DUTCH MUSLIMS are shocked, just shocked, at the soaring popularity of ANTI-ISLAM leaders

Dutch Muslims, in a city where the party of anti-Islam leader Geert Wilders won local elections, reacted with shock and anger  fearing his victory would fan animosity. (No, it’s Muslim behavior that fans animosity)

“I am afraid that it will lead to more hatred,” said 20-year-old student Sakina Buyatui. (No it won’t, we already hate you as much as we can)

In a show of strength ahead of June general elections, Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) came first with 21.6 percent of the vote in Almere in Wednesday’s poll.

“This is bad for Almere,” said Buyatui, wearing an Islamic headscarf at the central station, where people of Turkish, Moroccan and Suriname descent, called “allochtonen” in Dutch, rub shoulders seamlessly with indigenous compatriots. ”It is terrible,” agreed 35-year-old computer sciences student Kadriye Kacar, born in the Netherlands like her parents and grandparents, who were of Turkish descent.

Dutch film maker, Theo Van Gogh, slaughtered in the street by a Muslim for making a film that showed the truth about Islam

“I don’t wear a headscarf normally,” she added, “but I have decided to start doing so now out of protest. Other people in my community are planning to do the same; we will protest until Wilders is gone.” (That’s good, you’ll be an easier target that way)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who worked on the film with Van Gogh has been forced to leave the Netherlands because of Muslim death threats

“People are looking at us in a new way today as if they are thinking: ‘We won and you are leaving’. (One can only hope)

Wilders has 24/7 security because of all the Muslim death threats

The far-right swing was a hot topic in Almere, where women in headscarves and long, traditional gowns huddled in small groups on the main shopping street and Wilders’ name could be heard spat out in disgust. (Get used to it, or even better, leave)

Wilders campaigns for a ban on headscarves for public servants, a halt to immigration from Muslim countries and a moratorium on the erection of mosques in his bid to “stop the Islamisation of the Netherlands.”

Henny Kreeft, leader of the Dutch Muslim Party, described Wilders’ victory as “very, very sad”. Wilders’ success “is based on a fear behind which there is no truth,” (Riiiiight) Kreeft told AFP. ”Mr Wilders has been spewing a whole lot of nonsense about Islamisation and security: the more people heard it I suppose the more they thought it was true.” (DUH)

Some polls suggest the PVV is now the most popular party in the Netherlands, traditionally seen as a bastion of tolerance. (It is except against a group of Muslim barbarians who have no tolerance for anyone else) “Wilders is creating hatred, he is going too far,” a woman with a headscarf told AFP, declining to identify herself.

Wilders' film FITNA

“This could become a serious problem,” added 48-year-old Muslim businessman Walli Hyrat. “It is very difficult to take the headscarf away from Muslim people.” (Then go home to where its accepted)

But one 19-year-old waiter,”Too much attention and resources are spent on Muslims,” he said. “I have to work here to earn money for my studies,” he added. “I don’t get any help because the leftist parties in government reserve all that for the poor, most of whom are Muslims.”

Muslims burning Dutch flag

Another Wilders supporter, a 62-year-old pensioner, said his concern was for security. ”We are afraid of walking alone in places where groups of young Muslims hang around looking for trouble,” he said. “Wilders will give us commandos to patrol the city and will ensure that repeat offenders are put out of the Netherlands.” AFP

Muslim NO-GO ares in the Netherlands

Mayor Ties Elzenga of Veenendaal has advised his residents to avoid certain MUSLIM areas in the town due to a series of violentmuggings. The victims were stripped and assaulted. Police are speaking of a new form of violence. “A combination of robbery and brutal humiliation,” said a spokesman. “One man was stripped of his clothing, dragged to the train rails and robbed of his bankcard. Another has a knife-wound which hit a lung, and will have to stay in hospital for some days

The Christian democrat (CDA) mayor and social workers held talks Wednesday evening with the Moroccan community. “It was agreed that the Imam will pay attention to it in Friday’s prayers,” said the mayor’s spokesman. (Yeah that’ll help. NOT) NISNEWS





Obama’s domestic (Muslim) army is back out on the streets of NYC again

Remember the “Islamic Thinkers Society” – the Muslim sewage who desecrated the American flag? Well, they’re baaaaack, this time taking up Obama’s mission of the destruction of Israel.


The “thinkers” call this one the “BUTCHERER of Gaza”

H/T Logans Warning

Islamic Thinkers Soceity desecrating the American flag.

Have we declared war on Israel yet?

As Barack Husein Obama tightens the embargo of weapons to Israel, he considers giving a military shield to Palestinian terrorists.

MUSLIM-IN-CHIEF Obama just said to FOX NEWS last night, “Israel is one of our closest allies and we and the Israeli people have a special bond that’s not going to go away,” after denying any crisis in the relationship. DEBKAfile’s Washington sources note that denial makes a lot of sense for the president because it lets him off the hook for dealing with it.

However, in Jerusalem, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu called his inner cabinet into its second session on the crisis that same night. The seven ministers were asked to review the situation after President Obama and secretary of state Hillary Clinton laid down three pre-conditions for restoring normal relations with Jerusalem:

1.  The Netanyahu government must extend the 10-month freeze on West Bank settlement construction to include East Jerusalem;

2.  When the moratorium runs out in September, it must be renewed for the duration of peace negotiations with the Palestinians;

3. Israeli must make more concessions to the Palestinian Authority and its chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

The Israeli government was informed that until those conditions were met, its ministers would not be received in Washington by high-level American officials – a virtual boycott, which downgrades the normal diplomatic, strategic and security exchanges between the two administrations to the level of senators and the special Middle East envoy George Mitchell.

Neither party to the difference has mentioned the US administration’s fourth condition for resuming normal relations:  an Israeli commitment to refrain from attacking Iran’s nuclear program without prior US consent. Because that commitment has not been offered, administration officials are continuing to hammer Israel in every possible arena. Indeed, the gloves are now off in earnest for insinuations that Israel’s settlement policy is the root-cause of Iran’s drive for a nuclear bomb and of the conflicts endangering American lives in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Obama and Clinton made it clear they would brook no departures from their three demands, which Israel is required to treat as an ultimatum.

Gen. David Petraeus, in his briefing to a Senate panel, said, “Clearly the tensions on these issues [with Israel] have enormous effect on the strategic context in which we operate in the Central Command’s area of responsibility.”

The general denied he had as yet formally asked for the Palestinian territories to be transferred to his command, but added: “In fact, staff members at various times have discussed asking for the Palestinian territories to be added to CENTCOM’s turf.” DEBKAfile’s military sources explain that, if approved, this step would be tantamount to providing the Palestinians with an American military umbrella against Israel.

Senator John McCain, caught on fast to the way the wind is blowing in Obama’s Washington: During his testimony, he put in: “Isn’t the issue not the issue of settlements as much as it is the existence of the state of Israel…? The general did not rise to the senator’s challenge, except for a polite: “Absolutely true.” DEBKA

Barack Hussein Obama blocks shipment of bunker buster bombs already purchased by Israel.

Officials said the U.S. military was ordered to divert a shipment of smart bunker-buster bombs from Israel to a military base in Diego Garcia. They said the shipment of 387 smart munitions had been slated to join pre-positioned U.S. military equipment in Israel Air Force bases.

“This was a political decision,” an official said.

In 2008, the United States approved an Israeli request for bunker-busters capable of destroying underground facilities, including Iranian nuclear weapons sites. Officials said delivery of the weapons was held up by the administration of President Barack Obama.

Since taking office, Obama has refused to approve any major Israeli requests for U.S. weapons platforms or advanced systems. Officials said this included proposed Israeli procurement of AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, refueling systems, advanced munitions and data on a stealth variant of the F-15E.

“All signs indicate that this will continue in 2010,” a congressional source familiar with the Israeli military requests said. “This is really an embargo, but nobody talks about it publicly.” WORLD TRIBUNE














Brooklyn’s own Muslim “INTIFADA” High School (Madrassa) is a hotbed of terror aka ‘Muslim values’

The Yemeni Muslim principal who cried “bomb!” in a crowded school has left chaos and violence in the Madrassa she created. And now, she’s moved a step closer to returning.

It is against this tumultuous backdrop that we learn Brooklyn’s Khalil Gibran International Academy — founded in 2007 by firebrand ex-Principal Debbie Almontaser as the city’s first public Arabic-themed school -- this year has suspended more than one-third of its student body for infractions ranging from hitting to weapons.

“Every day, they’re fighting,” said Voneeda Black, who nervously sends her 6-year-old to the elementary school with which Gibran shares a building. ”You don’t see parents,” she said. “Three or four times a week, there are cops here, if not more.” It may be the worst record in the city. So how did this happen?

Looks like the ‘Stop the Madrassa’ protesters fears have come true:

Two and a half years ago, the hijab-wearing Almontaser invented the academy as a way to foster peace and understanding. But she was promptly removed, stuck elsewhere in the school system. She cried “unfair!”

Then, last week, Almontaser won a crucial ruling that could help bring her back. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said the school system discriminated against Almontaser’s race and religion. Fired, for being an Arab.

Rubbish. Almontaser was tossed after she proclaimed, in a detailed interview with this newspaper, that the term “intifada” — which has led to mass murder, both downtown and in the Middle East — does not equal bloody uprising. She defined the hot-button word as a benign “shaking off” of oppression. Particularly against girls. As if American girls are worse off than those in, say, her native Yemen.

Even accepting Almontaser’s word that she’s no radical, her comments suggest a tolerant, morally relativistic view of violence, for which there is no place in our schools. The commission didn’t see it that way.

Almontaser has expressed utter joy to have — finally! — scored a victory in her claim to have been oppressed. The ruling, at the very least, will cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement and legal fees, as it breathes life into Almontaser’s lawsuit. At worst, she’ll be back.

So I think it appropriate to take a hard look at Gibran — a school founded on the flawed notion that segregating Arabists will lead to harmony. Since it opened, the tiny school on the edge of DUMBO has had one of the city’s highest rates of violence. A teacher was taunted by kids as a “terrorist” in 2008. It’s gotten steadily worse.

More than a third — one in three! — of Gibran’s 114 students, grades six through eight, have been suspended this year, according to the Department of Education. Twenty-two were yanked from school for five days. Eight kids were consideredso rowdy or dangerous, they were banned from class six to 10 days.

Nineteen fights led to student injuries or intimidation. In two other cases, weapons were used. This number has climbed from last year’s 17 violent incidents and 26 suspensions. And the school year isn’t over yet.

A bad idea has morphed into an abysmal failure. You don’t get peace by segregating kids. You get weapons, pandemonium. And expensive lawsuits. Almontaser should be grateful she was canned from her self-created disaster. NY POST

INTIFADA started in Israel, now in Brooklyn



“Moderate” Islamic website threatened for its non-fundamentalist editorial content

Islam Online (I wouldn’t call it moderate but they do) journalists are striking because they are facing an internal probe, after questioning attempts by their Qatar-based management to hijack the editorial policy of the site, which has long been known for its moderation.

This the site: Islam Online

RELATED STORIES: Muslims vs Muslims

Another reason why the sloppy Dubai assassination on a Hamas leader likely was NOT the work of Israel’s Mossad

Reports about Israeli spy planes entering Hungary follow mysterious killing of Syrian in Budapest.

Two Israeli aircraft appearing to be spy planes flew near Budapest’s international airport last week but did not land there, Hungarian media reported Thursday. According to the reports, the planes were on a “spy mission” that may be connected to the assassination of a Syrian national in his vehicle Wednesday in the Hungarian capital.

The two Gulfstream planes, reportedly equipped with the IDF’s finest intelligence means, flew through Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania before entering Hungary’s airspace, the media outlets said. The aircraft were said to leave Hungary after completing their mission, without ever landing in the country. Responding to media questions, a spokesman for the Hungarian Defense Ministry said that the Israeli planes were on a diplomatic mission.

Meanwhile, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry said that air traffic in the country is under the jurisdiction of the local aviation authority. The Ministry refused to address questions regarding the nature of the mission that prompted the Israeli planes to arrive in Hungary.

The identity of the Syrian national assassinated in Budapest had not yet been published. Hungarian police officials said an unknown assassin shot the 52-year-old Syrian while he was driving his car. The shooter grabbed a black briefcase from the vehicle before fleeing the scene of the attack, police said. YNET NEWS H/T Michael

JEWISH HUMOR: Israeli supermarket capitalizes on all the hoo hah about the Dubai incident.







In the Obama world of foreign relations, sleeping with the enemy means screwing your friends

PAJAMAS MEDIA does a great job of putting Obama’s belligerent behavior toward its allies into perspective.

Richard Fernandez @PAJAMAS MEDIA

(Notice the difference in the body language in photos of Obama when he is with Israeli leader Netanyahu vs when he is with Palestinian leader Abbas)


Robert Kagan says that whether Israel deserved a tongue-lashing from Barack Obama or not, it can console itself by observing  that it is in good company on the outs. Britain, France, India, Poland, the Czech Republic and Japan are all huddled under the bus along with it. That’s not to mention the occasionally abandoned, like the Iranian dissidents or the Dalai Lama, who had to come through the door where they take out the trash to talk to the press. Israel is where all the other allies have been at one time or the other. What’s instructive, Kagan says, is who’s remained inside the bus and not crushed under the wheels.


Who has attracted attention in the Obama administration? The answer, so far, seems to be not America’s allies but its competitors, and in some cases its adversaries. If there were a way to measure administration exertion in foreign policy, the meter would show the greatest concentration of energy, beyond the war in Afghanistan, has been devoted to four endeavors: the failed first-year attempt to improve relations with Iran; the ongoing attempt to improve relations with Russia; the stalled effort to improve cooperation with China; and the effort — fruitless so far — to prove to the Arab states that the United States is willing to pressure Israel to further the peace process. Add to these the efforts to improve relations with Syria, engage Burma and everything with Af-Pak, and not much has been left for the concerns of our allies.


Maureen Dowd (Who recently praised Saudi Arabia\’s women\’s right record while bashing Israel) doesn’t see any pattern to the President’s actions. She believes that the President’s pique at Israel was spontaneous because of the “supremely aggravating character of Bibi Netanyahu”, but Kagan suggests the President has a tendency to take alliances for granted while attempting to mollify enemies. This makes sense from a certain point of view. He’s a wooer, not a keeper. His whole life has been focused on getting to the next rung, the next office. Once that rung is attained, why it’s meant to be stepped on to get to the one above. And why not? Since your friends are already your friends you don’t need to be nice to them. On the other hand you have to convince your enemies to like you because they don’t like you yet. And a smart man should unsentimentally work on them.


The problem is that over the long haul international relations are about the keeping, not the wooing. Building a really stable international framework, as opposed to getting a photo op, means creating a foundation based on shared values. Sometimes the bad guys like being bad guys. After all is said and done, Venezuela will import 30,000 Cuban advisers whether Obama has been nice to Chavez or not. Although it’s politically incorrect to say it, one reason why America has enemies is because there are some countries out there that are not worth making friends with.


Robert Kagan wrote that “this administration pays lip-service to ‘multilateralism,’ but it is a multilateralism of accommodating autocratic rivals, not of solidifying relations with longtime democratic allies.” I think Kagan is wrong. The administration sometimes acts like it is the center of the universe. Real multilaterism is possible only when an administration is able to see itself as part of a community; a leader perhaps, but not separate from a group of nations which shares certain common interests and beliefs. President Obama’s foreign policy is strikingly unilateral in the sense of the kind of man who flies on a whim to “see the total eclipse of the sun” because it really revolves around him. (Indeed!) Read more: Unilateralism

RELATED STORIES: Islam and the Jews

Why won’t they call the “Africans” who savagely beat up a man in a wheelchair what they are – MUSLIMS?

Canadian man confined to a wheelchair visiting Australia has had his scull fractured from being been stomped on and bashed with metal bars by two teenage immigrants in an unprovoked attack at a train station in Sydney.

The media in cahoots with the police are saying the assailants might be “Pacific Islanders.” My source in Australia says BS.

Chief Inspector Wayne McMahon says they insulted him before attacking him.

“[A] punch to the head which has knocked him clean out of his wheelchair,” he said.

“Whereupon they’ve then started to stomp on his body whilst he’s covering up in the lift well.”

Inspector McMahon says they broke a metal pole off the victim’s wheelchair and bashed him with it.

They “verbally intimidated” him, so he tried to leave by a lift at the station, police said. But one of the youths allegedly punched him in the face, knocking him out of his wheelchair. The teenagers allegedly then stomped on Proden and hit him on the head and body with metal bars, including one from his wheelchair. The teens ran away with Proden’s belongings and wheelchair, police said, but returned later — and repeatedly — to resume beating him. Proden remains in a hospital northeast of Sydney, where he was being prepared for surgery on Thursday morning to treat severe cuts on his head and a fractured skull. CBC

AFRICAN CRIME RATES ARE BEING FORCED ON US BY MULTICULTURALISM The brutal bashing of an young man at Sunshine train station, in Melbourne, has once again highlighted the problems of crime associated with the immigration of large numbers of black Africans into Australia. Herald Sun revealed that whilst the general rate of alleged crimes was 1 in 85, the rate for Somali MUSLIMS was 1 in 23.









Barack Hussein Obama’s Palestinian ‘peace process’ partners say, “JEWS ARE BACTERIA”

“The JOOOOOS suffer from a mental disorder, because they are thieves and aggressors.” ““They want to present themselves to the world as if they have rights, but they are foreign bacteria – a microbe unparalleled in the world. It’s not me who says this, the Quar’an says so.” “May He annihilate this filthy people.”

Complete transcript of Hamas Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments words here: MEMRI

RELATED VIDEOS: Islam and the Jews

OMG! ‘Jewish’ SIMON COWELL asked to convert to Islam by his Muslim fiance?

So…..if he does convert, does this mean he’ll have justification for abusing his wife?  Then again, it would be interesting to see Cowell down on his hands and knees with a rag on his head.

Mezhgan Hussainy’s family wants music mogul Simon Cowell to convert to Islam before he marries her, says a report. The ‘American Idol’ judge had proposed to Hussainy last week.

‘They’re very westernised, but no one in their family has ever married a non-Muslim – and they’re not willing for their youngest daughter to become the first,’ digitalspy.co.uk quoted a source as saying about Hussainy’s parents Mary and Sayed.

Hussainy’s sister-in-law Erlene Garcia was also asked to convert before marrying her brother Wahid. According to Hussainy’s friend, ‘Mezhgan is very reluctant about asking Simon to convert…and she knows how controversial it will be.’

Simon Cowell & Mezhgan Hussainy

‘Simon might be a big deal in the UK, but there are other people in the Afghan community in Los Angeles who her parents will be more afraid of offending. It would bring shame on their family and community if Simon did not respect their beliefs,‘ the friend added. SIFY

KUDOS TO CANADA for crackdown on catering to Muslim ’special demands’

From now on, any woman who is veiled with a MUSLIM niqab (veil) or a burka (black garbage bag) and comes to Quebec’s health-insurance office demanding to be photographed by a woman,“THE ANSWER IS NO!”

MONTREAL — In recent years, fully veiled Muslim women who had dealings with Quebec’s health-insurance board could choose to be served by a woman to avoid exposing their faces to a man outside their family.

In the latest example of the province’s growing resistance to the accommodation of minority religious practices, the insurance board on Tuesday announced the end of the policy after the provincial human rights commission said it has no duty to acquiesce.

The news follows last week’s expulsion from a French-as-a-second-language course of an Egyptian woman who insisted on wearing a niqab during class. It was the second school Naema Ahmed was expelled from for wearing the full face covering, which leaves only a slit for the eyes. Authorities at the first school had said her teacher was unable to properly assess her pronunciation without seeing her mouth.

Quebec’s Immigration Department said she could not continue her studies while wearing the niqab. (Buh Bye, don’t let the door hit you in the ass)

“If you want to integrate into Quebec society, here are our values,” Immigration Minister Yolande James told reporters last week. “We want to see your face.” Ms. Ahmed has filed a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission.

After the health-insurance board sought its expertise on the niqab issue, the rights commission published its opinion on Monday that requiring a veiled woman to briefly expose her face to a male employee is not a significant breach of her rights.

The commission reasoned that a woman would only have to remove her veil briefly for purposes of identification. It drew a distinction with people who for religious reasons ask that a driving test be given by a member of the same sex. In an earlier opinion, the commission said the province should accommodate such requests because the person is in a confined space with a member of the opposite sex for nearly an hour. (No, they shouldn’t)

The furor over the still rarely seen niqab is a clear sign that Quebec’s debate over the “reasonable accommodation” of religious and ethnic minorities has returned with full force. NATIONAL POST H/T Logans Warning


Maybe the question should be is war between Obama’s America and Israel a possibility?

Obama is our first post-American president. He looks beyond American exceptionalism and believes that our role on the world stage should be merely one nation among many. Mr. Netanyahu’s strategy is therefore out-of-date and flawed.

By John Bolton

On the Palestinian front, Mr. Netanyahu’s government has tolerated 14 months of feckless administration diplomacy that has not altered geopolitical realities between Israel and the Palestinians.

Last week’s announcement of  while Vice President Joe Biden was visiting Israel was an unnecessary step. But optics are not the real problem. Mr. Biden’s response to the construction of new settlements in East Jerusalem, (“I condemn the decision”)  approved in advance by Mr. Obama, and then emphasized by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a blistering Friday phone call to Mr. Netanyahu, foreshadows what lies ahead. It won’t be pretty.

Mr. Netanyahu’s efforts to avoid open disputes with Washington have not won him White House plaudits. Mr. Obama almost certainly believes the real obstacle to peace is not new housing or unfortunate timing but so-called Israeli intransigence.

On Iran, Mr. Netanyahu has faithfully supported Mr. Obama’s diplomacy, hoping to build credibility with the president against the day when Israel might have to strike Iran’s weapons program pre-emptively. Jerusalem, for example, currently backs U.S. efforts to increase sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program, doomed to failure though they are. As time passes, Israel’s military option grows more difficult and the chances for success shrink as Iran seeks new air-defense systems and further buries and hardens nuclear facilities.

Mr. Netanyahu’s mistake has been to assume that Mr. Obama basically agrees that we must prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. But the White House likely believes that a nuclear Iran, though undesirable, can be contained and will therefore not support using military force to thwart Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.

Obama's enemy - Israel

What’s more, Mr. Obama is also unwilling to let anyone else, namely Israel, act instead. That means that if Israel bombs Iranian nuclear facilities, the president will likely withhold critical replenishments of destroyed Israeli aircraft and other weapons systems.

We are moving inexorably toward, and perhaps have now reached, an Israeli crisis with Mr. Obama. Americans must realize that allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons is empowering an existential threat to the Israeli state, to Arab governments in the region that are friendly to the U.S., and to long-term global peace and security.

Obama's Palestinian 'brother'

Mr. Netanyahu must realize he has not been banking good behavior credits with Mr. Obama but simply postponing an inevitable confrontation. The prime minister should recalibrate his approach, and soon. Israel’s deference on Palestinian issues will not help it with Mr. Obama after a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear program. It would be a mistake to think that further delays in such a strike will materially change the toxic political response Israel can expect from the White House. Israel’s support will come from Congress and the American people, as opinion polls show, not from the president

Mr. Obama is not merely heedless of America’s predominant global position. He is also embarrassed enough by it not to regret diminishing it. In fact, we have achieved pre-eminence not simply to preen our American ego, but to defend our interests and those of like-minded allies. Ceding America’s role in world affairs is not an act of becoming modesty but a dangerous signal of weakness to friends and adversaries alike. Israel may be the first ally to feel the pain. WALL STREET JOURNAL

And let’s not forget how the Obama Administration is using U.S. military personnel and equipment to train the Palestinians to eventually attack Israel.

READ HERE: America’s shiny new Palestinian militia

Are the Obama thugs watching me?

I got this email (from Hillary?) today:

From: state_mkt_fdbk@rnmk.com


The State Department’s Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs launched a Facebook page in order to better engage with the American people. This office creates and coordinates opportunities for dialogue between the Administration and the American public to improve public awareness of and involvement in the Department and its work.


The American people have demanded a government that they can be a part of, a government that works, and the State Department seeks to create just that – an atmosphere of inclusion and transparency, allowing Americans from across the country to share  their views and to offer their stories and ideas regarding foreign affairs issues that concern them.


This Facebook page will provide information, updates and opportunities for you to see how the department is engaging the community on foreign affairs and how you can be involved.


Become a fan and check back for exciting opportunities for you to voice your opinion on foreign affairs!


Facebook Page|Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs

I guess she didn’t like my Hijab Hillary stories?




FUTURE TERRORISTS OF AMERICA? Turkish ‘Birth Tourism’ is spiking Muslim birth rates in the U.S.

I guess it isn’t enough for Obama to open the floodgates to Muslim immigrants, now Turkish tourism companies are cashing in on the trend by offering ‘birth tourism’ packages to US cities.

According to tourism expert Gürkan Boztepe and media sources, 12,000 Turkish children have been born in the U.S. since 2003.The numbers are significant enough to draw the attention of tourism companies and inspire them to pursue “birth tourism.”

“We found a company on the Internet and decided to go to Austin for our child’s birth,” said Selin Burcuoğlu who gave birth to a daughter last year. “It was incredibly professional. They organized everything for me. I had no problem adjusting and I had an excellent birth,” she told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review.

Burcuoğlu said she and her partner chose to have the birth in the U.S. to make their child’s life more comfortable. “I don’t want her to deal with visa issues—American citizenship has so many advantages.” (NOT TO MENTION FREE OBAMACARE)

Burcuoğlu is not the only Turkish parent who wants her child to have U.S. citizenship. Many Turkish parents-to-be are now seeking tourism companies to “guarantee” their child’s life.

Every Muslim fetus chooses Jihad

“We first started our research in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Orlando and we only contacted Turkish doctors,” Baş said. “But we are preparing a package that covers everything from the flight and city tours to accommodation for several months and hospital expenses.” In terms of cost, Baş said the minimum expense is $25,000, which rises to $40,000 if the destination is New York.

Birth tourism organizations are located throughout Turkey, including one run by Gürkan Boztepe in the Aegean province of İzmir. “Before, only celebrities gave birth in the U.S. We are now aiming, however, to make this service accessible to everyone. And surprisingly, our customers are not just from İzmir and Istanbul, there are also many people from smaller provinces, such as [southeastern] Gaziantep.”

Many families, however, do not want to talk openly about the process, according to the birth tourism operators. “Many people say they are doing it because they want their kids to get a cheaper education and not deal with visa issues when they grow up,” said Baş.

“We will conquer your countries through the wombs of our women.”

Anjem Choudary, British Muslim hate preacher, said: “It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside.” Many Muslims are having 10 or 12 children per family. The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside, they claim. He added: “We do not integrate into Christianity. We will ensure that one day you will integrate into the Sharia Islamic law.”

According to the U.S.’s 14th Amendment, the country grants citizenship to anyone born on its soil. At the same time, however, many have demanded the elimination of the “ius soli” law.

“They come to this country and have babies. The children are citizens. The children are eligible to go to school. They receive food stamps and social programs. The American taxpayers are paying for it,” said Republican Congressman Gary Miller last month, who is co-sponsoring a bill that seeks to abolish birthright citizenship for children born in the country to illegal immigrant parents.

“Those trying to restrict immigration argue these babies, who are occasionally called ‘anchor babies,’ serve as a key link in the ‘chain immigration’ process that they would like to see eliminated. However, there is no current pending legislation before Congress that would limit the claim to U.S. citizenship of a child born in the U.S.,” Özgü told the Daily News.

The birthright citizenship formerly applied to other countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia but both countries modified their law in the mid-1980s. India maintained such birthright law until 2004, but ended the right to prevent continued illegal immigration from neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh. HURRIYET Daily News


Muslim birthrate worries Russia (The Washington Times)

Muslims in Europe: Country guide (BBC)

Europe’s Muslim Street (Brookings)

Muslim population in European cities (Islam in Europe)

Vatican: World has greater number of Muslims than Catholics (Catholic Online)

France’s End (Population Research Institute)

Suicide of the West? (Population Research Institute)

Israeli Muslim Birth Rate is Double that of Jews (Jewish Virtual Library)

Politicians Fret as Muslim Population Swells in Europe Amid Little Integration (Fox News)

The Closing of Civilization in Europe (The Brussels Journal)

In Islam, there are no punishments or limits for having intercourse with a dead woman

Gee, Muslims even have rules for necrophilia.

RELATED VIDEOS: Laughing at Islam