Committee for Skeptical Inquiry

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The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry promotes science and scientific inquiry, critical thinking, science education, and the use of reason in examining important issues. It encourages the critical investigation of controversial or extraordinary claims from a responsible, scientific point of view and disseminates factual information about the results of such inquiries to the scientific community, the media, and the public.

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Skeptical Inquirer Magazine

CSI's flagship magazine, Skeptical Inquirer, explores extraordinary claims from a scientific perspective. It examines what the scientific community knows about controversial subjects within the realms of the paranormal and elsewhere. The magazine exposes pseudoscience and provides expert commentary on hot button issues within society. It avoids the sensationalism often presented by the press, television, and movies and provides critical thinking tools to examine the information presented within the media and online.

On Newstands Now


You are invited to participate in an international celebration of science by honoring the father of the theory of evolution on his 200th birthday, February 12th, 2009.

On that day, people from all over the world will be videotaped and filmed reading from The Origin of Species near famous landmarks in their countries. The footage will be assembled into a film dedicated to one of science’s greatest figures, Charles Darwin.

Featured Article:

Science, Reason, and the Obama Administration

Kendrick Frazier

Will the new presidency of Barack Obama usher in a more welcoming age for science and reason? We at least have cause for hope. A president’s intellectual outlook is only one of many things that shape changes in culture and society, but the early signs are encouraging.

The Bush administration chalked up so many negatives in regard to scientific thinking, reason, and open inquiry that there may be no way to go but up...

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Santa Fe Courthouse Ghost Video Mystery Solved
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Methodological and Statistical Issues in Adult Nutritional Research
by Reynold Spector

The Planets on New Year's Day by Kendrick Frazier

Science, Reason, and the Obama Adminsitration by Kendrick Frazier

Joe Nickell Exorcises the Nonsense out of Reverend Larson interview on CNN

Skeptical Inquirer aids high school science teacher and students correspondance between Barry Karr and Jamye Johnston

CSI’s Robert P. Balles Award Goes to New York Times Science Writer Natalie Angier by Nathan Bupp

An Evening With James Randi and Friends by Jon Cohen

Controversy Erupts Over Errors, Bias in Textbook by Henry Huber

Moving Beyond Gore’s Message: A Look Back (and Ahead) at Climate Change Communications by Matthew C. Nisbet

‘Psychics’ Fail to Foresee Their Own Fortunes by Joe Nickell

The Healthy Skeptic: Do you really need to know your antioxidant level? by Chris Woolston


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