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David Alan Sklansky
Stanley Morrison Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director, Stanford Criminal Justice Center


David Sklansky teaches and writes about criminal law, criminal procedure, and evidence.

A former federal prosecutor, he brings rich knowledge of criminal justice institutions to his scholarship, which has addressed topics as diverse as the political science of policing, the interpretation and application of the Fourth Amendment, fairness and accuracy in criminal adjudication, the relationship between criminal justice and immigration laws, and the role of race, gender, and sexual orientation in law enforcement.

Sklansky is the author of the well-regarded evidence casebook, Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems.  His other recent publications include "Too Much Information: How Not to Think About Privacy and the Fourth Amendment," California Law Review (2014); “Evidentiary Instructions and the Jury as Other,” Stanford Law Review (2013); “Crime, Immigration and Ad Hoc Instrumentalism,” New Criminal Law Review (2012); “Private Police and Human Rights,” Law & Ethics of Human Rights (2011); “Hearsay’s Last Hurrah,” Supreme Court Review (2009); and “Anti-Inquisitorialism” Harvard Law Review (2009).

Prior to joining the faculty of Stanford Law School in 2014, Sklansky taught at U.C. Berkeley and UCLA; he won campus-wide teaching awards at both those institutions.  Earlier he practiced labor law in Washington D.C. and served as an Assistant United States Attorney in Los Angeles.