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Have a happy weekend and enjoy this video on  #robotics  training from South Africa :)
These guys are awesome. Robots are cool; teaching robotics to kids for free is even cooler. Way to go +Michael Ettershank
Vivian Tse's profile photoJeremiah Obuobi's profile photoMatshelane Mamabolo's profile photoEmmanuel Taban's profile photo
Good pieces.
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StreetView comes to Venice.  Enjoy exploring even if you're thousands of miles away.
Ciao Mondo! Grab some gelato and glide down the canals of Venice, Italy with #StreetView:
Jane Maduegbuna's profile photoTerrence Lee Reed's profile photoSean Jones's profile photoKeyta Alioune's profile photo
I would love to have that job :-)
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Developers out there!  Workshop this week in Cape Town.  Cloud, social & content creation

13th Nov, 12 noon, Jasminum restaurant  #AfricApps
AfricApps in Cape Town is now less than 2 weeks away! All App Developers and Coders can attend for free! Register Now at Featuring a workshop by Google on Google Cloud Platform !
Ganishwar Arunkumar's profile photoCYBER DESIGN PROFFESIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE's profile photoHephzibah DICKSON's profile photoHiren Patel's profile photo
I will be there, in my GDG T-shirt.
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One amazing developer will have the opportunity to walk away with this Nexus 7 tablet at our developer workshop at #AfricApps in Cape Town next week.  We also have a Nexus 4 mobile phone to give away.  We look forward to interacting with Africa's developers from the 12th - the 14th of November at AfricaCom.  See you there!
Kwanrutai molakaw's profile photoDavid Bell's profile photoSouth African Tank Wolves's profile photoZachary Hardy's profile photo
Nope I'm not a developer, but I could pretend just for that day ;)
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Google Africa

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South African readers can now enjoy books on Google Play.

Find bestsellers, beloved classics and many more from among hundreds of thousands of books, alongside millions of apps and games.  

We’re happy to invite South African users to start reading today anywhere on the web, phones, and tablets.  Check it out.  We’re looking forward to adding more titles and South African content from today onwards.
Ricardo Botha's profile photoJohan Basson's profile photoElizma Nolte's profile photoMary Rotimi's profile photo
+alao hammed What about Nigeria?
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Family Is... Hangouts On Air Series
This holiday season, +Refugees United +CWS  and +United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will bring together families torn apart by war and disaster in honor of #thanksgiving in a series of Google+ Hangouts-On-Air.
In the first installment, a Congolese man living in Kenya and his Uncle in the United states will see each other's face for the first time in 7 years.

Date:  Nov. 19th 10AM EST  
Event Page:

This HOA allows people to learn what it is like for families who can't be together due to crises. This event is a clarion call to families all over the world to be thankful for family this Thanksgiving -- and always. Respond to the   #familyis    hashtag answering the question: What does family mean to you?
Circle Google's profile photoNana Kwame Mensah's profile photoMusa Nhlabathi's profile photoMusa Dahiru's profile photo
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Google Africa

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Introducing YouTube Fan Finder: a new initiative designed to help you introduce and connect your channel to new fans, at no cost to you.

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and watch the video
Nana Kwame Mensah's profile photoMichael Mettle-Nunoo's profile photoAdrian Nkhoma Somba's profile photoeversave ng's profile photo
Very good.
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Good news.  Our TV White Spaces trial in Cape Town, together with partners, has been a success.  The goal of the trial was to show that TVWS could be used to deliver broadband Internet without interfering with TV broadcast. We hope the results will encourage others to consider TVWS to help bring the power of the Internet to more people in more parts of the world, including across Sub Saharan Africa.

TVWS are the unused spectrum between TV channels and have the potential to bring wireless broadband access to underserved and rural areas. These low frequency signals can travel long distances and fill a need in places where telecommunications infrastructure is lacking. 

Together with partners (CSIR Meraka Institute, TENET, e-Schools Network, WAPA, and Carlson Wireless),  and with the blessing of ICASA, we launched a trial TV White Spaces (TVWS) to bring broadband Internet access to 10 schools in Cape Town, South Africa. 

The participating schools, which previously had slow or unreliable Internet connections, experienced high-speed broadband access for the first time. Teachers were able to use videos in their lesson plans, make Skype calls to other schools, update school websites, and send regular email updates to parents. Students could use educational videos for research. Because the service was better and faster, teachers and learners used the web to enrich the classroom experience.

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Ingi Deutschlander's profile photoDirk Bosman's profile photoUche Uwabunkeonye's profile photoHiren Patel's profile photo
Nice n good
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Google Africa

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Bravo à nos anciens stagiaires au Sénégal +Dadja Bassou et +Jimmy Kumako vainqueurs du trophée Afrique au VentureOut Challenge pour leur application mobile! 

Congrats to our former Senegal interns +Dadja Bassou and +Jimmy Kumako for winning the VentureOut Challenge Africa prize for their work on the mobile app!
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Marodi.Tv est une application de vidéos en ligne africaines, disponible auj...
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Yesterday Pegman just made the journey from classic maps to new Google Maps ( )... But he had one problem – he couldn't figure out what to wear! 

The public helped him out by suggesting outfits with the #PegmanLive tag. The P-man took #selfies of his new outfits all day.
I had a great day trying on all of your awesome wardrobe suggestions. Now sit back, relax and grab some popcorn! I put together a video compilation of all my favorite duds!

Thanks everyone! This is Pegman, signing off.

Teju Ajani's profile photomatt bowman's profile photoYmow Wu's profile photo
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Getting people online in Africa

Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Google Sub Saharan Africa (SSA)

The Internet is a powerful source of information. Google's strategy in Africa is to get more users online by developing an accessible, relevant and sustainable internet ecosystem.
  • Reducing access as a barrier to all potential users
  • Making the Internet relevant and useful to Africans
  • Helping strengthen an Internet ecosystem in Africa that is vibrant, and sustainable and self-sufficient in the long-term
Our G+ Page

The Google Africa team will be sharing interesting information about our events, product launches and other activities in the region.  We may from time to time post information from other places which we think you will find interesting and useful.

We hope that you'll find the content and interactions here fun, engaging, interesting and most importantly, valuable.  

We want your feedback so don't be shy to tell us what you think and how we can do better.

Look out for open hangouts with Googlers on the team.