Saturday, February 27, 2010

New York City Tea Party One Year Anniversary 2010

I went to the one-year anniversary rally for the original New York City Tea Party today at City Hall Park. It was a cold morning following a snowstorm but the turnout was pretty good!

Happy Birthday, Tea Party Movement!

It all began last year when CNBC's Rick Santelli called for a Chicago Tea Party leading the call to revolt against Obama's mortgage bailout plan.

The rest is history.

VIDEO: Kellen Guida, New York Tea Party Organizer and David Webb!

VIDEO HIGHLIGHT: David Webb responds to Tea Party critics,
namely Bill Mahr, Keith Olbermann, Jeanine Garafalo and Jerrold Nadler.

The Tea Partiers then went off to demonstrate in front Senator Schumer's and Senator Gillibrand's offices. Photos to come.

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Next stop, the New York City Tax Day Tea Party 2010 on April 15th!
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For my coverage of the New York City Tax Day Tea Party 2009, please click here.

Thanks to Pajamas Media, Instapundit and Atlas Shrugs for the links!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Obama Art: The Death to America Skateboard Edition

I was home from work due to the snowstorm today. While out and about in the blizzard I came across this rather curious window display.

Obama on a skateboard.

Kind of creepy.

You could ride it wearing a 'Death to America' t-shirt.

Perfect together.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scott Brown for U.S. Senate: Go Scott Go!

A friend of mine was lucky enough to be in Worcester, MA on Saturday for Scott Brown's rally at Mechanics Hall. He took this video. You want to talk about energy in the room? I can feel it!

I think the portrait of George Washington hanging on the wall behind them is smiling.
Go Scott, Go!

Congratulations, Scott!
Tea Party 2010

Friday, January 01, 2010

Obama Street Art: The Beer Summit Edition

I spotted this sticker [where else?] in my neighborhood in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Obama-bot central, USA.

These Obama street art fetishes are so ridiculous, it's almost hard to know if the people who made them are kidding. The only positive development is that I don't see quite as many as I used to.

The Bower-in-Chief can sit down with Al Qaeda in Yemen and talk it over.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

KSM Trials Protest New York City

I went to the KSM Trials Protest downtown today at Foley Square. Despite the cold rain there was a nice turnout!

YES! And Holder continues to act stupidly. If this sham of a political circus takes place, gird yourselves for more. These trials will take years to play out, giving a global soap box to savages who strain the English language in fully describing their evil and depravity. 8 years wasn't very long ago. The memories of September 11th are seared in my mind forever. I couldn't forget it if I lived a thousand lifetimes.

One of the speakers today talked about walking into the lobby of the WTC for work that morning and being consumed in a fireball. Burned over most of her body, she awoke from a coma over a month later to be told of the thousands dead and destruction of the towers. Now we have Fort Hood. What are these people thinking??

FOX News seemed to be the only major media outlet covering the event.

It was very organized and orderly and there was a lot of good energy, but the people who came were dead serious and angry about Holder's political circus trials.

Obama is a Chump!


Debra Burlingame, sister of one of the pilots murdered in the cockpit of the plane that hit the Pentagon. She said he wasn’t a ‘victim’, that he was a fighter. It took the terrorists 6 minutes to murder he and the other pilot in the cockpit. 6 minutes in a cockpit is a long time..

MUST-SEE VIDEO: New York City Firefighter Peter Regen, US Marine, two-time Iraq War Veteran and son of a Fireman killed on September 11th.

Actor, Brian Dennehy read a statement written by the parents of Daniel Pearl-- the Wall Street Journal reporter whose precious head was sawed off personally by KSM after being kidnapped in Pakistan.

Andrew C. McCarthy! Former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney who led the 1995 prosecution against Shiek Omar Abdel Rahman and eleven others in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

Curtis Sliwa said that because Eric Holder is from Queens, New York, he is a "double disgrace."

Talk radio host, Steve Marlzberg did an oustanding job as emcee.

At one point a crazed 9/11 Truther stormed the stage and screamed that it was 'an inside job.' I was standing within a couple of feet of the incident, but my hands were so cold and wet I wasn't able to get my camera up in time. He was hustled off the stage by security and let go.

UPDATE 12/7: Candice who attended the rally happened to be in the coffee shop when the guy was apprehended and got these amazing pictures! Click here to view.

Thanks so much to Candice for being there and for sending them in!

UPDATE 12/9:
Turns out the stage jumper is Nico Haupt, king crab of all the '9/11 Inside Job' truther nutcases!

Here he is walking away by the barriers. A moment later cops chased after him, he ran into a coffee shop and was apprehended and arrested.

David Beamer, Todd Beamer's father urged Obama to stand up, show leadership and remove Eric Holder. All of the speakers were terrific, but Mr. Beamer's statements to President Obowma were especially memorable. Please take the time to view the C-Span link below.

David Beamer. Todd Beamer's father.

There were so many great handmade signs I couldn't put them all up here. Much, much more at the complete photo slide show below!

Full List of Speakers:
MELISSA KEENE: “Star Spangled Banner”
STEVE MALZBERG (M.C.) Talk-Show Host
DEBRA BURLINGAME 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America
GREG & LAUREN MANNING 9/11 survivors
EDITH LUTNICK Representing 800 Families of Cantor Fitzgerald
ANDY McCARTHY Former Federal Prosecutor
DAVID BEAMER Father of Todd Beamer
ZUHDI JASSER American Islamic Forum for Democracy
ROBIN & RON GRIFFIN Gold Star Parents
DANIEL RODRIGUEZ: “God Bless America”

The rally was taped by C-SPAN!
The entire program can be viewed online:

It is a must-see!

Big thanks to Michelle Malkin and Andrew McCarthy at The Corner @ The National Review Online for the links!