not the only time Congressman Davis has been associated with Al-Arian. Only one year after the Al-Arian campaign contribution surfaced, in March of 2004, Davis had been a featured speaker at an event sponsored by the Tampa Bay Muslim Alliance (TBMA), an organization co-founded by Al-Arian. The event, the Eighth Annual Islamic Charity Festival, also featured then-candidate for U.S. Senate and former University of South Florida (USF) President, Betty Castor.  According to incorporation papers, Al-Arian was a Director for TBMA from its June 2000 inception till the time of his arrest. Three of the individuals that had been involved with TBMA, during Al-Arian’s tenure, Husain Nagamia*, Rasheed Hakki and Hakim Aquil**, are still with the group today ...

*Darfur, Sudan: “We Don't Have Enough Knowledge Of The Situation To Make Judgments." 
Why doesn’t CAIR’s voice have the knowledge to make a judgment today?  Could it be that a racist, genocidal regime in Khartoum, being Wahhabi Arab Muslim, meets CAIR’s approval?  Is it just possible that the Darfur Muslims “aren’t Muslim enough”?  That the Darfur Muslims don’t gallop about the hinterland murdering, raping, stealing, cutting off various body parts, and enslaving other Muslims while spreading the “Islam is peace” message of their Wahhabi oppressors? ... Isn’t it odd that CAIR, “America’s premier Muslim Civil Rights Group”, will say nothing in defense of non-violent Muslims who are being systematically “cleansed” by militant Islamists?...

*Telephoning The Enemy
By its own court filings, then, CAIR conclusively established its multiple communications with persons suspected of connections with terrorists. More than merely denying CAIR's request for GETS privileges, the American government should consider cutting the organization's telephone lines in the event of a national emergency ...

*FBI  'Bridges' to Terror
Starting in 1995, in his position as chief of the FBI’s counter-terrorism section, O’Neill became absorbed with tracking the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and his global network of terrorists.  But that search ended, shortly after a plane slammed into the building that he was stationed at, the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  It was there that John Patrick O’Neill lost his life, while trying to do what he did best – be a hero.  In an act that could only be seen as a way to dishonor his memory, the organization he gave his blood and guts for took part in an event being sponsored by one of the defendants in the  lawsuit for his murder... In Estate of John P. O'Neill, Sr. et al. vs. Al Baraka Investment and Development Corporation, it is stated, “Council on American Islamic Relations and CAIR Canada (collectively, CAIR), have aided, abetted, and materially sponsored al Qaeda and international terrorism

*'Cancer In Its Midst'

Night after night, I see Muslim national organizations like the Council for American-Islamic Relations,
or CAIR, cry out over and over about anecdotal victimization while saying and doing absolutely nothing about the most vile hate-speak and actions toward Jews and Christians in the Muslim world. It is the most self-serving of outrage ... When I hear a sermon in a mosque about the horrors of Israeli occupation, I know that the political arena has taken over the spiritual one. When I see the actions of suicide bombers praised or excused by religious leaders, I know that this politicization is complete. But the current Muslim leadership in groups like CAIR and others want only to talk of victimization. So, it is now high time for a new movement by Muslims in America and the West ...

*CAIR April Fools
Once every year, CAIR or the Council on American-Islamic Relations gathers its followers in various ‘hot spots’ around the nation to raise money and flaunt its homemade status as a “civil liberties group,” in an attempt to convince the world that they are something which they are not...Since CAIR has been
in existence, it has lost a Civil Rights Coordinator, a fundraiser, a Director of Community Relations,
and a founding Director of its Texas Chapter, all through conviction or deportation.  CAIR is currently the defendant in a lawsuit put forward by the family of an FBI agent for his murder, during the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center.  Bringing Ahmed into its organization, the ACLU gives CAIR the legitimacy it both craves and needs to survive ...

*Anti-CAIR Files Discovery Documents
Defendant and Counterclaim Plaintiff Andrew Whitehead, by counsel and pursuant to Rule 4:8 ... Ask that the Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant COUNCIL ON AMERICAN - ISLAMIC RELATIONS, INC, ("CAIR") answer the following Interrogatories in writing and under oath within twenty-one days after receipt ...

Hamas and Hizzoner

The IAP's current president, Rafeeq Jaber, was a founding director of CAIR. Mohammed Nimer, who directs CAIR's Research Center, was on the board of the United Association for Studies and Research, which is the strategic arm of Hamas in the US and was founded by Hamas operative Mousa Abu Marzook. The aforementioned Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's Director of Communications, also worked for the IAP.... All in all, CAIR's dual agenda is abundantly clear: (A) to depict the United States as a snake pit of "Islamophobes," wherein Muslims must fend for their very lives at every moment; and (B) to promote the hateful aspirations of our nation's deadliest enemies, radical Islamic terrorists...

*Could CAIR Less
In a previous column I noted my brief, but telling run-in with a CAIR representative on a discussion involving racial profiling after 9/11 on a Los Angeles radio program. What always gets me going is when any, yes, ANY fringe group tries to compare their inconvenience to what blacks went through prior to and during the civil rights era. There is no comparison, unless you are ready to be called a racist to make you back down....Now while most have no problem with the understanding of any religion, in this case it doesn't seem like dialogue was encouraged; just demands. As far as protecting civil liberties, that sounds nice especially considering how civil liberties are approached in some of the countries Muslims escape to settle here...That's right; I said it. ESCAPE...

*The Hijab That Wasn't
Indeed, much of what CAIR produces is not all it appears to be — as was graphically illustrated this week by a misadventure in photo retouching at CAIR’s website. A photograph posted at CAIR’s website depicted “leaders of the interfaith community gathered for an interfaith candlelight vigil…to mark the fourth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.” One of these leaders — who appeared to be Samina Faheem Sundas, editor of the American Muslim Voice — was standing prominently between the male speaker at the podium and two other Muslim women. Those women were standing submissively with hands clasped in front and eyes cast downward, hijabs showing prominently in the picture. But there was something suspicious about the hijab worn by the woman resembling Sundas: she wasn’t actually wearing one. The one she had on in the picture was crudely drawn on her head by a retoucher. What’s more, two women in the crowd also sported drawn-on hijabs. Someone at CAIR evidently thought that posting a photo of bareheaded women would cast doubts upon the organization’s Islamic correctness...

*Sheik Abdul Hadi Palazzi On CAIR And Hamas
Though it claims to represent moderate Muslims, Palazzi calls the Washington, D.C.-based lobby group the "U.S. section of Hamas." ... CAIR president "Nihad Awad is a leader of Hamas in the same way that Sami al-Arian was a leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad," ...

*CAIR's Ismail Royer Pleads Guilty

At the time Mr. Royer committed crimes, he was in a leadership position at the Council on American-Islamic Relations,... It should be noted that years earlier, as a student, Royer worked a short period with CAIR before he joined Bosnian Forces fighting Serbs in 1994. ... We believe we know why Mr. Royer is “persona non grata” at CAIR, but we'd like to see the general MEDIA ask CAIR why they have turned their backs on Ismail Royer, and how his guilty plea affects CAIR?...

*Whose Side Is CAIR On?
CAIR has repeatedly stated in the past that it is committed to partnering with law enforcement to battle radical Islam.  However, instead of congratulating the FBI for capturing two Muslims who posed a threat to public safety and cast the Muslim community in a bad light, CAIR seems to be more concerned about "entrapment" and "informants."... Does CAIR believe the use of undercover agents to identify and arrest violent extremists before they harm innocent Americans is a problem?...

*Terror in the Skies, Again? Praying In The Skies

In an attempt to better understand a Muslim's need to pray on airplanes, I called the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, and spoke with Ibrahim Hopper, director of media relations ..."If Muslims can't pray in the bathroom," I asked, "then why did the man tell a flight attendant he was praying in the bathroom?" "He probably said he was getting ready for prayer," Hopper reasoned, adding that men on the Cyprus flight were "likely making wudu in the bathroom." Wudu is the Islamic ritual of cleansing oneself with water before prayer. And because wudu involves washing the body (feet, face, arms, ears, nose), Ibrahim Hopper suggested that was why there was "bumping on the walls."... Siddiqui elaborated: "This morning, early, I was in Indianapolis. I prayed in the airport there. When it's time to pray, we [Muslims] pray. I sometimes pray in my seat. Prayer can be amended on airplanes...And as for wudu, Siddiqui clarified that "you can do that on the plane or on the ground." So, according to a well-respected Islamic scholar, Muslims can pray on planes without locking themselves in a bathroom and banging on the walls. Why, then, is CAIR defending suspicious behavior in the name of religion? And why are airlines unwilling to prosecute passengers who disobey flight crews in the name of religion?...

*We Have Right To Know Truth About CAIR

In less than five minutes of air time, the person responsible for putting forth a favorable presentation of CAIR hung up, leaving the audience with nothing to warrant a change in opinion of him, his organization or his religion. I had assured the gentleman prior to his agreeing to appear that I would not seek to embarrass or diminish him, but I also assured him I would ask straightforward questions. His rhetoric almost immediately degenerated into a puerile phonemic tirade, with him accusing me of "advocating genocide" and of saying "every Muslim on the planet is a member of terrorist organization." He fomented: "You'd kill me, you'd kill my family, you'd kill every member of my mosque"... – none of which had I even remotely suggested. I submit he is in a much better position to know who within his element is a terrorist than I...CAIR may think it fair to accuse anyone who questions, doubts or seeks validation of their integrity of suggesting every Muslim is a terrorist. But in reality, it is fair to raise the question of how a devout Muslim can also be a loyal citizen
of an infidel state like America...

*Michael Graham, Killed In Action

It must be said as well that some of CAIR’s associates have gone beyond providing covering fire in the War of Ideas for terrorists, their causes and Saudi and other funders.  In fact, three of the organization’s officials – Ghassan Elashi, Bassem Khafagi and Randall Royer – have been arrested in recent years and charged with direct involvement in terrorism-related activities. CAIR’s troubling behavior and associations precipitated a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security, chaired by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), on the eve of the second anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.  In the course of this hearing called to explore “Terrorism: Two Years After 9/11, Connecting the Dots,” Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that CAIR has “intimate links with Hamas,” and “ties to terrorism.”  Even Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), who has long defended dubious American-Muslim organizations, noted that CAIR is “unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect.”...

A Muslim Against Terror (& CAIR)
I denounce the so-called Islamic organizations such as CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations), which constantly tells Muslims in America that they are in danger from some sort of non-existent plot to defame Islam. These fear-mongering organizations succeed because their followers are too ignorant of their own religion and history to see them as liars and hypocrites.   CAIR should be helping Muslims to become part of the “American Fabric,” to co-operate, and integrate into our society. Instead, CAIR pushes Muslims into a kind of emotional helplessness, trying to force upon them the unpleasant gratification of feeling themselves victims, and then filling them with a sort of lurking, sardonic consciousness that the “victim” is stronger than the “victimizer.” In the end they want the victims to pull down their victimizer like a pack of hyenas on an unwary lion… America. The victimization by America, however, is false.  The real victimizer is CAIR itself.  Expose their Wahabbi Saudi backed agenda.  Muslims are not in danger from or in America.
America and Muslims are in danger from CAIR ...

*Nihad Awad Snubs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security

CAIR Executive Director, Mr. Nihad Awad, quotes an interview with a past director of counterterrorism for the CIA in which the former director clearly states that both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have an infrastructure in the U.S. and he uses this as a defense against the accusations made by Mr. Emerson? Is Mr. Awad implying that CAIR approves of the presence of these two Islamist terrorist groups in the United States?  If so, Mr. Awad seriously underestimates the amount of anger and disgust this will engender among Americans toward both he and CAIR ... Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have terror murdered Americans abroad, both are present in our country today, both are a clear and present danger to our safety and security and yet we should accept their presence because a former CIA counterterrorism director says, “…has never targeted Americans here…it would be counterproductive to their cause. (T)heir focus is Israel and occupied territories.” ...

*CAIR's Phony Fatwa
For starters, the fatwa never defines "innocent lives" and condemns killing someone "unjustly." This represents a hole big enough to drive a Hummer through. Terrorism expert Steven Emerson said, "It [the fatwa] does not condemn by name any Islamic group or leader. In short, it is a fake fatwa designed merely to deceive the American public into believing that these groups are moderate. In fact, officials of both organizations [FCNA and CAIR] have been directly linked to and associated with Islamic terrorist groups and Islamic extremist organizations. One of them is an unindicted co-conspirator in a current terrorist case; another previous member was a financier to al-Qaeda."..."CAIR has repeatedly attacked the prosecutions of Islamic terrorists arrested and/or convicted since 9/11 and has attacked the government's freezing of Islamic terrorist fronts as part of a 'war against Islam' by the United States. CAIR has led protests against the deportation of radical Islamic clerics who have called for jihad or who have been fundraisers for Hamas."...

Anti-CAIRs' View:
We now find ourselves fighting a new enemy.  An enemy that mocks us as they hide behind our Constitution; an enemy, entrenched and protected by a phalanx of attorneys and sycophants, ready to pounce at the first sign of our weakness; an enemy that demands that the police power of the state defend their “rights”, but would deny these same rights to other Americans; an enemy that accepts funding and support from foreign countries that support terrorists...We don’t listen to the ranting of Osama Bin Laden, why must we listen to the provocative, insulting statements of Mr. Nihad Awad?  “I support Hamas!”, ... indeed you do, Mr. Awad and "thank you" for reminding us...

*CAIR's Chairman Omar Ahmad Denied Retraction
Once again, Mr. Ahmad is caught telling the truth about CAIR and he doesn’t enjoy being exposed.  His attempt to seek a retraction was cut short, and we at ACAIR look forward to Mr. Ahmad accusing the Tri-Valley Herald of “Islamophobia” -  the standard CAIR response to reporting about topics that they dislike....We encourage other newspapers in America to take up the standard set by the
Tri-Valley Herald and report the truth about CAIR...

*CAIR: Refusing To Tell The Truth About Royer
On Tuesday, 15 February, the popular Fox Television program “Hannity & Colmes” had Ahmed Bedier, Communications Director for the State of Florida Council on American – Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL) as a guest...We believe the facts show that Randall Royer, who recently was convicted of terror-related activity on behalf of America's enemies, was actually engaged in illegal, pro-Islamist terrorist activity while he was working for CAIR...

*Preaching Violence
At the Islamic Association of Palestine's third annual convention in Chicago in November 1999, CAIR President Omar Ahmad gave a speech at a youth session praising suicide bombers who "kill themselves for Islam." "Fighting for  freedom, fighting for Islam-that is not suicide ... They kill themselves for Islam, ..."

*The CAIR-Terror Connection

Besides the Holy Land Foundation, Ghassan Elashi was also involved with CAIR.  In fact, Elashi was one of the founding board members of CAIR’s Texas chapter.  What this means is that CAIR didn’t just stick a link to the Holy Land Foundation on its website, but instead, CAIR was directly linked to the Holy Land Foundation itself!...

*PC War On Terror
It wasn't the so-called fatwa against terrorism issued by the Fiqh Council of North America and ballyhooed by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Despite the pc-cheers, this fatwa failed to define "terrorism" and "civilian"two key terms that other Islamic rulings have interpreted to condone the killing of Americans and Israelis. Given the two sponsoring groups' links to terrorist organizations (see Steven Emerson's summary at the Counterterrorism Blog), it's worth wondering whether their fatwa applied, for example, to "terrorism" against "civilians" fomented by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad ... Because CAIR -- a Hamas-linked organization with, as Daniel Pipes recently pointed out, "five current or former affiliates arrested, convicted or deported on terrorism-related charges" (DanielPipes.org) -- put pressure on the station to do so. The reaction? As of the Saturday morning after the Thursday night Mr. Graham was suspended, he took to his blog to thank listeners for the 10,000 emails or so that he estimated had been sent to the station
on his behalf. By Tuesday, he was begging people to stop: "The volume of calls and emails is hurting the ability of some very good people to do their jobs, and trust me -- your message has been received."...

*CAIRing for Sami Al-Arian
And yes, Ahmed Bedier has acted as Sami Al-Arian’s spokesman.  One Google search on the internet of both their names provides over 200 results… mostly news stories containing quotes from Bedier about Al-Arian and his legal troubles.  He was even the motivating force in trying to get Al-Arian’s trial moved out of Tampa!...After the event was over, I went up to Bedier to grill him some more.  One of his oversized lackeys, Suhai, patted me on the shoulder and said that, thanks to me, he was even more fervent in his cause.  During the event, Bedier had motioned towards Suhai to bring him a camera, so he could take pictures of me and my colleague...

*Islamic Hall Of Shame

The game of claiming to have condemned Islamic terrorism or even radical Islam without actually
doing so is one that has been mastered by many Muslim leaders. Ibish mocks the idea that Nawash
is the first leader of a Muslim political organization to condemn Islamic terrorism and radical Islam, but when he was given the chance to do just that on CNN regarding al-Arian’s call to jihad, Ibish actually defended the accused terrorist. To date, Ibish has devoted more ink to attacking Nawash than all radical Muslims—combined...

*Fake Muslim Hate Crimes: Where's The Apology, CAIR?

"Stunned?" The Muslim lobby's gullible hate crime howlers have been duped before. Muslim self-arsonists and self-grafitti vandals have been a recurring post-Sept. 11 problem....Oh, and still no apology from CAIR and its ilk for continuing to perpetuate the myth of "growing Islamophobic prejudice" and for smearing the most tolerant nation of earth...

*CAIR's Shameful Silence
CAIR’s spokesman was given the opportunity to condemn Hamas and Islamic Jihad by the Washington Post in November 2001.  His response was telling: “It’s not our job to go around denouncing.”  Asked a similar question about Hamas and Hezbollah by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in February 2002, CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper called such queries a “game” and explained, “We’re not in the business of condemning.”
But when Israel is to blame, CAIR seems to be very much “in the business of condemning.” ...

*CAIR's War On National Review

In fact, however, The Life and Religion of Mohammed is not “anti-Muslim hate literature.” It was written over eighty years ago by Fr. J. L. Menezes, a Roman Catholic priest who was a missionary in India. I have read it, and there is nothing inflammatory or inciteful in it; in fact, it is suffused with a pastoral love for Muslims... “Hooper said anti-Muslim rhetoric often leads to discrimination and even violence.” Fr. Menezes calls for no violence. Everything he says about Muhammad is, as I have shown, easily established from Islamic sources. What this charge does is attempt to divert attention from the real violence committed by jihadists today to a chimera of violence against Muslims in America, and thereby silence criticism of Islam and, in particular, investigations of the sources of Islamic terror in the Qur’an and Sunnah...

*CAIR: The Story, ... and the Rest of The Story
Mr. Hemeidan should know that the Muslim experience in America has nothing in common with the black experience of the 60's.  For him to say otherwise is an insult to all those Americans who fought the hard battles for civil rights....Islam in America has no one to compare with Dr. Martin Luther King for the simple reason that Muslims are not being oppressed anywhere in the United States today by government policy...

*What Happened To Unconditional Surrender?
As part of its continuing disinformation campaign in America (reminiscent of Nazi, Soviet and Japanese propaganda of the not-too-distant past), the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is providing public service announcements to American television stations titled "Not in the Name of Islam."...It is helpful to quote what two prominent senators have said about CAIR: "(CAIR is) unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect," said Richard Durbin, Illinois Democrat. "We know (CAIR) has ties to terrorism," added Charles Schumer, New York Democrat ...What if the "moderates" are too intimidated to speak out for fear they will be killed? If that is the case, it is all the more reason to declare total war on the jihadists, because that is what they have declared on us...

*CAIR's Radical Nexus

CAIR's passionate defense of the Elashis is no coincidence. In fact, the incestuous connections between CAIR, the Elashi family, and two key players in Hamas's U.S. network, the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) and the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), are well-established. One of the Elashi brothers, Ghassan, even helped found IAP and CAIR branch offices in addition to serving as HLF national chairman ...These dizzying connections were solidified in Philadelphia’s Marriot hotel in October 1993 when—under the watchful eye of an FBI surveillance team—Ghassan Elashi, future CAIR Chairman Omar Ahmad and leadership from IAP, HLF, and Hamas came together to plot the direction of Hamas’s U.S. network and develop a strategy to defeat the Oslo peace accords. Tellingly, just a few months after the Philadelphia meeting, CAIR's current Executive Director, Nihad Awad, stated, “I am in support of the Hamas movement” during a speech at Florida’s Barry University...

*The Muslim Hate Crime That Wasn't
It certainly was a symbol -- a symbol of the knee-jerk penchant among some civil rights groups and their enablers to cry racism, claim discrimination, and criticize U.S. law enforcement authorities for not doing enough to stop "hate crimes."... It turns out, you see, that the burnt Koran was left at the mosque by -  a Muslim student. The student said he placed the book and other fire-damaged materials in a bag and left the bag at the Islamic Center with a note, which apparently blew away."...

*CAIR's Hate Crimes Nonsense
But CAIR is part of the Wahhabi Lobby, so (unlike the mainstream media reporters) we thought it a good idea to take a closer look at the report. We examined in detail some “examples of anti-Muslim hate crime reports received by CAIR in 2004,” on p. 43, plus some “samples” on p. 53 and discovered a pattern of sloppiness, exaggeration, and distortion: ... CAIR cites the July 9, 2004 case of apparent arson at a Muslim-owned grocery store in Everett, Washington. But investigators quickly determined that Mirza Akram, the store’s operator, staged the arson to avoid meeting his scheduled payments and to collect on an insurance policy. Although Akram’s antics were long ago exposed as a fraud, CAIR continues to list this case as an anti-Muslim hate crime...

*CAIR Condemns"24"-Won't Condemn Islamic Terrorists

Instead of kudos, though, “24” has courted considerable controversy.  Making the most hay has been CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which bills itself as “America's largest Muslim civil liberties group.”  A CAIR spokesman complained to Entertainment Weekly, “They are creating a new stereotype.”... What “new” stereotype?  Muslims as terrorists?  Blame the news for that one.  Wait, no, blame the Jihadists the world over who still wish “death to America.” ...

*CAIR Sponsors Terrorist Suspect/Link To Al Qaeda
While detail checking the federal indictment of eleven Islamist terrorism suspects, ACAIR researchers have found a link between Mr. Randall Royer and Al Qaeda ...  ACAIR firmly believes that the conspirators’ alleged meeting with a BIF representative; the proven ties between BIF and Al Qaeda,  Mr. Randall "Ismail" Royers' connection to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), all point to the inescapable conclusion that CAIR, at least, colludes and operates with terrorists- and at most, actively supports Islamist terrorism... 

*Profile Of Terror
But the case of Muslims at the Canadian border and the ongoing political backlash demand special attention. First, the concerns of anti-terrorism officials are certainly warranted by the radical reputation of the RIS conference. Second, whether or not the grievances of the victims are justified, the involvement of CAIR and another Islamist group, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), points to a much larger problem: radical Islamists seeking to exercise influence over federal policies designed to stop terrorism. And insofar as the security of America’s borders are concerned, such influence cannot be tolerated...

*Jihad On Fox's "24"
Ironically, the two groups behind this apology for the existence of “24” are the groups that demonstrate how the American Muslim community actually does NOT stand firmly beside their fellow Americans in denouncing and resisting terrorism in every form....But in the case of “24,” even Aghdashloo, an Iranian Muslim, dismisses CAIR and MPAC.  "They think after what happened on 9/11 that we're going to forget it?" ...

*A Muslim Scholar Takes On CAIR
"So here we have CAIR, representing a religion that has the presentation of proof as a tenet in its holy book telling me that what is acceptable to the majority must take precedence to truth. Or that the voice of the minority must not be heard. No wonder democracy has such a problem being accepted into their interpretation of Islam although they may trumpet about Islam and democracy. I do not think their motives were sinister, but I see a big problem with their approach: it means that if the majority of Muslims think the Jews and Christians are misguided and evil, then they must advocate that. It is similar to their position on the woman's headcovering--which they present as "the Islamic position."...I feel that Muslims who choose to live in free societies must act as if they are in free societies and not seek to subjugate those societies to their often retrogressive and uneducated views of gender interaction, dress codes etc."...

*CAIR's Double Standard
In CAIR’s eyes, then, when a non-Muslim broker responds too emotionally to terrorism, he deserves years in jail and financial ruin. But when a Muslim broker threatens a store, he’s the innocent victim of “negative stereotyping” who deserves release without any punishment at all. The Ehrgott and Okashah incidents fit an ugly Islamist pattern of double standards. Although CAIR presents itself as a civil-rights group, it is just the opposite – an organization asserting special privileges for Muslims and derogating the rights of others...

*The Truth About CAIR And Terrorism
Two weeks ago, the National Post and I were served with a notice of libel by the Canadian branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR. The Post and I are not alone. Over the past year, CAIR's Canadian and U.S. branches have served similar libel notices on half a dozen other individuals and organizations in the United States and Canada. Each case has its own particular facts, yet they are linked by a common theme...

*Why Is CAIR Suing Anti-CAIR
These statements, CAIR claims, "are false, and were false when made." Further, Anti-CAIR made them "with knowledge of their falsity." The statements are libelous because "they impute the commission of a criminal offense." They allegedly caused injury to CAIR's "standing and reputation throughout the United States and elsewhere."...

*A Bad Day For CAIR
The hearing, titled “Two Years After 9/11: Connecting the Dots,” was focused on the prevalence of the radical Wahhabi Islamic sect among Muslim political groups in the U.S.  CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad and Chairman Omar Ahmed were invited to testify at the hearing, but both declined to attend.  In their absence – and in front of their empty witness chair - the committee heard compelling evidence that Saudi Arabia financially and ideologically supports a network of American organizations that act as the defenders, financiers, and front groups of international terrorists.  CAIR has been a major player in this network since its creation in 1994, with a particularly soft spot for the suicide-bombing death squads of Hamas...

*Portrait Of A Wahhabi
In Randall Royer we see the naked face of Wahhabism in America: a vicious, fanatical, terrorism. After his arrest, I and others pursued by him asked ourselves if we had not come close to being fatal victims of his extremism. Was he merely harassing us, or preparing for something worse?...

As it turns out, people did attend this dreadful event. And one of the featured speakers was a representative from CAIR, Iyas Maleh, the President of CAIR’s Dallas-Fort Worth chapter. Maleh said of the June handover of sovereignty to Iraq: “Two years from now we’ll be saying, ‘What have we done? We’ve installed a government that the Islamic people do not see as a legitimate government.'"...

*CAIR's Legal Tribulations
Almost three years after the U.S. government closed down the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, it today indicted this largest of American Islamist "charity" organizations and charged seven of its officers, including Chairman Ghassan Elashi, with providing more than $12.4 million to individuals and organizations linked to Hamas from 1995 to 2001. Charges in the 42-count indictment include conspiracy, providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, tax evasion, and money laundering...

CAIR's Hooper told the Virginian-Pilot that while Whitehead is not CAIR's only critic, "he is one of the most egregious." ...Whenever a group takes a civil-rights stand in the United States, Hooper said, people "will find any way they can to oppose it. That’s just life in the big city...

*CAIR Condemns Mutilation, Not Terror Murders

CAIR has declared that the militant Islamist terror murdering of Americans is acceptable under Islam as long as the bodies are not mutilated...How many more Americans must die in militant Islamist attacks before Americans wake up the reality of what CAIR supports?...

*Jihad At The St. Petersburg Times
“As an elected official, you can’t sit down with just anybody,” says Frazier. “If these people would have bothered to check CAIR out beforehand they would have seen that it is a radical group. At the meeting, I made very clear that I wasn’t talking about all Muslims. I was only talking about CAIR. But it was absolutely unbelievable what followed.”...

*Anti-CAIR Files Response to CAIR Lawsuit
Senior CAIR employee Randall Todd Royer, a/k/a “Ismail” Royer (“Royer”), pled guilty and was sentenced to twenty years in prison for participating in a network of militant jihadists centered in Northern Virginia.  He admitted to aiding and abetting three persons who sought training in a terrorist camp in Pakistan for the purpose of waging jihad against American troops in Afghanistan. Royer’s illegal actions occurred while he was employed with CAIR...

*CAIR: "Moderate" Friends Of Terror
CAIR consistently defends other militant Islamic terrorists too. The conviction of the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing it deemed "a travesty of justice." The conviction of Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind sheikh who planned to blow up New York City landmarks, it called a "hate crime." The extradition order for suspected Hamas terrorist Mousa Abu Marook it labeled "anti-Islamic" and "anti-American."...We are similar to a Muslim NAACP," says spokesman Ibrahim Hooper...

*Masquerading As Mainstream
"...the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which says it was 'established to promote a positive image of  Islam and Muslims in America,' was co-founded by Omar Ahmad, the same person who co-founded the Islamic Association for Palestine-the Hamas front organization which  first published the Hamas charter in English - together with Hamas Leader and Specially Designated Terrorist Mousa Abu Marzouk."...

*Dr. Parvez Ahmed, Master Of Deception

As all Americans who are even peripherally familiar with the law know, making untrue statements can be libelous.  However, what if the charges are true, that CAIR does indeed support and defend Islamist terrorism?  What then?  Are we to remain silent in the face of a legal threat from CAIR officers?  Just exactly what was Dr. Ahmed’s purpose in making this statement?  Is this a veiled threat to anyone interested in investigating CAIR’s true agenda?...

*College Students Win Battle Against CAIR

*Within 48 hours, they had coordinated with College Republican chapters across the Capital district and had received pledges of support from numerous campuses ...The end result? The MSA sent the Republicans an e-mail saying that Soloojee would not be attending the event due to some personal reasons...

*CAIR's "Anti-Muslim" Hysteria
Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi is head of Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, Sunni Islam’s most prestigious establishment. Under Tantawi’s leadership, Al-Azhar has declared jihad against the U.S. repeatedly, and has called for suicide attacks against American forces in Iraq. He has called Jews “apes and pigs.” CAIR invited Tantawi to speak in D.C. at its 10th annual dinner ... Americans are correct to oppose objectionable practices and ideologies in the Arab and Muslim world that lead to terrorism and hatred. It is unfortunate that CAIR has failed to do so...

*CAIR's War From Within
On December 4, 2003, Ibrahim Hooper faxed a letter to the office of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, writing, “It is my unfortunate duty to bring to your attention bigoted anti-Muslim comments sent to our office by an officer in the U.S. military.” Hooper then listed several comments by Captain McCall he felt were “Islamophobic.”
...To date, CAIR refuses to make public all of the exchanges that occurred on the discussion board prior to Captain McCalls offense to Islam...

*Muslims Condemn Terror Attacks? Really?
"The term 'civilians' does not exist in Islamic religious law," according to Hani Al-Siba'i, head of the Al-Maqreze Centre for Historical Studies in London ...Or this from Syrian-born Muslim cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed: "We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity." "We will use your democracy to destroy your democracy."...Or this: Siraj Wahhaj was the Imam of Masjid Al-Taqwa in Brooklyn, New York. “Take my word; if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us." ... Perchance it would be beneficial to them if we truly were deaf. Dumb and blind too. Unfortunately for them, we see and hear everything. This routine has far surpassed the stage of being tiresome...

*CAIR Head Refuses To Denounce Terrorists
CAIR also claims to be a (Muslim) civil liberties organization. As CAIR's spokesman should Mr. Hooper not, then, offer an explanation as to why militant Islamists appear to be indifferent to the civil liberties of non-Muslims?   If Mr. Hooper is the communication director of CAIR, why is he so unwilling to communicate what he meant when he said that, publicly, CAIR does not support terrorist groups?...

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