Food & Drink

September 7, 2017

What Not to Do in a Wine Store...Ever

Dogs set loose in the aisles, excessive perfume, phony French accents—wine store owners have seen (and hated) it all. Here’s a retailer’s-eye view of faux pas to avoid.

Why Doubling Down on the Chile Is the Way to Go

September 6, 2017

New Mexico’s red and green chile sauces are so good, why not opt for both at once? This recipe for stacked enchiladas calls for saucing ‘Christmas-style’—half red, half green and totally delicious.

White Wine Blends: The Best of a Wildly Varied Bunch

August 31, 2017

It’s a category hard for drinkers to get their heads around, with little predictability from one blend to another. Wine columnist Lettie Teague tasted her way through Old and New World bottles to find the finest.

You’ll Never Miss the Booze: The New Non-Alcoholic Cocktails

August 23, 2017

Now a fixture of fine dining, alcohol-free mocktails may well be the most interesting option on the drinks menu these days. Pair them with a multicourse restaurant meal, or mix them at home with these nine refreshing recipes.

How to Picnic Like a Pro: Recipes, Tools and Tips

August 18, 2017

When it comes to toting a meal along on a hike, al-fresco-eating expert Birgit Cameron, director of Patagonia Provisions, has one thing to say: Keep it simple. Here are her recipes for fresh, portable fare and strategies for successful open-air dining.

Great French Bubblies Beyond Champagne

August 17, 2017

From Crémants to vins mousseux, French sparkling wines by names other than Champagne are worth getting to know. We found some excellent bubblies—not to mention very good values.

How to Find the Poetry in a Pork Chop

August 12, 2017

Jim Harrison wrote a Great American Novel or two—but he revealed his prodigious talent for living at the grill. His recipe for pork chops cooked over coals produces smoky, succulent results without fail.

Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Sommelier?

August 10, 2017

Superstar sommeliers are entering the spotlight, but what does it really take to pop corks for a living? And how can a sommelier make—or break—your dining experience?

Are Wines from Costco and Sam’s Club Worth Drinking?

August 3, 2017

Real value or worthless plonk? Wine columnist Lettie Teague filled her shopping cart with bottles at Costco, Sam’s Club and Trader Joe’s to determine whether their private-label wines deliver.