
September 11, 2017

Seaports Prepare to Reopen After Irma

Several Southeast seaports that shut down ahead of Hurricane Irma say they will be able to reopen in the next 48 hours, allowing badly needed shipments of fuel, food and other goods to make their way into the region.

Volkswagen Not Planning to Delay Restructuring, CEO Says

September 7, 2017

Volkswagen is actively working on deals for its noncore assets as well as acquisitions, but discussions of a possible merger with Fiat Chrysler Automotive were “speculation,” Chief Executive Matthias Müller said in an interview.

House Approves Self-Driving Car Legislation

September 6, 2017

The House passed legislation aimed at removing regulatory barriers to development of self-driving cars, a victory for autonomous-vehicle companies that say states’ rules have created a confusing patchwork for the industry.

Qatar Opens Port to Ease Blockade

September 6, 2017

Qatar, faced with dwindling supplies of essentials such as food, has formally opened a major seaport, which will help the tiny Gulf state secure imports after Arab neighbors cut off key trade routes in an intensifying diplomatic standoff.

Nissan Introduces Its New Leaf

September 6, 2017

Nissan introduced its new Leaf electric car, with improved range and autonomous driving technology in a bid to jump-start slowing sales.

Why a Chinese Auto Maker Wants to Buy Jeep

September 5, 2017

Great Wall Motor’s push to go global by acquiring Jeep is spurred by difficulties at home, where the Chinese auto maker faces sliding profits, tougher regulation, and intensifying competition.

Nissan Sparks Up Its Leaf

September 3, 2017

Nissan will release a new version if its all-electric model this week, looking to persuade average customers to adopt next-generation vehicles.