Our Team

The ACD matches the appropriate experts with each project at hand. Our international team of experts is available to work on all aspects related to terror financing, radical Islam, terrorism & transnational crime; narcoterrorism, corruption, etc. Our team conducts studies and investigations and provides expertise and training in the above mentioned areas, as well as in good governance, rule of law, and ethics in business.

PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld is not a signatory of the 911Truth.org. She has asked several times to have her named removed from the list, but the organization failed to comply.


Speaker's Photo Dr. Ehrenfeld is the Director of the New York-based American Center for Democracy and the Center for the Study of Corruption & the Rule of Law. She is the author of FUNDING EVIL: HOW TERRORISM IS FINANCED - and HOW to STOP IT (Bonus Books, 2003, 2005); EVIL MONEY (HarperCollins, 1992, SPI, 1994) and NARCOTERRORISM (Basic Books, 1990, 1992). Dr. Ehrenfeld is an authority on the shadowy movement of funds through international banking and governments to fund terrorism.  She has a unique understanding of the challenges of international terrorism to democracy and freedom, and how money laundering and political corruption facilitates terror financing and economic  terrorism.

An American citizen fluent in several languages, Ehrenfeld has testified before Congressional Committees, as well as the European Parliament, and provided evidence to the British Parliament, and consulted government agencies such as the Department of Defense and Homeland Security.  She is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Committee on the Present Danger (http://www.fightingterror.org/) along with former Secretary of State George Schulz and former CIA Director James Woolsey.

She has been a visiting scholar at the Columbia University Institute of War and Peace Studies, a research scholar at the New York University School of Law, and a fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and Jesus College at Cambridge University. She has a PhD in Criminology from the Hebrew University School of Law.

Her articles have appeared in numerous publications such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times , The Jerusalem Post , and The Wall Street Journal and she is a frequent guest on The O'Reilly Factor, and CNN, NBC, CNBC, FoxNews, and other TV programs.


Speaker's Photo Col. Jonathan Dahoah Halevi, IDF (Ret.) is a Fellow at the American Center for Democracy, is the director of research in the Orient Research Group Ltd. and a Board member of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs headed by Dr. Dore Gold. Mr. Halevi consults on Middle East and Arab affairs to the Wall Street Journal and is a special consultant to the Linde vs. Arab Bank lawsuit.
        • 1998 - 2002 he was Head of the Palestinian Research Branch in the IDF Intelligence Unit.
        • 2002 - 2003 Head of the Information Branch in the IDF Spokesperson Unit.
        • 2003 - 2004 Senior Advisor for policy planning in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Halevi has written many articles for both Hebrew and English publications including "Al-Qaeda's Intellectual Legacy: New Radical Islamic Thinking Justifying the Genocide of Infidels".

Aylana Meisel is a Legal Fellow to the American Center for Democracy. Ms. Meisel is a former Legal Fellow to the Committee on Foreign Affairs at the United States House of Representatives, where she analyzed and drafted foreign aid legislation. A graduate of Georgetown Law, she received her B.A. in Jewish Studies from the City University Honors College at Queens College, graduating with high honors.

Ms. Meisel worked for the Jerusalem Post as well as the Israel Broadcasting Association's (IBA) English News. She speaks several languages.

Timothy Fauquier is a Chartered Accountant and Financial Auditing expert with 32 years of experience in the development, financing and management of international development projects. He is an expert in the fields of procurement, contracting, and project transparency. His professional experience includes 12 years as the Principal Financial Auditor and Chief of the Technical Co-operation unit with the Inter-American Development Bank. Mr. Fauquier also has held senior positions during his career with the Canadian International Development Agency, the Office of Comptroller General of Canada, the Office of Auditor General of Quebec, the World Bank and the International Board of Auditors of NATO. Tim is a Canadian Citizen and is fluent in English, French and Spanish.

Leslie Lebl, a Fellow of the American Center for Democracy, is also Principal of Lebl Associates. A writer, lecturer and consultant on political, security and military matters, she is a former Foreign Service Officer with particular expertise in European political, defense and counterterrorism issues, radical Islam in Europe, Balkan peacekeeping, and Russian politics and economy. Her publications have appeared in the Policy Analysis series of the Cato Institute, Policy Review, Orbis, City Journal, The Weekly Standard, The Hartford Courant, EuroFuture and Atlantic Perspective. A monograph, Advancing U.S. Interests with the European Union, was published by the Atlantic Council of the United States.

A graduate of Swarthmore College (B.A. in history, 1972), Ms. Lebl received an M.A. in foreign affairs from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in 1979.

Marc Schulman is a specialist in Islamist financing and investments. He prepared the initial research for the trillion dollar lawsuit filed against the Saudi royal family on behalf of the families of 9/11 victims in 2002. Prior to that time, Mr. Schulman was a Wall Street securities analyst responsible for coverage of the computer and software industries. After leaving Wall Street, he was an independent consultant to the senior executives of technology companies. Mr. Schulman holds a S.B. in Political Science from M.I.T. and an S.M. from M.I.T.'s Sloan School of Mangement.

Ilan Weinglass is a business intelligence analyst in the private sector.
From 1999 – 2001, Mr. Weinglass was head of research for the Israeli Trade Ministry's Investment Promotion Center. Following his service in the IDF, he served as an analyst at the American Center for Democracy, researching terrorism financing for several projects. He has served as a terrorism analyst at the Investigative Project, and served as Legislative Fellow for National Security Affairs to U.S. Senator Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota). Mr. Weinglass received a B.A. in economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and an M.A. in international relations and international economics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He speaks Hebrew and Arabic.

John Wood, a Senior Fellow at the ACD, is President and CEO of The Playfair Group. He graduated with honors from the University of Bristol, England, with a degree in law. Mr. Wood has 17 years of experience in the intellectual property and intangible assets arena. Previously, he was Director of E-commerce for KPMG. Mr. Wood has testified on intellectual property issues before the U.S. House of Representative’s Judiciary sub-committee on IP and the Courts, as well as the World Intellectual Property Organization. He has made presentations to the American Intellectual Property Lawyers Association and the International Trademark Association. In a public advocacy role, Mr. Wood has represented AOL, BT, Microsoft, NSI, and CSSA on intellectual property-related issues.

As an expert on the Internet, he has provided consulting services to AFN, AT&T, BBC Worldwide Publishing, BT, Cable and Wireless, Glaxo-Wellcome, General Motors, Walt Disney, and Williams Communications. Mr. Wood was featured in and contributed to articles in Advertising Age, Business Week, CNET, Computer Weekly, Financial Times, Interactive Age, Legal Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal, and has made numerous appearances on BBC Radio 4 and MSNBC (Europe). He has been a member of the E-commerce and Intellectual Property Committees of the United States Chamber of International Business, as well as the International Chamber of Commerce.

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