THE ROPES is an inside look into the hilarious, explosive world of nightclub security. The series follows the naive Martin (Ryan Ahern), who hustles his way into a job as a bouncer before being taken under the wing of Big Vic (F. Valentino Morales), a club legend, who prides himself on being the epitome of a fighter and ladies man. But soon, Martin is lured into a nefarious underworld by Les (Gonzalo Menendez), another bouncer with his own crooked outlook. It's then that Martin must wrestle with his head and heart as he navigates a world shaped by bribes, beautiful women and -- above all -- brotherhood.
THE ROPES is an inside look into the hilarious, explosive world of nightclub security. The series follows the naive Martin (Ryan Ahern), who hustles his way into a job as a bouncer before being taken under the wing of Big Vic (F. Valentino Morale...