What audiences can I choose from when I share?
The inline audience selector lets you choose a specific audience, every time you share. Your option...
The inline audience selector lets you choose a specific audience, every time you share. Your options include:

 Public: When you share something with Public that means anyone on the internet has permission to see it. You should only use this setting for information that you’re comfortable making publicly available. The audience for these posts could include people who are not your friends on Facebook, and people who are not in your school or work networks.

 Friends of Friends: This option is available for minors only as the maximum audience they can share with. It allows minors to share with friends and their friends.

 Friends (+ friends of anyone tagged): This option lets you post stuff to your friends on Facebook. If anyone else is tagged in a post, then the audience expands to also include the tagged person and their friends.

 Custom: When you choose Custom, you can selectively share something with specific people, or hide it from specific people. You can also share with friends lists if you’ve set them up, such as Family or Best Friends, or hide posts from your Co-Workers list. Custom also provides the option to share with groups or networks belong to, or make content completely private to Only Me - meaning only you can see the post.

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