The White House Blog

  • Recovery in Action: Powering up America

    Earlier in the week, President Obama announced the largest-ever investment in the nation’s electric grid—more than $3.4 billion in grants distributed among 100 grantees.  Though the immense scale of the investment was clear during the President’s announcement, the flood of reports from news outlets across the country has been overwhelming.  A sample of those stories are linked below, detailing new projects in South Dakota, Vermont, California, and several other states:
    SRP gets $56.9M boost from feds for customer 'smart meters’: Salt River Project will receive a $56.9 million grant from the federal Recovery Act to speed up the installation of "smart meters" for customers, the Energy Department announced Tuesday.
    SMUD receives $128M in smart-grid funds: The Sacramento Municipal Utility District has been awarded $127.5 million in federal economic stimulus funds that will go toward a $308 million smart-grid infrastructure investment. 
    7 Florida utilities and tech firm to receive $264 million: Energy grants announced Tuesday by President Obama include $264 million for seven Florida utilities and an Orlando technology company, with each grant requiring final negotiations and matching contributions. 
    $200 million in stimulus funds flows to Georgia to update power grid: More than $200 million in federal stimulus money is expected to flow into projects in Georgia as part of the Obama Administration's plans to upgrade the nation's aging electric grid. 
    Five New England states land $226M for smart meters: At least 832,000 smart meters will be installed across New England as a part of smart grid projects receiving funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Smart Grid Investment Grant funding. 
    Federal funds granted for BGE’s smart grid: Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. expects customer costs for its smart grid projects to decrease after winning a $200 million grant from the federal government Tuesday, the company said. 
    Edison, Whirlpool to get stimulus money: Detroit Edison and the Whirlpool Corporation in Benton Harbor will receive $103 million in federal stimulus money to make investments in green technology. 
    Peco Energy gets $200M ‘smart-grid’ grant: Peco Energy Co. was awarded a $200 million federal stimulus grant today that will allow it to speed up deployment of "smart-grid" technology, including 600,000 advanced electric meters in the next three years. 
    Two S.D. power companies to share $9M in federal funds to install smart meters (video): Black Hills Power and Sioux Valley Southwestern Electric Cooperative will share in more than $9 million in federal funding to help modernize the nation’s electric system. 
    Powerful energy Vermont plan for ‘smart’ meters getting $69M: A Vermont plan to install electricity smart meters and other technologies to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs will receive nearly $70 million in stimulus money.
    Smart' grid stimulus funds come to Wyoming: Two Wyoming electric utilities will receive more than $7.5 million combined in federal grants to help modernize their infrastructure. 

  • Weekly Address: Milestones on the Economy and the Recovery Act

    While there is nothing to celebrate until job numbers turn around, the President cites the recent dramatic turnaround in gross domestic product as a sign of better things to come. He also applauds the fact that the Recovery Act has now created or saved more than a million jobs.

  • Honoring the Legacy of Ryan White

    Today, President Obama signed the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.  It represents our ongoing commitment to ensuring access to needed HIV/AIDS care and treatment.  The White House and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) worked very closely with Congress on this bipartisan legislation, and the consensus document developed by the HIV/AIDS advocacy community was an important part of the process.  We were so pleased that Jeanne White-Ginder, Ryan White’s mother, was here at the bill signing. 

    Read the Transcript  |  Download Video: mp4 (130MB) | mp3 (9.4MB)

    The Ryan White Program is the largest federal program specifically dedicated to providing HIV care and treatment.  It funds heavily impacted metropolitan areas, states, and local community-based organizations to provide life-saving medical care, medications, and support services to more than half a million people each year:  the uninsured and underinsured, racial and ethnic minorities, people of all ages.

    The President also announced today the elimination of the HIV entry ban.  Since 1987, HIV-positive travelers and immigrants have been banned from entering or traveling through the United States without a special waiver.  In July 2008, Congress removed all legislative barriers to repealing the ban and paved the way for HHS to repeal the ban.  A final rule will be published in the Federal Register on Monday, November 2nd and will take effect in early January 2010.  That means that people who have HIV and are not U.S. citizens will be able to enter the U.S. starting in January next year.  This is a major step in ending the stigma associated with HIV.

    While I have been traveling across the country during the past several weeks for our HIV/AIDS Community Discussions, I am hearing from people living with HIV, nurses, case managers, doctors, community-based service providers, and others about how important the program is to ensure access to care and treatment.  As we continue our work on developing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, we have many important lessons from the Ryan White Program for increasing access to treatment, helping retain people in care, and improving health outcomes.  Addressing the epidemic in the U.S. is a priority for President Obama, and we are renewing our focus on prevention as well as treatment.

    As we prepare to mark the 20th anniversary of the Ryan White Program next August, the legacy of Ryan White continues to endure.

    Participants at the event:

    • Jeanne White-Ginder, Ryan White's mother
    • Senator Tom Harkin, D-IA
    • Senator Mike Enzi, R-WY
    • Senator Tom Coburn, R-OK, not confirmed
    • Representative Henry Waxman, D-CA
    • Representative Frank Pallone, D-NJ
    • Representative Joe Barton, R-TX
    • Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, not confirmed
    • Ernest Hopkins, Policy Chair, Communities Advocating for Emergency AIDS Relief (CAEAR); Federal Affairs Director, San Francisco AIDS Foundation
    • Frank Oldham, Jr., President and CEO, National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA)
    • Julie Scofield, Executive Director, National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD)

    More photos from the event:


    Ryan White Signing - President Obama Meets with Jeffrey Crowley

    President Barack Obama has an event briefing with Jeffrey Crowley, right, in the Oval Office, prior to the signing of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009. October 30, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    Ryan White Signing - President Obama and Jeanne White Ginder

    President Barack Obama poses with Jeanne White Ginder, Ryan White's mother. October 30, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

    Ryan White Signing - President Obama Signs

    President Barack Obama, surrounded by Members of Congress and other officials, signs the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House October 30, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

    Ryan White Signing

    Jeanne White Ginder, Ryan White’s mother, displays the signed reauthorization. October 30, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)


    Jeffrey Crowley is the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy and Senior Advisor on Disability Policy at the White House



  • Innovation with Crawfish Sauce: What a New Orleans Nonprofit Can Teach the Rest of the Country

    Earlier this month, I joined the President in New Orleans for his first visit there since the election.  A key part of the President’s message was that the Gulf Coast’s recovery didn’t flow just from government programs and policies:

    I've talked a lot today about what steps we've taken at the federal level to help the Gulf Coast recover and rebuild.  But the true story is this community's unbending resilience.  That doesn't start in Washington.  It starts right here, in the reborn neighborhoods of New Orleans. . . . The story of this city's resilience begins with all the men and women who refused to give up on their homes; who stayed to clean up and rebuild -- not just their own homes or their own yards or their own lives, but their neighbors', too.

    I wanted to witness this bottom-up strength firsthand, so after the president’s speech, I visited Café Reconcile, one of the many innovative community organizations that have stepped up to help the Gulf Coast recover following Katrina.

    Melody Barnes at Cafe Reconcile

    Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council Melody Barnes, along with Louisiana Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu and Tulane University President Scott Cowen, poses with the staff of Café Reconcile in New Orleans. October 15, 2009.

    Located in the distressed Central City neighborhood of New Orleans, Café Reconcile ( helps at-risk young people aged 16-22 with life skills, while training them for jobs in the restaurant business, one of the largest employers in New Orleans. Reconcile’s students are poor, many are high school dropouts, come from broken homes, are victims of abuse, or are veterans of the juvenile justice system. Café Reconcile provides case management, academic training, and on-the-job experience at a working restaurant that is popular for its staples like baked chicken, fried catfish (with or without crawfish sauce), and jambalaya.

    On Thursday I sat down with staff and participants to enjoy a late lunch.  We were joined by Louisiana Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu and Tulane University President Scott Cowen.

    “There are no bad kids on the streets of New Orleans,” Reconcile’s Director of Programs, Donna Bowie told us. “They may not have had the nurturing and support that you and I had, but that's what we provide at Café Reconcile."

    One by one, the young program participants and alumni shared their stories, stories of heartbreaking challenges like teenage pregnancies and run ins with the law, but also stories of redemption, of the difference it makes to have caring adults, supportive peers and a job to do. 

    Christopher Lewis

    Christopher Lewis came to Reconcile after being kicked out of school for fights and combating a drug habit. He told us that Reconcile gave him a sense of responsibility, “I realized that the world keeps moving and I can't just stay put.  My mom can't do it for me, my family can't do it for me, I have to do it for myself."

    Sometimes it is the small things that make all the difference.  Michael Smith, a 20-year-old participant in the program, told me about the self-confidence he gained just by wearing a professional uniform.  He started to tear up as he talked about his nine younger siblings, who had been through so much, being proud of him as he left home dressed for work.  Smith experienced family drug use, witnessed neighborhood violence and has been forced to move six times since returning to the city following Hurricane Katrina.  He came to Reconcile after dropping out of school as a junior and struggling to maintain employment.

    Nearing the end of Reconcile’s program, his peers hail him as a natural leader in the restaurant.  Most importantly, Michael has set an example for his siblings and his community.

    Doris Sylvan

    “Reconcile taught me the skills to get a job and keep a job,” said  Doris Sylvan, a 19-year-old single mother who graduated from Reconcile’s program and now works there mentoring other students while attending community college.  “There need to be more programs like this.”

    Well, here at the White House, we agree with Doris.   There need to be more programs like Café Reconcile, not just in New Orleans, but across the country.  All across the nation, people are finding solutions to society’s most intractable problems, like the dropout rate, childhood obesity, persistent poverty, or homelessness.  These innovators are breaking through bureaucratic barriers and reaching people in need in ways that no government program could.  We think that these hidden gems should be identified and their solutions replicated in  more communities, but that’s easier said than done.

    Let’s take the case of Café Reconcile. The nonprofit is planning a big expansion that will include a catering business, a family learning center, and business accelerator. In order to achieve that growth, the organization needs a few things.  It needs additional staff, new equipment and renovated space – or what we call “overhead costs” to expand its operations.

    These  resources are often the hardest funds to raise from foundations and private donors.  Reconcile needs to be able to prove to potential funders that it is having an impact by showing, for instance, that their students go on to get their GEDs and keep jobs.  Proving that impact takes expertise and resources that are also hard to come by for small community groups.  Finally, Reconcile needs technical expertise to help them continually improve their model and help more kids.

    We think that the government has an important but limited role in helping groups like Café Reconcile take the next step. 

    That’s why the President has established a Social Innovation Fund.  Run out of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Social Innovation Fund will provide the growth capital that is largely lacking in the philanthropic sector.

    This fund will invest in programs we know are high-impact  and help them grow to other communities around the country.  This is a new role for government.   Instead of simply funding services year after year, the President believes government can play a more dynamic role by seeking out creative, results-oriented programs and serving as a catalyst for replicating those efforts.  That’s also why we are looking at other ways to promote capacity building among nonprofits, all the while having a dogged focus on impact and metrics.  We have to know that we are getting a good return on the investment of taxpayer dollars.

    This isn’t an idea that started with President Obama.  Scott Cowen and Mitch Landrieu have been on the front lines for years.  At Tulane, Cowen is working to train the next generation of innovators who are changing the way we solve problems. Tulane was selected by Ashoka, the world's leading network of social entrepreneurs, as a Changemaker Campus.  Landrieu created the nation’s first statewide Office of Social Entrepreneurship, which is looking to help promising nonprofits identify and leverage available resources.

    Lieutenant Governor Landrieu in his closing statements at Café Reconcile explained why Louisiana has become a hotbed of social entrepreneurship and why it matters for the rest of the country. “In the aftermath of Katrina, we are teaching the rest of the country how to deal with the problems of living in a great city.  We didn’t ask for this responsibility, but the truth is that the answers to America’s problems are coming from the streets of New Orleans.”

    That is true for innovative nonprofits all across the country.  The solutions to our great challenges may be being invented on the streets of Portland, Denver, Miami, or everywhere in between. Only New Orleans may be the only place where those solutions also come with Shrimp Ettoufee.  

     Melody Barnes is Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council

  • Transparency like you’ve never seen before

    Today marks a major milestone in government transparency -- and an important lesson in the unintended consequences of such vigorous disclosure.

    We previously announced that the White House in December of this year would -- for the first time in history -- begin posting all White House visitor records under the terms of our new voluntary disclosure policy.  As part of that initiative, we also offered to look back at the records created before the announcement of the policy and answer specific requests for visitor records created earlier in the year. 

    So far we’ve processed 110 disclosure requests from September that yielded nearly 500 visitor records. All of these are now available on the White House website in accessible, searchable format for anyone to browse or download.  Consistent with our earlier announcement that we will only release records 90 days or older, this first batch covers the period of time between January 20, 2009 to July 31, 2009.  Future batches will be posted on an ongoing basis.  (You can submit a request here.)

    This first release is only the latest in a series of unprecedented steps by the President to increase openness in government.  They include putting up more government information than ever before on and, reforming the government’s FOIA processes, providing on-line access to White House staff financial reports and salaries, adopting a tough new state secrets policy, reversing an executive order that previously limited access to presidential records, and web-casting White House meetings and conferences.  The release also compliments our new lobbying rules, which in addition to closing the revolving door for lobbyists who work in government have also emphasized expanding disclosure of lobbyist contacts with the government.

    There’s an important lesson here as well.  This unprecedented level of transparency can sometimes be confusing rather than providing clear information.

    A lot of people visit the White House, up to 100,000 each month, with many of those folks coming to tour the buildings. Given this large amount of data, the records we are publishing today include a few “false positives” – names that make you think of a well-known person, but are actually someone else.  In September, requests were submitted for the names of some famous or controversial figures (for example Michael Jordan, William Ayers, Michael Moore, Jeremiah Wright, Robert Kelly ("R. Kelly"), and Malik Shabazz).  The well-known individuals with those names never actually came to the White House.  Nevertheless, we were asked for those names and so we have included records for those individuals who were here and share the same names.

    Norm Eisen is special counsel to the president for ethics and government reform

  • Play Ball!


    The White Sox may be out of the running, but that didn’t stop First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden from attending Game 1 of the World Series at Yankee Stadium in Bronx, N.Y., between the Philadelphia Phillies and the New York Yankees.

    Donning their custom World Series jackets, the two accompanied baseball great Yogi Berra and retired Army Capt. Tony Odierno onto the field.  Odierno, a West Point graduate and Yankees employee who lost his left arm in Iraq, threw out the first pitch.

  • Word from the White House: Introduction of the Affordable Health Care for America Act

    It's no secret that institutions of all stripes focus their communications on certain messages day to day. We thought it would all be a little more open and transparent if we went ahead and published what our focus will be for the day, along with any related articles, documents, or reports.

    Supporting bill description: "The Affordable Health Care for America Act,"

    Talking Points: Introduction of the Affordable Health Care for America Act

    • The introduction of the Affordable Health Care for America Act is another critical milestone in the effort to bring about reform that will provide stability and security for Americans with insurance, affordable options for those without insurance, and lower costs for American families, businesses, and the nation as a whole.
    • This legislation is the product of unprecedented cooperation and countless hours of hard work by Speaker Pelosi, Chairmen Waxman, Rangel, and Miller, Congressman Dingell, and scores of House members who share the conviction that we can’t wait another year for health insurance reform.
    • The House legislation includes critical reforms to the insurance industry, so that Americans will no longer have to worry that they will be denied coverage, or that their coverage will be dropped or watered down when they need it most.
    • It also includes a public option that competes with private insurers, which the President has repeatedly said he believes is the best way to ensure choice and competition that are so badly needed in today’s market.
    • Finally, it is fully paid for and will reduce the deficit in the long term.
    • This is an historic step forward and we are confident that members will continue to work together to deliver meaningful reform for America’s families and businesses.



  • Flu Prevention Tips on the Fields and Courts

    There are a number of common sense precautions being taught at homes and schools across America to help prevent the spread of the flu, including frequent hand washing, sneezing into the elbow, and getting a vaccination when it becomes available.

    If your kids are playing on sports teams this fall, here are a few more tips to help them stay healthy:

    • Have coaches remind children to cover sneezes and coughs with their sleeve or a tissue. Dispose of any tissues in a separate bag.
    • Coaches (and parents) should make sure players stay home if they have a cough, cold, or flu for 24 hours after their symptoms have cleared.
    • Have players wash their hands or use hand sanitizers before starting the game.
    • Make sure players bring in their own water bottles and do not share them.
    • Instead of post-game handshakes or high-fives, cheer or clap for the opposing team.

    For more tips for parents or information about flu, visit

    Katie Jacobs Stanton is Director of Citizen Participation and a Soccer Mom

  • The Act in Action: New Report Shows Recovery Act Creating Jobs Throughout the Nation

    Good news, folks.  The Recovery Act is working, and so are over one million people whose jobs have been saved or created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

    But why take it from me when you can see it for yourself?  Thanks to unprecedented real-time data collection by the independent Recovery, Accountability, and Transparency Board (RATB), you will soon (as in this afternoon) be able to visit and learn about the approximately 650,000 jobs directly created by part—and I emphasize that these 650,000 or so jobs are a subset of the more than one million—of the Recovery Act dollars at work in our economy.

    Since that 650,000 is based off of about half the bucks at work in the economy so far, you can double it to get a rough estimate of the total jobs impact so far, getting you to over a million jobs, saved or created.

    Can’t wait until this afternoon?  Then watch this new video of real people doing real jobs supported by the Recovery Act.

    Download Video: mp4 (125MB)

    Here are the details.  As of last month, there was about $340 billion in Recovery Act dollars at work in the economy, through fiscal relief to states, committed infrastructure projects (some in progress, some yet to start), tax cuts, unemployment benefits, small biz loans, and much more.  According to both our estimates and those of independent analysts, this ramp up of the Act has created or saved about one million jobs so far.

    Now, a little less than half that amount applies to direct spending projects for which recipients are required by Congress to report job information to the independent RATB.  As you can see in the video above, we’re talking everything from construction workers, teachers, scientists, and more.  After cleaning the data, and summing it all up, the board tells us that these direct jobs amount to about 650,000, located throughout the country.  

    The other half of the spending includes subsidized loans to small businesses, unemployment compensation, tax cuts, and other forms of Recovery Act support that doesn’t lend itself to direct job reporting so easily.  The recipient reports also omit indirect jobs—those created when the directly hired contractor orders some cement, the school teacher orders classroom supplies, or when both of them spend their paychecks in the economy, generating more economic activity and jobs than would have occurred if they were unemployed (econo-types will recognize these as “multiplier effects”).

    So that’s the story today, but there’s a lot more to come from the Recovery Act.  Given that more than half of the Act’s funds have yet to be obligated or reflected in tax cuts, the fact that many funded projects have a lot more hiring to do, and the fact that these recipient reports account for around 650,000 jobs through the end of September despite all the omissions just noted, we are solidly on track to meet our goal of 3.5 million jobs saved or created by the end of next year.

    So, a major hat-tip to the RATB for their path-breaking work and we thank all the recipients for providing us with this information.

    But as we applaud these unprecedented efforts in transparency and this new confirmation that the Recovery Act is successfully creating jobs across America, we are also acutely aware that even the highest estimates of jobs created or saved by the Act only partially offset the extent of job losses since the recession took hold last year.  For this reason, we plan to continue to squeeze every job out of every dollar left to spend in the Recovery Act, and to do so with the same level of transparency achieved thus far.

    And we’ll keep you posted of our progress.

    Jared Bernstein is Chief Economist to Vice President Biden, and Executive Director of the Middle Class Task Force


    (Traducción al español - Spanish Translation)

    La ley en acción: un nuevo reporte demuestra que la Ley de Recuperación produce empleos a través de la nación

    Buenas noticias, amigos. La Ley de Recuperación está funcionando y más de un millón de personas están trabajando gracias a que se han podido salvar sus empleos o porque se han creado nuevos trabajos gracias a la Ley de Recuperación (en inglés) e Inversión de los Estados Unidos.

    ¿Pero porque creer en lo que digo si lo puede ver por usted mismo? Gracias a una recopilación sin precedente de datos en tiempo real de la Junta Independiente para la Recuperación, Responsabilidad y Transparencia (RATB, por su sigla en inglés), usted pronto podrá (esta misma tarde) visitar el sitio web y aprender acerca de los aproximadamente 650,000 empleos (en inglés) creados con una parte – y enfatizo que estos 650,000 empleos o más son un subconjunto de más de un millón – del dinero de la Ley de Recuperación en vigencia para mejorar nuestra economía. 

    Ya que el número 650,000 está basado en más o menos la mitad del dinero que se está poniendo a trabajar en la economía hasta el momento, duplíquelo para obtener un estimado del total de empleos impactados hasta el momento y el resultado será más de un millón de empleos que han sido creados o salvados.

    ¿No puede esperar hasta esta tarde? Entonces mire el video arriba (con subtítulos en español) que muestra personas de la vida real realizando trabajos de la vida real apoyados por la Ley de Recuperación.

    Aquí están los detalles. Hasta el mes pasado, había cerca de 340 mil millones de dólares de la Ley de Recuperación en función por la economía, a través de alivios fiscales para los estados, proyectos comprometidos con la infraestructura (algunos en progreso, otros que aún están por empezar), reducción en los impuestos, beneficios por desempleo, préstamos para pequeñas empresas y mucho más. De acuerdo con nuestros estimados y los estimados de analistas independientes, este empujón de la Ley ha creado o salvado cerca de un millón de empleos hasta el momento.

    Ahora, poco menos de la mitad de esa cantidad aplica a proyectos de presupuesto directo para los cuales los beneficiarios están obligados por el Congreso a reportar información sobre el empleo a la RATB. Como puede ver en el video arriba, nos referimos a todo, desde trabajadores de la construcción hasta maestros, científicos y más. Luego de haber definido y resumido los datos, la junta nos informa que la cantidad de estos empleos directos suman la cantidad de 650,000, a través de todo el país.

    La otra mitad de la inversión incluye préstamos subsidiados a pequeñas empresas, compensaciones por desempleo, reducción de impuestos y otras formas de ayuda de la Ley Para la Recuperación que no se presta para reportes de empleos directos tan fácilmente. Los reportes de beneficiarios también omiten los empleos indirectos – esos creados cuando el empleado contratado directamente solicita que se le envíe cemento, el maestro ordena artículos para el salón de clases o cuando ambos utilizan su salario en la economía, generando más actividad económica y empleos de los que ocurrirían si estuvieran desempleados (los economistas reconocerán esto como el “efecto multiplicador”).

    Entonces, esa es la historia de hoy, pero todavía queda más por venir sobre la Ley de Recuperación. Dado que más de la mitad de los fondos de la ley están por reflejarse o sentirse en la reducción de impuestos, el hecho de que muchos proyectos financiados todavía tienen muchos más contratos por hacer y el hecho de que esos reportes de beneficiarios son responsable de cerca de 650,000 empleos reportados hasta finales de septiembre a pesar de todas las omisiones que acabo de describir, estamos firmemente encaminados a cumplir nuestra meta de 3.5 millones de empleos salvados o creados para finales del siguiente año.

    Me quito el sombrero ante RATB por abrir camino con su trabajo y les agradecemos a todos lo beneficiarios por brindarnos esta información.

    Pero aunque aplaudimos estos esfuerzos de transparencia sin precedente y esta nueva confirmación de que la Ley de Recuperación está exitosamente creando empleos a través de los Estados Unidos, también estamos sumamente consientes que aun los cálculos más altos de empleos creados o salvados por la Ley solo compensan parcialmente la gran pérdida de empleos desde que la recesión comenzó el año pasado. Por esta razón, tenemos planes de continuar creando trabajos de cada dólar que quede para invertir en la Ley de Recuperación y hacerlo con el mismo nivel de transparencia alcanzado hasta ahora. 

    Y lo mantendremos informado sobre nuestro progreso.

    Jared Bernstein es el principal asesor económico del vicepresidente Biden y director ejecutivo del Equipo de Trabajo para la Clase Media


  • The First Lady at the Kitchen Garden Fall Harvest

    Today, the First Lady welcomed students from Bancroft Elementary, who have been helping the White House Kitchen Garden team since the groundbreaking on the south lawn in March, as well as students from Kimball Elementary.  Together, they worked on the South Lawn of the White House this afternoon for the Fall Harvest of the White House Kitchen Garden.  Staff and volunteers from Miriam’s Kitchen, the local DC food shelter that has received multiple donations from the White House of produce and honey, were also there.  Stay tuned for an update on just how much was harvested! 

    First Lady at the Kitchen Garden Fall Harvest

    First Lady Michelle Obama joins kids from the Bancroft Elementary School and staff from Miriam's Kitchen to help harvest vegetables from the White House Kitchen Garden, Oct. 29, 2009. October 29, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)

    Kitchen Garden Fall Harvest Vegetables

    From left, sun gold tomatoes, banana peppers, Anaheim peppers, green bell peppers and tomatillos are collected during a harvesting event hosted by First Lady Michelle Obama in the White House Kitchen Garden, Oct. 29, 2009. Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton. October 29, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)


    Catherine Mccormick-Lelyveld is Press Secretary for the First Lady