Addresses in Axess

The U.S. government requires every F-1 and J-1 student to have accurate and up-to-date home and local addresses in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), a government database that maintains information on international students and exchange visitors with U.S.-sponsored F-1 or J-1 visas.

In compliance with federal law, the local and permanent home addresses you provide Stanford are transferred to SEVIS. It is your responsibility to keep your addresses current. If your address changes during your studies, you must report your change of address within 10 days of the move. Failure to do so could result in complications that may jeopardize your visa status. Please follow the instructions below to add or update your addresses.

The SEVIS (US) address cannot be a P. O. Box or your Department.

INSTRUCTIONS to create your SEVIS (US) address:

1. Log in to Axess at

2. If you are a new student, and have not entered emergency contact information, you will need to enter the emergency contact information before proceeding to the next step.

3. Click on the Student tab at the top of the page. Your current address, phone, email and privacy information will be displayed (see Figure A below).

(Figure A)


4. Click SEVIS (US) in the Personal Info. The addresses in your student record will be displayed. Use the links to add or change an address (see Figure B below).

(Figure B)


5. To create your SEVIS (US) address for SEVIS, click the Add a New Address link at the bottom of the page (see Figure C below)

(Figure C)


6. Follow these steps (refer to Figure D & Figure E below):

  • Be sure the country is shown as "United States". Please do not confuse Country (on the top of the page) with County (on the bottom of the page). For those students who live on Stanford campus, the County will be Santa Clara. If you do not know your county, leave it blank. You can update it later.
  • Enter your street address, city and postal code. Address 1 must have an entry. Your address may be continued in Address 2 if necessary.  If you live on campus, the City will be Stanford and Postal code will be 94305.
  • Click OK.

(Figure D)


Referring to Figure E below:

  • Check the box for the address type in the 'Apply to' column as SEVIS (US).
  • Choose a date on which the new address will take effect. Use today's date if the address is current.
  • Click Save.

(Figure E)


Other Addresses:

1. You can follow the above steps to add other address types (Billing, Current Mailing, etc.) that are not sent to SEVIS. Those addresses do not necessarily have to be U.S. addresses.

2. To change an existing address, click the Edit link next to the address. (Refer to Figure C above)

3. Make the necessary changes to the address, (refer to Figure D above) and then SAVE.
NOTE: If you are changing your SEVIS (non-US) address to another (non-US) country, follow these steps:

    • Select the country by clicking on the Change Country link. Click Advanced Search, enter the first letter of the country in the Description field, and then click Lookup. Select your country from the list that appears.
    • Enter your street address, city, and postal code. If your country has states, use the magnifying glass icon to look up the code for the state.
    • Choose a date on which the new address will be effective and SAVE.

Note: You cannot delete an address type in Axess. Please contact the Office of the University Registrar if you need to inactivate an address.



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