Building Manager Role and Responsibilities

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Building managers oversee employee and visitor safety, building maintenance, repair and upgrades, and comply with environmental, safety and health procedures relating to facility operations utilizing a Quick Reference Guide.  The guide is inclusive of other groups on campus that also serve as a resource to building managers.

Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinates building maintenance and repairs with Buildings & Grounds Maintenance that affect normal building operation
  • Provides occupants with updates of electrical, water and other service outages and scheduled shutdowns
  • Oversees building security
  • Requests special janitorial services
  • Stays informed of changes to space assignments in their facilities
  • Coordinates department facility related activities and projects
  • Develops and implements facility emergency plans
  • During evacuations, assists emergency response teams in assessing building condition, locating missing personnel, shutting off utilities, and delivering a status report to assembly point leaders

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