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(1 - 1388)

Tomorrow's Academy

1386Interviewing – Good Questions, Bad Questions
1381Universities and Colleges as Economic Drivers (Review)
1377TP Special Announcement - Understanding Part-time Online Instructors
1377Special Announcement - Understanding Part-time Instructors
1369Conference of the Future of the Liberal Arts
1359Cross-Cultural Mentoring: A Pathway to Making Excellence Inclusive
1352The Chair of 2014: Faculty, Administrator, and Academic Leader
1344Lingua Franca
1335Classroom Implications of Mindfulness
1331Finding Happiness as Chair: What the Buddha Said
1328ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) in the Classroom
1316Management Style and Customer Service
1312 Faculty Bark; The Provost Bites
1310The Entrepreneurial Role of the Department Chair
1309Active Learning - You Got Questions, We Got Answers
1304Myths About Leadership
1302Behind the Academic Curtain: How to Find Success and Happiness With a Ph.D.
1300A Few of My Favorite Things (from past postings)
1295Responses to TP eNewsletter Survey
1294Focus on the Big Picture in Civic Work – But Don’t Forget the Details
1291A Look into the Near Future (of the Virtual Classroom)
1290Change Requires Discipline
1285 Special Announcement - TP eNewsletter crosses the 50,000 subscribership threshold mark!
1283Transformational Change: The New Face of Higher Education
1281Developing a Global Learning Rubric: Strengthening Teaching and Improving Learning
1280Special Announcement - posting format change
1278Is Intellectual Curiosity a Strong Predictor For Academic Performance?
1277The Academic Leader As Conductor
1268Do as I Do: Modeling Scholarly Leadership as Chair4
1267Beloit College Mindset List for the Entering Class of 2017
1266The Deceptive Data on Asians
1265How to Evaluate a Faculty Governance Structure
1264The Shaping of American Higher Education - Summary and Trends
1263Regular Challenges of the Dean's Job - Making Transparency Work in Your Favor
1261Deploying Collaborative Leadership to Reinvent Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century
1253Eight Possible Coursera Monetization Strategies
1252Back to Basics: Why Every Student and Professor Should Ride a Bicycle on a University Campus
1245Universities Hire Rankings Pros
1243Looking at College Funding Models in 50 Years’ Time
1242Sources of Power in Education
1241The Chair’s Role in Facilitating a Collegial Department
1239Reasons for Increased Parental Involvement in the Lives of Their Students
1236Is It Finally Time to Kill the Credit Hour?
1231Having the Tough Discussions: Deal with Difficult Situations, Not Difficult People
1230Universities Suffering from Near-Fatal 'Cost Disease'
1224Basic Differences Between First-Generation and Non-First-Generation Students
1222A New Affirmative Action
1221What is Educational Leadership?
1220Ten Tough Realities of Academic Administration
1211The Academic Dean: An Evolving Role in Fundraising
1210Working with the Passive-Aggressive Colleague
1194The Academic Dean: An Evolving Role in Fundraising
1189University Governance and Common Pool Resources
1188An Elite University ... From Scratch?
1175The Future of Higher Education is Online
1167Faculty Pay, Around the World
1166Three Faculty Communities: Academic Labor Across Institutional Types
1162Summertime of a Dean's Career
1156Purposefully Partnering with Parents
1155Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness
1154Where Completion Goes Awry: The Metrics for “Success” Mask Mounting Problems with Quality
1148Integrated, Competency-Based Three-Year Model (for bachelor's degree completion)
1144Developing University-Industry Relations: Pathways to Innovation from the West Coast (Review)
1143Civic Learning in College: Our Best Investment in the Future of Our Democracy
1142Typology of Department Chairs: The Case of the Swivel Chair
1141Assuring Effectiveness and Productivity in Higher Education
1139Tenure Reconsidered (a Bit)
1134Managing Budget Fluctuations: Institutional Approaches to Budget Reductions
1122Organizing Higher Education for Collaboration: A Guide for Campus Leaders
1105Advising Undecided and Indecisive Students
1103No Room for Books
1100Institutional Interventions That Promote Sophomore Success
1098Stressed, Yet Hopeful
1095Developing Persuasive Arguments for Resources
1094The Life and Death of Academic Freedom
1092Higher Education and the New Society - Review
1090Regional Public Universities - Where the Action Is
1089Why College Men Drink: Alcohol, Adventure, and the Paradox of Masculinity
1086Practices of Successful (Group) Leaders
1084The Internal Psychology of First-Generation College Students - The Importance and Impact of Personal Relationships
1083Multiple-Choice Questions You Wouldn’t Put on a Test: Promoting Deep Learning Using Clickers
1077Strategic Choices Facing Institutions Serving Adult Learners
1071Hitting the Ground Running: Making Strategic Changes
1068The Global Auction - How Valid is the 'Learning Equals Earning' Paradigm?
1066Tips on Time Management and Writing E-mails
1064The Modern American University: A Love Story
1061Organizing Higher Education for Collaboration: A Guide for Campus Leaders -- Review
1056Global Education & Liberal Education
1053World Grant Universities: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century
1048Building a Metacognitive Curriculum: An Educational Psychology to Teach Metacognition
1044Team Teaching With Students
1039Financing Higher Education Worldwide
1038Suggestions for Making Chair Work More Satisfying and Attractive
1032Understanding Transfers: Unique Students with Unique Needs
1028Where the Guys Are: Males in Higher Education
1025Why Performance Management Should Matter in Academia
1024The Great American University (review)
1017Learning to Lead
1015Strategic Leadership: Integrating Strategy and Leadership in Colleges and Universities (Review)
1013Strengths and Limitations of Case Studies

Tomorrow's Graduate Students and Postdocs

1371Hiring from the Institution’s Point of View
1368Advice on Successfully Navigating the Current Academic Job Market
1296Selecting a (Dissertation) Chair and Committee
1250Let's Make a Deal-Six Myths About Job and Salary Negotiations
1135Learning to Study in the UK
1101It Can be Done - Getting a Tenure-Track Job as an ABD in the Humanities
1085The Academic Job Talk
1072Doctoral Student Socialization for Teaching Roles
1055Preparing Professors to Teach
1004The Doctoral Dilemma for a Campus Graduate Student
998Writing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy for the Academic Job Search
986Demystifying Dissertation Writing
977Talking Yourself Up - How to Score Points During an Interview and What to do After it's Over
952What They Didn't Teach You in Graduate School
949Aiming for Excellence in the Dissertation
945Ph.D. Admissions Shrinkage
908Where Are the Minority Ph.D.'s? In Tampa, Actually
769Playing The Game: The Review
765Using the Assessment Process to Improve Doctoral Programs
752Learning Your Students' Names
749Campus Interview - The Research Presentation
747Advisee Management Tip: Ask for a Memo
743Preparing Stewards of the Discipline
742Fostering Student Learning and Success through First-Year Programs
722Finishing the Doctoral Degree in a Timely Fashion: The Dissertation as a Key Factor in the Humanities and Social Sciences
720Doctoral Dissertation - Looking Back, Looking Forward
702In Doctoral Education, It's Time for an Overhaul
694University Aims to Support All Female Graduate Students With New Childbirth Policy
684We Need Humanities Labs
681Circle of Support
647Preparing Graduate Students For Their Scholarly Lives
625Paving the Way
608Engaging Students Politically Goes Beyond the Voting Booth
545Deciding If and How to Pursue Doctoral Work
447Adjusting To American Universities
432Conceptualizing Socialization in Graduate and Professional Programs
384Not For Women Only
292The Responsive Ph.D.
288Learning by Critique
264Making Changes in the Post-doctoral Experience
262Creating Learning Communities
261Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience
254So Long and Thanks for the Ph.D.!
247The Art and Science of Avoiding the Dissertation
238Re-Envisioning the Ph.D. - Recommendations for Further Action
187Search Committees - The Long And Winding Road Of Academic Hiring
178Congratulations, Doctor. Now What?
152Changing the Graduate Student Experience
135Survival in the Academy
133A Jump Start Intervention For Entering Doctoral Students
116Graduate Student Survival Guide
105Applying for Academic Positions
94Ph.D. Interview Preparation Guide for Positions in Academia
91Matching Your Characteristics to the Institution
77The Function of the Dissertation Proposal
76The Next Step: Using the Future to Motivated the Present
59The Next-Stage Approach for Preparing for an Academic Career
56The Right Start-Up Package - ItAs Not Just About Money
47General Principles For Responding to Academic Job Offers
44Physics Teaching Certificate Program
43The Preparing Future Faculty Program at Arizona State University
31The Academic Job Talk
23Graduate Teaching Courses in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology

Tomorrow's Academic Careers

1384Pay Yourself First
1383Professors of the Year
1372Mentoring the “Terminal Associate Professor”
1364The Art of Saying "No"
1337A Proactive Approach to High School STEM Education in Israel
1336Colleges Try New Approaches to Post-Tenure Review
1334Barriers to Faculty Diversity
1318Align Projects with Priorities
1313The Case for Academics as Public Intellectuals
1303A Roadmap to Engaging Part-Time Faculty in High-Impact Practices
1259Motherhood: How Faculty Manage Work and Family
1257Service vs. Serve-Us: What Will Your Legacy Be?
1251Work and Family Integration for Faculty: Recommendations for Chairs
1248Answers to Common Questions about the Academic Portfolio
1240Dual Faculty Careers
1214Chair's Duties Owed to Brand-New Faculty Hires: A Checklist
1212Just-In-Time vs. Just-In-Case: Effective Orientation for New Faculty Members
1202Time Management for Department Chairs
1201The Merits of Emeriti: Providing Campus Community to Retired Faculty
1193Helping Faculty Members Sharpen Their Focus
1183The Best of Both Worlds - Industry and Academia
1181eBook Version of Tomorrow's Professor Now Available - plus free download of UPDATE 2012: Recent Changes in Higher Education That Can Impact Your Preparation for an Academic Career
1174Post-Tenure Blues
1170The Role of Student Evaluations in Tenure and Promotion
1138Top Ten Workplace Issues for Faculty Members and Higher Education Professionals
1132Money, Happiness, and a Fulfilling Retirement
1131Branching Careers Pipeline - Not all paths lead to academic careers
1130Tenure Across Borders
1126Energizing the Senior Professor
1125Managing Your Boss
1124The Trouble with Diversifying the Faculty
1118The Hiring Process for Community College Faculty
1117Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in Higher Education: Theories and Tensions
1116Women's Status in Higher Education: Equity Matters
1113Diagnosing the Type and Nature of Conflict in Organizations
1112Turn Your Zzz's Into A's
1102The Ivory Ceiling of Service Work
1097Joining Your Department and Discipline - Negotiating Tips
1093Taking Time for Baby
1087Reclaiming My Voice As A Scholar
1076Preparing the Teaching Portfolio
1067A Practical Guide to Television and Radio Interviews
1062Too Nice to Land a Job
1054Recruiting the Next Generation of the Professoriate
1052Interviewing Strategies That Search Committees and Chairs Need to Know
1051Faculty Work at Traditional and For Profit Institutions
1050Myths, Men and Motherhood
1049Doing 'Dual Career' Right
1021An Examination of the Tenured Mind (review)
1010Mentors Make The Difference
1007Different Paths to Full Professor
1005Married Profs Sound Off on Dual Academic Career Hiring
994Reaching the Unreachable: Improving the Teaching of Poor Teachers
991That Thousand Step Journey
980Will I Drown in Committee Work?
965It's The Little Things That Make The Big Difference
946Ten Ways to Grow a Backbone
943The Joys and Opportunities of Faculty Travel-Study Abroad
933Different Way to Think About Professional Development
923Stop Trying To Get Tenure and Start Trying To Enjoy Yourself
917Rejecting the Academic Fast Track
912Hiring Right - Conducting Successful Searches in Higher Education
899Dr. Mom
898Realities of Dual Careers
897Creating Time and Space for Faculty Reflection, Risk-Taking, and Renewal
873Professors Need to Lighten Up
866Help New Faculty Become Oriented
863Can Technology Keep an Old Academic in the Game?
860Post-Tenure Faculty Review and Renewal
837Avoid Burnout
835Why Introducing or Sustaining Peer Review of Teaching Is so Hard, and What You Can Do About It
833Overcome Procrastination
828Setting Boundaries
823The American Faculty: The Restructuring of Academic Work and Careers (review)
822Coping with the Passive-Aggressive Faculty Member
802Maintaining Senior Faculty Productivity
798Don't Waste Your Summer
793Understanding Senior Faculty Needs
792Collegiality: The Tenure Track's Pandora's Box
787Supporting and Retaining Early-Career Faculty
783Seven Tips for Dealing with Email Addiction
775"Code O:" How to recover from Overwhelm
764How Post-Tenure Review Can Support the Teaching Development of Senior Faculty
761Integrating Work and Life: A Vision for a Changing Academy
755The Balancing Act
744Tenure and Promotion: The Next Iteration
739Co-Teaching - Training Professionals To Teach
737Preparing Future Faculty and Multiple Forms of Scholarship
733Personal Philosophies of Teaching: A False Promise?
724Reflections on More Than Half a Century of Teaching
687Academics Are Intellectual Entrepreneurs
686Future Directions for Faculty Development
672Assessing Management Skills of Job Candidates: A Private Sector Approach
671Building the Administrative Portfolio
669Faculty as Mentor
666Preparing Doctoral Students for Faculty Careers That Contribute to the Public Good
658Interest a Publisher in Your Manuscript
656Self-Publishing - Potential Benefits and Risks
655Reconceptualizing the Faculty Role: Alternative Models
651Junior Faculty - How to Find Good Mentors

Tomorrow's Teaching and Learning

1385Online Courses - What is Lost, What is Gained and What about Something Called Rigor?
1382Synthesis of the Value and Benefits of SoTL
1379When I Grow Up, I Want to be Just Like My iPad
1379When I Grow Up, I Want to be Just Like My iPad
1378 Note-Taking Pairs
1376Massive Open Online Courses - (A Further Look)
1375 Driven to Distraction
1373The Psychology of Feedback and Assessment
1367Reading Guides Rediscovered
1366The Nature of Self-Directed Learning
1365Making Lectures Unmissable!
1363Learning Fundamental Principles, Generalizations, or Theories
1362Learning Without Pressure: English Writing MOOCs for an International Audience
1361Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher - Book Review
1360Marking (Grading) Essays
1358Blended Learning as Transformational Institutional Learning (Part 2 of 2)
1357Blended Learning as Transformational Institutional Learning (Part 1 of 2)
1354Principles for Design of Powerful Learning Communities (LCs)
1353Dealing with Disruptive Student Behavior
1351All Things in Modulation
1350Creativity and the Flipped Classroom
1348Enhancing the Effectiveness of TA Office Hours
1346Ten Rules of Good (and Bad) Studying
1343Class-Sourcing: Student-Created Digital Artifacts as a Teaching Strategy
1342Thinking Creatively and Critically
1341Putting E-Portfolios at the Center of Our Learning
1340Design Considerations for Exam Wrappers
1339Stanford Online Courses from all Parts of Campus are Reaching Millions of Learners Globally
1338Connecting Creativity, Imagination, and Play
1333Essential Aspects of Effective Teaching
1330Flipped Classrooms— Old or New?
1329“Private and Secure” Online Classes?
1327Integrative Learning in the Liberal Arts: From Cluster to Capstone
1326Top 10 Flashpoints in Student Ratings and the Evaluation of Teaching - an Example
1325 'Great experimentation' predicted for online learning
1324Mindsets Toward Learning
1322Concerns and Opportunities for Online Student Retention
1321Can Online Teaching Improve Face to Face Instruction?
1320Step Online in Style: Techniques for Mastering MOOCs – from 'Lecturelets' to Stage Presence
1315Forming "Teams" or "Discussion Groups" to Facilitate Learning
1311Fear and Trembling in the Face of Creativity
1308A Plea for "Close Learning"
1307Confirming the MOOC Myth
1305Education Superpowers: How Finland, South Korea, and Poland Produce High Achievers.
1299Flipped Classrooms— Old or New?
1297Self-Regulated Learning from Live Lectures
1293Keep the Lecture, Lose the Lectern
1292Effective Teaching Behaviors
1289Texting in Class
1288Providing Timely and Frequent Feedback
1287Thresholds Are Troublesome
1286Mapping First-Year Engagement and Educational Success
1279Mistaken Beliefs About Content
1275What’s “Best” in Our Practices? (in teaching and learning)
1273Eight Ways of Looking at Intelligence
1272To MOOC or Not?
1271Designing College More Like a Video Game
1270What Are They Thinking? Best Practices for Classroom Response Systems (“Clickers”)*
1269Beyond MOOC Hype
1262Using Narrative in Case Studies
1260Exam Wrappers
1258Can Faculty Misinterpretation and Misuse of Student Rating Results Lead to the “Dumbing Down” of College Education?
1256Teaching Quantitative Reasoning
1255Do iPads Affect Reading Comprehension and Learning?: The Jury Remains Out
1254Modeling Teaching
1249Educational Theories and Pedagogies
1247Reading and Writing Critically
1246Answers to Faculty Concerns About Online Versus In-class Administration of Student Ratings of Instruction
1244Stanford Faculty Members Share Their Online Education Experiences
1238Encouraging Student-Faculty Interaction Outside of Class
1237Much Ado about MOOCs
1232What Do You Mean Active Learning Doesn’t Work!?!
1229MOOCs: What Part of Learning Goes on Where and How?
1227Intensive Study Abroad for First-Generation College Students
1225Promoting Autonomy Among Learners
1223How a Stanford Professor Liberates Large Lectures
1219Is Intellectual Curiosity a Strong Predictor for Academic Performance?
1218The Three Most Time-Efficient Teaching Practices
1217Growth of Online Learning
1216The Learning Paradigm College
1215Conflict as a Constructive Curricular Strategy
1213Grammar and Syntax Make Their MOOC Debut in Course Taught by Stanford Scientist
1207How to Inspire Students to Set and Achieve Goals Which Really Challenge Them
1206Online Learning and Liberal Arts Colleges
1205Going Social With Mobil Learning
1204What Ethical Role Models?
1203Fostering Religious Literacy Across the Disciplines
1200What Mentors Do
1198Learning Student Names
1197Brainstorming Guidelines
1196A Win for the Robo-Readers
1195Engaging Today’s Learners: Students and ePortfolios
1192Power of Teaching by Walking Around (TBWA)
1187Practical Ideas for Collaboration (between multicultural student services and academic affairs)
1186Critical Thinking: What is It?
1185What Does The Excellent Online Instructor Look Like?
1184Co-Teaching as a Strategy for Balancing Workload
1182The Twitter Generation: Teaching Deferred Gratification to College Students
1180Learning Theory and Online Instruction

Tomorrow's Research

1380Science Speak (Explaining Research without the Jargon)
1374Three Phases of Writing for Publication
1370Tips for a Winning Research Proposal
1356Simultaneous Release (of manuscripts for publication)
1355AAUP statement on Intellectual Property
1349Making the Most of Small-Scale Research
1347Establishing a Research Agenda
1345Let's Get Ready for Summer Writing
1332The Working Vacation
1323Get to Know Your Publication Embargoes
1319A Call to Embrace Silos
1317Writers Groups: Composing a Balanced Faculty
1314Weathering the Storm - How to Prepare Your Lab for Natural Disasters and Cope with Unavoidable Consequences
1306What’s All This About Philosophy?
1301Characteristics of a Good Thesis
1298Balancing Publishing and Mentorship
1284Bonding in the Lab: How to Make Your Lab Less Like a Factory and More Like a Family
1282Focusing Your Research at a Cocktail Party
1276Making Your Research Paper Discoverable: Title Plays the Winning Trick
1274Quantitative Assessment Methods
1235Snapshot Dissertation
1233Categorizing Educational Research
1228So You Want to Write a Book?
1226Optimizing Your Writing Process: Write Nonlinearly
1209The Practice of Writing
1208Motivate Your Lab: How to Run an Efficient and Creative Lab Without Micromanaging
1199Quantitative and Qualitative and Assessment Methods
1191Want to Publish More? Then Train Like an Athlete
1190Conferences: Do Not Hide Under a Bushel
1178Literal and Intelligent Plagiarism: Students Beware!
1176Twenty Steps to Writing a Research Article
1161MLA Considers Radical Changes in the Dissertation
1151Using Research to Bring Interactive Learning Strategies into General Education Mega-Courses
1137The Graduate Student Writer: Tips to Make the Writing Process Work for You
1136Poster Perfect - How to Drive Home Your Science with a Visually Pleasing Poster
1109Translating 'Grad Student' Into English
1107Writing an Article in 12 Weeks
1073The Astonishing Secret to Getting Jobs, Grants, Papers, and Happiness in Biomedical Research ( and other areas as well)
1041Enhancing Undergraduate Research in the Arts and the Humanities
1040Administrator-Scientist – What it Takes to do Both
1037The Link Between Teaching and Research - Does it Exist?
1035Are Women Better PIs?
1030Getting the Most Out of a Research Conference
1009Writing About Your Research: Verb Tense
997Right your Writing: How to Sharpen Your Writing and Make Your Manuscripts More Engaging.
971Scoring on Sabbaticals
939Responding to Journal Decisions
936Write Before You're Ready: First Steps to Avoiding Writer's Block
900How to Write Anything
895Management for Beginners - So You're a Principal Investigator - Now What?
889Ten Ways of Thinking that Lead to Writing Procrastination - and Rebuttals to Those Thoughts
881Double Dipping in Conference Papers
855Building Bridges Between Research and Undergraduate Teaching
853Peer Support for Ph.D. Students
851Reducing Over-Complexity in Your Scholarly Writing
841Writing in the Academy - Reputation, Education and Knowledge
754On Journal Rejection
730How to Win a Graduate Fellowship
710Finding Grants - Where to Start
707Why Intelligent Design (ID) Is Not Science
705Scientific Fraud, Not New, Not Rare, But Also Not Common
703Undergraduate Research as the Next Great Faculty Divide
688Funding Your Best Ideas: A 12-Step Program
677Sharing in the Online Community
661Publish & Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar
644The Ph.D. Defense
643How to Save UK University Science
634Intellectual Property Rights
623Merging Teaching and Research
617Sufficient Time For Research
569Reliability and Validity
559Community-Based Research and Higher Education
548Publishing Your Research
496The Impact of Research on Student Motivation
493Research and Evaluation in Educational Development
471No Pardon For Poor English in Science
461Call for Robust Research Into Higher Education
459Break Away From Teaching Versus Research
434Balancing Teaching and Research
431Forget Teaching, Research is King
428Assessing Student Development: 1930s to the Present
420What to do When Things go Wrong (with your research)
413Research: It's Not Just for Faculty Anymore
411Multidisciplinary Scholarship Vital to Future
402Managing the Scientific Multitudes
379The Web's Enormous Potential for Evolution
367Common Myths About Grants and Grant Seeking
360The Research-Teaching Nexus - A Priori Truth or Myth
352How Does One Choose a Dissertation Topic?
345Chairing a Conference Session
341Making Key Research Decisions
336Bringing A Scientific Model to Humanistic Research
331Planning the Successful Federal Proposal
316Writing a Paper that Will Get Published
311The Invisible Internet
306Push For Research On Higher Education
304Cultivating the Civic Scientist
287Learning Through Research Part 2
286Learning Through Research Part 1
284Researchers in Administration

See also Richard Reis' academic career column, Catalyst, appearing in The Chronicle of Higher Education on-line Career Network.
