What is a top story?
Your top stories are stories published since you last checked News Feed that we think you’ll find i...
Your top stories are stories published since you last checked News Feed that we think you’ll find interesting. They’re marked with a blue corner and may be different depending on how long it’s been since you last visited your News Feed.

We determine whether something is a top story based on lots of factors, including your relationship to the person who posted the story, how many comments and likes it got, what type of story it is, etc. For example, a friend’s status update that might not normally be a top story may become a top story after many other friends comment on it.

If you've been away for awhile, you’ll see the top stories that happened since your last visit at the top of News Feed.

We've also added a control in the top right of each story where you can mark or unmark as a top story. This will help us improve your News Feed over time. If you see something that isn't interesting in top stories, hover over the right side of the update in question, click the arrow and click 'Unmark as top story' from the menu.
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