Research Management Group (RMG)

Preparing Fellowship Applications

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What's new

Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities and updated master list (updated 06/09/15)
more >>

Required NIH NRSA F Series grantsgov computer labs are *available* in June and July
more >>

NIH K award computer lab sessions will be announced by the end of June

Internal proposal deadline policy change effective and enforced for grants and fellowships more >>

Institutional Representative- School of Medicine
Postdoctoral fellowships and graduate student fellowships

Stanford policy requires that all applications for outside Pre-Doctoral & Postdoctoral Fellowships must be routed through your Institutional Representative at least 5 working days prior to the sponsor's deadline. Please use the required processing guidelines and the proposal checklist when preparing all applications.

Effective Sept. 2014, RMG will no longer maintain a drop off/pick up box at 1215 Welch Road, Modular B

Research Management Group
(RMG) Fellowship Office

3172 Porter Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94304-5469.
Walk-in office hours: 9 - 4  
RMG is part of the Stanford Technology and Innovation Park   more >>    

Jessica Jones
Fellowship Coordinator
Phone: 650 725-4368
Fax: (650) 721-2627

Debra Porzio*
Fellowship Manager

*Debra is the "Institutional Official/Representative" for Fellowships for the School of Medicine
Phone: 650-736-0767
Fax: (650) 721-2627

Institutional Representatives-For all other Schools

Stanford policy requires that all applications for outside Pre-Doctoral & Postdoctoral Fellowships must be routed through your Institutional Representative at least 5 working days prior to the sponsor's deadline. Please use the required processing guidelines and the proposal checklist when preparing all applications.

Postdoctoral fellowships -
Your regularly assigned OSR Contract & Grant Officer
Office of Sponsored Research
320 Panama Street
Contact information

Graduate student fellowships-

Florie Flores
Student Financial Aid Office
Old Union
Email Florie Flores [florie]
(650) 725-0540

School of Medicine Department Fellowship Contacts

Please contact your respective department's Fellowship Coordinator/Administrator for additional assistance.


Guidelines: Processing Requirements and Proposal Checklist

Processing Requirements: download PDF file >> PDF


  Fellowship Proposal Checklist:
Required steps to take and forms to use for all proposals
Checkbox Complete copy of application, including Scientific Summary/Abstract, Budget Detail, and completed original signature pages
Checkbox Copy of the agency program announcement
Checkbox Download Fellowship Proposal Process Matrix
 Download Excel
Checkbox Fellowship PDRF Form
The online Fellowship PDRF replaces the SU-42FL, Conflict of Interest Disclosure, NIH Certification and Appointment Verification and Housestaff Verification Forms. Postdocs applying for fellowships will require a SUNET ID in order to utilize the Fellowship PDRF in the SeRA system. This may require the Department to sponsor a SUNET ID for prospective Postdocs.
The Department and Faculty Mentor review and approval of PDRFs will still be required.  
Fellowship PDRF Quick Guide pdf
Fellowhip PDRF completion guidelines and tips PDF
Checkbox Institutional Representative Internal deadline: Stanford policy requirement.
Processing applications requires a thorough review of all documents, and entry into the University pre-award tracking system. Therefore, Stanford policy requires that all investigators (PIs) submit their online Fellowship PDRF and application materials (per the guidelines above) to Fellowship Office in RMG 5-working days prior to the agency deadline. Complete applications are processed in the order received.
Please read: School of Medicine Internal Proposal Deadline policy webpage >> (updated Feb. 1, 2015)
Checkbox The Institutional Representative will:
Sign the application and
Provide a cover letter.
[Cover letters are often optional to the agency, but are included as a courtesy. They also indicate that the application has been entered into the system, which makes funding procedures easier to complete when awarded.]
Checkbox  Applications should be carefully checked before photocopying and/or mailing.
Checkbox The applicant and/or department is responsible for:
Scientific Corroboration
Sending Animal or Human Protocol Information to the Agency

Limited Submission Programs require an Internal Review pre-approval by a Selection Committee. In limited submission programs, the sponsor restricts the number of applications or proposals a campus can submit to the agency. The guidelines for these programs require institutions to screen pre-proposals or nominations to determine which applications will be submitted for competition. Limited funding opportunity announcements which contain internal submission deadlines and guidelines will be distributed via email and posted to the Limited Submission Funding Opportunity webpage >> by Jeanne Heschele in the Research Management Group throughout the year. 




Activation - Acceptance and Processing Fellowship Awards


Activation Process
In order to get your fellowship-funds paid to you, the Institutional Representative must activate the award. The activation process involves verification of appointment status, visa status and animal and/or human subject protocols. Here are the suggested set of steps to make the activation process timely, so there is no lapse in your funding.

Contact the Institutional Representative as soon as you receive the notice of award from the funding agency. In some cases the letters are copied to Institutional Representative but you should verify receipt in any case and verify whether you are accepting the award or not and if you are accepting the award based on the original award notice (i.e. dates).

Key points to look for in an award letter for activation :
--Start and stop dates of the funding period
-- The dollar amount corresponding to the specific time period
--Terms and conditions
--Specific permission, if needed, to receive the fellowship as salary payments



Research Compliance-Human and Animal Subject, Biohazard, Radiologic safety approvals


The Institutional Representative will do the appropriate verifications of current human subject, animal protocol, Biohazard or Radiologic approvals.

IMPORTANT:  Awards cannot be activated if human, animal, biohazard, radiologic protocol approvals have not been obtained specifically for the agency and research project .

Fellows are responsible to work with the department administrator to make sure the proper protocols have been obtained.

Research Compliance website
Alice Haskett -- Human Compliance Officer-- 723-5244
Valerie Fratus -- Animal Compliance Officer-- 723-4550
Kathy McClelland -- Lab Compliance Officer-- 723-4697

Research Compliance Biohazard/R-DNA website
Ellyn Segal -- Biohazards/R-DNA --- 725-1473
Lance Phillips -Radiological Hazards --725-1412   


Fellowship Payments

Fellowship payments are entered as stipends in PeopleSoft GFS by the department administrator.
Postdoc stipend checks are cut once a month at the end of the month.
Quarterly tax estimates must be filed by the postdoc for stipend payments. Postdocs should seek professional tax advice and/or browse the IRS and Cal State Franchise tax board home pages available from the Scholars' Handbook page on taxes.

Sponsor payments:
Payments are to be made payable to Stanford University.  Each check payment or wire transfer must reference the research project title, agreement number, invoice or voucher number, and the name of the Principal Investigator for identification. Sponsors should be instructed to send fellowship checks to the following lockbox:

Stanford's Tax ID Number: 941156365

First Class Mail
(U.S. and Foreign)-where checks should be mailed:

Stanford University
P.O. 44253
San Francisco, CA 94144-4253

Wire or ACH Payments
Domestic and Foreign

Name of Bank:  
          Wells Fargo Bank
Address:                     420 Montgomery St.
                                     San Francisco, CA 94163
Swift Code:                 WFBIUS6S (Foreign)
Sort/Routing/ABA:    121000248 (Domestic)
Bank Account number:
School of Medicine staff and faculty: to obtain this account number, please contact your department's Research Process Manager (RPM) in the Research Management Group.

Please ask remitters to include information which describes who the funds are from and what they are for in the message line.

Detailed questions about the payments should be directed to
ORA Accounts Receivable

Overnight/Certified Mail

Update April 2012: any carrier is acceptable.

Wells Fargo Lockbox
Stanford University Lockbox 44253
3440 Walnut Ave, Bldg A, 2nd Floor
Fremont , CA 94538

Verification of Package Receipt:
(510) 745-5200



Miscellaneous Stanford Identification Numbers


Some applications may require that you enter one of the following numbers. These represent Stanford's institutional identification or approval numbers. These do not represent the separate, individual research compliance protocol approval numbers you will need to provide, if applicable, for your proposals (i.e., animal subject, human subject, biohazard approvals) as part of the acceptance of funding and activation process>> .

    • Stanford's DUNS number for NIH applications is 009214214
    • Stanford's Federal Tax Payer Identification: 94-1156365
      (Exception: HHS agencies, such as NIH, on applications use 1941156365A1)
    • Stanford's animal assurance number is A3213-01 (Approved 06/17/2013-05/31/2017)
    • Stanford's Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP)  Initially Awarded 03/17/2006; Renewed 03/27/2009 effective for 5 years
    • Stanford's Human assurance number is FWA935



Miscellaneous Resources For All Scholars




Funding Information for Postdoctoral Fellows



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