Page last updated at 14:17 GMT, Tuesday, 9 August 2011 15:17 UK
Union flag hoisted in Beijing
China was a global superpower for centuries... then the West took over.

Day 10 - sticks and stones may break my bones...
Trains are getting busier, so how to get off quickly?
Six ways to make a point by saying nothing

If spending is up, how is it really a cut?
What's Harry Potter being blamed for now?
Do the poor have a right to live in wealthy areas?

Other Magazine stories
A gramophone record A shellacking
What does Obama mean when he said he suffered one?

Female student asleep in lecture theatre Two-year degrees
Is the first year at university a waste of time?

Dog enjoying tea More cake please
In praise of tea parties (in a strictly non-political sense)

Kingfisher tossing a small fish in its beak in Low Barns, County Durham (photo by Hilary Chambers from BBC Autumnwatch Flickr group) Electric blue
Why are kingfishers making a surprise comeback?

Smoker outside office Fag break
Should smokers be made to clock out for a puff?

Butcher Past and present
When was the High Street at its best in the UK?

Farewell to the World Cup's 'psychic octopus'
Piecing together High Streets, from old photos and new

From around the site
Kodachrome: The final frame draws closer
An age old question they're strill trying to answer
Getting down and doing it like the supermarkets

Quote of the Day
Give the man a break, Mother
Euan Blair as Cherie tackled George W Bush about the death penalty
Read more
Housekeeping Dear mother-in-law
Do a 'Gordon' and write an open letter to your mother-in-law

Paper Monitor Paper Monitor
How can it be *only* a game?

Your letter Your Letters
Do pedants need to read 'sic'?

Caption Competition Caption Comp
Wow, what a Guy

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