Conflicts of Interest Certification: COI-PROG-0001

This class (COI-PROG-0001) identifies common situations that pose the risk of financial conflicts of interest, and discusses ways to mitigate that risk. 

Who should take this course?

  • If you receive PHS funding, you must complete this class before a PHS award can be accepted on your behalf. Your certification is valid for four years. You must retake this class when your certification expires.
  • In addition to those faculty support with PHS funding, Stanford requires all newly-hired faculty to complete this class.

There are a total of 31 slides including videos. You will view a portion of them based on your answers to questions within the class. When you finish the class, you will receive a confirmation via email. 

Required For: 
PI and Research Team
Register for this training

Click the Register Now button to go to the course registration page in STARS.

Select the online course.

Launch the training from STARS or if you prefer,  return to this page and click the view module button.


Use the Course as a Desktop Reference

The course can be used as an always available desktop reference. No need to register, just click the View Module button.

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