How do I request the removal of my image for privacy law reasons?
If you are attempting to request the removal of an image of your child, you can take the appropriat...
If you are attempting to request the removal of an image of your child, you can take the appropriate steps here to receive additional support.

Facebook removes photos or videos that violate our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities in some way. You can report an abusive photo or video by using the "Report" links located near most pieces of content on the Facebook to report offensive material. If you're tagged in a photo or video you don't like, you can remove the tag by clicking the "remove tag" link next to your name. Your name will be removed, and the photo or video will no longer be associated with your profile (timeline).

If you have a copyright complaint in any jurisdiction, you can find more information here.

If you think a photo should be removed because it violates your rights according to a privacy law (originating outside the United States of America), please explain in detail how it violates this law here, and we'll investigate further.

If you think non-photo content (i.e., a video) should be removed because it violates your rights according to a local and national privacy law (originating outside the United States of America), please explain in detail how it violates this law here, and we'll investigate further.

We will remove photos that you report as unauthorized if this is required by relevant privacy laws provided that you are pictured in the photo and you have filled out the appropriate contact form in its entirety. If you're not the person pictured in the content you wish to report, or their legal representative, please advise that individual to view this page and make the request.

If you live in a country where the law does not require the removal of unauthorized photos for privacy reasons, including the United States, we will not remove unauthorized photos at your request. You may want to consider contacting the user who posted the photo in order to request that it be removed.
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