Editore"s Note
Tilting at Windmills

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March 11, 2010

CBO WEIGHS IN.... Congress has been waiting for additional information from the Congressional Budget Office before moving forward on health care. It took a while, but the CBO weighed in this morning.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the Senate's healthcare bill will now cost $875 billion over 10 years and reduce the deficit by $118 billion.

The net reduction is lower than the original score of the Senate's bill, which was estimated to cut the deficit by $132 billion from 2010 to 2019.

The CBO originally estimated that the Senate's healthcare bill would cost $871 billion over a 10 year period.

The new CBO report does not include estimates on President Obama's proposed fixes, bridging the gap between the House and Senate bills, which should add to the overall price -- the White House version increases subsidy rates, for example -- but not enough to push the cost of the package above the projected ceiling of $950 billion over 10 years.

CBO Blog has much more on today's report.

In terms of implications, the new report should help Congress take the next step in completing the process. The Senate bill, which needs to be approved by the House, is fully paid for, it lowers the deficit, and it would bring coverage to 31 million Americans who don't currently have it, just as advertised.

* Update: I'm told there's another CBO report on the way, possibly as early as today, scoring budget fixes to be included in the "sidecar" bill.

Steve Benen 11:05 AM Permalink | Trackbacks | Comments (11)

In a rational world, this would be good news. But the headline at Politico will be, "Senate Bill to Cost More, Save Less Than Previously Reported."


Posted by: Snarky Bastard on March 11, 2010 at 11:15 AM | PERMALINK

there'll be a Repugnant whining angle to this report...the Dims'll hafta strike up the band quick. No bets on the media interp.

Posted by: neill on March 11, 2010 at 11:15 AM | PERMALINK

"and it would bring coverage to 31 million Americans who don't currently have it,"

translation- 31 million people who didn't have insurance will now get the privilege of paying for it even though they'll still not get health care because the insurance will be impossible to use due to the cost of deductibles and rescission.

Quite a victory that.

Posted by: Tlaloc on March 11, 2010 at 11:31 AM | PERMALINK

Tlaloc, and the rest of us who have been paying an additional $1100/year on our premiums to cover those uninsured will pay less for health insurance. Actually, we may pay a bit more, but GET more out of it (stability)... but actually when you include the federal subsidies, the net premium rate should be about even to what we're paying now. For MUCH improved insurance.

In other words, STFU.

Posted by: Ethan on March 11, 2010 at 11:40 AM | PERMALINK

Ethan, Is "STFU" a good word?

Posted by: C Fukara on March 11, 2010 at 11:52 AM | PERMALINK

"subsidy rates," = payment to insurance company to put more $$ and profit into insurance company's bottom line.

Posted by: MlJohnston on March 11, 2010 at 12:37 PM | PERMALINK

"Tlaloc, and the rest of us who have been paying an additional $1100/year on our premiums to cover those uninsured will pay less for health insurance."

Why would you pay less? the insurance companies will have a captive market they can gouge to their heart's content. You know what the limit on deductibles is? There isn't one unless you have an employee plan ($1,000 for singles) or fall into the pre-existing condition group (where your out of pocket expenses NOT INCLUDING PREMIUMS are limited to $5000 a year). So no you won't be paying less. You'll be paying more because you can't just quit without violating the law.

"Actually, we may pay a bit more, but GET more out of it (stability)..."

Again you're wrong. The stability is a lie. Rescission is still allowed for "fraud." They can and will refuse to pay whenever they don;t feel like it. What are you going to do about it? You have to buy it anyway.

"In other words, STFU."

In other words you don't want to hear that you've been lied to and would rather lash out than engage your brain. I have no sympathy for you, people like you are exactly why we have this god awful bill.

Posted by: tlaloc on March 11, 2010 at 12:53 PM | PERMALINK

translation- 31 million people who didn't have insurance will now get the privilege of paying for it even though they'll still not get health care because the insurance will be impossible to use due to the cost of deductibles and rescission.
Quite a victory that.

Reality - The bill expands Medicare coverage so that one third of those uninsured will be on Medicare, i.e., single payer program.

You're a dishonest firebagging liar Tlaloc, or otherwise you'd mention that.

You'd also point out, if you were honest, that there will be government subsidies for individuals earning up to $48,000 and families of four up to $84,000. That's well into the middle class fuckface.

Why don't you grow up and have an honest debate sometime? Until then, STFU.

Oh, and MlJohnston, I guess the 48,000 who will die every year until your magic single payer pony arrives doesn't bother your conscious one bit.

Far better they die than any insurance companies get money. You're a real humanitarian, aren't you?

Posted by: Dr. Morpheus on March 11, 2010 at 1:06 PM | PERMALINK

i predict that the republican response to the cbo report will be -- in the immortal words of biggus dickus cheney -- "so?".

Posted by: mellowjohn on March 11, 2010 at 1:18 PM | PERMALINK

Given that the Administration just blew through another $220 billion in deficits for the MONTH of February, I don't think $118 Billion over 10 years(Based on fantasy and accounting tricks, mind you)is going to impress anyone in Snarky's "sane" world.

Posted by: BillyBobSchranzburg on March 11, 2010 at 2:08 PM | PERMALINK

"The bill expands Medicare coverage so that one third of those uninsured will be on Medicare, i.e., single payer program."

It expands medicare a little yes. That's good. It's everyone else who gets screwed (and that's a much larger population).

"You're a dishonest firebagging liar Tlaloc, or otherwise you'd mention that."

You're an idiot. I actually didn't like FDL that much at all. Until the recent case of you consevadems become utter douchebags I hadn't read them in years. And if you think that only people who read FDL realize this bill is bull shit you mgith want to stop and look at the comments at Crooks and Liars, Huffington post, or even here. A lot of us get it and we don;t care that that pisses you off. Because once again- you're a douche bag who's hurting the country with your idiocy.

"You'd also point out, if you were honest, that there will be government subsidies for individuals earning up to $48,000 and families of four up to $84,000. That's well into the middle class fuckface."

Subsides without price controls are just blank checks to the insurance companies. you know that but you're too damned dishonest to care. How much stock in the ins cos do you own? Is it really enough to sell us all out like this?

"Oh, and MlJohnston, I guess the 48,000 who will die every year until your magic single payer pony arrives doesn't bother your conscious one bit."

You don't seem to care that they'll still be dying if we pass the senate bill. Or are you still trying to lie to us about rescission being stopped?

The mandate means you have to pay for insurance, not that you get health care. Two very different things, as if you'd care.

"Far better they die than any insurance companies get money. You're a real humanitarian, aren't you?"

Yeah so much better to be in your place arguing that AS they die we should help the insurance companies to squeeze every cent out ot them. I'm not actually sure douchebag goes far enough to describe what a miserable misanthropic piece of shit you are. A fine example of the PTDB cult.

Posted by: Tlaloc on March 11, 2010 at 3:15 PM | PERMALINK
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