Design Thinking Studio: Experiences in Innovation and Design

Winter 2015
Tuesday, 10:00a-11:50a
Thursday, 10:00a-12:15p
Bld. 550, Studio 1
ME 377
3 – 4 Units
Letter Grade
Launched 2005

Design Thinking Studio is an immersive introduction to design thinking.  You will engage in the real world, with your eyes, with your mind, with your hands, and with classmates to learn, practice, and use the tools and attitudes of design.  The fundamental goal of the class is to cultivate the creative, synthetic, and divergent thinking of students.  This is a project-based class, asking students to take on new behaviors of work: collaboration, experimentation, empathizing, visualization, craft and inference.  Field work and collaboration with teammates are required and critical for student success.

Winter 2015: This quarter, we will focus on design behaviors and capabilities.  In particular, students will develop a design eye, practice honing a unique perspective, and work at expressing concepts with beauty.  The class will focus less on structured design thinking process.

See our syllabus for more information about the class and the projects.

This class is primarily for graduate students. First round of applications due December 14, 2015, midnight. (If you apply after this time, you will have less chance of admission). Apply here.

Teaching Team
Carissa Carter,
Thomas Both,
