1. HJS Event: Europe and America - Worlds Apart?

    By Professor Peter Baldwin, 10th March 2010

International Patrons

  1. Max Boot

    Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, The Council on Foreign Relations

    Dr. Martin Bútora

    Slovak Ambassador to the USA, 1999-2003
    Co-Founder, Institute for Public Affairs, & Public Against Violence

    The Hon. Secretary Michael Chertoff

    United States Secretary of Homeland Security, 2005-2009

    Prof. Thomas Cushman

    Professor of Sociology, Wellesley College
    Founding Editor and Editor-At-Large, Journal of Human Rights

    Michael Danby MP

    Australian Labor Member of Parliament for Melbourne Ports

    Marc S. Ellenbogen

    President, Prague Society for International Cooperation & Chairman, Global Panel Foundation
    Member, National Advisory Board & Vice Chair, Democratic Expat Leadership Council, U.S. Democratic Party

    Prof. Jean Bethke Elshtain

    Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social and Political Ethics, University of Chicago Divinity School
    Contributing Editor, The New Republic

    Carl Gershman

    President, National Endowment for Democracy

    Amb. Dore Gold

    Former Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel
    Former Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations

    Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann

    President, The World Security Network
  2. Bruce P. Jackson

    President, The Project for Transitional Democracies
  3. Dr. Robert Kagan

    Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

    Richard D. Kahlenberg


    Amb. Max Kampelman

    Ambassador and Head of the United States Delegation to the Negotiations with the Soviet Union on Nuclear and Space Arms in Geneva, 1985-1989
    Ambassador to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1980-1983
  4. Dr. William Kristol

    Editor, The Weekly Standard
  5. Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis

    Member of European Parliament, Lithuania
    President of Lithuania, 1990-1992

    Dr. Herbert London

    President, Hudson Institute
    Professor Emeritus, New York University

    Clifford May

    President, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
  1. Dr. Joshua Muravchik

    Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
    President, Young People’s Socialist League, United States, 1968-1973
  2. Richard Perle

    Assistant Secretary of Defence, United States, 1981-1987

    Natan Sharansky

    Chairman, Institute for Strategic Studies, The Shalem Center
    Author, Fear No Evil & The Case for Democracy, and former Soviet dissident and human rights campaigner
  3. General Jack Sheehan

    Member, Defence Policy Board, United States
    NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic, 1994-1997

    The Hon. Stephen J. Solarz

    Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (D-NY), 1975-1993

    Prof. Dr. Michael Stürmer

    Chief Correspondent, Die Welt

    Dr. Alejandro Toledo

    President of Peru, 2001-2006
  4. Elbegdorj Tsakhia

    Leader, Mongolian Democracy Movement
    Prime Minister of Mongolia, 1998, 2004-2006

    James Woolsey

    Member, Defence Policy Board, United States
    Director of the Central Iintelligence Agency, 1993-1995 


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