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  1. Also - a terrific photo retrospective of Presidents receiving that proverbial bowl of shamrock. Worth a look at
  2. Check out my brief retrospective of St. Patrick's Day at the White House. Fun photos too. On at
  3. Obama about to host St. Patrick's Day reception in the East Room. Will receive a bowl of shamrock from Taoiseach (Irish PM) Brian Cowan
  4. Pres. Obama not attending Radio/TV Correspondents Dinner tonight, VP Biden filling in as the headliner for the Administration.
  5. WH aide says Obama has persuaded a few Dems to switch #HCR votes from no to yes - but still don't have enuf votes for passage.
  6. So far this week, Obama has met with or phoned more than 2 dozen undecided Dems to get their votes for #HCR.
  7. On Israel, Obama says "friends are going to disagree sometime," but he blvs Israeli security is "sacrosanct" & sent Biden to dlvr that msg.
  8. On the flap w- Israel over settlement announcements, Obama says "we & the Israeli ppl have a special bond that’s not going to go away."
  9. All 3 networks lead their evening newscasts with the fight over the #HCR bill.
  10. "It shows we'll go anywhere to make sure people understand what's at stake," says WH aide of Obama doing Fox News interview.
  11. WH aide says Obama did Fox News interivew in the belief a lot of undecided Dems & their constituents watch Fox News.
  12. Obama says he's confident the #HCR bill will pass "because it's the right thing to do."
  13. Obama resists discussing legislative procedure saying people more concerned about the rising cost of health care.
  14. Obama frustrated telling Baier "you’ve got to let me finish my keep on interrupting”
  15. Brett Baier pressing Obama on deal sweetners, but Obama trying to deliver sales pitch for his #HCR selling points.
  16. Obama says even if House uses "deem and pass" procedure, votes will be seen as either for or against the #HCR bill.
  17. Obama tells Fox News he's not worried about the "procedural rules" for the House vote on #HCR bill.
  18. WH aide says Obama will hold a Rose Garden signing ceremony tomorrow for the Hire Act jobs bill that won final passage today.
  19. Still no firm timing for the #HCR vote; Speaker Pelosi just said: "We’re doing it as soon as its ready. As soon as the CBO #s are sure.”
  20. @Rightone Are you referring to his policitcal picks of Jon Corzine, Creigh Deeds and Martha Coakley?