Planning a Move

There are several pieces of information that Event and Labor Services will need to ensure that your move can be planned properly and completed to your satisfaction.

Time Constraints – Let us know the largest window of opportunity we have to complete your move. The more flexibility we have in scheduling, the easier and sometimes less costly it will be to complete your job.

Size of Job – Provide some detail as to what is being moved as well as quantity. If you can easily gauge the labor needed (i.e.: 2 men for 2 hours), please include that information. If you are unsure of what might be needed or the move is complex, please request a representative from the labor shop to visit the job site and do an evaluation.

Include Logistical Information – Let us know where the items are being moved to and where they currently reside (Building, floor level, room, address). Information regarding the surrounding infrastructure is helpful. If there is not an elevator available, only stairs, that may change the number of personnel we send to the job.

Packing – The most time consuming portion of a move is the packing. We can assist you in this process if we know ahead of time. We can provide moving boxes for your move. We also rent larger heavy-duty plastic containers that customers can pack and call us when they are ready to move.

What is being moved? – Provide as much detail as possible about what needs to be moved. For example, if you tell us there is a large desk with an attached return that will alert our crew that they need to bring the appropriate tools to disassemble the desk. Indicate if something is fragile. We can provide extra moving blankets or bubble wrap if we know in advance. Note that all lab equipment must be decontaminated and certified, “clean” before we will move such items.