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Friday, February 27th

Battle for hearts and minds - why it is important

The reactions to the first article about Israel's Battle for Hearts and Minds prove that there is a problem and help to define it. These can roughly be classified into these categories:
- There is no problem, it is just "media manipulation."
- Israel's image doesn't matter - ignore the criticism.
- It is the fault of a particular political party that is too soft/hard or of a particular policy.
- Yes there is a problem, but there is nothing to be done about it because it is due to "anti-Semitism."


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Ami Isseroff on 02.27.09 @ 04:18 PM CST [link] [1 Comment]

Tuesday, February 24th

Israel is losing the battle for hearts and minds

Though it is painful to admit it, it should be obvious to all by now that Israel is losing the battle for hearts and minds of international public opinion, not just in Europe, Asia and Africa, but in the United States as well. This is evident both in the recent reaction to Operation Cast Lead and in long term trends. This loss is not like losing a Eurovision song contest or not getting the Oscar for Waltz with Bashir. It has, and will have, grave strategic consequences for Israel's well being, international posture and security.


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Ami Isseroff on 02.24.09 @ 01:12 PM CST [link] [9 Comments]

Tuesday, February 17th

Lieberman and Hamas: Extremism, Fairness and Balance

The rise of Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beyteinu party have elicited a world wide chorus of dismayed protests about Israel succumbing to "extremism" and "racism." Bombastic statements and frightening editorials evoke visions of storm troopers and torch lit parades in Rabin square.


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Ami Isseroff on 02.17.09 @ 05:33 PM CST [link] [2 Comments]

Tuesday, February 10th

Fresh Jew Zionist Provocation

An egregious provocation of the Jew Zionist Tel-Aviv regime occurred on February 10, 2009. All right thinking progressive peoples should be organizing protests. All progressive nations such as Libya and Saudi Arabia should be initiating a severe security council reprimand.


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Ami Isseroff on 02.10.09 @ 06:42 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Saturday, February 7th

The great Gaza anemia hoax - more and better ways to lie with figures

Anemia rates and high infant mortality among children in Gaza are cited by NGOs and UN agencies as evidence of a humanitarian crisis caused by the "Gaza siege." Examination of the actual data however shows that anemia rates have probably not changed much in Gaza and the West Bank since 1990, that childhood anemia is endemic among Palestinians outside of the occupied territories, and that higher anemia rates are found in other parts of the world. Infant mortality rates have declined slightly since 2000 and are less than infant mortality rates in Turkey, Syria and Egypt.


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Ami Isseroff on 02.07.09 @ 09:57 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Tuesday, February 3rd

Bandwagon for Hamas

The purpose of a publicity bandwagon is to generate public enthusiasm by creating the impression that it already exists. Newsweek is among the latest to join the Hamas bandwagon, a byproduct of the publicity war unleashed by the Hamas after operation Cast Lead.


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Ami Isseroff on 02.03.09 @ 10:26 PM CST [link] [1 Comment]

Thursday, January 29th

Generic reply to Generic anti-Zionist

If you are like me, your inbox is flooded with "criticism of Israel" these days. This comes in a variety of forms.


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Ami Isseroff on 01.29.09 @ 03:54 PM CST [link] [7 Comments]


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