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As widely reported, commercial ammunition is in short supply - in particular, .223 Remington (5.56) rounds suitable for all sporting and military-style rifles including the AR-15 and Ruger Mini-14.  America's Truth Forum (ATF) is pleased to announce that a patriotic American corporation has agreed to fill this void by manufacturing and distributing small-arms ammunition, to qualified purchasers, in support of our educational initiative. 

Product Specifications:
Caliber .223 Remington (5.56)
Bullet Weight 55 Grains
Muzzle Velocity 3200 FPS
Place of Origin USA
New Manufactured NOT RELOADS!

1000 Round Cases
(20/50 Round Boxes)


$455.00 / 1000 rounds
Plus $20.00 Shipping Charge

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to stock up on scarce ammunition and lend your support to a most noble cause. Like gold and silver, ammunition is coming into vogue as an affordable security investment - a multi-purpose asset that not only protects homes from violent attacks and citizens from tyrannical oppression but a tangible one that could be bartered as collateral during the most troubling economic times.

Your selfless donation will help up awaken our citizenry to the radical Islamic – Jihadist threat. If we fail to take the appropriate actions now, our children will be left to carry on the battle against an even stronger and more determined foe, an evil whose flame we failed to extinguish. Our legacy should be one of bravely confronting our adversaries and of diligently defending what is rightfully ours. Our actions need to serve as motivating examples for future generations, instilling in them the proclivity to stand resolute in the face of evil.







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It’s primary objective is to disseminate critical information that is not readily available via conventional channels to concerned citizens.

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