What's New on Facebook
What's New on Facebook?

We're always working on building new features and improving existing ones. Here's where you can learn about all the changes and give us your feedback. We're listening.

Timeline, a new kind of profile, will be available in the upcoming weeks.

Lists are an optional way to organize your friends on Facebook.

Ticker and News Feed
Ticker, on the right-hand side of your account, lets you see all your friends’ activity in real-time.

Express who you are through the things you do by sharing more app activity.

Subscribe is a way to hear from people you’re interested in, even if you’re not friends. The Subscribe button is also a way to fine-tune your News Feed to get the types of updates you want to see.

To make privacy easier to manage, we’ve removed some settings and simplified others. We've moved some controls up-front and simplified how tags work.