Marsh O'Neill Award For Exceptional and Enduring Support of Stanford University's Research Enterprise

The Marsh O'Neill Award presents one of the few opportunities for faculty to acknowledge publicly the support of outstanding staff members who support their research activity.

In recognition of faculty appreciation for outstanding contributions to Stanford's research mission, this award is made annually to a member of the University's Staff or Academic Staff. The award is accompanied by a $5,000 cash prize.

This prestigious award was inspired by the extraordinary career of Marsh O'Neill, Associate Director of the W.W. Hansen Laboratories, 1952 - 1990. Marsh was the first recipient of this award.


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2014 Marsh O'Neill Award Recipient

The 2014 recipient of the Marshall D. O'Neill Award for outstanding support of research at Stanford University has been announced!

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano, System Administrator- Lecturer

Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Department of Music

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Previous Marsh O'Neill Recipients


Martha L. Kessler, Director of Finance and Administration, Health Research and Policy and Spectrum
Chris Webb, Ph.D., Executive Director, Spectrum

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Senior Research Scientist, Nanocharacterization Lab


  • Heideh Fattaey
    Executive Director of Operations and Programs, Bio-X

  • Bettye Price
    Administrative Services Manager, Biology Department


  • Lori McVay
    Administrative Services Manager, Freeman Spogli Institute and Woods Institute

  • Kathleen Thompson
    Director, Research Management Group, School of Medicine


  • Reese Zasio
    Facilities Operations Manager
    Comparative Medicine Department


  • Peche Turner
    Department Manager
    Computer Science Department


  • Donna Cronister
    Administrative Services Manager
    Radiological Sciences Laboratory




  • Lisa Sickorez
    Financial Manager
    Center for International Security and Cooperation
    Stanford Institute for International Studies


  • Robin Holbrook
    Administrative Services Manager
    Baxter Laboratory, Microbiology and Immunology

  • Nan Phinney
    Stanford Linear Accelerator Center


  • Erika Wayne
    Reference and Internet Services Librarian
    Law School


  • Vadim Matté
    Science and Engineering Associate
    Aeronautics and Astronautics Department



  • Robert Jones
    Science and Engineering Associate,
    Center for Materials Research and the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences

  • Frank Levy
    Science and Engineering Technical Supervisor,
    Mechanical Engineering Department


  • Christopher Scott
    Director of Research Development, School of Medicine
    Executive Director, ACCESS
    Associate Director, Beckman Center


  • Turgut Gür
    Associate Director,
    Center for Materials Research


  • Grace Baysinger
    Head Librarian and Bibliographer,
    Swain Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Library, SUL/AIR

  • Robert Schneeveis
    Science and Engineering Associate,
    Neurobiology Department






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About Marsh O'Neill

Marsh O'Neill,  Associate Director  W.W. Hansen Laboratories  1952 - 1990

Marsh O'Neill, who retired March 1, 1990 as associate director of the W.W. Hansen Laboratories, has been honored with an award "for exceptional and enduring support of Stanford University's research enterprise."


The inscription on the Marsh O'Neill Award reads:

For his academic statesmanship, and service to the entire Stanford community, mentoring colleagues, advising University Officers on research policies and practices, serving with cheer and quiet cooperation on numerous University committees and task forces;

for his 38 years of devotion and loyalty, culminating in his position as Associate Director of W.W. Hansen Laboratories, where he created models of perfection in management systems which made his operation the paradigm of all research departments;

for his management of more than 700 research projects totaling more than $361 million, which fostered the beginnings of SLAC, SSRL, high temperature superconductivity, tunneling microscopy, medical accelerators, tests of Einstein's theory of relativity, free electron laser and photon research, 13 National Academy of Science members, 3 Nobel Laureates, and 750 Ph.D.s; and

for his unfailing integrity, tact, humor, and patience in serving Stanford's research enterprise, managing to miraculously and consistently keep contract officers, entrepreneurial faculty, and auditors all happy at the same time,

Associate Director, W.W. Hansen Laboratories, 1952-1990

is hereby designated as the first recipient of
For Exceptional and Enduring Support of Stanford's Research Enterprise.

O'Neill, who has worked at Stanford since 1952 and been associate director of Hansen since 1958, said the award, made at his retirement party, "was a delightful surprise. It touches me very deeply because of my long association with the University."

He also said that he believes that much of the credit for any success he has achieved should go to his predecessor, Fred Pindar, "who instilled in me the principles of research management and support."

Robert Byer, vice provost and dean of research, called O'Neill "a marvelous University citizen in every sense of the word."

From the Stanford News, March 2, 1990


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