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  • Countdown: Students in the Stanford Space Initiative are trying to put a rocket in space.

  • Every Drop Counts: A Nepali alumnus taps the international community to raise funds for earthquake relief.

  • Meet Jane: A Q&A with the new dean for religious life.

Finish with a Flourish: Cardinal athletes earn honors as spring comes to a close.


Sound Advice for a Green Earth
Advanced students from the environmental sciences, engineering and journalism answer your sustainability questions. Explore recent questions and answers here.


Double Entry
Solve our latest Stanford puzzle for Cardinal bragging rights.

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From the Archives

The War Reporter

Richard Engel, '96, chief foreign correspondent for NBC News, was Stanford's 2015 Commencement speaker. A look back at our 2008 profile of one of the country's preeminent chroniclers of a time of constant war.

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  • Bias Research
  • Psychology of Cheating
  • Jazz Year
  • Plug Ugly Tradition