Food Quality and Nutrition

Energized by our passion and commitment to provide customers with only the highest quality, nutritionally balanced, and most flavorful cuisines, Stanford Hospitality & Auxiliaries proudly features meal selections prepared by steaming, grilling, and other healthy cooking methods, whenever possible. In support of our community's wellness priorities, including the need to make informed food decisions, each of our retail locations provides readily accessible nutritional information.

The following is a partial listing of our menu specifications and standards:

  • Certified hormone-free dairy products, including 2% and fat-free milk in our milk dispensers, and the availability of non-fat cottage cheese and low-fat yogurt at every meal.

  • Soy products at all of our locations for those who have a preference or requirement to avoid dairy products.

  • 100% grass-fed ground beef burgers from Marin Sun Farms.

  • Exclusive use of kosher gelatin or products made with kosher gelatin.

  • High quality organic fruits produced by local farms.

  • Use of canola shortening and vegetable or olive oils; animal fat is not used in our cooking methods.

  • Hearty soups made daily "from scratch."

  • Fresh steamed vegetables served at lunch and dinner.

  • Dolphin-safe tuna.

  • Fair trade coffee at all of our locations.

  • Premium brand food products.

  • Labeling on all food items for easy identification.

Peanut Allergies

Peanuts are quickly gaining notoriety for being one of the world's most allergenic foods, with more than three million Americans currently challenged by various levels of peanut and nut allergies. Stanford is no exception to this worldwide phenomena, with some members of our community having to avoid eating in many locations for fear of making contact with peanut related residue on countertops, or breathing in vapors from peanut shell fumes, or ingesting as little as one-five thousandth of a teaspoon of food containing peanuts.

Food Safety and Sanitation

At Stanford Hospitality & Auxiliaries, food safety and sanitation are of paramount importance. Our team works closely with county health officials and undergoes rigorous and continuous training on the latest food safety principles and regulations. In addition, our facilities are inspected regularly to ensure compliance.

In serving large numbers of students, faculty, and staff in each of our facilities, we exert every effort to promote healthy and safe meal experiences. Recognizing that healthy and safe food practices are driven by team efforts, we urge everyone to follow effective sanitation practices in our service lines and cafes, and to only use the provided utensils for self-service foods.