Research Management Group (RMG)

School of Medicine Policy on Sponsored Program
Faculty Salary Support

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Policy Concerning the Portion of Faculty Salaries to be Funded from Sponsored Programs   

(May 2011) Note: The new RPH 3.1 policy eliminates the wording that requires a minimum of 1%.  However, the School of Medicine policy, as stated on this webpage, requires ALL faculty participating on a sponsored project to devote effort and budget for that effort.

The sponsored research activities of School of Medicine faculty are funded through various sources that include grants and contracts, gifts, endowments, clinical trials, patient care, and operating budget allocation from the School.  To ensure that the salary recovery from sponsored research is commensurate with the effort expended, the School of Medicine is implementing the following policy regarding faculty salaries charged to sponsored programs.

Policy Statement

The following details the School of Medicine's policy regarding the charging of faculty salaries to sponsored programs:

  1. Faculty are expected to develop salary support from sponsored research in an amount reflective of the total amount of time allocated to sponsored research activities.
  2. School of Medicine Faculty who derive their full salary support from the Department of Veteran's Affairs are exempt from this policy. However, if Stanford pays any portion of the faculty salary, the policy applies to the Stanford portion.
  3. All grant and contract proposals and awards must contain and identify faculty effort on the project.
  4. All grant and contract proposals submitted by School of Medicine faculty must request salary support for the faculty in an amount equal to the percentage of time to be spent on the project, consistent with the policies of the sponsor.
  5. All grant and contract awards to School of Medicine faculty must reflect salary support for the faculty in an amount equal to the percentage of time to be spent on the project, consistent with the policies of the sponsor.
  6. Faculty effort and salary on a contract may be reflected in an internal working budget rather than the per patient budget format usually presented to sponsors of clinical trials.  The cost of faculty effort is included in the per patient costs.
  7. If the amount of a grant or contract award differs significantly from the proposal, either the faculty salary support and percentage of time to be spent on the project or other expenses must be adjusted accordingly.
  8. All sponsored program University budgets and charges must include salary support for the faculty in an amount equal to the percentage of time to be spent on the project, consistent with the amount shown in the proposal and award, and consistent with the policies of the sponsor.
  9. All faculty salary changes to a sponsored program budget must be approved in advance by the appropriate Department Chairperson, or his/her designated representative, and the Research Management Group.
  10. Exceptions to these policies must be requested prior to the submission of a grant or contract proposal and must have the written approval of the Department Chairperson and the Dean or his/her designated representative.


The policy is effective June 15, 1997. All proposals and competitive renewals submitted on or after June 15, 1997 will be subject to the new policy.  This policy is not applicable to currently funded projects or awarded projects based on a proposal submitted prior to June 15, 1997.  Contracts currently in negotiation (between contract officer and sponsor) will not be subject to this policy.  Contracts submitted for negotiation on or after June 15, 1997 will be subject to this policy.

Each principal investigator is accountable for implementing this policy on his/her sponsored programs.  Each Department Chairperson, Director of Finance and Administration (DFA) and Research Process Manager (RPM) monitors and ensures compliance within the Department.  The Dean and his/her staff will monitor compliance annually through the budget review process.

Implementation of this policy will not affect the general academic (operating budget) support to the Departments.  The level of general academic (operating budget) support provided to Departments is the result of many factors, only one of which is faculty support from sponsored programs.  Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration.

Policy on Sponsored Program Faculty Salary Support Collaborator/Consultant

(Policy rev. 10/27/01)

Waivers will no longer be required when the role of the faculty member on the project is a collaborator/consultant and the following applies:

If you have any questions regarding the implementation of this change to the policy, please contact Kathleen Thompson ( or 725-0661) in the Research Management Group.

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