African Health, African Medical Issues

African Health, African Medical Issues

See also: South Africa health

Works in many African countries. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa. [KF]

Action Health Incorporated
NGO "dedicated to improving the health of Nigerian adolescents through sexuality education." Section for Teens with an FAQ. Media reports about Action Health. Publishes Growing Up, a newsletter for young people. Full text report (HIV/AIDS education, sexual education, married adolescents in Northern Nigeria). Links to related sites. Based in Lagos, Nigeria. [KF]

Africa Centres for Disease Control and PreventionAfrica CDC
a specialized technical institution of the African Union established to support public health initiatives. Has COVID UPdates. Download the Outbreak Briefs for statistics for Africa.

Africa Health (Cambridge, U.K.)
"All aspects of health for health providers in Africa" Table of contents. Full text special reports online. Published by FSG Communications Ltd. Cambridge, U.K. Bryan Pearson (editor/publisher)

Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre, ARSRC
Funded by the Ford Foundation. Topics on sexuality and health, religion, violence against women and girls, adolescent education, HIV / AIDS, re-thinking masculinities. Countries of focus are Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. Lists conferences, events. Is compiling a database of Social Scientists, Anthropologists, Researchers. Based in Lagos, Nigeria. [KF]

African Health Sciences (Kampala, Uganda)
Published by the Makerere University Medical School.

African Index Medicus
Online index to citations to medical-related articles. Full text articles from many African medical journals. From the World Health Organization.

African Journal of AIDS Research (Grahamstown, South Africa)
Published by the Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation (CADRE), Rhodes University. Journal on the social dimensions of HIV/AIDS in African contexts. Abstracts are online. Purchase articles thru African Journals Online. NISC provides full text articles through subscribers using Ingenta. [KF] and

African Journal of Biomedical Research (Ibadan)
Full text abstract and articles on-line. Published three times a year for the Ibadan Biomedical Communications Group. Hosted by Bioline International. Based at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. [KF]

African Journal of Neurological Sciences
In French or English. Full text articles. (Some full text articles from 1995-2002 from Bioline.) Published by the Pan African Association of Neurological Sciences.

African Journal of Reproductive Health (Benin City, Nigeria)
Published by the Women's Health and Action Research Centre, Benin City, Nigeria. Full text free online from Bioline International. Older issues also in JSTOR for subscribers. [KF]

African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, AJTCAM
Abstracts of latest issue online. Access to full text older articles upon free registration. Topics - Applied Medicinal Plants, Traditional Medicines, Complementary Alternative Medicines, Food and Agricultural Technologies, and Promotion of Healthy use of Medicinal Products. Based at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

African Journals On-Line
"...offers the tables of contents and abstracts of articles from up to 50 journals in agricultural sciences, science and technology, health and social sciences, published in Africa." A keyword Search covers all journals. One can order photocopies of articles.
In cooperation with Bioline International , one can also pay for access to the full text of selected journals, African Crop Science Journal (Uganda), African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security, the African Journal of Neurological Sicences (Kenya), the Central African Journal of Medicine (Zimbabwe), the East African Medical Journal (Kenya), Ichthyological Bulletin (South Africa), Journal of Food Technology in Africa, Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association, Zimbabwe Science News, Insect Science and its Application (Kenya), and others. A Search across all journals for articles is free.

African Malaria Network Trust, AMANET (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
"...a non-profit network established in 1995 in Arusha, Tanzania. Its overall objective is to provide a forum for scientists and policy makers involved in the planning, coordination, and execution of malaria vaccination trials in Africa." The full text of the Newsletter and reports. Has workshop reports and a directory of potential institutions for the testing of malaria vaccines in Africa.

African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)
Works in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan. Runs the Flying Doctor's Service, offers Traveller' Medical Advice, has programs in malaria, HIV/AIDS, environmental health, sexual health, child health, health policy, etc. Publishes human interest stories, training manuals and books on primary health care for Eastern Africa. Concerns about the brain drain. Publishes Briefing Papers. Based in Nairobi, Kenya. [KF]

African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety
Has the full text of articles published from 1995 to date. Published by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (Helsinki).

African Population and Health Research Center, APHRC
Non-profit, NGO, conducts policy-relevant research on population and health issues in sub-Saharan Africa. Strengthens the research capacity of African scholars and institutions. Has abstracts for Journal Articles, Book Chapters. Full text Research Reports and Working Papers. Their newsletter, APHRC News, in on-line. Offers fellowships.. Established in 1995, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and others. Based in Nairobi, Kenya.

African Summit on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases, Abuja, Nigeria, April 2001
Issued the Abuja Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases. On the web site of Interactive Health Network, based in London.

African Youth Alliance, AYA
" 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation granted $57 million to create an innovative partnership that would work for five years to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Botswana, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda." Based in New York, N.Y.

Extensive information resource on HIV/AIDS for researchers, the health profession, the public, infected individuals, educators and policy-makers. Daily news updates, significant full text documents, Events / Conferences, and links to HIV/AIDS-related sources. Has a southern Africa focus. Links to policies on HIV/AIDS adopted or proposed by governments, parties, lobbying groups, businesses and individuals. Free registration provides e-newsletters, discussion forums. Maintained by the Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRC).

Afro-Nets, African Networks for Health Research & Development
Discussion forum for the different networks active in Health Research for Development in the Eastern and Southern African Region. Has full text documents (such as the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, Prelim. Report 2003). Past messages are on the web archive. Links to the web sites of participating networks. From Satellife in Watertown, MA.

AIDS. Official Journal of the International AIDS Society (London)
Articles older than 12 months are freely accessible. (Universities with subscriptions should have access to all articles).

AIDS-Africa, An African hiv/aids networking group
Discussion group founded Jan. 2000.

AIDS Analysis Africa Online
Free full text articles from 2004 April-May to date."bi-monthly electronic newsletter focusing on the wide-ranging impact of HIV and AIDS on Africa." You can subscribe for free. Published by Metropolitan Holdings. Based in South Africa.
See also some issues for 1999-2001.

AIDS in Africa Articles
A small number of citations to print articles, mainly in journals published in Africa. Includes some book chapters. Prepared for a Stanford University 2007 Sophomore College class. The articles are from journals not normally indexed by PubMed and the other main indexing sources. All items cited are in the Stanford University Libraries.

Aids in Nigeria
An e-bulletin from Journalists Against AIDS (JAAIDS) Nigeria. Approx. one issue a month is sent out by e-mail. Send comments,inquiries or suggestions to:
Journalists Against AIDS(JAAIDS) Nigeria,
Box 56282,Falomo,Lagos, Nigeria

AIDSETI, AIDS Empowerment and Treatment International
"...a network created and managed by people living with HIV/AIDS - both infected and affected - in the South and the North. AIDSETI is incorporated in Burkina Faso and in Delaware, US,..." "an international network of 26 community-based associations of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) focused on providing HIV care and treatment in" Burkina Faso - Burundi - Cote d'Ivoire - Dominican Republic - Ethiopia - Guinee - Haiti - Jamaica - Kenya - Tanzania - Togo - Trinidad - Uganda - Zimbabwe. Personal stories, programs. Has unpaid internships. Organization founded by Lee Wildes of San Francisco. [KF]

AIDS Weekly Plus
Full text online of over a million articles published from 1981 to date. Published by The AIDS Education Global information System ( AEGIS, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, educational corporation. Founded by Sister Mary Elizabeth, of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. or

Akukwe, Chinua and Melvin Foote - HIV/AIDS in Africa: Time to Stop the Killing Fields
Recommends actions the U.S. should take for AIDS relief in Africa. (Foreign Policy in Focus, Volume 6, Number 15 April 2001). Pub. by Interhemispheric Resource Center Albuquerque, New Mexico. Health
Current health-related news from PANA (Panafrican News Agency), African newspapers & agencies.
RSS Feeds:
Health and Medicine News: 

American Idol - Idol Gives Back
April 24-25, 2007 fundraising programs for U.S. Fund for UNICEF, The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Save the Children, and Malaria No More. "American Idol will raise awareness and money for aid agencies that help children and young people living in extreme poverty in American and Africa."

Amref Health Africa
Formerly called AMRF (African Medical Research Foundation) Flying Doctor Service, founded 1957. Has full text research reports, videos, photographs including on covid-19. Based in Nairobi, Kenya with offices in other African countries.

Annales africaines de Médecine (Kinshasa)
In French. Published by Université de Kinshasa, Faculté de Médecine, Kinshasa, R.D. Congo. Full text articles online.

Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine (Ibadan, Nigeria)
Biannual journal of the Association of Resident Doctors, University College Hospital Chapter. Some full text articles. Other full text articles on-line at African Index Medicus site.

Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology
Journal of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Access by subscription only. Covers medical parasitology, veterinary parasitology, entomology. Often has Africa-related articles. Tables of contents of recent issues. Libraries pay $ 734.00.

Annals of Tropical Paediatrics (London)
Quarterly published for the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Access by subscription. On the "problems and achievements in child health and paediatrics in the tropics and subtropics." Table of contents of recent issues. Libraries pay $ 615.00.

Anthropology and Medicine
Journal published by Taylor and Francis, with many Africa-related articles. Has the tables of contents. Libraries pay $419.

Art for Humanity
Promotes human rights through the production of Fine Art print portfolios, exhibitions, billboards and research projects which advocate various human rights issues in South Africa, across Africa and internationally. Sells original prints and posters on HIV AIDS and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Has images from the HIV AIDS billboard programme and other exhibitions. An NGO formerly called Artists for Human Rights, based at the Durban Institute of Technology, Durban, South Africa.

Association Anthropologie médicale appliquée au développement et à la santé, AMADES (Aix-en-Provence, France)
In French. "créée en 1988 par des médecins et des anthropologues..."Publishes le Bulletin d'AMADES. Includes descriptions of Africa-related research.

Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa, AHILA
"...a professional association founded in 1984 with now 46 country members." Hosts a discussion list, AHILA-net, for health librarians and documentalists from Africa. Has a Membership Directory, publishes the African Index Medicus. [KF]

AVERT - HIV and AIDS in Africa 
Extensive site. Includes statistics, personal stories, sections on Botswana, Nigeria, South Africa, UgandaZambia; each section covers "the impact of AIDS; a history of the government's response; information about funding; and accounts of prevention, treatment and care programmes." Avert is an international HIV and AIDS charity based in Horsham, UK. It operates especially in Southern Africa. [KF]

Benjamin, Judy A. - Conflict, Post-conflict, and HIV/AIDS - the Gender Connections: Women, War and HIV/AIDS: West Africa and the Great Lakes
Report,published 2001, in MS Word, "recommended that the UN agencies need to: show serious commitment to protecting women and children from violence; look at the male- dominated nature of their personnel; address the involvement of UN personnel in gender violence and HIV transmission..." From the Siyanda web site on gender issues at the Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, U.K.

Bioline International
Free full text journals on-line from the non-profit e-publisher.

BMC International Health and Human Rights (London)
Peer-reviewed online journal. Original research articles on health care in developing and transitional countries, and on health and human rights. Published by BioMed Central Ltd., London. (ISSN 1472-698X) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed.
Free articles include: Policy mapping for establishing a national emergency health policy for Nigeria, Paediatric referrals in rural Tanzania: the Kilombero District Study – a case series, High-tech and low-tech orthopaedic surgery in Sub-Saharan Africa, Evaluating Niger's experience in strengthening supervision, improving availability of child survival drugs..., Cross-sectional study of morbidity, morbidity-associated factors and cost of treatment in Ngaoundere, Cameroon..., A step too far? Making health equity interventions in Namibia more sufficient, Health and economic impact of HIV/AIDS on South African households: a cohort study, Survey of the knowledge, attitude and practice of Nigerian surgery trainees to HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients, Research that influences policy and practice – characteristics of operational research to improve malaria control in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

The Body, An AIDS and HIV Information Resource
Use the Search box to find articles. Section on HIV / AIDS in Africa. Africa news. Has a search engine where for ex, one can find information on AIDS care in Zimbabwe, the story of the first woman in Zimbabwe to publicly declare her serostatus, and other reports. Maintained by the Body Health Resources Corporation, New York.

Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis
Full text of A Study of the potential economic effects of AIDS. Some preliminary thoughts, by Per Granberg, BIDPA Working Paper 2, 1996. 11 p. in PDF

Botswana. Ministry of Health
Full text reports such as 2005 Botswana Second Generation HIV/AD Surveillance, (81 p. in PDF); Trends in HIV Prevalence among pregnant women in Botswana 2001-2005 (3 p. PDF). Speeches, acts, health news, photographs, forum on various topics. Links to Botswana government ministries.

[Botswana] National AIDS Coordinating Agency
"Formed in 1999 by a cabinet directive under the Office of the President, the National AIDS Coordinating Agency (NACA) is, charged with coordinating and facilitating the nation's response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic." Full text reports on-line. Directory of partners in Botswana (includes NGOs).

Canadian HIV / AIDS Skills Database
In English and French. Amazing database, get a customized directory of Canadian organizations based on many factors - countries working in, projects, type of organization, type of HIV / AIDS work, address, etc. Produced by the Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD) and the Canadian AIDS Society (CAS).

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Atlanta, GA
Extensive information on the health situation in North, West, Central, East, and Southern Africa. Advice regarding malaria drugs.

Central African Journal of Medicine
African Journals Online sells access to articles from 1999-2002, Vols, 45-48.

Centre for African Family Studies, CAFS (Nairobi)
In English and French. "an African institution dedicated to strengthening the capabilities of sub-Saharan African organisations working in sexual and reproductive health services [including HIV / AIDS]. CAFS was founded by the International Planned Parenthood Federation - Africa Region ..." Has full text of - Heads, Tails or Equality? : Men, Women and Reproductive Health in Zambia and A Situation Analysis of NGO Governance and Leadership in .....Africa. Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya and Lome, Togo. [KF]

Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation, CADRE
"South African non-profit organisation working in the area of HIV/AIDS research, programme development and communication." Many full text reports. Produced Tsha Tsha, a edutainment television drama series commissioned by the South African Broadcasting Corporation "depicting the lives of four young adults in an impoverished rural town in the Eastern Cape. The series explores the choices that young South Africans are faced with, and deals with AIDS, death, love, relationships, and sex and its consequences." Publishes the African Journal of AIDS Research. LInks to related sites. Based in Johannesburg. [KF]

In Swahili and English. Site about healthy living, relationships, education, money management for young people in Tanzania. Photo novels in Kiswahili. Events of interest to young people. Publishes Fema, a sexual health magazine for young people. Issues are colorful with many photographs and include comic book style articles. Download issues at the web site. [KF]

Chinkhumba, Jobiba - "Practical Problems in Estimating the Prevalence and Direct Medical Costs of Managing Complications of Abortions in Thyolo Distrsict"
Full text of a dissertation submitted for the Degree of M. Litt in Health Care Resource Management, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland. "we undertook this study to find the scope and magnitude of clandestine abortions in Thyolo, one of Malawi's 24 districts." Includes a chapter on "Abortion and the Law."

Drug manufacturer which offered to sell AIDS drugs to South Africa and other countries for $600 a year per patient, which was $400 below the drug companies price. Merck & Co. then reduced one of its drugs to $600 per year. Site has an AIDS Update page. The Managing Director is Dr. Yusuf K Hamied. Based in Mumbai [Bombay], India. [KF]

Comparative Federalism and Covid-19. Combating the Pandemic
ByNico Steytler
London: Routledge, 2021. 454 pages

  • Chapter 17|18 pages
  • Controlling Public Health Emergencies in Federal Systems
  • The case of Ethiopia
  • ByZemelak Ayitenew Ayele, Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha
  • Chapter 18|19 pages
  • South Africa
  • Surfing towards centralisation on the Covid-19 wave
  • ByNico Steytler, Jaap de Visser, Tinashe Chigwata
  • Chapter 19|18 pages
  • Managing Covid-19 in a ‘Façade Federalism’
  • The case of Nigeria
  • ByLukman Abdulrauf

Conseil National de l'Ordre des Médecins du Gabon
In French.

Conserve Africa Foundation
Has a section on Medicinal plants and natural products. Articles such as Overview on Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine in Africa, in PDF. "a non-governmental organisation that aims to promote and implement sustainable development practices, policies and strategies in Africa ." Based in London. [KF]

Council on Foreign Relations - HIV and National Security: Where are the Links?
By Laurie Garrett. 2005. Full text, 72 p. in PDF. "The HIV/AIDS pandemic is affecting the security of states throughout the world, weakening economies, government structures, military and police forces, and social structures." 

Covid-19 in Africa - Columbia University Libraries
Links to open access resources.

Current Issues in Comparative Education (New York) - [Health Articles]
Published by Teachers College, Columbia University, New York city. Full text articles are online.
See the issue, Deadly Education: the Spread of HIV/AIDS (Dec. 2000) . Has articles such as:

  • Keeping the Education System Healthy: Managing the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education in South Africa By Carol Coombe. 14 p. in PDF
  • Teach Them While They Are Young, They Will Live to Remember. The views of teachers and pupils on the teaching of HIV/AIDS in basic education: A case study of Zambia's Southern and Lusaka Provinces. By Rosah Moonga Malambo. 13 p. in PDF
  • South Africa as the epicenter of HIV/AIDS: Vital political legacies and current debates. By Johnny Sachs. 5 p. in PDF

Concerns "DEMOCRACY, ACCOUNTABILITY and TRANSPARENCY and fighting back against the crises of DEBT, AIDS and TRADE." Read success stories and what is working in Africa. Interactive map on HIV/AIDS prevalence. Facts about the economy, debt, AIDS, trade, development aid. Action kit. Offices in Washington, D.C. and London, England. [KF]

Demographic and Health Surveys, DHS
Important resource: "data to monitor and evaluate population, health, and nutrition programs." African country surveys; a list of datasets for African countries. Types of information includes Characteristics of HouseholdsFertility, Fertility Regulation, Fertility Preferences, Early Childhood Mortality, Maternal and Child Health, Maternal and Child Nutrition, Aids and Other STD's. Has Africa Nutrition Chartbooks. Allows registered users to build custom tables and maps from hundreds of surveys and indicators. MEASURE DHS is funded by USAID with contributions from other donors. DHS + is owned by Macro International (Calverton, Maryland). [KF]
Includes HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database with HIV/AIDS data from a variety of sources and HIVmapper which creates maps from data in the HIV/AIDS Survey Indicators Database.

Directory of Data Repositories in Africa, DODRIA
Directory of research data sets.  Formats include  formats such as Microsoft word and Excel, CSV, PDF, PNG, HTML, WMS, JSON, RDF JPEG, SHTML, CSV, SPSS and PowerPoint.

Doctors Without Borders / Medecins sans frontieres/MSF
Private, non-profit, international organization which provides medical aid to populations in crisis worldwide. Information on the DRC, Chad, Rwanda, Darfur, Sudan, etc. MSF won the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize. Based in Geneva. [KF]
Full text reports such as The collapse of healthcare: malnutrition, violence and displacement in western Côte d'Ivoire. 10 pages in PDF.

Durban Declaration
A Declaration by Scientists and Physicians Affirming HIV is the cause of AIDS. The Declaration was published in Nature magazine, July 6, 2000.

East, Central and Southern African (ECSA) Health Community
Promotes regional cooperation in health. Formerly the Commonwealth Regional Health Community for East, Central and Southern Africa. Members are Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Mauritius, and Bostwana. Has some full text reports such as Challenges Facing the Malawian Health Workforce in the Era of HIV/AIDS and Challenges facing the Kenyan Health Workforce in the era of AIDS. Based in Arusha, Tanzania. [KF]

Eastern Africa Journal of Humanities & Sciences (Nairobi, Kenya)
Full text articles. Published by the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Department of Research, Nairobi, Kenya. [KF]
Includes Catherine N. Machyo, "The Catholic Church and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Kenya: An Exploration of Issues" 12 pages.

Ebola Resources

Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography
eJournal, from the University of Iowa, a refereed online journal of bibliographies on Africa. Vol. 3, 1997 of the e-journal is Medical / Health Periodicals and Books on Africa (in the Univ. of Iowa Libraries). [KF]

Emerging threat of drug-resistant tuberculosis in southern Africa : global and local challenges and solutions : summary of a joint workshop
By the Institute of Medicine and the Academy of Science of South Africa ; Steve Olson, Yeonwoo Lebovitz, and Anne Claiborne, rapporteurs" Pub. March 2011 by National Academies Press, Washington D.C. . "Lessons learned, best practices, and new approaches that can be used worldwide to treating and preventing TB." 147 p. in PDF.

Engardio, Joel P. - Out of Africa
May 16, 2001 article, in the San Francisco Weekly, on HIV/AIDS in Africa. Interview with Dr. Phyllis Kanki, Harvard virologist and Dr. David Katzenstein, Stanford physician, discussing Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Senegal.
See also the article by Engardio, "Saving Togo" about Stanford grad student, Benjamin Lawrance, and HIV education among Togo's university students..

EngenderHealth (New York, NY)
Nonprofit organization founded in 1943, "dedicated to making reproductive health care accessible to women and men around the world." Works in African countries. Family Planning, Maternal Health Care, Obstetric Fistula, HIV/AIDS. Formerly called AVSC International. Won the 2002 UN Population Award. [KF]
Has the full text of working papers on topics such as:

  • The Use of Self-Assessment in Improving the Quality of Family Planning Clinic Operations: The Experience with COPE in Africa. (1992)
  • Vasectomy in Kenya: The First Steps. (1993)
  • Quality Management for Family Planning Services: Practical Experience from Africa. (1995)
  • Obstetric Fistula Needs Assessment Report: Findings from Nine African Countries

Epstein, Helen - Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the fight against AIDS.
New York Times Book Review, The Plague of Nations, July 29, 2007 by John Donnelly on Epstein's book.
New York Times Book Review, AIDS in Africa: Rising Above the Partisan Babble, July 3, 2007, by Abigail Zuger, M.D. on the Epstein book.
Los Angeles Times review, June 3, 2007 reprinted by Aegis.

Equinet - Network for Equity in Health in Southern Africa (Harare, Zimbabwe)
" of research, civil society and health sector organisations working towards and influencing equity in health in Southern Africa." works with the SADC (Southern African Development Community), has a mailing list, an annotated health bibliography (includes journal articles), the full text of a 1997 Kasane, Botswana health conference, summary of a report on the Training & Research Support Centre (TARSC), Zimbabwe, full text reports, etc.

Ethiopia. Ministry of HealthFull text documents - health sector development programme, health indicators, health standards, regional health. Health news. Ministory of Health Departments and Units. Directory (phone, fax) of hospitals, health agencies, health departments, regional bureaus. [KF]

Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (Addis Ababa)
Official journal of the Ethiopian Public Health Association. Full text articles. Published by the Department of Community Health, Addis Ababa University.

Ethnomed. Ethnic medicine information from Harborview Medical Center
"The EthnoMed site contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrants to Seattle or the US, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world." Covers Amharic, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Oromo, Somali, Tigrean. Includes Cultural Profiles, articles such as a report on Somali diet. From the the University of Washington, Health Sciences Library and the Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. [KF]

Project to provide income for Africans affected by AIDS, increase awareness of AIDS in Africa at 200 universities, and raise $1 million to fund innovative organizations fighting the AIDS pandemic. See Oct. 19, 2005 article and Feb. 17, 2006 from the Stanford Daily. Worked with Liz Claiborne, MTV, Sterling Stamos. Uses the Freepledge site for fundraising. Based in Palo Alto, California.

Family Health International
NGO founded 1971. HIV/AIDS programs since 1986, works in 17 African countries, HIV/AIDS projects, over 1,000 online HIV/AIDS related publications, video reports. Publishes a newsletter, Family Health Research. Reproductive health country profiles (see left hand menu). Based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

Female Circumcision
See the section Female Circumcision in the page on Women in Africa South of the Sahara: Selected Internet Resources.

Fistula Foundation and Hospital (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
The hospital, founded in 1974, has become "a major teaching institution for surgeons all over Ethiopia and the developing world." Includes a link to a New York Times articles by Nicholas D. Kristof, May 16, 2003 "Alone and Ashamed" on the work of Dr. Catherine Hamlin, an Australian gynecologist, who has spent 44 years in Addis Ababa helping 24,000 women. A review of Catherine Hamlin's book about Ethiopia is on the Ethiopia/Eritrea RPCVs site. The Foundation was founded by Richard Haas and his daughter Shaleece. The Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital was founded by Drs. Reginald and Catherine Hamlin. [KF]

Foreign Policy In Focus. "In Focus: AIDS and Developing Countries: Democratizing Access to Essential Medicines"
By Robert Weissman. (In Focus, Volume 4, Number 23, August 1999). Foreign Policy in  Focus is a joint project of the Interhemispheric Resource.

Foreman, Martin - Combat AIDS: HIV and the World's Armed Forces
Full text report by Martin Foreman. 65 p. Produced in 2002 by Healthlink Worldwide, London, U.K. "In many African countries, for example, HIV prevalence averages 20-40% among soldiers, reaches as high as 50-60% in countries where HIV/AIDS has been present for more than a decade." Hosted on the Panos (London) website. [KF]

FORGE, Facilitating Opportunities for Refugee Growth & Empowerment
"By partnering with refugees [in Botswana and Zambia] to implement community development projects, FORGE offers resources, skills, and opportunities that refugees need to responsibly and sustainably rebuild their countries." Founded by Kjerstin Erickson. An all-volunteer official Operating Partner of the United Nations’ Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Projects include Libraries & Technology Centers - Education, Microfinance - Health & Human Rights - Life Enrichment through Recreation & the Arts.

GEANCO Foundation
Foundation to raise $2.8 million to build a hospital, Augustine Memorial Hospital, in Anambra State, Nigeria. Created in 2005 by Dr. Godwin Onyema, MD. Based in Chicago, Illinois.

GEEP, Groupe pour l’Etude et l’Enseignement de la Population
In French. Population and health education through clubs for young people. Organized in collaboration with Senegal's Ministry of Education and the United Nations Population Fund. Based in Dakar, Senegal. [KF]

In French and English. Information on the First International Summit for Access to Generic HIV Drugs, May 3-7, 2001, Ougadougou, Burkina Faso. Summit organized by Act-up Paris, Planet Africa : People Living with Aids NETwork, Africa and others. Based in Paris.

Ghana Health Service
Ghana official site. "an autonomous Executive Agency responsible for implementation of national policies under the control of the Minister for Health" Reports on mobile devices for health, regional reports. Based in Accra, Ghana. [KF]

Global Business Council on HIV & Aids
Members include Coca Cola, AOL Time Warner, Viacom, AIG, Unilever. Encourages business to educate their employees about AIDS and remove the stigma against HIV positive workers. Its President is Richard C. Holbrooke, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Published in 2006 The State of Business and HIV / AIDS (2006) : A Baseline Report. which reported that "more than 70 percent of companies surveyed [in high HIV prevalence parts of Africa] are fully subsidizing staff access to HIV treatment."

Global Focus Films
GFF produced a documentary (fall 2000), "Not My Child: AIDS in South Africa" which covers the 13th International Conference on AIDS in Durban and the lives of people with AIDS in South Africa. Has photographs, accounts of South Africans with HIV/AIDS, role of traditional healers. Based in Denver, Colorado.

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria (Geneva, Switzerland)
" independent public-private partnership that includes governments, the UN and other international organizations, industry, academic institutions, foundations and other relevant civil society groups." "as of February 2002, US$1.9 billion has been committed to the Fund from industrialized and developing country governments, corporations, foundations, and individuals. A number of these commitments are multiyear, giving the Fund approximately US$800 million to disburse in 2002." " The UN Secretary-General has called for $7-$10 billion annually for AIDS." "The World Bank has primary responsibility for collecting, investing, and disbursing funds, as well as financial reporting." Full text documents are online.

Global Health Reporting
Current news on HIV / AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, statistics, African country reports (Botswana, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia). Site aimed at journalists (journalist fellowship information, disease tutorials, glossaries). From the Kaiser Family Foundation, Menlo Park, California. [KF]

Global Health Trust. Joint Learning Initiative - Human Resources for Health: Overcoming the Crisis
"...the number of health workers on the African continent will need to triple...' "rich countries must take steps to slow what the report calls "fatal flows" of nurses and doctors from poor African countries to Europe and North America if catastrophe is to be averted." Encourages doctors and nurses from rich countries to volunteer in Africa. Wealthy countries should provide funds to "educate .... health workers who are not doctors and nurses but are trained to diagnose and treat diseases..." Full text report, 217 p. in PDF. Pub. Nov. 2004. [KF]

Global HIV Prevention Working Group
2007 June published Bringing HIV Prevention to Scale: an Urgent Global Priority from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Other reports from 2002 to date. "The Global HIV Prevention Working Group (PWG) is an international panel of more than 50 leading public health experts, clinicians, biomedical and behavioral researchers, advocates and people affected by HIV/AIDS, convened by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation."

Global Issues That Affect Everyone
"...looks into global issues....and aims to show how most issues are inter-related." Links to related articles, reports. The Conflict in Africa section compares the response to conflicts in Africa to the response on Kosovo, examines corporate interests in Nigeria and oil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Eritrea, AIDS in Africa. Other topics: Aid is a lever to impose Structural Adjustment policies on the Third World, Myths about Aid, use of children in the military, globalization, corporations, environmental issues, population, and other issues. Maintained by Anup Shah who is based in England. [KF]

Global Oneness Project
Founded by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee. Produced a on-line film, "A Thousand Suns" on the Gamo Highlands (south - western Ethiopia) and the "unique worldview held by the people...." "It is one of the most densely populated rural regions of Africa yet its people have been farming sustainably for 10,000 years." Is critical of the Green Revolution (using chemical fertilizers / sprays; conventional vs organic agriculture) proposed by the Gates Foundation and of World Vision missionaries' beliefs re traditional culture.
Also produced A Game for Life - "Grassroot Soccer project coordinator, Nolusindiso "Titie" Plaatjie, uses soccer to educate South African youth about HIV/AIDS prevention. She describes her childhood in the poverty-stricken city of Port Elizabeth and how soccer gave her the drive to be who she is today."

Global Viral Forecasting Initiative, GVFI
Non profit seeks to prevent global pandemics before they happen and identify diseases before they spread. Monitors the transfer of viruses between humans and animals. Projects in Gabon, Madagascar, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, influenza surveillance in Cameroon; HIV screening of Cameroonian military and rubber plantation workers and other rural residents. Full text Publications online. Founded by Nathan Wolfe. Based in San Francisco, California. [KF]

Global Women's Water Initiative (Women's Earth Alliance)
NGO which trains women to become water sanitation & hygiene experts. Works in rural Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda at the household level. Their Fellows Program links women grad students and professionals with grassroots women in Africa. Partners with Global Fund for Women, Kiva, etc. Based in Berkeley, California. [KF]

Primary health programs, work with street children, "repair of home and infrastructure, clinics, schools etc., and water and sanitation" in Angola, Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe. "GOAL has been awarded the UNESCO King Sejong International Literacy Prize for 2005 in recognition of its informal female education programme in Khartoum Sudan." Has a "primary health care programme and food and non -food distribution programme in..... Darfur," [Sudan]. GOAL is an NGO established in 1977, based in Dublin, Ireland. [KF]
See also GOAL USA. Describes health work in Angola, Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe.

Graham-Silverman, Adam - Fighting AIDS in Mozambique
Slate e-magazine, four part article - 2005: May 31, June 1, June 2, June 3,. "Adam Graham-Silverman spent five weeks in Mozambique as an International Reporting Project fellow at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies."

Harvard Law School. Berkman Center for Internet & Society. Annual Review of Population Law
"...a database of summaries and excerpts of legislation, constitutions, court decisions, and other official government documents from every country in the world relating to population policies, reproductive rights and health, women's rights, HIV/AIDS and related topics." Covers from 1974 + For each country has links to abortion laws, female genital mutiliaton laws, domestic violence laws, HIV/AIDS laws. [KF]

HD Networks - Health & Development Networks
"...a non-profit organisation.....The mission of HDN is to mobilize a more effective response to HIV/AIDS and other health-and-development-related issues by improving information,... . Operates discussion groups / e-forums,. Examples: AF-AIDS Regional forum for HIV/AIDS in Africa; Gender-AIDS; Partners Uganda. Has full text publications in PDF, such as "Operational Research Agenda for Stigma and HIV/AIDS in Africa (October 2001). and "Food crisis looms again" (Sept. 2003, with statistics on loss of agricultural labor). [KF]

Heal Africa
"HEAL Africa's primary focus is to train and enable healthcare providers and activists who are engaged in community-based healing" Works in the Democratic Republic of Congo. "founded by Dr. Kasereka ("Jo") Lusi, a Christian Congolese orthopedic surgeon, and his social activist/administrator wife, Lyn." Includes training doctors, a HIV/AIDS program. Described by New York Times reporter, Nicholas D. Kristof as "an outstanding aid group with strong American connections." - NYT June 21, 2007, A25. Based in Monroe, Washington state. [KF]

HealthMap: Global disease alert map
Click on the triangles on the map of Africa to find information on recent health issues in the country. Created by two staff members at the Children's Hospital Informatics Program, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology.

HEARD, Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division
"HEARD conducts research on the socio-economic aspects of public health, especially the HIV/AIDS pandemic." It is a UNAIDS Collaborating Centre. Full text reports - Research Reports, South African statistics, HEARD Annual Reviews, Toolkits. Company Practices, Company Actions on HIV/Aids in the Durban Metropolitan area, by Gavin George (2001. 95 p. in PDF). HEARD Newsletter, Local Government Toolkit. Common Myths. Related web sites. Based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.

HighWire Press
Has many free full text articles on health in Africa . Select Search Journals and then Words Anywhere in Article for best results. Topics of full text articles found include "excellent HIV/AIDS prevention projects in Africa," food crisis in Ethiopia, change in South Africa. Serials indexed include Age and Ageing, American J. of Public Health, Annual Review of Anthropology, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, Annual Review of Political Science, Annual Review of Psychology, Annual Review of Sociology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science. "A list of journals with free issues and free trial periods -- and the timing of the release of each free issue -- can be found at:" [KF]

HINARI, Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative
Subscription service offers access to "more than 2,100 high-quality medical journals" free or at reduced prices, to public institutions in developing countries. "HINARI is coordinated by WHO [World Health Organization] on behalf of its many public and private partners."

HIV InSite - University of California, San Francisco
Very extensive site with a Sub-Saharan Africa section with African country profiles, links to full text articles. Covers social policy, statistics, etc. From the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco, CA. "All information found on the site has been selected by UCSF faculty and staff."

Högberg, Ulf - "Regional Centre for Reproductive Health Research and Training, Harare, Zimbabwe"
Subtitle: Reproductive health research, capacity building and health care improvement in eastern and southern Africa. Full text, 48 pages in PDF. Published 2002. 48 p. SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agnecy is Sweden's government development agency. Based in Stockhom, Sweden. and

Human Rights Watch - “Suffering in Silence: Human Rights Abuses and HIV Transmission to Girls in Zambia”
New York: Human Rights Watch, 2002. Full text of a 121 page report "which details sexual abuse and other human rights abuses of Zambian girls, especially girls orphaned by AIDS. The report documents many incidents of abuse of orphan girls at the hands of their guardians. Some of the girls are as young as 11 years old."

Human Rights Watch - Letting Them Fail: Government Neglect and the Right to Education for Children Affected by AIDS
" governments fail children affected by AIDS when they leave school or attempt to return." "firsthand testimony from dozens of children in three countries hard-hit by HIV/AIDS: South Africa, Kenya, and Uganda."

Humanitarian Endeavors
"Andrew Petkun is a photojournalist who takes pictures of people living with HIV/AIDS in order to capture their common humanity, and increase awareness and support to fight the disease." "attention must be refocused to give the HIV/AIDS virus the most universally understandable clarity possible; to humanize and individualize the statistics by showing the faces and telling the personal stories of some of those who've been affected by HIV/AIDS..." Also photos of Rwanda. Based in Yorktown Heights, New York.

Hunter, Susan and John Williamson - "Children on the Brink 2000: Strategies to Support a Generation Isolated by HIV / AIDS"
In PDF. 64 pp. Produced by Health Technical Services Project, Arlington, VA for USAID. Includes statistical tables on the demographic impact in Africa and of orphan estimates in selected African countries. On USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse site.

IDASA, Institute for Democracy in South Africa - HIV/AIDS
On the implications of HIV/AIDS for democracy in Southern Africa and elsewhere. Articles, case studies. Governance and AIDS. Links to related sites. "Idasa is an independent public interest organisation committed to promoting sustainable democracy based on active citizenship, democratic institutions, and social justice." Based in Cape Town and Pretoria, South Africa.
Case studies include Parliament, Politics and AIDS: The Cases of South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya; Citizens find ways to deal with HIV/AIDS and Unemployment.

Ife Psychologia (Ile-Ife, Nigeria)
Published by Ife Centre for Psychological Studies. Tables of contents and abstracts of articles. Photocopies of articles can be ordered.

Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (Pietermaritzburg, South Africa)
Published by New Dawn Publishers, Pietermaritzburg. Full text abstracts free. Full text articles require subscription. Libraries pay $30 for 2 issues per year. See also the African Journals Online site.

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Centre de Dakar [Senegal]. Prise en charge du sida en Afrique UR036 Sénégal
In French (some text in English). Citations to books, journal articles, reports, some online. [KF]
Has for example:

  • Field assessment of generic antiretroviral drugs: a prospective cohort study in Cameroon. Antiviral Therapy 2005; 10(2): 335-341. In PDF.
  • Childhood mortality and probable causes of death using verbal autopsy in Niakhar, Senegal, 1989-2000. International Journal of Epidemiology, December 1, 2004. Some university libraries will have access through their journal subscription.
  • Commercial logging and the HIV epidemic, rural Equatorial Africa. Emerg Infect Dis, 2004, Vol. 10, n° 11, pp. 1953-1956.
  • Prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and risk behaviours in unregistered sex workers in Dakar, Senegal. AIDS, 2003,17:1811 –1816. 6 p. In PDF.
  • La réponse des professionnels de santé face à l'infection par le VIH, dans les région hors de Dakar, document de travail, IRD, 19 p. In PDF.


Institut Pasteur de Madagascar
In French. "L'Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (IPM) aujourd'hui est un important Centre de Recherche Biomédicale. Ses domaines d'activité sont essentiellement la biologie médicale, la microbiologie et l'épidémiologie appliquée aux maladies infectieuses transmissibles." History of the Institute from the 19th century includes early photographs. Full text of Atlas évolutif du paludisme à Madagascar (malaria) and of Atlas de la peste à Madagascar (plague). Based in Antananarivo, Madagascar.

Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (Nairobi) - Health Policy Briefs
" independent, indigenous and non-partisan private organisation." Provides public policy analysis. Full text Policy Briefs, abstracts or full text (in .zip form) for Discussion Papers and Occasional Papers. Topics include health care, interest rates, poverty reduction, education, marketing maize, etc.

International AIDS Society
"Founded in 1988, the IAS is the world’s largest association of HIV professionals, with members in more than 170 countries." Has previous annual conferences. Based in Geneva, Switzerland.

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, IAVI
"The UVRI/IAVI HIV Vaccine program ...... is one of the many sites in the development of an HIV Vaccine where volunteers can participate in a trial." Has the full text of the Uganda Guidelines for AIDS Vaccine Research and its newsletter, Uganda AIDS Vaccine Update. Based at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Entebbe, Uganda. [KF]

International Family Planning Perspectives
JSTOR provides, for members only (many universities are members) the full text of International Family Planning Perspectives 1975-1995, Vol. 1-21. This is a "peer-reviewed journal containing research devoted to Africa, Asia and Latin America."

International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies
Has a directory of offices and situation reports for various African countries. Has situation reports and news stories for African countries.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. 5th Pan African Conference, September 21-25, 2000, Ougadougou, Burkina Faso
In English and French. "HIV/AIDS has emerged as the priority public health issue for many National Societies." The second main theme is food security. Links to the page of the African Red Cross & Red Crescent Health Initiative 2010.

International Labour Organization. HIV/AIDS and the World of Work
Links to full text reports:

  • Action against HIV/AIDS in Africa
  • Special High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work, Geneva, 8 June 2000
  • Platform of Action on HIV/AIDS in the context of the world of work in Africa. (Windhoek, Namibia, October 1999).

International Medical Corps - Democratic Republic of the Congo Reports
Nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonsectarian org. "established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses," "focuses on the delivery of community-based primary health care." Works in many African countries. In August 2010 they reported on mass sexual violence perpetrated in the eastern Congo. Based in Santa Monica, California. [KF]

International Women’s Media Foundation - Maisha Yetu Project
Project to assist African newspapers and radio in reporting on HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria.Deadline for Health: The Media's Response to Covering HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria in Africa. Pub. 2004 by the International Women’s Media Foundation (Washington D.C.) and the African Women’s Media Center (Dakar, Senegal). 36 p. in PDF.
and the followup study Writing for Our Lives: How the Maisha Yetu project Changed Health Coverage in Africa. Pub. 2006. 124 pages in PDF.

International Women’s Summit on HIV and AIDS, Nairobi, Kenya, July 4-7, 2007
Includes video, podcasts, transcripts of sessions.

IRIN Plus News - HIV / AIDS News Service
Current HIV / AIDS news, country profiles, treatment maps, poster AIDS campaigns, conferences, events, courses, special reports, jobs. IRIN is the United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks, from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Johns Hopkins University. Bloomberg School of Public Health. Center for Communication Programs
Research on communication for behavior change and health promotion. Programs in Africa. Produces pamphlets, posters, t-shirts, etc. on public health issues. Many full text articles in Adobe pdf on family planning such as: Stop AIDS Love Life in Ghana “Shatters the Silence”; Contraceptive use among high school students in Kenya; The Nigeria Family Planning Facility Census; The impact of multimedia family planning promotion on the contraceptive behavior of women in Tanzania; focus-group research for family planning: lessons learned in Sub-Saharan Africa; "Using focus-group discussions to explore the role of women's groups (tontines) in family-planning information dissemination in Yaounde, Cameroon;" Male Motivation Material; Women’s Empowerment Gains in Nigeria; Définir les Voies pour la Prévention du VIH/SIDA au Rwanda: Leçons Apprises sur les Aspects Comportementaux. Based in Baltimore, Maryland.[KF]

Justice Africa. HIV/AIDS Papers
Articles (citations to or full text) on HIV / AIDS and governance by Alex de Waal. Part of the GAIN project. Justice Africa has programs on civil society response to HIV/AIDS and the social aspects of AIDS. [KF] "Justice Africa is a research institute and advocacy organisation founded in 1999 in London to campaign for human rights and social justice across Africa."

Kenya AIDS NGO Consortium, KANCO
A "national membership network of NGOs, CBOs and Faith Based Organizations involved or [with an] interest in HIV & AIDS activities in Kenya." Membership list. Register to join the discussion forum. Based in Nairobi.

Kenya. Ministry of Health

[Kenya] Open Kenya (Transparent Africa)
"...public government data .... High quality national census data, government expenditure, parliamentary proceedings and public service locations ...... maps....interactive charts and tables .... raw data for technical users to build their own apps and analyses." Health, poverty rate, education, electricity, development projects, urbanization, employment, land ownership, sanitation, population, age groups, parcels under irrigation, credit borrowing, child nutrition, crop farming, housing, disability, county statistics. Download datasets. Tech tools, apps for your own data. [KF]

Kisangani Medical (University of Kisangani, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy)
In French. Online open access peer reviewed medical journal.
Has a directory of Health Sector Organizations. The HIV/AIDS Sector has a large database of articles, esp. on Zimbabwe. You can also search the huge Kubatana site using Google. Put in the Google search box for example - hiv/aids musicians site: to find articles on musicians and AIDS awareness. The Kubatana Trust of Zimbabwe, incorporating the NGO Network Alliance Project (NNAP) works in human rights and Zimbabwe civil society.

Lariam Page
Information on the possible serious side effects from the anti-malarial drug, Lariam, also called Mefloquine. Page by Sheldon Johnston.

Lawyers for Human Rights
NGO begun in 1979. Offices throughout South Africa. Works on Child Rights, HIV/AIDS, Penal Reform, Strategic Litigation Unit, Southern Africa Legal Cluster Assistance Project, Refugee and Migrant Rights Project, Security of Farm Workers, Rural Justice.

Lea Toto (Nairobi, Kenya)
"...a community based outreach program providing services to families and children who are HIV positive in Kangemi, a slum area located in West Nairobi, Kenya." "The program is part of Nyumbani, the first hospice for HIV+ orphans in Kenya."

Levine, Ruth - Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health
By Ruth Levine and the What Works Working Group, with Molly Kinder. (Washington, DC : Center for Global Development, 2004. 167 p.) Full text book online. Seventeen case studies (Sub-Saharan Africa included) "in which large-scale efforts to improve health in developing countries have succeeded - saving millions of lives"

[Lewis] Stephen Lewis Foundation
"...funds community-based initiatives in Africa" especially assisting women and children and people living with HIV/AIDS. Includes Grandmothers' Groups which liaise with grandmothers caring for orphans in Africa. Lewis was Canada's Ambassador to the U.N. and is the U.N. Secretary-General's Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa. [KF]

Library of Congress.Coronavirus Web Archive
Global Social Responses to Covid-19 - Sub-Saharan Africa
Collected by: Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation.  Documents regional, social responses to the pandemic.

A Little Bit of Love
AIDS / HIV awareness campaign by Ugandan musicians. Video and documentary produced by Scott Hatfield. The U.S. Military HIV Research Program site has the lyrics to A Little Bit of Love, created by over 30 Ugandan music artists for HIV education. See also the YouTube video. Artists include Juliana Kanyomozi. The song/video was commissioned by the Makerere University-Walter Reed Project ( a non-governmental, non-profit HIV research program established in 2002. A 20 minute documentary about the making of the song/video was created. [KF]

Living Goods
" of door-to-door Health Promoters who make a modest income selling essential health products at prices affordable to the poor." Focus is on malaria, diarrhoeal disease, worms, and TB. Priority geographic targets are Tanzania, Mozambique, Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana and India. Partners with the Uganda Ministry of Health and the Poverty Action Lab. Based in San Francisco, California.

Local Films
"...a grassroots production company that partners with international humanitarian organizations to empower communities through film." Films are co-directed by community members. View the films from the web site. From Botswana, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. Topics, how children view the impact of AIDS, Tanzania children, lives of AIDS orphaned children in Zimbabwe as co-directed and narrated by themselves, problems in the change from a nomadic to sedentary life in a Kenyan village. [KF]

Lubuto Library Project
Creates libraries to serve Africa's street kids and other vulnerable children. Gives "street children the opportunity for non-formal education, improving literacy, language skills, general knowledge and participation in society." Video (aimed at K-12 students) on street children and the impact of HIV/AIDS. Photographs. Based in Washington, D.C. Regional office in Lusaka, Zambia. [KF]

Lutaaya, Philly
Site honoring the Uganda musician who courageously acknowledged his illness from AIDS to save other Ugandans. Includes an audio clip from Philly Bongole Lutaaya's "Voices are Crying." Maintained by the the Open Vision Youth Club of Entebbe. [KF]

Malaria and Infectious Diseases in Africa
In English and French. A half-yearly publication edited by SmithKline Beecham. Has abstracts of the articles and links to information and discussion lists on malaria, tropical diseases and health in Africa. It is part of the Tropical Diseases Web Ring which has related sites on Africa.

Malaria Foundation
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Mary R. Galinski, a scientist conducting research on malaria at New York University School of Medicine.

Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organisations, MANASO
"...a national networking and coordinating body for AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) established in 1996 in Malawi and exists to contribute towards the reduction of HIV/AIDS" Includes a directory of member organisations with address / contact person. Based in Blantyre, Malawi. Information on the organization is at

Malawi Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, MANET +
"MANET+ exists to improve the quality of life for people living with HIV and AIDS..." Has a directory of over 100 Malawi member organisations. Funded by the Malawi Government, U.S. and international organizations. Based in Lilongwe, Malawi. [KF]

Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa MARA / ARMA
Founded by African scientists to map malaria risk in Africa through collection of published and unpublished malaria data. and through spatial modelling of malaria distribution, seasonality and endemicity. Full text report, bibliography. Continent and country maps (in .zip format) for country, population density, etc. Data sold on cd-roms (includes a continental population distribution map, administrative boundaries, monthly mean rainfall and temperature data for Africa for 1951 to 1995). Free Excel spreadsheets of entomological inoculation rates. [KF]

Mauritius. Ministry of Health
Full text documents (acts, reports, white papers, national plans), health statistics. Hosts the Mauritius Institute of Health (its training and research arm).

Medact - Health Brain Drain
Articles, full text reports such as The International Migration of Health Workers: A Human Rights Analysis (2005, in PDF). "Medact is a global health charity tackling issues at the centre of international policy debates." Based in London. [KF]
See also:

Also Effects of the Brain Drain.

Medical and Dental Consultants' Association of Nigeria
Publishes the Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice; has earlier full text articles online. Articles from the journal can be ordered after payment from AJOL. The Assoc.'s origins are from the Association of Clinical Teachers in Nigerian University Teaching Hospitals in the early 1980s. Directory of members. Based in Nnewi, Nigeria. [KF]

Medilinks: the Gateway to Health Information for Africa
Health news (esp. HIV, malaria), health topics (statistics, diseases, child health, nutrition & food security, etc.). Find information by disease or country. Links to related sites. "an online source of accurate, relevant, concise medical and health related information for Africa. It is aimed at doctors, healthcare professionals, policy and decision makers in health related fields....." Site maintained by Dr. John Kiwanuka Ssemakula and Dayo Ogunyemi. [KF]

MEDLINE - Pub Med. U.S. National Library of Medicine
Through PubMed, search, for free, MEDLINE, the National Library of Medicine's database of over 8 million citations to articles in 3,800 biomedical journals on medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care. The journals are published in the U.S. and 70 other countries. Citations date back to 1966.
If you are looking for citations on HIV/AIDS, you may come across this title in PubMed, AIDS Anal Afr. This is the abbreviation for the journal, AIDS Analysis Africa (London).

Miles, M - Disability & Social Responses in Some Southern African Nations
Subtitle: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, D.R. Congo (ex Zaire), Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. A partially annotated bibliography, with c. 1,400 items, covering monographs, journal articles, chapters of larger works, dissertations, theses, government publications, conference papers. Has a section on Historical Material Across Sub-Saharan Africa. For additional citations to, mainly medical articles, see CIRRIE's Database, which can be searched by individual African country, by topic, title, and author. Hosted on the site of the Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange, based at the State University of New York, Buffalo, New York. [KF]

Mots Pluriels
The June 1997 issue of this electronic journal is a special issue on AIDS [in literature and culture, in Africa and elsewhere]. Articles include - Four Short Novels from Africa dealing with HIV/AIDS, The Emergence of a Non-Government Response to AIDS, Imagining Positive Geographies: French AIDS writing in the 1990s..., Ouvrages littéraires en français traitant du Sida: Une bibliographie succinte.

Mountain Voices
A rich resource. "interviews with over 300 people who live in mountain and highland regions round the world. Their testimonies offer a personal perspective on change and development." To access the interviews, one needs to register and fill out a questionnaire. Interviews from Lesotho, Kenya, Ethiopia, gathered by the Oral Testimony Programme of the Panos Institute. Topics discussed include agriculture, community, conflict, culture, development, economics, education, employment, environment, family life, festivals, food security, forestry, gender, health, history, identity, industry, crime, land, migration, politics, spiritual beliefs, tourism, etc. [KF]

National Academic Digital Repository of Ethiopia
Research from Ethiopian academic institutions. As of 2022 mainly technical, health, science, business research.  Includes Journal Articles, Conference and Workshop Papers, Datasets, theses.

National Academies Press
Offers many free full text books online such as Supporting Local Health Care in a Chronic Crisis: Management and Financing Approaches in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (Pub. 2006, 105 pages in PDF.) Must register (for free) to download. Based in Washington, D.C. [KF]

National Intelligence Council - "The Next Wave of HIV/AIDS: Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, India, and China"
Full text, 2002. 32 pages. "Prepared under the auspices of David F. Gordon, formerly National Intelligence Officer for Economics and Global Issues." On the website of the Federation of American Scientists. Report prepared for the National Intelligence Council which reports to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
"This Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) highlights the rising HIV/AIDS problem through 2010 in five countries of strategic importance to the United States that have large populations at risk for HIV infection: Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, India, and China.....The five countries were selected because they are:

  • Among the world’s most populous countries, together representing over 40 percent of the world population.
  • In the early-to-mid-stages of an HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  • Led by governments that have not yet given the issue the sustained high priority that has been key to stemming the tide of the disease in other countries."

The report expresses concern that HIV/AIDS could affect the military, political, economic and social structure of these countries.

National Univerisity of Rwanda. School of Public Health
In French and English. The School provides a public health post graduate program at the University of Rwanda (NUR).

Nelson Mandela/HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS Household Survey 2002
The full text is online. Published 2002. 135 p. in Adobe pdf. Study of 9,963 South Africans shows 11 per cent are HIV positive. Topics include - National prevalence, Provincial prevalence, Locality-type prevalence, Age group prevalence, Sex, race and HIV prevalence, HIV prevalence and socio-economic status. Perceptions about political leadership, resource allocation and antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, Behavioural risks, Mass media and communication, HIV/AIDS communication, knowledge and awareness, Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support.

New England Journal of Medicine (Vol. 337, No. 12, September 18, 1997)
This issue has articles on the use of placebos in HIV clinical trials in Africa and other developing countries. Editorials: The Ethics of Clinical Research in the Third World and The Double Burden of HIV Infection and Tuberculosis in Sub-Saharan Africa. There is an article by Drs. Sidney Wolfe and Peter Lurie, Unethical Trials of Interventions to Reduce Perinatal Transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Developing Countries. For citations to related articles, search MEDLINE.

Nigeria (Lagos, Nigeria)
An NGO, covers West Africa as well. Has full text reports, a discussion list, Aids in Nigeria, monthly bulletin, AIDS News Service, AIDS in West Africa by country with statistics, the full text of the HIV/AIDS Emergency Action Plan (HEAP). Maintained by Journalists Against AIDS (JAAIDS) Nigeria. [KF]
Other full text publications:

  • "Slow Progress: An analysis of policies, implementation and action on HIV/AIDS care and treatment in Nigeria"
  • "Beyond the Shadows: Unmasking HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination in Nigeria"

Nigeria Centre for Disease Control
Reports, disease charts/statistics, videos, covid information, etc. Based in Abuja, Nigeria.

Nigeria Health Watch
Critiques by public health doctors, Ike Anya and Chikwe Ihekweazu, on public health issues in Nigeria. Links to Nigerian health sites.

[Nigeria] National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, NAFDAC
"...a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Health, with the mandate to regulate and control quality standards for Foods, drugs, Cosmetics, Medical Devices, Chemicals, Detergents and packaged water imported, manufactured locally and distributed in Nigeria." Publishes NAFDAC News. Based in Abuja, Nigeria.

Nigerian Medical Association
The NMA has over 35,000 members (medical and dental practitioners) from 36 state branches and the branch from the Federal capital Territory. History of the NMA founded in the 1950s. Publishes the Nigerian Medical Journal (table of contents, download an article, Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta: a Case Study in Hospital Management). Directory of branches and affiliates. Based in Lagos, Nigeria. [KF]

Northwestern University. Communities Uniting to Confront HIV/AIDS in Africa
Exhibition of posters, dolls, pamphlets, tapestries, t-shirts used for HIV AIDS education.

Northwestern University Library - World AIDS Day 2006 Video
Video (3 minutes) of HIV/AIDS education posters from the collection of the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies, Northwestern University. The posters "documents the efforts of African governments and private organizations to promote public awareness regarding HIV & AIDS."

Nyumbani Orphanage
Orphanage, near Nairobi, founded by an American Jesuit doctor, for children who are HIV positive. See also Friends of Nyumbani. Articles: EV World 2006 article; Independent Catholic News article, Feb. 2006.

OER Africa
Promotes Open Educational [free] Resources (OER) "across all education sectors on the African continent." Includes course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software. Established by the South African Institute for Distance Education, Saide.
Resources for agriculture, health, teacher education. Includes Moodle (course management software). Partners - University of Michigan, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), the University of Ghana (UG), the University of Cape Town (UCT), the University of the Western Cape (UWC)

Ohio University. Institute for the African Child
Established by Ohio University in 1998 to promote the welfare of African children through conferences, fellowships, collaborative research and teaching. Has full text conference papers, bibliography of journal articles with abstracts, a teach-in report, text of the 1997 Africa Charter on Children's Broadcasting .

Organisation de Coordination pour la lutte contre les End?mies en Afrique Centrale, OCEAC
In French. Programme Prévention VIH-SIDA en Afrique Centrale (PPSAC). Information on the Laboratoire de Paludologie research, the Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Trypanosomiase, and the Centre Inter-Etats d'Enseignement Supérieur en Santé Publique d'Afrique Centrale. Based in Yaounde. [KF]

Organization of African Traditional Healers, OATH
"A Non-Profit Religious Organization for the promotion of African Traditional Religions." "Those Traditional Religions of (largely) West Africa and the diaspora, include (but are not limited to) Yeveh Vodoun, Mami Wata, Ifa'Orisha, Palo Mayombe, Asante, Akan, Candomble, Lucumi, Haitian Vodou, New America Vodou and Afro-Santeria." The Founder & President is Mamaissii Vivian Dansi Hounon, M.Ed. Based in Martinez, Georgia, US.

Orphans Against AIDS
Provides educational funding for orphans. Ghana (elementary school in the Buduburam refugee camp), Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uganda. There are no administrative costs; volunteers pay for all administrative and travel expenses.Founded by Andrew Klaber. Based in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. [KF]

Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation
"Pangaea has special expertise in the development and execution of sustainable national treatment strategies for HIV/AIDS..." Founded 2001, involved in "Creating national government HIV/AIDS treatment plans; Establishing treatment programs and clinical services for public and private entities at the national, regional and local levels" Partnered with the Clinton Foundation and worked with health ministries in South Africa and Rwanda; created a model clinic and training center at Makerere University, Uganda. Based in San Francisco, California.

Panos Institute
"Panos’ job is to make the immensely complex issues facing developing countries accessible and understandable..." Full text reports - "Birth Rights: New Approaches to Safe Motherhood" 50 pages; Ethiopia’s ‘Mercenary Fight’ Against AIDS, etc. "The greatest risk of maternal death is faced by women in sub-Saharan Africa. The tragedy is that almost every one of these deaths is avoidable." Panos Pictures sells high resolution photographs. Based in London. [KF]

Panos Institute - HIV / AIDS Program
Full text reports - Combat Aids - HIV and the World's Armed Forces (2002, 65 p.). Based in London.

Partners in Health
Developed a model of community-based care used successfully to treat drug resistant TB and deliver antiretroviral therapy for AIDS in developing countries. Works in Rwanda, Lesotho. PIH first began in Haiti with co-founder Dr. Paul Farmer. Based in Boston, Massachusetts. [KF]

Pathfinder International (Watertown, Massachusetts)
Non-profit founded in the 1920s. "supports family planning and reproductive health initiatives in 37 countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia and the Near East." Full text articles on Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, with photographs, statistics.
Full text publications on HIV/AIDS include HIV/AIDS Fact Sheets (8 African countries); Mapping of Community Home-Based Care Services in Five Regions of the Tanzania Mainland, 2006; Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya: Pathfinder International’s Experience: 2002-2005.

Pendulum Project (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
A non-profit involved in the care of orphans and other vulnerable children in regions severely affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. See a video which includes an interview with Vice President Justin Malewezi of Malawi (requires sound card, speakers or headset). [KF]

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)
PHR "mobilizes the health professions and enlists support from the general public to protect and promote the human rights of all people." Has an AIDS campaign, Sudan / Darfur campaign. Full text reports such as Epidemic of Inequality: Women's Rights and HIV/AIDS in Botswana & Swaziland and War-related Sexual Violence in Sierra Leone. Based in Boston, Massachusetts. [KF]

Plus News - Global HIV/AIDS news and analysis
Current news on HIV / AIDS from "IRIN, the humanitarian news and analysis service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations or its Member States." In-depth reports such as "At the Cutting edge - male circumcision and HIV," "In the wake of the LRA: HIV in Uganda and Sudan" etc. Brief country profiles,
Fact Files

Population Communications International (New York)
"Founded in 1985, ...strives to stabilize population growth rates and preserve the earth's resources." "Through the emotional power of radio and television, PCI's programs inform, educate, and motivate people." Programs cover Population and Development, Sexual and Reproductive Health, and the Environment in Africa (Kenya, Madagascar, Namibia, Tanzania). Their radio soap operas in Kenya and other African countries have "markedly increased HIV prevention behavior among the program's listeners." [KF]
See article on them in the Christian Science Monitor, August 21, 2000 "A Kenyan 'Guiding Light' with Moral Lessons" by Mike Crawley.

Population Council
Extensive program in Africa. Use the Search to locate full text reports on female genital cutting, family planning, reproductive health, children affected by AIDS, the sexual health needs of men who have sex with men, etc. The Council was established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd. Based in New York city. [KF]
Full text Working Papers such as:

  • 2004, No. 191. Bridging the gap between evidence-based innovation and national health-sector reform in Ghana.
  • 2004, No. 190. Socioeconomic disadvantage and unsafe sexual behaviors among young women and men in South Africa
  • 2003. NO. 182. Consistency in the reporting of sexual behavior among adolescent girls in Kenya: A comparison of interviewing methods.
  • 2003. NO. 180. The Ghana community-based health planning and services initiative: Fostering evidence-based organizational change and development in a resource-constrained setting.
  • 2003. No. 178. Women's denial of having experienced female genital cutting in northern Ghana: Explanatory factors and consequences for analysis of survey data.
  • 2003. No. 175. Evidence-based development of health and family planning programs in Bangladesh and Ghana.

Population Index on the Web
Retrieve citations to articles, book chapters, books, government documents, dissertations through a keyword search.  The online database covers all issues of Population Index from 1986-2000 and a broad range of subjects: women's issues, fertility, migration, child mortality, economic development and population, nutrition and health, urban and rural spatial distribution.  The Index is published by Princeton University's Office of Population Research.

ProMED - Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases
Very current, daily reports. A global electronic reporting system on "threats to human, animal, and food plant health around the world." It is an official program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases.

"The Mission of PROMETRA International is to promote and protect traditional medicine and indigenous science." Operates CEMETRA, a medical research and treatment complex. Has study tours to Benin and Togo. Visit to the Door of Return Museum in Benin (for the victims of slavery). National chapters in Africa and the U.S. Based in Dakar, Senegal. [KF]

Psychopathologie africaine (Dakar, Senegal)
In French. "Launched in 1965 by the Société de Psychopathologie et d’Hygiène mentale de Dakar, Psychopathologie africaine seeks to collect and make known works related to psychiatry, psychopathology and mental health in Africa." Table of contents. Full text of a bibliography, Vingt ans de travaux a la clinique psychiatrique de Fann-Dakar, by René COLLIGNON. (161 p. in PDF). Information on mental health conferences held in Dakar and the text of mental health legislation. [KF]

Public Health - Africa
Annotated directory of health sites on Africa including individual countries. Part of the WWW Virtual Library-Public Health. Formerly maintained by Dr. Eberhard Wenzel. Now maintained by the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

PubMed Central
Has full text articles on traditional healers, TB, HIV in South Africa, etc. Use PubMed to locate articles in PubMed Central. Journals include the British Medical Journal, National Academy of Sciences Proceedings. Site from the U.S. National Institute of Health.

Rap 21 - Reporting on HIV / AIDS
About how the African media report on HIV/AIDS. "RAP 21 is an electronic network for the African press, .... " Launched by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN).

"(RED) was created by Bono and Bobby Shriver, Chairman of DATA to raise awareness and money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria." A percentage of each (PRODUCT) RED product sold is given to The Global Fund. The money helps women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa." Participants include American Express, Armani, Converse, Gap and Motorola. (New York Times article, Oct. 4, 2006, by Louise Story "Want to help treat AIDS in Africa? Buy a Cellphone")

Reproductive Health Outlook, RHO
For each health topic (Adolescent Reproductive Health, Cervical Cancer Prevention, Contraceptive Methods, Family Planning Program Issues, Gender and Sexual Health, Harmful Health Practices, HIV/AIDS, Infertility, Men and Reproductive Health, Older Women, Refugee Reproductive Health, Reproductive Tract Infections, Safe Motherhood) has bibliographies with citations and abstracts to articles on Africa (West, East, Southern). Describes their programs in Africa. RHO is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Site maintained by Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), based in Seattle, WA.

Reseau africain de recherche sur le SIDA, RARS
Site has closed. In French. "ONG a but non lucratif, le Reseau est une structure scientifique multidisciplinaire a laquelle l'adhesion est ouverte a toutes les personnes oeuvrant dans les domaines des sciences biomedicales, sociales et comportementales liees au VIH/SIDA et aux MST." The full text of VIH/Sida et Droits de l'Homme en milieu médical sénégalais, by par Félix Atchadé et Ann Spencer (68 pages in PDF) has moved to another site. Has an international council and directory. Its Centre d'Information et de Documentation produces bibliographies and an online list of periodicals received. Based in Dakar, Senegal. [KF]

Reseau senegalais "Droit, ethique, sante"
In French. Academic site on law and ethics as they relate to health issues. Full text papers, in PDF, from a Colloque de l’animation régionale du Réseau "Droit de la Santé", Dakar, 29-31 mars 2005. A full text Mémoire by Tohouégnon Opportin Félix Atchadé, "Les Médicaments Non Utilisés : Quelle place dans la stratégie d’accès aux médicaments ?" Information on academic programs. Lists of Mémoires, and theses, and more.

Roll Back Malaria
Sponsored by the World Health Organization.

Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (Banjul, the Gambia)
Built in the 1890s by the British, it is the teaching hospital for the University of the Gambia. Annual report, photographs, ways to donate to the hospital. [KF]

RTI International - Research Triangle Park International - HIV / AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Research and Programs
"...links to all NIH, USAID, CDC grants supporting the development or testing of HIV/AIDS drugs, TB research, malaria research "; "links to HIV/AIDS programs, TB research, malaria research in Sub Saharan Africa supported by the international community"; "links to HIV/AIDS programs, TB research, malaria research in Sub Saharan Africa supported by major corporations, international non-profit organizations". Based at Research Triangle Park International, North Carolina.
Country Profiles provide statistics, health policy, health facilities, research institutions, key funders, future plans.

Sahara, Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS (Cape Town)
Published by the SAMA Health and Medical Publishing Group. Full text abstracts online.

Sahara Resource Network. Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance (SAHARA)
Research reports (full text in pdf), HIV/AIDS social aspects, HIV/AIDS statistics, the SAHARA J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS (abstracts free only, full content requires a subscription). Based in Cape Town, South Africa.
Research reports includes - Impact of HIV on the Health sector, HIV/AIDS Prevalence Among South African Health Workers, Nelson Mandela/HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS in the SADC region, HIV/AIDS/STD knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours in a rural South African adult population, Evaluation of Soul City School and Mass Media Life Skills Education. [KF] See also Sahara, Bureau Regional de Dakar. In French and English. Based at the Université Cheikh Anta Diop. Includes statistics.

SARA, Support for Analysis and Research in Africa
Project to improve policies and programs in health and basic education in Africa. Has a list of publications for sale and some full-text reports on child survival, malaria control, male involvement in family planning, AIDS, education, etc.

Satellife, Healthnet
A non-profit based in Massachusetts, which provides an electronic network for health professionals in Africa and other countries. Has 16 locations in Africa. Their services include e-mail, discussion forums, publications, exchange programs.

Science, May 25, 2006 - Chimpanzee Reservoirs of Pandemic and Nonpandemic HIV-1
Study links a chimpanzee virus with the virus which causes HIV / AIDS. Published in Science magazine, May 25, 2006, 10.1126/science.1126531. By Brandon F. Keele,1 Fran Van Heuverswyn,2 Yingying Li,1 Elizabeth Bailes,3 Jun Takehisa,1 Mario L. Santiago,1* Frederic Bibollet-Ruche,1 Yalu Chen,1 Louise V. Wain,3 Florian Liegeois,2 Severin Loul,4 Eitel Mpoudi Ngole,4 Yanga Bienvenue,4 Eric Delaporte,2 John F. Y. Brookfield,3 Paul M. Sharp,3 George M. Shaw,1,5 Martine Peeters,2 Beatrice H. Hahn1. Full text in PDF (8 p.) and Supplementary material.
See also the BBC News, May 25, 2006 and New York Times, "Scientists Trace Link Between Chimp Virus and H.I.V." May 26, 2006, A3.

Shaan (E-zine on Gender and Human Rights)
Electronic magazine published by Inter Press Service (IPS), in cooperation with the United Nations Development Fund for Women. Personal accounts of how AIDS affects women, profiles of women activists. (UNIFEM

Sharp, Lesley A. - The Possessed and the Dispossessed: Spirits, Identity, and Power in a Madagascar Migrant Town, 1993
Full text of the book published by the University of California Press (Berkeley). "...portrait of......urban community in Madagascar emphasizes the role of spirit medium healers,...These women... are far from powerless among the peasants and migrant laborers who work the land in this plantation economy."

Society for Women and AIDS in Africa
"Created in 1988, SWAA is a pioneering Pan African non-profit, non-governmental women’s organization." "SWAA’s mission is to advocate on behalf of women, children and families in the fight against HIV/AIDS..." Based in Accra, Ghana. [KF]

Solidarité Médicale Bourbonnais Sénégal
In French. A French-Senegalese association to provide medical assistance to rural communities in Senegal. Information on the project and a "Compte-rendu du voyage effectu? du 21 au 28 novembre 1997", par Dr Alain Br?ant et Laurent Plesse. Includes an appeal regarding famine aid and health information for travelers to Senegal.

[Somaliland] Edna Adan Maternity Hospital (Hargeisa, Somaliland)
A non-profit community hospital for the Republic of Somaliland. "The idea of building the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital was conceived because Somali women and children have the highest maternal and child mortality rate in the world." Has a nursing school. Includes photographs.
See also: Edna Maternity Hospital (Hargeisa, Somaliland)"The new hospital was conceived by Edna Adan Ismail, a former World Health Organization representative in Djibouti, who is the principal donor." The project seeks to train Somalis as nurses and midwives. Has project document, board of trustees list, etc.

SOMA-Net, the Social Science and Medicine Africa Network (Nairobi, Kenya)
"...a network of Scientists, Institutions and Agencies working in Health and Social Sciences in Africa." Reports on health sciences in higher education, the HIV / AIDS youth project, list of contacts. [KF]

Soul Beat Africa. Communication for Change
Find full text reports on using radio, TV, newspapers, edutainment, films, information technology, other media to promote health, education. " Find programmes, activities and projects relevant to your work thru the Programme Experiences database. Has a directory of e-newsletters and journals. Its Resource Mobilisation is a directory of funding, grant sources. Links to related sites. Soul Beat is a partnership between The Royal Netherlands Embassy, Development Cooperation Ireland, European Union, DFID, and BP" and others. [KF]

Stanford University - Initiative Against Malaria
Organized by Stanford University students, the "Initiative Against Malaria serves to raise awareness of the global malaria epidemic on an ongoing basis within the Stanford University community." Based in Palo Alto, California.

Stanford University - International Health at Stanford
Information about faculty, students doing work in international health, courses, annual conference.

Straight Talk Foundation (Kampala, Uganda)
Produces newspapers, radio shows, newsletter, workshops on reproductive health, safe sex practices, sexuality for children and young adults in Uganda. Publishes Young Talk and Straight Talk, their newspapers. [KF]

Strategies for Hope
In English and French. Produces relatively inexpensive books, videos, a training package, Stepping Stones, for community-based approaches to HIV prevention, care and support, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Begun in 1989. Based in Oxford, U.K.

Support for International Change, SIC
NGO (501(c)(3) to limit the impact of HIV/AIDS in underserved communities and to train future leaders in international health and development. Volunteers from US universities go to Tanzania to work on HIV AIDS education. "We currently work in close to 100 villages within Arusha and Manyara Regions in Tanzania" Curriculum documents, teaching manuals, etc. Offices in Los Angeles, Arusha, Tanzania and the UK.. Founded by a Stanford University medical student in 2002 as Students for International Change.

[Swaziland] National Emergency Response Council on HIV/AIDS, NERCHA
"NERCHA is mandated by the Swaziland government to coordinate and facilitate the national mulitsectoral response to HIV/AIDS." Full text reports such as SECOND NATIONAL MULTISECTORAL HIV AND AIDS STRATEGIC PLAN 2006 – 2008 and What is Driving the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Swaziland and What Can We Do About It? NERCHA sponsors the Young Heroes web site about orphans from AIDS.

Tanzania Commission for AIDS, TACAIDS
TACAIDS was established 2001by Tanzania's Parliament "to provide strategic leadership and to coordinate and strengthen efforts of all stakeholders involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS." Full text documents in English and Swahili, such as a 28 page Tanzania Atlas of HIV/AIDS Indicators 2003-2004.

Tanzania Education, TanEdu
An educational portal for Tanzanians, managed by Tanzania Education and Information Services Trust (TanEdu). Offers practical information for teachers, students, parents. Has a directory of higher education institutions, database of secondary schools, ICT in rural Tanzania, examination results, school calendar, and more. Based in Dar es Salaam.
Full text of - Tanzania National Policy on HIV / AIDS. 2001. 45 p. in PDF.

Free culturally tailored tutorials. "interdisciplinary team of researchers from the fields of education, public health, communications, HCI, and medicine have been working together to develop pedagogically grounded, research-based, rich-media applications to promote HIV/AIDS prevention" Works in Benin, Botswana, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania. Tutorial in Kinyarwanda. A founder and CEO Piyar Sorcar was named by MIT one of its Innovators under 35. Based at Stanford University.

Thomsen, Sarah - Tell me more? Children’s Rights and Sexuality in the Context of HIV/AIDS in Africa
Published by Save the Children Sweden, 2007. 64 pages in PDF. On the web site of the Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN).

Traditional Healer Organization for Africa (THO)
Operates in 10 Southern African countries with regional offices in Swaziland and South Africa.Contact: Hugo Van Damme, Project Coordinator. Email:

Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation for Africa, TRREE
" and capacity building initiative on the ethics of research involving humans conducted in Africa countries." Links to country programs on ethics research and to the Harvard Global Research Ethics Map which provides country guidelines for doing research. Free on-line ethics courses. Based in Switzerland.

UNAIDS, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Many full text documents. Country Fact Sheets, Population Atlas (showing rates of HIV infection),Press releases, Speeches, Video/sound clips, Conferences, Bibliographic databases, Powerpoint slides, software, Best Practices, statistics, etc. Many Publications on-line, such as Art for AIDS (176 p. in PDF). [KF]

UNICEF - Progress of Nations
Includes comparisons of access to sanitation, nutrition, health, education, women in government, a comparison of aid by industrialized countries, 1995 statistical tables comparing population, births, mortality, GNP, primary school enrolment, and more.
2000: includes Nigerian musician, Femi Anikulapo-Kuti, Speaking out on AIDS, a table with estimated percent of 15- to 24-year-olds living with HIV/AIDS

Unite for Sight
Founded by Jennifer Staple in 2000.  501(c)(3) non-profit. "implements vision screening and education programs in North America and in developing countries (Ghana and elsewhere). Has 4,000 volunteers (students, doctors, nurses) in 25 countries. Global eye health statistics. Database of worldwide eye clinics and African health clinics. Holds an annual conference on public health and international development. The 2007 conference was at Stanford University. Online videos, photographs. Eye education for children and adults. [KF]

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). Gender and HIV / AIDS
Full text articles and reports, news (from the U.N., newspapers, etc.), descriptions of books, education & training resources (tool kits, fact sheets, films, posters), e-mail discussion list, conferences, and a special section on Africa. From UNIFEM, in collaboration with UNAIDS. Based in New York city. [KF]

United Nations Development Programe - Human Development Reports
Full text reports on-line for many African countries.
Example - Kenya National Human Development Report 2006. 100 pages in PDF.
CHAPTER 4: HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and TB Special Cases of Human Insecurity
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Looking at HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB as a threat to Human Security
4.3 HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB: A Source of Human Insecurity
4.4 HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB, and Economic Insecurity
4.5 HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB and Social Insecurity
4.6 HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB and Political Insecurity
4.7 Spectrum Software

United Nations Development Program. Regional Service Centre for Eastern and Southern Africa - Review of Regional and National Human Rights Based HIV and AIDS Policies and Frameworks in Eastern and Southern Africa
96 pages in PDF. Includes country by country section (Angola to Zimbabwe), and Tables of Legislation...Addressing HIV/AIDS and Human Rights. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa. [KF]
Has other full text reports such as The TRIPS Agreement and Access to ARVs (30 p. in PDF) on the Intellectual Property Rights of Companies with regards to Anti Retroviral Drugs ARVs.

United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa
Established Feb. 2003. Based at the U. N. Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Has a Newsletter, Reports, in pdf, on Africa: The Socio-Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS, Globalized inequalities and HIV/AIDS, Impact of HIV/AIDS on Families and Communities, Mozambique : The Challenge of HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care, Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Africa: issues and Challenges, Scaling-up AIDS treatment in Africa: issues and challenges.

United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa - Securing Our Future
The report, Securing our Future, notes "many cultural factors, including gender inequalities, wife inheritance and some sexual practices, that influence the AIDS epidemic and response are specific to the continent and must be better understood and changed" and "some traditional practices can have a positive impact as part of the response to AIDS”.

United Nations. General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS, New York, June 25-27 2001
In English, French, Spanish. The first UN General Assembly devoted to a health issue. Full text documents, papers, the daily schedule (in MS Word). A Press Kit includes AIDS in Africa, country by country (September 2000), graphics, fact sheets, etc.

United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service. Voices from Africa
No. 10 of the series is NGO Responses to HIV / AIDS with articles on Burkina Faso, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

United Nations Population Fund
Country Profiles. Compare 2 to 4 countries by indicators. Includes Enlisting the Armed Forces to Protect Reproductive Health and Rights: Lessons from Nine Countries. 2003 (with case studies from Benin, Botswana, Madagascar, Namibia). The Africa Region office has full text documents such as:

  • Enlisting Religious, Cultural & Traditional Leaders in HIV/AIDS Prevention in Africa. 6 p. in PDF
  • Formative Research in Support of Information, Education And Communication (in Nigeria)
  • Gender and HIV/AIDS: Leadership Roles in Social Mobilization. 35 p. in PDF
  • Report of the Fourth Regional Conference of African Women Ministers and Parliamentarians: Challenges to Meeting Adolescent and Reproductive Health Needs in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Situations and Voices: The Older Poor and Excluded in South Africa and India
  • The Trajectory of Life as Internally Displaced Persons in Angola (in English and Portugese) 33 p. in PDF
  • Population, Poverty and Nepad

United Nations, Population Information Network (POPIN)
Population and reproductive health information. Has full text reports. The Africa regional section includes software, journals, bibliographies, meetings, links to related sites.

United Nations. Programme on HIV/AIDS
Includes press releases, fact sheets, country profiles, women and aids, the 9th Conference on AIDS in Africa, etc. Has articles from its newsletter, Action Brief (in Adobe .pdf and MS Word), and, in Adobe .pdf format, "A measure of success in Uganda, Best Practice Collection - Case Study" (May 1998).

United Nations. Programme on HIV/AIDS. Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic
2000 Report. Excel spreadsheet of page 190-201.
1998 Report. 72 p. in PDF.

United States. Census Bureau. HIV/AIDS Surveillance
Has Country Profiles and a database. The database is "a compilation of information from those studies appearing in the medical and scientific literature, presented at international conferences, and appearing in the press." "Available information for population groups in a selected country can be easily retrieved and displayed on the computer screen, printed in tabular format, or saved to an ASCII or Lotus file." Has country tables with Estimates of HIV-1 and HIV-2 Seroprevalence and continent-wide and regional African maps of HIV seroprevalence. [KF]

United States. Army Strategic Studies Institute (Carlisle, Pennsylvania) - Mali
Has full text reports on Africa.
Example: Military Medical Operations in Sub-Saharan Africa: The DoD "Point of the Spear" for a New Century, by Lieutenant Colonel C. William Fox, Jr., June 1997. 33 pages in PDF.

United States Institute of Peace - AIDS and Violent Conflict in Africa
2001 report with policy recommendations and a bibliography. Examines "how the explosion of HIV/AIDS may contribute to further instability and conflict on the continent" and "how instability and violence encourage conditions favorable to the spread of the HIV virus." USIP is in Washington, D.C.

United States Institute of Peace - Downward Spiral. HIV/AIDS, State Capacity, and Political Conflict in Zimbabwe
By Andrew T. Price-Smith and John L. Daly. Pub. 2004. Full text, 52 pages in PDF. "traces the effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on both the withering economy and the tottering apparatus of governance in Zimbabwe." See also at

University of Botswana. English Department. Language, Literature and the Discourse of HIV/AIDS in Africa, Conference, June 24-28, 2002, Gaborone
Includes a page about Botswana in general.

University of California Press - eScholarship Editions
Many full text books online. Some titles open only to University of California users. Browse by subjects African History (over 20 titles) and African Studies (over 50 titles).
Titles open to all including: AIDS: The Burdens of History. Author: Elizabeth Fee and Daniel M. Fox, editors Published: University of California Press, 1988.

University of Global Health Equity 
Founded  with support from  Partners In Health, the Cummings Foundation [], the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Rwanda Government. Based in Kigali, Rwanda.

University of North Carolina. School of Medicine.  IntraHealth International
Established in 1979 to assist developing countries to improve the delivery of reproductive health services. Has projects in East (Kenya, Uganda,  Tanzania)  and West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Morocco, Togo) and South Africa. Based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

University of Pennsylvania. African Census Analysis Project
"...initiative between the University of Pennsylvania and African institutions specializing in demographic research and training." Its goals: "archiving of African census data, research collaboration with African researchers, and demographic capacity strengthening in Africa. Works with African census bureaus, population research institutes. Its Pan-African Census Explorer (PACE) facilitates "easy access to census data for demographic and statistical analysis" - must register to use the tools. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [KF]
Has full text working papers on fertility, racial classification & colonial population in South Africa, childhood mortality in Zambia, etc. Has citations to articles & book chapters on mortality, reproduction, fertility, family planning, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, contraceptive use, women's health.
Has full text papers from a 2001 conference, The African Household: An Exploration of Census Data. See the Table of Contents for papers on:

  • Living Arrangements among the Southern African Sotho,
  • Household Structure, Polygyny and Ethnicity in Senegambia
  • Analyzing Household Structure in a Census that has Little Information on Household Relationships: Tanzania 1988
  • Gender Asymmetry in Household Relationships in a Bilinear Society: The Sereer of Senegal
  • Ethnic Variations in The Living Arrangements of Children in South Africa
  • Aging in South Africa and Household Structure
  • Matching Spouses in Monogamous and Polygynous Households in Cameroon
  • Household and Schooling in Burkina Faso: Some Insights from the 1996 Census
  • Household composition and dynamics in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
  • The Family at the Heart of the Household Evolution and Differentiation of Household Structure in Côte d'Ivoire, 1975-1998
  • Cultural Significance of Widowhood: Luo Widow Households in the Kenya 1989 Census, and a bibliography (in PDF).

University of Zambia Medical Library
Their site has teaching hospital research projects,  issues of the Zambia Health Information Digest, a medical phrase table (in ChiBemba, ChiNyanja, Ci Tonga, Si Lozi and English), a section on HIV/AIDS in Zambia, and many health-related resources. The AIDS in Zambia section includes a 200 item annotated bibliography and articles/information from Health-L, a Zambia discussion list on health.

USAID in Africa (Washington, D.C.)
U.S. Agency for International Development newsletter Full text articles such as - USAID Supports the Global Polio Fight; Fighting One of Africa’s Biggest Killers (on malaria),

Valley Trust
A centre for comprehensive primary health care in Botha's, (Durban) South Africa.

van Binsbergen, Wim
van Binsbergen is a Professor at Erasmus University, Rotterdam and a certified spirit medium/ diviner/ priest in the sangoma tradition of Southern Africa. Includes photographs on urban life, traditional healing in Botswana, Guinea-Bissau, Zambia. Has the full text of "Virtuality as a key concept in the study of globalisation: aspects of the symbolic transformation of contemporary Africa," "'We are in this for the money' The sangoma mediumistic cult of Southern Africa: limitations and potential of an interpretation in terms of commodification," and "Witchcraft in modern Africa as virtualised boundary conditions of the kinship order."

Vanity Fair - Special Issue on Africa
For this special issue, Graydon Carter, Bono, and Annie Leibovitz collaborated on the unprecedented set of 20 covers to show a prominent group of people having a "conversation" about Africa." Articles about a cooperative of Tanzanian coffee farms formed by David Robinson (son of Jackie Robinson), Madonna with Dr. Jim Yong Kim, a founder of Partners in Health on Malawi villlage projects, an interactive African map with links to previous related Vanity Fair articles (1994-2007), anti-retroviral drugs for patients in Rwanda, Jeffrey Sachs on foreign aid. Youssou N'Dour has selected songs by African musicians for purchase with proceeds benefitting the Global Fund.

Village Voice - "AIDS, the Agony of Africa" by Mark Schoofs
Won the 2000 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. Eight part series published in the New York weekly newspaper, Village Voice (during Nov. 1999 - Jan. 2000). Schoofs spent six months researching the series. He describes the "often-heroic efforts of impoverished villagers to provide for the sick." - NYT, April 11, 2000, p. A26.

Wagadu: a Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies (Cortland, New York)
Full text articles on-line. Began spring 2004. Based at SUNY Cortland, New York.
Articles include:

  • Rethinking Gender within the Context of the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, By Gwen N. Lesetedi
  • Gender Issues in HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Ben E. Wodi
  • A Gender Perspective on Water Resources and Sanitation [uses African examples], by Marcia M. Brewster, Thora Martina Herrmann, Barbara Bleisch and Rebecca Pearl
  • Gender Mainstreaming and Integration of Women in Decision-Making: The Case of Water Management in Samari-Nkwanta, Ghana, by Nana Ama Poku Sam
  • 'The Place of Cool Waters': Women and Water in the Slums of Nairobi, Kenya, by Chi-Chi Undie, Johannes John-Langba, and Elizabeth Kimani
  • The Ladies of the Water: Iemanjá, Oxum, Oiá and a Living Faith, by Cláudia Cerqueira do Rosario

Disability as Embodied Memory? A Question of Identity for the Amputees of Sierra Leone, by Maria Berghs. [KF]

Wajibu, Journal of Social and Religious Concern
Nairobi quarterly journal. Has the full text of some articles. Topics include Using Theatre to Involve the Public in Aids Education; AIDS in Kenya (1998), crime, the handicapped, older people, refugees, etc. Earlier issues at

Washington Post - "Death Watch: The Global Response to AIDS in Africa"
No longer online. Series of three articles beginning July 5, 2000.

Water Management Issues in Africa - African Studies Centre, Leiden. Library
"...titles of books, articles, book chapters, DVDs and online resources on water, water supply, sanitation, water scarcity, water management, and climate change." Has country cases for Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sudan and Uganda. Links to related web sites.

Weissman, Robert - "AIDS and Developing Countries: Facilitating Access to Essential Medicines"
"The U.S. should immediately license all HIV/AIDS drugs that have been developed and patented with government funding to the World Health Organization. Existing law permits Washington to take such steps." Article from Foreign Policy in Focus, Volume 6, Number 6, March 2001. From Interhemispheric Resource Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine
Has images such as health education posters from Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria etc., over 2,000 AIDS posters, photographs of diseases, sleeping sickness in Uganda & Nyasaland, the Boer War, Sudan, ethnographic photos. Based in London, U.K.

Women in Surgery Africa, WISA
"a membership group which provides support to female surgeons, surgeons in training and medical students in the 14 member countries of the College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA)."

Women's Health and Action Research Centre, WHARC
Website has advertising pop-ups. A non-profit, founded 1995. Conducts "research, advocacy and training on issues relating to the reproductive health of women." Publishes the African Journal of Reproductive Health. Based in Benin City, Nigeria.

World Bank - HIV / AIDS
Has many full text reports such as Africa Multi-country AIDS Program 2000-2006 (pub. June 14, 2007), and "The Long-run Economic Costs of AIDS: Theory and Application to South Africa" by Clive Bell, Shantayanan Devarajan and Hans Gersbach, in Adobe pdf, June 2003, 118 pages.

World Bank - Intensifying Action against HIV/AIDS in Africa: Responding to a Development Crisis
Published Sept. 1999. The full text in PDF is the file - aidstrat.pdf.

World Bank - The Long-run Economic Costs of AIDS: Theory and an Application to South Africa
Pub. July 2003. "HIV/AIDS causes far greater long-term damage to national economies than previously assumed, for by killing mostly young adults, the disease is robbing the children of AIDS victims of one or both parents to love, raise and educate them, and so undermines the basis of economic growth over the long haul.....a country like South Africa could face progressive economic collapse within several generations unless it combats its AIDS epidemic more urgently." Report by Shanta Devarajan, Chief Economist of the World Bank's Human Development Network, Clive Bell, and Hans Gersbach. Full text, 118 pages, in Adobe pdf.

World Health Organization
Extensive information on Africa, country sections with full text reports, statistical information on incidence of diseases by region, kinds and numbers of health professionals, health expenditures. International Travel and Health covers vaccination requirements, health hazards, the malaria situation and whether local strains are resistant to certain drugs. Tropical Diseases covers malaria, Guinea-worm disease, schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, sleeping sickness, and other diseases. Facts sheets on tropical diseases. HIV Infections.
WHOLIS - "WHOLIS indexes all WHO publications from 1948 onwards and articles from WHO-produced journals and technical documents from 1985 to the present. An on-site card catalogue provides access to the pre-1986 technical documents." Has links to full text articles and monographs .
WHO's African Index Medicus indexes medical-related articles.

World Health Organization - "The Health of the People: What Works: the African Regional Health Report, 2014"
214 pages in PDF

World Health Organization - "3 by 5" Progress Report
Dec. 2004 full text report. Country success stories from Uganda, Botswana, Cameroon, Mozambique, Zambia. Country profiles, current statistics on HIV/AIDS, country health indicators. "In the region with the heaviest burden - sub-Saharan Africa - the number of people on [antiretroviral] treatment has doubled over six months from 150 000 to 310 000." "In December 2003 WHO, UNAIDS and UN partners announced the "3 by 5" target, challenging countries to get three million people or half of those in need on treatment by the end of 2005." [KF]

World Health Organization. Macroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development
Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. Pub. 2001. Chaired by Jeffrey D.Sachs. 210 p. in PDF. "The burden of disease in some low-income regions, especially sub-Saharan Africa, stands as a stark barrier to economic growth...." Topics include The Epidemiology of Disease in Low-Income Countries, The AIDS Pandemic, Levels of Health Spending in Low-Income Countries, Access to Essential Medicines, etc.

World Health Organization. Regional Office for Africa
Extensive site. See the Site Map. Country health profiles for Cameroon, Guinee - Bissau, Mauritania, Uganda, Swaziland. Mission reports. Various issues of its journals - AFRO News, Epidemiological Report, African Health Monitor, Malaria Bulletin, Vaccine. [KF]

World Health Organization. Roll Back Malaria
Site only works if Java is enabled. "a global partnership to halve the burden of malaria by 2010 Africa Malaria Day" [April 25}. Country profiles with maps of malaria distribution, population density, elevation, health indicators, country updates, vaccination requirements, meetings reports, full text of the newsletter online,

World Health Organization - Statistics

World Health Organization. Traditional Medicine Strategy
"...up to 80% of people in the south use it as part of primary health care. The situation has given rise to concerns among health practitioners and consumers on the issue of safety, above all, but also on questions of policy, regulation, evidence, biodiversity and preservation and protection of traditional knowledge." WHo released 'a global plan..... The strategy provides a framework for policy to assist countries to regulate traditional or complementary/alternative medicine (TM/CAM) to make its use safer, more accessible to their populations and sustainable."
Has full text reports such as:

  • Report of the Consultation on AIDS and Traditional Medicine: Prospects for Involving Traditional Health Practitioners (Francistown, Botswana, 23-27 July 1990), WHO/TRM/GPA/90.1, WHO Geneva, 1990 (full text in Adobe PDF with profiles on Botswana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Zimbabwe). [KF]
  • Injection use and practices in Uganda. By H. Birungi, D. Asiimwe, S. Reynolds Whyte, 1995, 45 pages. Full text in Adobe pdf.
  • Le secteur pharmaceutique priv? commercial au S?n?gal. 1997, 37 pages. Full text in Adobe pdf or MS Word.
  • People's perceptions and use of drugs in Zimbabwe. By N. Nyazema, O. Kasilo, D. Chavunduka, 1992, 9 pages. Full text in Adobe pdf.
  • Producing National Drug and Therapeutic Information - The Malawi Approach to Developing Standard Treatment Guidelines. By C.J. Forshaw, 1995, 42 pages. Full text in Adobe pdf and MS Word.
  • Promoting appropriate drug use in missionary health facilities in Cameroon. 1998, 58 pages. Full text in Adobe pdf or MS Word.

Young Women Campaign Against AIDS, YWCAA
Founded by Kenyan Jane Kavene who saw fellow university students becoming HIV-infected. " with Young Women specifically Bar waitresses towards building a proper understanding about the devastation caused by AIDS is our Society. We strive to provide information on prevention, care and support and reduce STI, HIV/AIDS prevalence rate and MTCT amongst this group."
See also the print article - Kavene, Jane. “Jane Kavene. Reaching out to barmaids.” Interview by Mwaura Muigana. Parents (Nairobi, Kenya), no. 248 (February 2007): 28-29.

Zambia. Ministry of Health
Full text reports such as the National Health Strategic Plan 2006-2010. Operates the Mansa School of Nursing. Based in Lusaka, Zambia.
