

Requests to establish an Industrial Affiliates Program should be directed in writing to the Vice Provost and Dean of Research, with the concurrence of the Department Chair and School Dean. 

See Request For Approval Of Industrial Affiliates Program and a list of all affiliate programs at Stanford in Related Items below..

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Document Attachment: 
Industrial Affilates Program Approval and Renewal Form



A company may ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to discuss a possible research project at Stanford. If you understand the NDA terms and are comfortable complying with them, you may sign on your own behalf.  Individual researchers do not have the authority to sign on behalf of the University or their departments.

Stanford generally does not sign NDAs (also called CDAs), as the University has an open environment and is not set up to maintain confidentiality.  If the agreement is related to your work at Stanford, the Industrial Contracts Office will review it for compliance with University research policies.

See more information on industry NDAs here

NDAs relating to industry clinical trials may be signed by the university, as many university personnel may need to review the trial protocol.  See more information on Industry Funded Clinical trials here.


Manager, Industrial Contracts


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