Over 5 million businesses have gone Google

Meet some of them

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Our Customers

American Red Cross

Being able to improve how we protect our community was the ultimate goal, and with this technology I believe we've succeeded.

Tools for success

The San Diego Red Cross was able to coordinate disaster response efforts with other emergency responders on a single easy-to-use, common operating platform, using Google Maps for Work.
Google for Work enabled The American Red Cross to save on IT costs and achieve better results by setting up Google Search for Work.

Google Apps will allow our employees to focus on what matters most - saving patients' lives.

Tools for success

With Google Apps for Work, Roche connected their entire team of more than 90,000 employees across 140 countries.
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Khan Academy

With Google App Engine, we don’t need a system administrator or anyone dedicated to deploying our app, so 99 percent of our time is spent working on our application.

Tools for success

  • Khan Academy wanted focus on making more videos for the Khan Academy library, not having to worry about server maintenance or scaling.
  • Google App Engine allows Khan Academy to easily handle usage surges, with the ability to support 3.8 million unique visits each month, along with 1.5 million practice questions served and answered every school day.
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I don't want my employees to have better devices at home than at work - I want them to be excited by the tools they get to work with.

Tools for success

Kaplan has been able to improve its own efficiency and more importantly, its customers’ experience. With Chromebooks, Kaplan can constantly and easily introduce innovation to students and employees, so education is more effective.
Kaplan uses Hangouts and shared notes in Google Docs to give professors eyes in the back of their heads and students another reason to pay attention in class.
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